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  • Samantha Stirling Report Low Traffic Neighbourhood Programme 2021-12-16

    The projects build upon the City of Edinburgh Council’s current cycling and walking projects, Active Travel Action Plan and the City Mobility Plan.... Baseline data collected includes: • Traffic counts and speeds • Pedestrian and cycle counts • Air quality surveys • Noise surveys • Community Feedback • Business Feedback Low Traffic Neighbourhood Programme Prepared for: City of Edinburgh Council AECOM 3 3.2 6-month post implementation During the 6 months following the start of the trial period we will conduct a full round of traffic, active modes, noise quality and community feedback monitoring.... Additional TSV data is planned to be collected by CEC on the surrounding road network – pre and post implementation.
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    The revised Education Improvement Plan set out on the following pages details the expectations for staff in schools and learning communities in the final year of this 3-year cycle.... Empowerment will continue to underpin all of our work through Edinburgh Learns for Life Boards, each of which has developed an Action Plan and Revised Framework for schools to follow.... Edinburgh Imperatives and School Improvement Planning Themes 2023-24 are :- Attendance Literacy & Numeracy PRAG Pathways Health and Wellbeing Back to contents 1 Edinburgh learns for life Our vision A fairer, healthier, greener future for everyone, where learning for life happens at home, in school, in the wider community and in the workplace.
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    Consideration by the charity Trustee of financial results and non-financial performance indicators; A strategic plan approved by the charity Trustee; Delegation of authority and segregation of duties; and Identification and management of risks.... Future plans include the full disbursement of the remaining funds of the City of Edinburgh Council Charitable Funds, which has been approved by the Finance and Resources Committee.... There are no employees of the City of Edinburgh Council Charitable Funds. 9 The City of Edinburgh Council Charitable Funds Notes to the Accounts For the year ended 31 March 2023 6 Analysis of Financial Assets and Liabilities 2022/23 2021/22 £ £ Financial assets measured at amortised cost 92,259 96,228 Financial liabilities measured at amortised cost (2,785) (3,969) Financial assets measured at market value - - Total Financial Assets and Liabilities 89,474 92,259 7 Related Party Transactions 8 Prior Year Adjustment 9 Post Balance Sheet Event 10 Audit Fee There have been no events since 31 March 2023, and up to the date when these accounts were authorised, that require any adjustments to these accounts.
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    We are working in partnership with Young Edinburgh Action to ensure the young person’s voice is active in the work we do and ensuring their involvement in monitoring and evaluating progress and that what was said by young people at the ‘Piece of Mind’ event is embedded. 2017-18 Annual Report for the Edinburgh Children’s Partnership, Children’s Services Plan 2017 to 2020 Page | 11 All schools are part of the National Improvement Framework (NIF) to address Health and Wellbeing for pupils, including mental health and wellbeing.... We are developing this into a series of engagement events involving 40 young people from a wide range of social backgrounds whose views will help us decide on future priorities for action.... Planning, overseeing and accountability for the development and delivery of the locality improvement plan
  • Microsoft PowerPoint - 10243 EPS 2018 Report_NE.pptx

    The research is used to inform both local and strategic service planning and decision making... Those least likely to have attended any of the listed events/venues were those from SEG E (57% answered ‘none of the above’) and unemployed respondents (50%)... Two thirds (66%) had attended a festival in the last 2 years and 78% had attended a cultural event or venue in the last year – very consistent with findings from last year
  • Microsoft PowerPoint - 10243 EPS 2018 Report_SE.pptx

    The research is used to inform both local and strategic service planning and decision making... Those least likely to have attended any of the listed events/venues were those from SEG E (57% answered ‘none of the above’) and unemployed respondents (50%)... Two thirds (66%) had attended a festival in the last 2 years and 78% had attended a cultural event or venue in the last year – very consistent with findings from last year
  • Council makes positive progress despite pressures of Covid on services

    Crucially, we’ve been able to keep progressing our core Business Plan priorities of reducing poverty and inequality, tackling climate change and improving wellbeing for everyone in the city – these continue to be the central pillar of our programme for the Capital.... In a time of huge uncertainty, we’ve still made positive progress against our commitments, and where improvement plans have rightly had to be put on hold to let us focus capacity on keeping residents safe and businesses supported, we’ll set out how we plan to get back on track.
  • Millions more for roads, net zero work and social care in Edinburgh

    addressing and shaped by the key priorities of the Council Business Plan – tackling poverty, promoting sustainability and enhancing residents’ wellbeing....  – £600,000 investment to improve delivery of prevention services through empowering frontline staff to co-produce service redesign across departments, reform current practice, and create a preventative service and community engagement model and develop a plan for wider roll out.... invest £187,000 to cover loss of Planning, Building Services and Regulatory Services income.
  • Scotland’s Capital realises its Living Wage ambition

    Edinburgh Living Wage City action plan... Now through the action plan - developed by the Edinburgh Living Wage Action Group, a collaboration of employers, public sector bodies, trade unions, social enterprises, and business organisations, supported by key city anchor institutions including the City of Edinburgh Council and the Edinburgh Partnership - the aim is to see at least 500 new accredited businesses.... This Living Wage Week, we are delighted to announce the launch of an ambitious action plan to ‘Make Edinburgh a Living Wage City’.
  • 10 tips to support your wellbeing

    Create a wellbeing plan... We’ve created a Personal Wellbeing Plan and we’re encouraging all of our colleagues to adapt it to suit their own needs.... You can create your own plan too, by