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  • Microsoft Word - Form of Operating Plan.doc

    Microsoft Word - Form of Operating Plan.doc OPERATING PLAN Licensing (Scotland) Act 2005, section 20(2)(b)(i) Question 1 STATEMENT REGARDING ALCOHOL BEING SOLD ON PREMISES/OFF PREMISES OR BOTH 1(a) Will alcohol be sold for consumption solely ON the premises?... The contents of this operating plan are true to the best of my knowledge and belief.
  • Layout1

    I S O A 1 5 9 4 m m x 8 4 1 m m KEY PLAN CLIENT PROJECT LEITH LOW TRAFFIC NEIGHBOURHOOD PROJECT NUMBER 60592779 NOTES CONSULTANT AECOM 1 Tanfield EDINBURGH, EH3 5DA +44 (0) 131 301 8600 tel +44 (0) 131 301 8699 fax 2. 3. 4.... I S O A 1 5 9 4 m m x 8 4 1 m m KEY PLAN CLIENT PROJECT LEITH LOW TRAFFIC NEIGHBOURHOOD PROJECT NUMBER 60592779 NOTES CONSULTANT AECOM 1 Tanfield EDINBURGH, EH3 5DA +44 (0) 131 301 8600 tel +44 (0) 131 301 8699 fax 2. 3. 4.... I S O A 1 5 9 4 m m x 8 4 1 m m KEY PLAN CLIENT PROJECT LEITH LOW TRAFFIC NEIGHBOURHOOD PROJECT NUMBER 60592779 NOTES CONSULTANT AECOM 1 Tanfield EDINBURGH, EH3 5DA +44 (0) 131 301 8600 tel +44 (0) 131 301 8699 fax 2. 3. 4.
  • Guidance on determining if a final Child’s Plan qualifies as a Pathways Plan

    Guidance on determining if a final Child’s Plan qualifies as a Pathways Plan Guidance on Pathways Plans Pathways Plans have 7 headings.... Pathway Plans are more or less detailed in any given section, specific to the assessed needs of the individual child/young person, ie there is no expectation that it would have to address all of the items listed below, as some of them may be irrelevant to the individual young person: Lifestyle – this covers • emotional wellbeing • day to day activities • personal safety • influences on the young person • the young person’s identity Family and friends – this covers • family relationships • their own children • other caring responsibilities • life story • friends and other significant people in their life Health and well-being – this covers • general health (including mental health needs) • contact with mental health services • medical conditions and disabilities • activities that might affect the young person’s health • emotional and mental well-being Learning and work – this covers • future plans for study, training or work • schooling (including support needs) • skills and experience • qualifications and certificates • training and work Where I live – this covers • accommodation arrangements • practical living skills • accommodation options for the future • support required for living more independently Money – this covers • sources of income • outgoings • savings and debts • requirement for financial support • budgeting skills Rights and legal issues – this covers • knowledge of their rights and legal entitlements • involvement in legal proceedings, including criminal proceedings as a victim, witness or alleged perpetrator Guidance on Pathways Plans Lifestyle – this covers Family and friends – this covers Health and well-being – this covers Learning and work – this covers Where I live – this covers Money – this covers Rights and legal issues – this covers
  • 2018-19 Audited Annual Accounts

    Events after the balance sheet date are those events, both favourable and unfavourable, that occur between the end of the reporting period and the date when the Annual Accounts are authorised for issue.... Events taking place after the date of authorisation for issue are not reflected in the Annual Accounts.... Events After the Balance Sheet Date 9.
  • Https://

    Please note that this additional plan does not form part of the TRO consultation and is provided for clarification purposes only with regard to the proposed final layout.
  • Https://

    NHS Lothian shall select a representative. 6.8 In relation to representatives of the community the Executive Director of Place shall prepare a procedure and recruitment plans on how the community representatives shall be nominated for appointment, including a person specification. 6.9 In relation to representatives of the trade, the Executive Director of Place shall prepare a procedure and recruitment plans on how trade representatives will be recruited.... Method of voting 9.1 All members have an equal vote, with the Convenor having a casting vote in the event of a tie.... Any action plan will be discussed with the Board at its annual joint meeting. 12.
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    We have been asked to respond to this building by planning and our aim is to create a really high quality scheme that will lift the area... With the anomaly of the single-storey bargain store to the North of the site | Page 14Public Consultation - Cowan’s Close Edinburgh Public Consultation 1 - Listening to Feedback Overlooking is a concern C ow an’s C lose C lerk S treet Site boundary Overlooking Distance - min. 18m Proposed Building Footprint The main body of the site and the surrounding homes will not be at risk from overlooking - the blue area stipulates the planning guidance where a building would fall under the 18m overlooking rule.... Ideas include: • Picnic areas • Growing spaces • Mobility scooter storage • Wide and easy to use paths for wheelchairs OUTDOOR DINNING TABLES COMPOSITE DECKING RAISED PLANTER STRUCTURE RAISED PLANTER AREA IVY SCREEN HEDGING RAISED PLANTED WITH SEATING COWAN’S CLOSE LANDSCAPE OPTION 1 LIGHT-WEIGHT STEEL PERGOLA COMPOSITE DECKING RAISED PLANTER STRUCTURE RAISED PLANTER AREA IVY SCREEN HEDGING - TO SCREEN DRYING AREA AND MOBILITY SCOOTER SHELTER COWAN’S CLOSE LANDSCAPE OPTION 2 | Page 19Public Consultation - Cowan’s Close Edinburgh OUTDOOR DINNING TABLES COMPOSITE DECKING RAISED PLANTER STRUCTURE RAISED PLANTER AREA IVY SCREEN HEDGING RAISED PLANTED WITH SEATING COWAN’S CLOSE LANDSCAPE OPTION 1 Public Consultation 1 - Listening to Feedback Creating High Quality Greenspace: Initial Thoughts LIGHT-WEIGHT STEEL PERGOLA COMPOSITE DECKING RAISED PLANTER STRUCTURE RAISED PLANTER AREA IVY SCREEN HEDGING - TO SCREEN DRYING AREA AND MOBILITY SCOOTER SHELTER COWAN’S CLOSE LANDSCAPE OPTION 2 | Page 20Public Consultation - Cowan’s Close Edinburgh Public Consultation 1 - Listening to Feedback Choosing High Quality Materials to Suit the Surroundings | Page 21Public Consultation - Cowan’s Close Edinburgh Public Consultation Event: 15th July Planning Application: 23rd August Cleansing Depot Vacate Site: Mid - End 2022 Site Start: End 2022 Public Consultation 1 - Key Dates
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    As part of developing the Parking Action Plan, six Integrated Impact Assessments were undertaken, including those on pricing strategies, residents’ parking permits and controlled parking zones.... These include Pupil Equity Funding (PEF), out-of-community fundraising, Parent Council contributions, third party grant applications, extended payment plans for parental/carer contributions, and clothing banks.... Cultural Venues Various discounts for amateur groups and charities are in place e.g. c.50% reduction at Church Hill Theatre; 20% reduction at Assembly Rooms for UK-registered charities; various reductions at Ross Theatre for charity / amateur events; discretionary 30% reduction in rates at Usher Hall can be offered to key partners (RSNO and SCO), charitable and amateur organisations.
  • learning from home

    learning from home A C T I V I T I E S I ' L L D O E A C H D A Y T O L O O K A F T E R M Y H E A L T H : T H I N G S T H A T D R A I N M Y E N E R G Y T O S T O P O R R E D U C E : M Y L U X U R Y T R E A T F O R M Y S E L F : P E O P L E W H O C A N S U P P O R T M E : A C T I V I T I E S I ' L L D O E A C H D A Y T H A T I E N J O Y O R H E L P M E R E L A X S I G N S I A M S T A R T I N G T O S T R U G G L E A R E : M Y C O P I N G S T R A T E G I E S T O U S E I F I ' M S T R U G G L I N G : MY WELLBEING PLAN undefined: F OR M YS E LF: undefined_2: TO STRUGGLE ARE: I F I: R E DU C E: SUP P OR T M E:
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    This will leave the council exposed to unforeseen events or budgetary pressures.... | 31 limited as to how it could respond to a significant unexpected event without making changes to its services.... The partnership expects to agree a revised date at its Board meeting in December 2020. 38 | Exhibit 12 Edinburgh Partnership – Timeline of key events Note: red line indicates duration.