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    Individual Healthcare Plan: Diabetes – Dexcom use with Insulin Pump DIABETES NURSES- RHCYP 2021 Dexcom Glucose Monitor is a device that continuously measures glucose in the interstitial fluid (a thin layer of fluid that surrounds the cells of the tissue below your skin).... Alert Type: Action Required High Glucose Alert: (Optional) Test Blood Glucose if 14 mmol/l or higher, test blood ketone level and follow Hyperglycaemia flow chart in Health Care Plan.... Low Glucose Alert/ Urgent Low Soon: Test Blood Glucose:  If below 4 mmol/l treat hypoglycaemia according to Hypoglycaemia Flow chart in Health Care plan
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    The Edinburgh Children’s Partnership Children’s Services Plan 2017-20 Our vision ‘Edinburgh’s children and young people enjoy their childhood and achieve their potential’ We aim to ensure that: 1.... Commit to participation And realise our ambition to make Edinburgh a child-friendly city where children and young people’s rights are respected Best Start in Life Implement the new universal pre-birth to pre-school pathway Continue to provide high quality early years services across the city whilst implementing the increase in hours to 1140 Improve early years pathways for young disabled children Improve partnership working in the provision of early years services, particularly playgroups and communityrun early years services Increase the percentage of children across all SIMD quintiles reaching developmental milestones Attendance and Achievement Deliver school improvement plans that are effective across the four areas of the National Improvement Framework Reduce the poverty-related attainment gap through the Pupil Equity Fund Improve educational outcomes for disadvantaged groups, including Looked After Children and children with disabilities Support the Edinburgh College Curriculum Strategy to create the best opportunities for the learner journey Improve the level of participation in education, employment and training for all 16-19 years and continue to increase positive destinations Health and Wellbeing Improve mental health services for children and young people and implement the children and young peoples’ mental health review recommendations Improve the quality of drugs and alcohol prevention work and substance misuse services Minimise the need for children and young people to become looked after and improve the balance of care Reduce the number of children who are overweight or obese, or malnourished Achieve the outcomes contained within the Child Protection Committee’s Child Protection Improvement Plan and the Corporate Parenting Plan Equity Deliver the ‘1 in 5’ project and develop an equity framework for each school Deliver income maximisation programme amongst all families on low incomes Improve the availability of accessible, affordable and flexible early learning and childcare, particularly in areas of deprivation Reduce the number of children, young people and their families who need homeless and emergency accommodation services and improve access to suitable housing Co-produce a community entitlement for children and young people in each locality to improve access to universal services Empowered Extend personalisation and choice including expansion of self-directed support and direct payments Ensure continued delivery of effective universal youth work programmes Enhance children’s rights across the city in line with the UNCRC Implement the Parenting Framework and improve engagement between parents and schools and wider community sector Deliver a citywide partnership learning and development programme to improve restorative practice
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    Individual Healthcare Plan: Diabetes – Dexcom use with injections DIABETES NURSES- RHCYP May 2021 Dexcom Glucose Monitor is a device that continuously measures glucose in the interstitial fluid (a thin layer of fluid that surrounds the cells of the tissue below your skin).... You may still need to do a Blood Glucose test if a number or arrow isn’t seen on the G6 app or receiver or if a child is showing symptoms of hypos and the receiver or APP is showing them in a normal range Individual Healthcare Plan: Diabetes – Dexcom use with injections DIABETES NURSES- RHCYP May 2021 Low and High Alerts Each child may have low and high alerts set.... Low Glucose Alert/ Urgent Low Soon: Test Blood Glucose:  If below 4 mmol/l treat hypoglycaemia according to Hypoglycaemia Flow chart in Health Care plan
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    Individual Healthcare Plan: Diabetes – Dexcom use with injections DIABETES NURSES- RHCYP May 2021 Dexcom Glucose Monitor is a device that continuously measures glucose in the interstitial fluid (a thin layer of fluid that surrounds the cells of the tissue below your skin).... You may still need to do a Blood Glucose test if a number or arrow isn’t seen on the G6 app or receiver or if a child is showing symptoms of hypos and the receiver or APP is showing them in a normal range Individual Healthcare Plan: Diabetes – Dexcom use with injections DIABETES NURSES- RHCYP May 2021 Low and High Alerts Each child may have low and high alerts set.... Low Glucose Alert/ Urgent Low Soon: Test Blood Glucose:  If below 4 mmol/l treat hypoglycaemia according to Hypoglycaemia Flow chart in Health Care plan
  • 60487449-DD-C-WP1-RSO-4.0.pdf

    60487449-DD-C-WP1-RSO-4.0.pdf 1 GV SP SP P 66.9 1 66.9 2 66.9 1 66.9 2 66.9 0 64.52 64.12 WES T RE GIST ER S TRE ET 2 3 4 PRIN CES STR EET S O U T H S T A N D R E W S T R E E T PRIN CES STR EET W A V E R L E Y B R ID G E Existing footway redetermined as cycletrack Existing carriageway redetermined as cycletrack Existing footway redetermined as carriageway IS O A 1 5 9 4 m m x 8 4 1 m m KEY PLAN CLIENT PROJECT CYCLE AND WALKING IMPROVEMENTS ON TRAM ROUTE NOTES CONSULTANT AECOM 1 Tanfield EDINBURGH, EH3 5DA +44 (0) 131 301 8600 tel +44 (0) 131 301 8699 fax I/R DATE DESCRIPTION ISSUE/REVISION F ile n a m e : F :\ P R O J E C T S \T R A F F IC - C E C W A L K C Y C L E W P 1 \0 3 E X E C U T IO N \C A D \2 0 -S H E E T S \4 .0 - T R A M \4 .2 .1 \R S O P L A N S \6 0 4 8 7 4 4 9 -D D -C -W P 1 -R S O -4 .2 .1 -0 0 0 1 .D W G L a st s a v e d b y: N E S S J K L a s t P lo tt e d : 2 0 1 8 -0 7 -0 5 SHEET TITLE SHEET NUMBER P ro je c t M a n a g e m e n t In it ia ls : D e si g n e r: C h e ck e d : A p p ro v e d : 4.2.1 PRINCES STREET & JUNCTION WITH SOUTH ST.... ANDREW STREET RE-DETERMINATION 60487449-DD-C-WP1-RSO-4.2.1-0001 - 10/05/2018 FIRST ISSUE J N IM P M N Original Size (A1) Scale 0 5 10 20m2.5 1:250 @ A1 1:500 @ A3 (2) (3) (1, 4) ROADS (SCOTLAND) ACT 1984 THE CITY OF EDINBURGH COUNCIL (PRINCES STREET (EAST END), EDINBURGH) (REDETERMINATION OF MEANS OF EXERCISE OF PUBLIC RIGHT OF PASSAGE) ORDER 2024 - RSO/18/08 Plan showing the length of road over which means of exercise of public right of passage is to be redetermined in terms of the above Order, which will come into operation on the Twenty-second day of January 2024.... witness) signed on behalf of Executive Director of Place Plan 1 of 1
  • 60487449-DD-C-WP1-RSO-4.0.pdf

    60487449-DD-C-WP1-RSO-4.0.pdf 1 S O U T H C H A R L O T T E S T R E E T L O T H IA N R O A D PRIN CES STR EET Existing footway redetermined as carriageway IS O A 1 5 9 4 m m x 8 4 1 m m KEY PLAN CLIENT PROJECT CYCLE AND WALKING IMPROVEMENTS ON TRAM ROUTE NOTES CONSULTANT AECOM 1 Tanfield EDINBURGH, EH3 5DA +44 (0) 131 301 8600 tel +44 (0) 131 301 8699 fax I/R DATE DESCRIPTION ISSUE/REVISION F ile n a m e : F :\ P R O J E C T S \T R A F F IC - C E C W A L K C Y C L E W P 1 \0 3 E X E C U T IO N \C A D \2 0 -S H E E T S \4 .0 - T R A M \4 .2 .6 \R S O P L A N S \6 0 4 8 7 4 4 9 -D D -C -W P 1 -R S O -4 .2 .6 -0 0 0 1 .D W G L a st s a v e d b y: N E S S J K L a s t P lo tt e d : 2 0 1 8 -0 7 -0 5 SHEET TITLE SHEET NUMBER P ro je c t M a n a g e m e n t In it ia ls : D e si g n e r: C h e ck e d : A p p ro v e d : 4.2.6 PRINCES STREET/ SOUTH CHARLOTTE STREET RE-DETERMINATION 60487449-DD-C-WP1-RSO-4.2.6-0001 - 10/05/2018 FIRST ISSUE J N IM P M N Original Size (A1) Scale 0 5 10 20m2.5 1:250 @ A1 1:500 @ A3 (1) ROADS (SCOTLAND) ACT 1984 THE CITY OF EDINBURGH COUNCIL (PRINCES STREET (WEST END), EDINBURGH) (REDETERMINATION OF MEANS OF EXERCISE OF PUBLIC RIGHT OF PASSAGE) ORDER 2024 - RSO/18/09 Plan showing the length of road over which means of exercise of public right of passage is to be redetermined in terms of the above Order, which will come into operation on the Twenty-second day of January 2024.... witness) signed on behalf of Executive Director of Place Plan 1 of 1
  • Microsoft Word - APR_16.doc

    Therefore, this would lead to reduced idling and less and stop/ start events.3 A graph illustrating the average delay per vehicle pre and post MOVA is shown in Figure 2.1.... This is currently being progressed through the inclusion of an informative on planning consents, rather than Section 75 Legal Agreements or use of planning conditions.... One proposal obtained planning permission.
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    MEMBERSHIP CONTACT NAME (Chair person) ADDRESS EMAIL PHONE NUMBER CONTACT NAME (other e.g. secretary) ADDRESS EMAIL PHONE NUMBER I agree that the information given above can be given to (tick as appropriate): o Interested members of the local community o Other Friends groups Information on relevant events, conferences, grants, training opportunities etc will be circulated via email by the Parks and Greenspace Service (please tick to confirm).
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    On the event day, place the tree in an area where people can see it.
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    ByDate DescriptionRevision -- a: 99 Giles Street > Edinburgh > EH6 6BZ t: 0131 553 4321 f: 0131 554 6699 e: Project SAUGHTON PARK CAFE BALGREEN ROAD EDINBURGH EH11 3BQ SUTHERLAND HUSSEY ARCHITECTS Proposed Stable Block Ground & First Floor Plans Drawing Title Scale Date Dwg No Rev No © Sutherland Hussey Architects Status BUILDING WARRANT 1:50 GA-16 M M E Q 1 E Q 2 E Q 1 E Q 2 E Q 1 E Q 2 E Q 1 E Q 2 1,838 1,300 1,006 3, 88 6 6, 00 0 6, 00 0 75248 3,935 1,975 3, 43 0 1, 27 5 1, 29 5 3, 43 0 1,471 -0.030 ±0.000 E -0 6 Wall Type 02 Wall Type 02 Wall Type 01 Wall Type 02 Wall Type 02 Wall Type 03 Wall Type 03 W-29 W -2 3 W -2 4 W-20 EXD-11 W-21 D -14 E X D -1 2 W -2 3 Occ Load Factor 1.0 Occupancy: 56 Occ Load Factor 6.0 Occupancy: 6 1500 x 1500 dia 45 0 1500 x 1500 1600 x 750 1500 x 1500 ENTRANCE MATTING Trickle Ventilation: 21400mm2 Min Openable Area: 1.86m2 Trickle Ventilation: 19200mm2 Min Openable Area: 1.10m2 Staff Dis WC R-40 Area: 3.6 m2 Cleaner R-38 Area: 1.6 m2 Staff WC R-39 Area: 2.1 m2 Shower R-37 Area: 2.5 m2 Multi Purpose Room R.33 Area: 55.9 m2 Entrance Hall R-31 Area: 9.2 m2 Tea Making R-32 Area: 7.4 m2 Office R-30 Area: 32.7 m2 Staff Changing R-36 Area: 9.3 m2 Circulation R-35 Area: 6.5 m2 Link R-34 Area: 21.1 m2 4 4 2 2 1 1 3 3 K K L L E1 E1 F1 F1 P Q N N S -1 1 S -2 1 S -2 0 New opening to align with existing upper level windows New opening to align with existing upper level windows New opening to align with door opposite New opening to align with door opposite All Wall and ceiling surfaces to be Medium Risk Recation to Fire EXD-10 W-39 W-30 W-26 D-17 D-16 D-15 E X D -15 W -27 W -26 E X D -14 D -22 D -21 D-20 D-19 D-18 E X D -1 3 W-25 D -2 4 D -2 3 W -2 2 W -2 3 W -2 4 LEVEL PLATT 1500 x 1500 FW 09 FW 10 GULLEY FW11 RWP 01 EXISTING RWP 10 EXISTING RWP 11 EXISTING RWP 12 RWP 14 RWP 15 RWP 16 EXISTING RWP 19 FIRE EXIT FIRE EXIT FIRE EXIT FIR E E X IT FI R E E X IT TV 10 000 TV 10 000 T V 2x5000 1.5m 2 O penable T V 5000 2 m 2 O penable T V 2x5000 T V 2x5000 TV 5000 1m2 Openable TV 5000 1m2 Openable TV 5000 1m2 Openable TV 5000 1m2 Openable TV 5000 1m2 Openable TV 5000 1m2 Openable T V 1 0 00 0 T V 1 0 00 0 T V 5 0 00 T V 5 0 00 T V 5 0 00 T V 5 0 00 FI R E E X IT FIRE EXIT 19.8m 13 .8 m FI R E E X IT 7.2m Entrance Door Fitted with concealed powered opener.... Operated by Push Pad with emergency override Min Clear 800mm W A LL T Y P E B W A LL T Y P E A WALL TYPE BWALL TYPE B W A LL T Y P E B W A LL T Y P E B W A LL T Y P E B W A LL T Y P E D W A LL T Y P E D W A LL T Y P E D WALL TYPE B TV 10 000 LEVEL PLATT 1500 x 1500 M M E -0 6 2,214 2,215 1, 20 0 1, 20 0 1, 20 0 1, 20 0 1, 20 0 1, 20 0 1, 20 0 1, 20 0 4 4 2 2 1 1 3 3 K K L L E1 E1 F1 F1 P Q N N S -1 1 S -2 1 S -2 0 EMPTY W-41 A GA-16 Proposed Stable Block Ground & First Floor Plans