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  • S:\Drawings\1246 - City of Edinburgh Council - St John Vianney Nursery\Revit\StJV Site Layout - Sheet - AL(0)003 - Proposed Site Plan

    S:\Drawings\1246 - City of Edinburgh Council - St John Vianney Nursery\Revit\StJV Site Layout - Sheet - AL(0)003 - Proposed Site Plan GLENVARLOCH CRESCENT R IN G W O O D P L A C E R U T H E R F O R D GL EN VA RL OC H CR ES CE NT RAVE NSWO OD AV ENUE R E D G A U N T LE T G R E E N M A N T L E L O A N R A V E N S W O O D A V E N U E D R IV E GILM ERTON ROAD WOODSTOCK PLACE IVA NH OE CR ES CE NT T E R R A C E 20 11 34 1 59 49 47 43 45 35 41 57 2 55 22 61 39 10 6971 11a 37 63 33 1 PO 8 21 5 3 4 9 275 5 1 127 2 0 1 7 257 249 2 14 6 2 7 1 4 3 251 2 8 247 1 3 1 4 1 St John Vianney Primary Scho ol Shelter 273 6 3 2 62 1 6 0 16 3 13 4 15 2 145 5 5 101 107 16 6 11 277 17 6 3 8 253 281 12 279 119 6 30 18 64 255 2 9 1 0 3 3 0 2 5 2 1 2 3 2 1 1 6 2 2 4 3 4 19 1 4 6 1 2 6 1 0 5 60 3 155 3 1 101 2 23 1 5 271 125 31 2 6 109 13 1 29 16 4 2 2 Shelter 3 6 66 2 2 3 123 121 245b 245a El Sub Sta Shelter RISK REGISTER No.... Anderson Bell Christie Architect's Licence number for copy or display of OS Data is LIG0388. 1 : 500 City of Edinburgh Council Proposed Site Plan 1246 AL(0)003 SB JM ST JOHN VIANNEY NURSERY (Early Years 2020) 10.08.2018 APPROVAL Rev Date Notes N 1:500 @ A1 50m10m 40m30m20m0m Sheets AL(0)002 - Existing Site Plan AL(0)003 - Proposed Site Plan AL(0)102 - Proposed Elevations AL(0)103 - Proposed Sections
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    City Plan 2030 will set out how Local Place Plans can help us achieve great places and support community ambitions. - How should the Council work with local communities to prepare Local Place Plans?... City Plan 2030 will set out how Local Place Plans can help us achieve great places and support community ambitions. - How should the Council work with local communities to prepare Local Place Plans?... Short Response Not Answered Explanation Weekend events in community centres, utilising tried and tested engagement methods and a set of criteria (e.g. here's a 3 hectare site - how can we encorporate 195 accessible homes?
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    Delivering the Edinburgh Local Development Plan The Local Development Plan (LDP) aims to: 1.... In the event of a developer contributing land towards the development of the tram system, the amount of the contribution required under this mechanism may be reduced.... Planning and Transport, PLACE.
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    Our engagement included a public information event and was advertised widely, including flyers to approximately 450 properties around the Kirkliston Leisure Centre site. 2.12 The outcomes of this second engagement were reported in full to the Education, Children and Families Committee in September 2023.... Early consultation with the planning department has reinforced this.... Although all learning objectives will be shown in class plans, various children will have learning targets set out in support or individualised plans, including formal Co-ordinated Support Plans.
  • Council Leaders pay tribute to the response by staff and citizens to Covid-19

    Following the First Minister’s update on plans to reduce legally imposed protective measures, including certification schemes and the requirement to wear facemasks, Leaders have echoed her commitment to remain vigilant and prepared for any future threat from the Covid virus.... Now, as we look to get back to some sense of normality, we have to take this opportunity to be more forward thinking and progressive in our plans for how we work better and more efficiently together.
  • The City of Edinburgh Council set to invest £2.6m in Smart CCTV

    Edinburgh city centre at the heart of the Capital’s recovery plan... The new system will allow for better city planning and will be able to provide a richer view of how people interact with the urban environment – whether on foot, bicycle or vehicle.
  • Informal consultation starts for Gaelic secondary education

    Once the feedback is analysed it is expected that a report outlining plans for a statutory consultation will go to a meeting of the Education, Children and Families Committee early next year.... The journey we are on has seen us support the flourishing of the language with the publication of our second Gaelic Language Plan, an increase in pupils and a long-term strategy to develop GME.
  • Construction begins on landmark walking and cycling route

    full details of plans... City Mobility Plan 2030
  • Apply for free school transport

    Schools are required to ensure they publicise a School Travel Plan signposting active and public travel network.... The Scottish Government has announced plans to begin or start the new Young Persons’ Free Bus Travel Scheme from 31 January 2022.
  • Transport Convener: We're working to get the balance right

    The fast-spreading Indian variant of the COVID virus still threatens to set back best laid plans to fully exit lockdown.... Our ambitious ten-year City Mobility Plan focuses on sustainable travel, while projects like City Centre Transformation will facilitate travel by foot, wheelchair or bike.