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  • Model Articles -version Oct09

    The Organisation’s Purposes are: 5.1 To advance education and training, by delivering learning and training programmes delivered at Gracemount House, Stable Blocks and surround green space ‘The Mansion Community hub’ and local venues in Liberton/Gilmerton council ward 5.2 To advance health by providing facilities and running activities that support physical and mental health, contribute to the prevention of ill health, tackle health inequalities and reduce social isolation 5.3 To advance community development through community-led planning, ownership and development of the buildings and greenspaces at the Mansion Community hub, helping regenerate the local community through creation of employment, training and volunteering opportunities, and provide indoor/outdoor venues for community organisations, businesses, local services and events. 5.4 To develop and provide recreational facilities at the Mansion Community hub, and organise recreational activities that will improve the conditions of life for people living, working, volunteering in or visiting Liberton/Gilmerton council ward. 5.5 To advance and protect the environment at the Mansion Community hub site, by sustaining and improving bio-diversity, the mature trees and plants at the site, promoting climate-friendly practices and regenerative horticulture.... QUORUM AT MEETINGS (AGM & GM) 32 The quorum for an AGM or GM shall be the greater of (a) 8 Ordinary Members or (b) 10% of the Ordinary Members, in either event being present in person or by proxy.... In the event of an equal number of votes for and against any resolution at a Board meeting, the Chairperson of the meeting shall have a casting vote as well as a deliberative vote.
  • Model Articles -version Oct09

    The Organisation’s Purposes are: 5.1 To advance education and training, by delivering learning and training programmes delivered at Gracemount House, Stable Blocks and surround green space ‘The Mansion Community hub’ and local venues in Liberton/Gilmerton council ward 5.2 To advance health by providing facilities and running activities that support physical and mental health, contribute to the prevention of ill health, tackle health inequalities and reduce social isolation 5.3 To advance community development through community-led planning, ownership and development of the buildings and greenspaces at the Mansion Community hub, helping regenerate the local community through creation of employment, training and volunteering opportunities, and provide indoor/outdoor venues for community organisations, businesses, local services and events. 5.4 To develop and provide recreational facilities at the Mansion Community hub, and organise recreational activities that will improve the conditions of life for people living, working, volunteering in or visiting Liberton/Gilmerton council ward. 5.5 To advance and protect the environment at the Mansion Community hub site, by sustaining and improving bio-diversity, the mature trees and plants at the site, promoting climate-friendly practices and regenerative horticulture.... QUORUM AT MEETINGS (AGM & GM) 32 The quorum for an AGM or GM shall be the greater of (a) 8 Ordinary Members or (b) 10% of the Ordinary Members, in either event being present in person or by proxy.... In the event of an equal number of votes for and against any resolution at a Board meeting, the Chairperson of the meeting shall have a casting vote as well as a deliberative vote.
  • Https://

    Consideration by the charity Trustee of financial results and non-financial performance indicators; A strategic plan approved by the charity Trustee; Delegation of authority and segregation of duties; and Identification and management of risks.... Future plans include the full disbursement of the remaining funds of the City of Edinburgh Council Charitable Funds, which has been approved by the Finance and Resources Committee.... There are no employees of the City of Edinburgh Council Charitable Funds. 9 The City of Edinburgh Council Charitable Funds Notes to the Accounts For the year ended 31 March 2024 6 Analysis of Financial Assets and Liabilities 2023/24 2022/23 £ £ Financial assets measured at amortised cost 89,474 92,259 Financial liabilities measured at amortised cost (1,164) (2,785) Financial assets measured at market value - - Total Financial Assets and Liabilities 88,310 89,474 7 Related Party Transactions 8 Prior Year Adjustment 9 Post Balance Sheet Event 10 Audit Fee There have been no events since 31 March 2024, and up to the date when these accounts were authorised, that require any adjustments to these accounts.
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    A licence can also be issued for a shorter period, if it is deemed appropriate. 4.2 An application for the grant, variation, renewal or transfer of a licence must be made in writing to the Council together with the appropriate fee, layout plan as well as complying with the following requirements: 5 February 2024 Page 6 of 16 a.... Application packs must include a copy of the premises ‘house rules’ for performers and proposed code of conduct of patrons. 4.3 Applicants should note that the application fee is non-refundable in the event of the licence being refused or the application being withdrawn prior to determination.... Refuse the application. 4.15 In the event of the Committee agreeing a condition or restriction other than the one sought in the original variation application, the decision will not take effect until the time for bringing an appeal has expired, or if an appeal is lodged, the abandonment of the appeal or the conclusion of the appeal, if found in favour of the Council.
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    Consideration by the charity Trustee of financial results and non-financial performance indicators; A strategic plan approved by the charity Trustee; Delegation of authority and segregation of duties; and Identification and management of risks.... Future plans include the full disbursement of the remaining funds of the City of Edinburgh Council Charitable Funds, which has been approved by the Finance and Resources Committee.... There are no employees of the City of Edinburgh Council Charitable Funds. 9 The City of Edinburgh Council Charitable Funds Notes to the Accounts For the year ended 31 March 2024 6 Analysis of Financial Assets and Liabilities 2023/24 2022/23 £ £ Financial assets measured at amortised cost 89,474 92,259 Financial liabilities measured at amortised cost (1,164) (2,785) Financial assets measured at market value - - Total Financial Assets and Liabilities 88,310 89,474 7 Related Party Transactions 8 Prior Year Adjustment 9 Post Balance Sheet Event 10 Audit Fee There have been no events since 31 March 2024, and up to the date when these accounts were authorised, that require any adjustments to these accounts.
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    Off-site land provision (wording as agreed in Planning Committee report 6 August 2009).... Commuted Sums (wording as agreed in Planning Committee report 13 May 2010).... There are a range of unsubsidised tenures which have been developed in Edinburgh in the event that public subsidy is not available.
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    Areas of good practice Our review identified: • an enhanced transitions process is currently being developed collaboratively, including input from third parties • regular meetings and training events are held between both departments • induction material for both departments is comprehensive.... Recommendations and Management Action Plan: Supporting procedures and guidance Ref.... Recommendations and Management Action Plan: Accuracy of Cross-Departmental Planning Document Ref.
  • Long Report Template release 7.0

    In addition, a series of consultation events were organised including:  eight focus groups, which were attended by a total of 78 people.... Further consultation and development is planned... Homelessness Prevention Commissioning Plan The Council’s Homelessness Prevention Commissioning Plan was approved in September 2011.
  • The City of Edinburgh Assurance and Improvement Plan 2014-17

    This Assurance and Improvement Plan (AIP) sets out the planned scrutiny activity in City of Edinburgh Council between April 2014 and March 2017.... Planned scrutiny activity 11.... Community planning and Single Outcome Agreements 19.
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    Business Permit – Terms and Conditions of Use Please note that all business permit holders are legally bound by the following terms and conditions: 1 Business parking permit details For the purposes of the following terms and conditions, a ‘business’ is defined as having a business premise which undertakes a Class 2 business activity as specified in the Town and Country Planning (Use Classes)(Scotland) Order 1997.... The business must undertake a Class 2 business activity as specified in the Town and Country Planning (Use Classes) (Scotland) Order 1997 i.e. undertakes financial, professional or any other relevant service which it is appropriate to provide in a shopping area where the services are provided principally to visiting members of the public such as lawyers, accountants, estate agents etc.... Applicants wishing to add or remove vehicles should contact the Permit Team using the contact details at the foot of this document. 9 Change of address In the event that a business changes address, the permit holder must contact the Permit Team at their earliest opportunity to arrange for the cancellation of their permit or amendment of their permit details. 10 Lost/stolen permits If a business permit is lost or stolen then the permit holder must contact the Permit Team at their earliest opportunity.