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    In the event that you engage in such opportunities, personal data about you that is held by the Council and which is required to facilitate your participation will be shared with the provider; i. if you have ever had an appointment with The City of Edinburgh Council’s current or previous occupational health provider, you may have an occupational health record.... The contents of your medical records are confidential and are not disclosed to The City of Edinburgh Council without your permission, but in the event that The City of Edinburgh Council are in receipt of such information, it shall be used in accordance with relevant policies and procedures to inform us in respect of our processes; j. in the event that The City of Edinburgh Council change occupational health provider, it is likely that these medical records will transfer directly to the new provider and will not pass to The City of Edinburgh Council; k.
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    TRAUMA INFORMED PRACTICE TRAUMA INFORMED PRACTICE Edinburgh Children’s Partnership Approach to Trauma Informed People, Teams, Services, and Organisations “…traumatic events are those in which a person is harmed, where there is a serious threat of harm, or where the person sees someone else being harmed.”... It could affect: · How people respond to other people and the relationships they have (including with people who provide services) · Affect the person’s abilities when stressed · Their long-term health and wellbeing – physical and mental · Affect how people cope with life and life events · How the person learns · How they view themselves · How they take care of themselves This is not an exhaustive list yet gives an indication of the impact that trauma has on people.... People show amazing resilience, courage and determination following trauma events.
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    Page 29 Economic Development and Planning 97.... There are ten LGBF indicators that relate to Economic Development and Planning. 98.... Reserves - giving an indication of how councils are placed to meet unforeseen events (2 indicators) b.
  • Model Articles -version Oct09

    QUORUM AT GENERAL MEETINGS 29 The quorum for a general meeting shall be the greater of (a) 8 Ordinary Members or (b) 10% of the Ordinary Members, in either event being present in person or by proxy.... d) In that event, the Chairperson of the meeting shall appoint and instruct tellers, who may cast their own personal votes if Ordinary Members; 33.2 Associate and Junior Members shall have no vote; 33.3 Whilst actual attendance by Ordinary Members is to be encouraged at General Meetings, any Ordinary Member shall be entitled to complete one form of proxy to appoint a proxy to attend a General Meeting on their behalf, in respect of which the following apply: 33.3.1 a proxy need not be a member; 33.3.2 a proxy appointed to attend and vote at any meeting instead of an Ordinary Member shall have the same right as the Ordinary Member who appointed him or her to speak at the meeting and to vote thereat; and 33.3.3 the form appointing the Proxy shall be in terms of Schedule 1 annexed to these Clauses; 33.3.4 the form appointing a proxy and the power of attorney or other authority (if any) under which it is signed, or a certified copy thereof, shall be lodged at the Registered Office not less than 48 hours before the time of the meeting at which the proxy is to be used; and 33.3.5 no form of proxy shall be valid more than 12 months from the date it was granted; and 33.4 in the event of an equal number of votes for and against any resolution, the Chairperson of the meeting shall have a vote in their capacity as a member of the organisation.... In the event of an equal number of votes for and against any resolution at a Board meeting, the Chairperson of the meeting shall have a casting vote as well as a deliberative vote.
  • Microsoft Word - 2700 Granton Waterfront Skills Audit - rev A

    Project name] Project Execution Plan Edinburgh.... The Engine Shed is HES’s dedicated building conservation centre and, similar to the Scottish Lime Centre Trust, offers a range of courses and events dedicated to traditional skills.... Page | 1 Please note that the responses to the Traditional Skills Audit Questionnaire will be shared with Historic Environment Scotland to support strategic planning and programme development and delivery.
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    As such:  We have added an additional option which includes pedestrianising Charlotte Lane  We have narrowed the carriageway in all options  We have moved the parking on the North side of Randolph Place in Option 3 4 Discounted Initial Option This option has been discounted based on initial feedback from stakeholders 5 Optioneering At our public drop-in event on the 20th of February, and during the following week on our Consultation Hub, we presented the following three options and asked members of the public which one they preferred.... This option retains the greatest number of parking spaces. 6 Option 1—Proposed Road Layout 7 Option 1—Sketch Design 8 Option 2—Proposed Road Layout 9 Option 2—Sketch Design 10 Option 3—Proposed Road Layout 11 Option 3—Sketch Design 12 Randolph Place—Consultation Results The Council received 51 responses to the public consulta- tion which ran from the 20th to the 27th of February. 21 of these were given during the public event on the 20th, while the remaining 30 were submitted to the online consultation during the following week.
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    I am learning to write a clear sequence of events.... I am learning to write a clear sequence of events.
  • S:\Drawings\1280 - CEC - St Mark's Nursery\Revit\1280 St Mark's Site Layout - Sheet - AL(0)003 - Proposed Site Plan

    S:\Drawings\1280 - CEC - St Mark's Nursery\Revit\1280 St Mark's Site Layout - Sheet - AL(0)003 - Proposed Site Plan 5 1 1 4 1 3 5 7 2 0 5 2 6 8 3 3 6 5 6 1 157 Primary School 2 1 1 1 6 4 1 9 5 9 S ta rk's C o tta g e s 4 0 5 4 24 12 6 1 6 0 6 1 4 3 3 7 1 6 6 36 8 6 7 1 7 4 1 1 0 6 0 Nursery 3 5 17 4 2 St Marks RC 2 3 1 7 2 4 1 2 19 22 2 5 8 1 1 El Sub Sta 2 1 3 4 7 1 3 155 2 1 5 145 1 6 2 10 1 2 6 4 School 7 7 8 GRE ENL AW RIG FIRRH ILL DR IVE F IR R H IL L C R E S C E N T G R E E N L A W R IG E A S T E R H A U G H C O LI N TO N M A IN S R O A D O X G A N G S R O A D N O R T H C O LI N TO N M A IN S TE R R AC E FIR RH ILL LO AN WW WW O VE NO VE N WW RISK REGISTER No.... Anderson Bell Christie Architect's Licence number for copy or display of OS Data is LIG0388. 1 : 500 City of Edinburgh Council Proposed Site Plan 1280 AL(0)003 SB JM ST MARK'S NURSERY (Early Years 2020) 10.08.2018 APPROVAL Rev Date Notes N 1:500 @ A1 50m10m 40m30m20m0m Sheets AL(0)002 - Existing Site Plan AL(0)003 - Proposed Site Plan AL(0)102 - Proposed Elevations AL(0)103 - Proposed Sections
  • S:\Drawings\1280 - CEC - St Mark's Nursery\Revit\1280 St Mark's Site Layout - Sheet - AL(0)003 - Proposed Site Plan

    S:\Drawings\1280 - CEC - St Mark's Nursery\Revit\1280 St Mark's Site Layout - Sheet - AL(0)003 - Proposed Site Plan 5 1 1 4 1 3 5 7 2 0 5 2 6 8 3 3 6 5 6 1 157 Primary School 2 1 1 1 6 4 1 9 5 9 S ta rk's C o tta g e s 4 0 5 4 24 12 6 1 6 0 6 1 4 3 3 7 1 6 6 36 8 6 7 1 7 4 1 1 0 6 0 Nursery 3 5 17 4 2 St Marks RC 2 3 1 7 2 4 1 2 19 22 2 5 8 1 1 El Sub Sta 2 1 3 4 7 1 3 155 2 1 5 145 1 6 2 10 1 2 6 4 School 7 7 8 GRE ENL AW RIG FIRRH ILL DR IVE F IR R H IL L C R E S C E N T G R E E N L A W R IG E A S T E R H A U G H C O LI N TO N M A IN S R O A D O X G A N G S R O A D N O R T H C O LI N TO N M A IN S TE R R AC E FIR RH ILL LO AN WW WW O VE NO VE N WW RISK REGISTER No.... Anderson Bell Christie Architect's Licence number for copy or display of OS Data is LIG0388. 1 : 500 City of Edinburgh Council Proposed Site Plan 1280 AL(0)003 SB JM ST MARK'S NURSERY (Early Years 2020) 10.08.2018 APPROVAL Rev Date Notes N 1:500 @ A1 50m10m 40m30m20m0m Sheets AL(0)002 - Existing Site Plan AL(0)003 - Proposed Site Plan AL(0)102 - Proposed Elevations AL(0)103 - Proposed Sections
  • Leader's Report November 2020

    As with other Remembrance events that traditionally take place at War Memorials up and down the country, the global pandemic meant that things were different in Edinburgh this year.