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    k Proposals Map designations and relevant policies and proposals in the Written Statement (SCH 1-3, SCH 6-10) (SCH 4-5) (HSG 1 - HSG 41) (Emp 2-8) Greenspace Proposal Table 1(GS1-11) Edinburgh Waterfront (EW 1d&e) Table 2, Del 3, Emp 8 Town Centre (including City Centre Retail Core) Table 6, Ret 2, Ret 3, Ret 9, Emp 1 Local Centre Table 6, Ret 5, Ret 9, Emp 1 Safeguard for Potential Relocation of Royal Highland Centre Emp 5 Special Economic Area Table 2, Emp 2-8 Business and Industry Area Emp 8, RS 3 Strategic Business Centre Emp 1 Table 5Indicative School Proposal Table 5School Proposal Housing Proposal Tables 3 & 4, Hou 1 Pentland Hills Regional Park Env 17 Open Space Env 18, Env 19 Area of Importance for Flood Management Env 21 Local Nature Reserve Env 15 Local Nature Conservation Site Env 15 International and National Natural Heritage Designation (Natura 2000 Site and/or SSSI) Env 13, Env 14 Env 11 Env 10 Env 10 Env 7 Env 8 Designated Conservation Area Env 5, Env 6 World Heritage Site Env 1 Edinburgh Park/South Gyle Del 4, Emp 1 Del 2, Emp 1, Ret 7, Tra 5 Urban Area - refers to all LDP area outwith the Green Belt and Countryside Policy Area Emp 1, Emp 9-10, Hou 8, Ret 6, RS 3 (CC1) Table 10 (CC2-4) Table 3, Table 10, Hou 1 (EW 1a-c, EW 2a-d) Del 3, Hou 1, Ret 7 Del 1; Des 1-13; Env 2-4, Env 7-9, Env 12, Env 16; Env 18 -22; Hou 1-7; Hou 9 -10; Ret 1, Ret 6, Ret 8, Ret10 -11; Tra 1-4, Tra 6, Tra 8-9, Tra 11; RS 1, RS 4, RS 6 - RS 7 The City of Edinburgh Council Boundary General plan - wide policies City Centre Proposal !
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    F 1:15,000 South West Minerals Site RS 3, RS 5 Safeguarded Waste Management Facility RS 2, RS 3, RS 4 Airport Public Safety Zone Tra 12 Cycleway / Footpath Access Safeguard Table 9, Tra 9 Cycleway / Footpath Safeguard Table 9, Tra 9 Cycleway/ Potential Public Transport Safeguard Table 9, Tra 7, Tra 9 Safeguard for Potential Additional Runway Emp 4 k Proposals Map designations and relevant policies and proposals in the Written Statement (SCH 1-3, SCH 6-10) (SCH 4-5) (HSG 1 - HSG 41) (Emp 2-8) Greenspace Proposal Table 1(GS1-11) Edinburgh Waterfront (EW 1d&e) Table 2, Del 3, Emp 8 Town Centre (including City Centre Retail Core) Table 6, Ret 2, Ret 3, Ret 9, Emp 1 Local Centre Table 6, Ret 5, Ret 9, Emp 1 Safeguard for Potential Relocation of Royal Highland Centre Emp 5 Special Economic Area Table 2, Emp 2-8 Business and Industry Area Emp 8, RS 3 Strategic Business Centre Emp 1 Table 5Indicative School Proposal Table 5School Proposal Housing Proposal Tables 3 & 4, Hou 1 Pentland Hills Regional Park Env 17 Open Space Env 18, Env 19 Area of Importance for Flood Management Env 21 Local Nature Reserve Env 15 Local Nature Conservation Site Env 15 International and National Natural Heritage Designation (Natura 2000 Site and/or SSSI) Env 13, Env 14 Env 11 Env 10 Env 10 Env 7 Env 8 Designated Conservation Area Env 5, Env 6 World Heritage Site Env 1 Edinburgh Park/South Gyle Del 4, Emp 1 Del 2, Emp 1, Ret 7, Tra 5 Urban Area - refers to all LDP area outwith the Green Belt and Countryside Policy Area Emp 1, Emp 9-10, Hou 8, Ret 6, RS 3 (CC1) Table 10 (CC2-4) Table 3, Table 10, Hou 1 (EW 1a-c, EW 2a-d) Del 3, Hou 1, Ret 7 Del 1; Des 1-13; Env 2-4, Env 7-9, Env 12, Env 16; Env 18 -22; Hou 1-7; Hou 9 -10; Ret 1, Ret 6, Ret 8, Ret10 -11; Tra 1-4, Tra 6, Tra 8-9, Tra 11; RS 1, RS 4, RS 6 - RS 7 The City of Edinburgh Council Boundary General plan - wide policies City Centre Proposal !
  • Microsoft Word - LDP Action Programme 2018 16 Jan 2018

    Section 21 of the Planning etc.... Delivery plan to be prepared.... To be delivered in accordance with supplementary planning guidance and delivery plan.
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    Accept and plan accordingly... Unrealistic given that we will be moving to electric vehicles in any event it has little or no impact.... see Transport Planning Objectives in table 10) and ensure these inform the Proposed Plan
  • Report

    The outputs are collated and summarised in Chapter 5 along with GIS plans of the summary outputs. 4.1.2 Please refer to Figure 2-1 to cross-reference the route section numbers with its location.... +2 Accessibility and Socio-economic impact Creates improved link from West End to George Street and City Centre No data available. +2 Implementability Planning permission granted.... T he proposals would permit a more flexible use of the public space on George Street with the opportunities for outdoor bars / eateries and cultural events.
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    The City of Edinburgh Council passed a resolution in terms of Section 9 of the Act to the effect that Sections 10 to 23 of the Act shall have effect throughout the city and that licences shall be required for taxis and Private Hire Cars as from 1 July 1984 (The City of Edinburgh Taxi and Private Hire Car Driving Resolution 1983 In terms of current Council policy, Taxis, Private Hire Cars and Special Events Vehicles are required to comply with the City of Edinburgh Council’s Licensing Conditions for Taxis and Private Hire Cars (PHC) and Taxi and Private Hire Drivers, in particular: • Schedule A - Conditions of Fitness for Taxis (Appendix 1)... Schedule B - Conditions of Fitness for Private Hire Cars (Appendix 2) • Schedule A - Conditions of fitness of Special Event Private Hire Cars (Appendix 3) To comply with licensing conditions, drivers are required to present their vehicles to the council for inspection on an annual, six-monthly or on request.... The City of Edinburgh Council are fully entitled to apply standards that are higher than those of an MoT. 1.13 In the event that matters cannot be resolved the matter should be referred to The Licensing Service Manager, City Chambers, 249 High Street Edinburgh EH1 1YJ Page 24 of 25 Appendix 4 - Insurance Write-Off Categories and Policy Car insurance write-off categories explained.
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    Currie Community High School Site Overview Existing School Building Woodlands School View from the west site entrance Space for future community use Woodlands Car Park School + Community Parking Playing fields (grass) Entrance plaza Woodland Paths Student Courtyard 3G pitch Woodlands School MAIN ENTRANCE EXISTING PEDESTRIAN ROUTE RETAINED O n l i n e : h t t p s : //c o n s u l t a t i o n h u b . e d i n b u r g h . g o v. u k /c f /c u r r i e h i g h r e d e v e l o p m e n t b y e m a i l : w a v e 4 s c h o o l s @ e d i n b u r g h . g o v. u k B e f o r e : 2 1s t M a y 2 0 2 1 LET US KNOW WHAT YOU TIHINK 1 2 3 1 2 3 Bike Store NEW SCHOOL BUILDING Existing Site Proposed site plan highlighting main features Currie Community High School Key Site Landscaping Features Grass pitches, athletics track, mounds and seating terraces 3G pitch suitable for use for football and non- competitive hockey.
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    H96 H79 O PP80 H83 H82 O PP81 H76 H84 Del 4 HSG 31 BGN32 BGN33 BGN17 BGN16 WE20 WE16 WE19 WE13 WE15WE11 ATPR49 ATP R29 ATPR32 ATPR12 AT PR 31 ATSG17 ATSG 5 T1 ATPR33 PT7 PT4 PT5 TR10 ATSR 12 ATSR6 ATSR11 Place 21 Place 18 BGN50 ED10 Ratho Currie Balerno Baberton Saughton Hermiston Kingsknowe South Gyle Wester Hailes Juniper Green South West Env 1-12, Env 14-17, Env 19-21, Env 23-38, Inf 1-8, Inf 10, Inf 12, Inf 14 Inf 16, Inf 18-19, Inf 21-22, Re 1, Re 7- 8, Re 11, Hou 2-7, Econ 1, 3, 7 Th e City of Edinb u rg h Cou ncil Bou ndary Gene ral plan - wide policie s Inf 3, Inf 4, Inf 11, Table 4Active Trave l Proposals re la ting to Deve lopm e nt site s Inf 3, Inf 4, Inf 10,Table 5Active Trave l Sa fe g u a rds - local connections/Entry pointsk Active Trave l Mobility Hu bQ Inf 6 – 8, Inf 12, Table s 4, 8 Exisiting Tram Rou te Inf 3-4, Inf 11,Table 7 Pu blic Transport O th e r Sa fe g u a rds (PTSG 1-3) Inf 3, Inf 4, Inf 11, Table 10 Tram Rou te Sa fe g u a rd Proposal and O ption Sa fe g u a rds (TR1-11) Inf 11, Table 7 Local Na tu re Re se rve Env 21 Inte rna tional and National Na tu ral He rita g e Desig na tion (Na tu ra 2000 Site and/or SSSI) Env 21 Desig na ted Conse rva tion Are a Env 13, Env 14 Env 16Sch edu led Ancie nt Monu m e nt(including Union Canal) Env 15Historic Garde n / Desig ned Landscape - Inventory Site Env 18Gre e n Be lt !
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    R5 R6 R7 R8 R9 H63 H96 H61 H62 H59 H79 O PP80 H65 O PP60 O PP64 H29 O PP67 H69O PP68 H70 O PP66 Del 4 HSG 19 HSG 32 HSG 1 HSG 19 HSG 5 HSG 19 HSG 7 HSG 19 HSG 19 HSG 19 BGN8 BGN4 BGN48 BGN48 BGN48 BGN48 BGN48 BGN31 BGN16 ATSG1 ATSG 5 East of Milb u rn Towe r Broom h ou se Te rrace WE2 WE20 WE19 WE7 WE16 WE27 WE29WE36 W E3 4 WE15 W E23 WE9 WE18 WE13 WE4 W E22 WE10 W E24 W E25 W E32 WE 12 WE33 W E6 W E11 WE17 WE5 WE 8 W E3 WE22 WE1 WE40WE39 WE38 WE38 WE38 WE28 WE31 T1 ATPR33 PT4 PT1 PT5 PT6 PT7 R4 R3 TR10 ATSR4 AT SR 6 BGN26 BGN55 BGN52 BGN53 BGN56 BGN54 T 11 T 13 T 17 T 19 T 12 T 18 PTSG1 PTS G1 ED16 ED17 ED14 ED13 ED10 ED11 BGN49 Ratho Airport Barnton Dalmeny Cramond Saughton Drumbrae Newbridge Port Edgar South Gyle Kirkliston East Craigs Silverknowes Corstorphine Carrick KnoweRatho Station South Queensferry North West Env 1-12, Env 14-17, Env 19-21, Env 23-38, Inf 1-8, Inf 10, Inf 12, Inf 14 Inf 16, Inf 18-19, Inf 21-22, Re 1, Re 7- 8, Re 11, Hou 2-7, Econ 1, 3, 7 Th e City of Edinb u rg h Cou ncil Bou ndary Gene ral plan - wide policie s Inf 3, Inf 4, Inf 11, Table 4Active Trave l Proposals re la ting to Deve lopm e nt site s Inf 3, Inf 4, Inf 10,Table 5Active Trave l Sa fe g u a rds - local connections/Entry pointsk Active Trave l Mobility Hu bQ Inf 6 – 8, Inf 12, Table s 4, 8 Exisiting Tram Rou te Inf 3-4, Inf 11,Table 7 Pu blic Transport O th e r Sa fe g u a rds (PTSG 1-3) Inf 3, Inf 4, Inf 11, Table 10 Tram Rou te Sa fe g u a rd Proposal and O ption Sa fe g u a rds (TR1-11) Inf 11, Table 7 Local Na tu re Re se rve Env 21 Inte rna tional and National Na tu ral He rita g e Desig na tion (Na tu ra 2000 Site and/or SSSI) Env 21 Desig na ted Conse rva tion Are a Env 13, Env 14 Env 16Sch edu led Ancie nt Monu m e nt(including Union Canal) Env 15Historic Garde n / Desig ned Landscape - Inventory Site Env 18Gre e n Be lt !
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    k Proposals Map designations and relevant policies and proposals in the Written Statement (SCH 1-3, SCH 6-10) (SCH 4-5) (HSG 1 - HSG 41) (Emp 2-8) Greenspace Proposal Table 1(GS1-11) Edinburgh Waterfront (EW 1d&e) Table 2, Del 3, Emp 8 Town Centre (including City Centre Retail Core) Table 6, Ret 2, Ret 3, Ret 9, Emp 1 Local Centre Table 6, Ret 5, Ret 9, Emp 1 Safeguard for Potential Relocation of Royal Highland Centre Emp 5 Special Economic Area Table 2, Emp 2-8 Business and Industry Area Emp 8, RS 3 Strategic Business Centre Emp 1 Table 5Indicative School Proposal Table 5School Proposal Housing Proposal Tables 3 & 4, Hou 1 Pentland Hills Regional Park Env 17 Open Space Env 18, Env 19 Area of Importance for Flood Management Env 21 Local Nature Reserve Env 15 Local Nature Conservation Site Env 15 International and National Natural Heritage Designation (Natura 2000 Site and/or SSSI) Env 13, Env 14 Env 11 Env 10 Env 10 Env 7 Env 8 Designated Conservation Area Env 5, Env 6 World Heritage Site Env 1 Edinburgh Park/South Gyle Del 4, Emp 1 Del 2, Emp 1, Ret 7, Tra 5 Urban Area - refers to all LDP area outwith the Green Belt and Countryside Policy Area Emp 1, Emp 9-10, Hou 8, Ret 6, RS 3 (CC1) Table 10 (CC2-4) Table 3, Table 10, Hou 1 (EW 1a-c, EW 2a-d) Del 3, Hou 1, Ret 7 Del 1; Des 1-13; Env 2-4, Env 7-9, Env 12, Env 16; Env 18 -22; Hou 1-7; Hou 9 -10; Ret 1, Ret 6, Ret 8, Ret10 -11; Tra 1-4, Tra 6, Tra 8-9, Tra 11; RS 1, RS 4, RS 6 - RS 7 The City of Edinburgh Council Boundary General plan - wide policies City Centre Proposal !