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    The Council should be provided with a written report covering achievements against the Funding Agreement and detailing any outstanding plans for use of the grant. 3.5 If your grant is for more than £10,000 per annum, you will be required to provide an annual financial and performance report which shall include, outcomes, impacts and outputs delivered annually as a result of receiving the grant as detailed and agreed as part of the Funding Application.... If you are in doubt, please contact your GMO to discuss. 7.2 If you produce any publicity or promotional information about your organisation, including information of events or exhibitions, social media activity, recruitment information or annual reports, this material must indicate the Council’s support, proportionate to the level of funding being provided.... In the event of the equipment being lost, stolen or damaged and not replaced, money obtained from the insurance must be paid to the Council.
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    In all cases, tell them what you plan to do and who you need to tell, so they can feel in control as far as possible.... Follow up Ensure that key staff are aware on a need-to-know basis and can help you monitor for future events / occurrences.... If there is any uncertainty, point out that the event could be construed as racist, and ensure they understand this
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    In all cases, tell them what you plan to do and who you need to tell, so they can feel in control as far as possible.... Follow up Ensure that key staff are aware on a need-to-know basis and can help you monitor for future events / occurrences.... If there is any uncertainty, point out that the event could be construed as racist, and ensure they understand this

    Ownership of the site would give them the opportunity to improve on-site facilities and develop a long-term strategic plan.... We believe this would be a valuable asset for the local community ensuring continued and secure access to nature, fresh food and the opportunity for community events and activities that contribute to health and wellbeing.
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    Significant Occurrences Managing sad or disturbing events is part of the work of working in an educational establishment.... Some of these events can be sudden, shocking and very challenging to manage.... Ideally a pre-referral discussion should have taken place at a Child Planning Meeting.
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    Where the situation is very complex and where special planning and co-ordination of the investigation is required.... Chronology The purpose of the chronology is to provide an easily accessible summary of information that enables further dialogue and exploration of the sequence of events that have occurred leading to the Multi Agency Strategy meeting.... A Council Officer should continue to co-ordinate any protection plan until this is no longer required.
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    Where the situation is very complex and where special planning and co-ordination of the investigation is required.... Chronology The purpose of the chronology is to provide an easily accessible summary of information that enables further dialogue and exploration of the sequence of events that have occurred leading to the Multi Agency Strategy meeting.... A Council Officer should continue to co-ordinate any protection plan until this is no longer required.
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    You can explore specific issues in more detail by viewing the Delivery Plan that accompanies the Strategy.... They are supported by the City Mobility Plan and City Plan 2030, which will aim to implement complementary measures to significantly reduce unnecessary vehicle journeys through the city centre.... This strategy has therefore been developed in close collaboration with the preparation of the City Plan 2030, City Mobility Plan and Low Emission Zone projects
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    We’ve identified that the existing automated opening vents (AOVs), which manage smoke control in the event of a fire, are inoperable and subject to vandalism.... The work is expected to take a up to 40 weeks for all six blocks, so works are planned to be completed by the end of 2022, with each block taking approximately 12 weeks to complete once the contractor is on site.... Other options, as well as the funding detailed above, that may be available to you include: • using savings or other assets • seeking financial advice before taking out a loan, or • consider a payment plan with the Council – be aware of the terms of the debt re- payment plan and compare this to an external loan arrangement Owners can arrange a payment plan with the Council’s Debt Recovery Team after the bill has been issued.

    Since 1 April 2014, payday lenders have no longer been eligible for Small Bonus Relief. 6 2018-2019 REVENUE BUDGET GENERAL FUND FUNCTIONAL SUMMARY Net Notional Band D Budget Equivalent £’000 £ Service Expenditure Education Services 339,527 438 Housing Services (Non-HRA) 31,510 41 Cultural and Related Services 32,013 41 Environmental Services 49,922 64 Roads, Transport, Planning and Other 95,290 123 Social Work 292,018 376 Net Expenditure 840,280 1,083 Other Adjustments Other Net Expenditure 9,130 12 Contribution to / (from) Reserves Services Total Council Tax Reduction Scheme* 474 849,884 26,672 1 N/A Loans Charges 112,544 144 ____________ ____________ Total Expenditure to be Funded 989,100 1,240 ____________ ____________ * The sum shown for the Council Tax Reduction Scheme is funded in full by the Scottish Government. 7 2018-2019 REVENUE BUDGET GENERAL FUND SERVICE SUMMARY Net Notional Band D Budget Equivalent £’000 £ Service Expenditure Chief Executive 9,193 12 Communities and Families 384,078 496 Health and Social Care 197,066 254 Joint Board - Valuation 3,575 5 Place 42,257 54 Resources 161,039 207 Other 43,072 55 Net Expenditure 840,280 1,083 Corporate Adjustments Net Expenditure 9,130 12 Contribution to / (from) Reserves Service Total Council Tax Reduction Scheme* 474 849,884 26,672 1 N/A Loans Charges 112,544 144 ____________ ____________ Total Expenditure to be Funded 989,100 1,240 ____________ ____________ * The sum shown for the Council Tax Reduction Scheme is funded in full by the Scottish Government.... The objective of the code is to provide a framework for local authority capital finance which will ensure that: a) Capital expenditure plans are affordable.... Further, the framework established by the code should be consistent with and support: i) Local Strategic Planning ii) Local Asset Management Planning iii) Proper Option Appraisal The 2018-2019 Capital Budget includes expenditure on the following projects: • New and Replacement Schools - £16.649m • Further investment on the Schools estate - £10.198m • Asset Management Works across the Council-wide estate - £18.537m • Carriageway and Footway Works including Street Lighting and a city wide LED street lighting replacement programme - £41.894m • Refurbishment of North Bridge - £12.494m • Completion of Phase 2 of Water of Leith Flood Prevention Works - £2.909m • Replacement of Meadowbank Stadium - £4.519m Provision for individual projects may span more than one year in the Capital Investment Programme (CIP) thus the total cost for projects may be greater than the in year cost shown above. 15 2018-2019 CAPITAL BUDGET The table below details the sources of funds available to finance capital expenditure in 2018- 2019.