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    Events and Other Activities The following acts are prohibited unless the Council’s written permission has been obtained first: 9.1 Holding an event, performance, ceremony in any Park, or a demonstration or public meeting in any Park except East Meadows, Calton Hill or Leith Links. 9.2 Carrying, or discharging any firework or firearm. 9.3 Playing any organised game or sport on pitches provided by the Council.
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    Domestic animal cover, cost of replacing the insured animal in the event of death - Up to £200.... In the event of a claim, you must notify us as soon as possible
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    I am learning to write a clear sequence of events.... I am learning to write a clear sequence of events.
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    Write a short story about this event.... Create a timeline of important events and achievements in their lives.
  • 2024 Mens and Womens Road Closure EDI Draft

    The event organisers in association with Edinburgh Council have striven to minimise the disruptive impact of the event to allow those directly affected to carry on with their daily routine with as little inconvenience as possible.
  • Sets of accounts

    Based on the work we have performed, we have not identified any material uncertainties relating to events or conditions that, individually or collectively, may cast significant doubt on the limited liability partnership’s ability to continue as a going concern for a period of at least twelve months from when the financial statements are authorised for issue.... This risk increases the more that compliance with a law or regulation is removed from the events and transactions reflected in the financial statements, as we will be less likely to become aware of instances of non- compliance.... Subsequent events There are no subsequent events that would have any material impact on the LLP.
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    City Plan 2030 will set out how Local Place Plans can help us achieve great places and support community ambitions. - How should the Council work with local communities to prepare Local Place Plans?... We also want the City Plan 2030 to include any new strategic active travel links which may be identified in the forthcoming City Plan 2030 Transport Appraisal, the City Mobility Plan, or which are identified through this consultation.... We also want the City Plan 2030 to include any new strategic active travel links which may be identified in the forthcoming City Plan 2030 Transport Appraisal, the City Mobility Plan, or which are identified through this consultation.
  • Notice of meeting and agenda

    Measures of success The Council’s Active Travel Action Plan (ATAP) encourages an increase in walking and cycling journeys in the city to a level that meets health and local environment objectives, with slower speed limits being a key factor in encouraging this.... Sustainability impact The Pilot encourages a slower and safer environment for journeys to be undertaken by the environmentally friendly modes of walking and cycling, both of which are key target groups within the Road Safety Plan for Edinburgh to 2020, and are the central focus of the Active Travel Active Plan – both plans promote the implementation of 20mph limits.... The development of 20mph limits on such streets is a key element of the LTS and both the Council’s Active Travel Action Plan (ATAP), and the Road Safety Plan for Edinburgh to 2020 (RSP).
  • S:\Drawings\1246 - City of Edinburgh Council - St John Vianney Nursery\Revit\StJV Site Layout - Sheet - AL(0)003 - Proposed Site Plan

    S:\Drawings\1246 - City of Edinburgh Council - St John Vianney Nursery\Revit\StJV Site Layout - Sheet - AL(0)003 - Proposed Site Plan GLENVARLOCH CRESCENT R IN G W O O D P L A C E R U T H E R F O R D GL EN VA RL OC H CR ES CE NT RAVE NSWO OD AV ENUE R E D G A U N T LE T G R E E N M A N T L E L O A N R A V E N S W O O D A V E N U E D R IV E GILM ERTON ROAD WOODSTOCK PLACE IVA NH OE CR ES CE NT T E R R A C E 20 11 34 1 59 49 47 43 45 35 41 57 2 55 22 61 39 10 6971 11a 37 63 33 1 PO 8 21 5 3 4 9 275 5 1 127 2 0 1 7 257 249 2 14 6 2 7 1 4 3 251 2 8 247 1 3 1 4 1 St John Vianney Primary Scho ol Shelter 273 6 3 2 62 1 6 0 16 3 13 4 15 2 145 5 5 101 107 16 6 11 277 17 6 3 8 253 281 12 279 119 6 30 18 64 255 2 9 1 0 3 3 0 2 5 2 1 2 3 2 1 1 6 2 2 4 3 4 19 1 4 6 1 2 6 1 0 5 60 3 155 3 1 101 2 23 1 5 271 125 31 2 6 109 13 1 29 16 4 2 2 Shelter 3 6 66 2 2 3 123 121 245b 245a El Sub Sta Shelter RISK REGISTER No.... Anderson Bell Christie Architect's Licence number for copy or display of OS Data is LIG0388. 1 : 500 City of Edinburgh Council Proposed Site Plan 1246 AL(0)003 SB JM ST JOHN VIANNEY NURSERY (Early Years 2020) 10.08.2018 APPROVAL Rev Date Notes N 1:500 @ A1 50m10m 40m30m20m0m Sheets AL(0)002 - Existing Site Plan AL(0)003 - Proposed Site Plan AL(0)102 - Proposed Elevations AL(0)103 - Proposed Sections
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    Climate change is expected to increase the frequency and magnitude of extreme events such as floods and heatwaves and the UK (and Scotland) Climate Change Risk Assessment identifies flooding as one of the greatest climate risks.... It also complements the vision of the City Mobility Plan.... City Plan 2030 will set out how Local Place Plans can help us achieve great places and support community ambitions. - How should the Council work with local communities to prepare Local Place Plans?