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    Risk from cumulative impacts Cumulative impacts may come about as a result of the City Mobility Plan, Edinburgh City Centre Transformation and City Plan 2030 policies which are being developed in parallel with LEZ.... The impact on overseas visitors is likely to be more prevalent when visitor numbers are higher for large cultural events.... Please provide a summary of the communications plan.
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    2) in the case of a visitors’ permit, at 11:59 pm on the thirty-first day of December in the year following the date of grant by the Council, or on the occurrence of the event set out in paragraph (b) of Article 6-4, whichever is the earlier... 7) in the case of a RNLI permit, at 11:59 pm on the thirty-first day of December in the year of grant by the Council, or on the occurrence of any one of the events set out in sub-paragraphs (6), (7), (8), (9) or (11) of paragraph (d) of Article 6-4, whichever is the earlier... 8) in the case of a Doctors’ permit, at 11:59 pm on the thirty-first day of December in the year of grant by the Council, or on the occurrence of any one of the events set out in sub-paragraphs (6), (7), (8), (9) or (12) of paragraph (d) of Article 6-4, whichever is the earlier
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    F 1:15,000 North West Proposals Map designations and relevant policies and proposals in the Written Statement Place 1, Econ 3, Inf 9, Re 9City Centre Inf 3, Inf 4, Inf 11, Table 4Active Trave l Proposals re la ting to Deve lopm e nt site s Inf 3, Inf 4, Inf 11,Table 5Active Trave l Safe g u a rds - local connections/Entry pointsk Active Trave l Mobility Hu bQ Inf 6 – 8, Inf 12, Table s 4, 8 Exisiting Tram Rou te Inf 3-4, Inf 11,Table 7 Pu blic Transport O th e r Safe g u a rds (PTSG 1-3) Inf 3, Inf 4, Inf 11, Table 10 Tram rou te sa fe g u ard proposal and option sa fe g u a rds Inf 11, Table 7 Local Na tu re Rese rve Env 21 Inte rna tional and Na tional Na tu ral He rita g e Desig na tion (Natu ra 2000 Site and/or SSSI) Env 21 Env 1-12, Env 14-17, Env 19-21, Env 23-38, Inf 1-8, Inf 10, Inf 12, Inf 14 Inf 16, Inf 18-19, Inf 21-22, Re 1, Re 7- 8, Re 11, Hou 2-9, Econ 1, 3, 7 Th e City of Edinb u rg h Cou ncil Bou ndary Gene ra l plan - wide policie s City Centre Proposal Edinb u rg h Park/Sou th Gyle Place 16,19, Econ 3, Re 9HSG Proposal Del 4 (Table 2) Desig na ted Conse rva tion Are a Env 13, Env 14 Env 16Sch edu led Ancie nt Monu m e nt(including Union Canal) Env 15Historic Garden / Desig ned Landscape - Inventory Site Env 18Gre e n Be lt !
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    Example: Systems Link screen shots for Royal Mile Primary School PROCEDURE NO. 3 MEASURING & MONITORING 5 As part of the Council’s Energy Awareness Campaign it is planned that Systems Link’s web reporting system will be used to provide monthly reports across all supplies to key managers.
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    F 1:15,000 North East Proposals Map designations and relevant policies and proposals in the Written Statement Place 1, Econ 3, Inf 9, Re 9City Centre Inf 3, Inf 4, Inf 11, Table 4Active Trave l Proposals re la ting to Deve lopm e nt site s Inf 3, Inf 4, Inf 11,Table 5Active Trave l Safe g u a rds - local connections/Entry pointsk Active Trave l Mobility Hu bQ Inf 6 – 8, Inf 12, Table s 4, 8 Exisiting Tram Rou te Inf 3-4, Inf 11,Table 7 Pu blic Transport O th e r Safe g u a rds (PTSG 1-3) Inf 3, Inf 4, Inf 11, Table 10 Tram rou te sa fe g u ard proposal and option sa fe g u a rds Inf 11, Table 7 Local Na tu re Rese rve Env 21 Inte rna tional and Na tional Na tu ral He rita g e Desig na tion (Natu ra 2000 Site and/or SSSI) Env 21 Env 1-12, Env 14-17, Env 19-21, Env 23-38, Inf 1-8, Inf 10, Inf 12, Inf 14 Inf 16, Inf 18-19, Inf 21-22, Re 1, Re 7- 8, Re 11, Hou 2-9, Econ 1, 3, 7 Th e City of Edinb u rg h Cou ncil Bou ndary Gene ra l plan - wide policie s City Centre Proposal Edinb u rg h Park/Sou th Gyle Place 16,19, Econ 3, Re 9HSG Proposal Del 4 (Table 2) Desig na ted Conse rva tion Are a Env 13, Env 14 Env 16Sch edu led Ancie nt Monu m e nt(including Union Canal) Env 15Historic Garden / Desig ned Landscape - Inventory Site Env 18Gre e n Be lt !
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    Holds events, fundraising etc.... Holds some events etc.... Periodic events.
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    TEMP/24/164 Page 1 of 4 THE CITY OF EDINBURGH COUNCIL THE CITY OF EDINBURGH COUNCIL (PRODIGAL FATHER FILMING) (TEMPORARY ROAD RESTRICTION AND TRAFFIC REGULATION) ORDER 2024 – TEMP/24/164 THE CITY OF EDINBURGH COUNCIL in exercise of the powers conferred on them by Section 16A of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984 (“the 1984 Act”), as amended, and of all other enabling powers being satisfied that traffic on the lengths of roads specified in the Schedules hereto should be prohibited or restricted to facilitate the holding of Prodigal Father filming, and to enable members of the public to watch this event and being satisfied that it is not reasonably practicable for the event to be held otherwise than on a road and having had regard to the safety and convenience of alternative routes suitable for traffic which will be affected by this Order, with the consent of the Scottish Ministers under sections 16B(1)(b) and 16B(6)(b) of the said Act, hereby make the following Order: - 1.... Save as provided in Article 4 of this Order, to facilitate the holding of Prodigal Father filming (as signed as affected by the event), no person shall:- (a) drive or cause or permit to be driven any vehicle on any part of the lengths of roads specified in Schedule 1 hereto, where closures will apply to roads in their entirety unless otherwise stated; (b) walk or cause or permit any person to walk on any of the lengths of footways specified in Schedule 2 hereto, where prohibitions will apply to footways in their entirety unless otherwise stated; (c) except with the permission of a Parking Attendant, cause or permit any vehicle to wait or load onto or unload from any vehicle on any part of the lengths of road specified in Schedule 3 hereto, where prohibitions will apply to both sides of the roads in their entirety unless otherwise stated; and (d) except with the permission of a Parking Attendant, cause or permit any vehicle to wait on the section of road described in Schedule 4 hereto. 4.
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    Save as provided in Article 4 of this Order, to facilitate the safe access/egress of event related vehicles to/from the Festival Theatre (as signed as affected by the event), no person shall, except with the permission of a Parking Attendant, cause or permit any vehicle to wait or load onto or unload from any vehicle at any time on South College Street, north side, from the extended eastern kerbline of West College Street, eastwards for a distance of 40 metres or thereby. 4.
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    Key Objectives are:- · to maximise the range of fair, fairly traded and ethical products available on Council contracts and to publicise them across the Council (including in schools); · to increase the range of fair, fairly traded and ethical food and beverages available in dispensers as part of Council contracts; · to continue to work with Scotland Excel in promoting fairly traded goods and ethical trading practices through the collaborative frameworks that Scotland Excel deliver and the Council purchases from; · to provide support to schools holding fair trade status and those working towards it; · to continue to promote Edinburgh’s status as a Fairtrade city through communications and other media; · to promote through the Council’s website and Communication Service annual Fairtrade Fortnight and World Fair Trade Day events and other activities and initiatives organised or supported by the Edinburgh Fairtrade City Steering Group.... This includes online engagement and virtual events following the coronavirus outbreak; · to work with the Edinburgh Fairtrade City Steering Group and other stakeholders to promote and increase the share of fair and fairly traded goods purchased and consumed in the city; · to monitor the implementation of the policy and report on progress.
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    CHRISTMAS EVENT AT SAUGHTON PARK This Saturday 5th December the Friends of Saughton Park have organised a Plant Sale and Christmas event from 10:30 to12:30 in the Winter Garden, please do come along.