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  • Overview

    This project looks to deliver principles of the ‘20 Minute Neighbourhood’ and themes established in the Wester Hailes Local Place Plan.... Dates and times for these events can be found below.... Events
  • Council tenants urged to have their say on housing budget plans

    Council tenants urged to have their say on housing budget plans... A rent consultation is carried out every year and the feedback continues to shape the commitments set out in our investment plan: to deliver more homes, better homes, better communities and better services.... Council tenants have until Wednesday 8 December to take the survey online or return paper copies asking about value for money on the rent they pay, potential increases in rent in order to be able to meet future commitments and investment plans, and where investment should be prioritised.
  • Still time to have your say on Low Emission Zone plans

    We encourage everyone to take a moment and have their say to help ensure the Edinburgh LEZ plan is robust and will help to create a world where everyone can breathe clean air with healthy lungs.... City Mobility Plan... Are you planning to increase electric vehicle charging infrastructure to help people comply with the LEZ?
  • Ocean Drive Traffic Management Plan

    Traffic management plans for Ocean Drive during construction
  • Have your say on plans to deliver a net zero, climate ready Capital by 2030

    There will also be opportunities to meet the teams involved and find out more about the plans at a number of online drop-in sessions over the summer months. ... To help the public have their say on the plan and to speak to experts, a number of... online drop-in events
  • Leith Walk / Halmyre Street Draft Place Brief Consultation

    In January, the Council hosted a number of consultation events to allow the public, local interest groups and stakeholders express their ideas about the area and its redevelopment.... We are now seeking views and comments on the draft Place Brief prior to its consideration by Planning Committee.... The Final Place Brief will be considered by Planning Committee for approval.
  • Help us plan your services, have your say

    Budget planning time is always a challenging point in the year for local authorities but the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic and its impact on our services has added another layer of complexity to the decision-making process ahead of us in February when the full Council meets to set our budget.
  • Plans to create hundreds of new Council and affordable homes approved

    Innovative offsite manufacturing of net zero homes such as those planned for Greendykes will help tenants and residents to keep their fuel bills down.
  • Overview

    Once the plans have been developed, we will look for further funding to deliver these plans.... Booking and registration for these events is essential.... Events
  • Latest news

    Ukraine Forever’ programme of events launched in Edinburgh... Bold plans for future of transport in Edinburgh... Plans to create hundreds of new Council and affordable homes approved