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    Other Expenses Date Time of Departure Time of Arrival Sub Total £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 Rate £0.45 £0.24 £0.20 £0.05 Cash Value of Mileage Claim £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 Child M 2018 - 2019 Expenditure Members Name M Child Current Position Held Vice Convener - Planning Council Duties - Expenses Journey Details Detailed Description of Approved Duty Expense Items or details of Journey Car Mileage Motor Cycle Mileage Bicycle Mileage Passenger Mileage Subsistence Other Travel etc.... Other Expenses Date Time of Departure Time of Arrival Sub Total 0 0 0 0 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 Rate £0.45 £0.24 £0.20 £0.05 Cash Value of Mileage Claim £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 Gardiner N 2018 - 2019 Expenditure Members Name N Gardiner Current Position Held Convener - Planning Council Duties - Expenses Journey Details Detailed Description of Approved Duty Expense Items or details of Journey Car Mileage Motor Cycle Mileage Bicycle Mileage Passenger Mileage Subsistence Other Travel etc.... Other Expenses Apr-07 Date Time of Departure Time of Arrival May-07 19 Jun 2018 Information Event - Dundee Rail Fare £28.30 27 Jul 2018 Good Food Nation Meeting Glasgow 115 11 Aug 2018 Food Standard Commission Consultation Dundee 138 24 Aug 2018 Grow Your Own Steering Group - Beautiful Scotland Stirling 78 04 May 2018 Annual Bus Pass - Paid by CEC £665.00 Mar 18 - Mar 19 Contract Taxi Charge £468.14 Apr 18 - Mar 19 Mobile Phone £103.43 Sub Total 331 0 0 0 £0.00 £1,161.44 £103.43 Rate £0.45 £0.24 £0.20 £0.05 Cash Value of Mileage Claim £148.95 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 Conference/Visit - Expenses Journey Details Detailed Description of Approved Duty Expense Items or details of Journey Car Mileage Motor Cycle Mileage Bicycle Mileage Passenger Mileage Subsistence Other Travel etc.
  • Https://

    Other Expenses Date Time of Departure Time of Arrival Sub Total £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 Rate £0.45 £0.24 £0.20 £0.05 Cash Value of Mileage Claim £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 Child M 2018 - 2019 Expenditure Members Name M Child Current Position Held Vice Convener - Planning Council Duties - Expenses Journey Details Detailed Description of Approved Duty Expense Items or details of Journey Car Mileage Motor Cycle Mileage Bicycle Mileage Passenger Mileage Subsistence Other Travel etc.... Other Expenses Date Time of Departure Time of Arrival Sub Total 0 0 0 0 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 Rate £0.45 £0.24 £0.20 £0.05 Cash Value of Mileage Claim £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 Gardiner N 2018 - 2019 Expenditure Members Name N Gardiner Current Position Held Convener - Planning Council Duties - Expenses Journey Details Detailed Description of Approved Duty Expense Items or details of Journey Car Mileage Motor Cycle Mileage Bicycle Mileage Passenger Mileage Subsistence Other Travel etc.... Other Expenses Apr-07 Date Time of Departure Time of Arrival May-07 19 Jun 2018 Information Event - Dundee Rail Fare £28.30 27 Jul 2018 Good Food Nation Meeting Glasgow 115 11 Aug 2018 Food Standard Commission Consultation Dundee 138 24 Aug 2018 Grow Your Own Steering Group - Beautiful Scotland Stirling 78 04 May 2018 Annual Bus Pass - Paid by CEC £665.00 Mar 18 - Mar 19 Contract Taxi Charge £468.14 Apr 18 - Mar 19 Mobile Phone £103.43 Sub Total 331 0 0 0 £0.00 £1,161.44 £103.43 Rate £0.45 £0.24 £0.20 £0.05 Cash Value of Mileage Claim £148.95 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 Conference/Visit - Expenses Journey Details Detailed Description of Approved Duty Expense Items or details of Journey Car Mileage Motor Cycle Mileage Bicycle Mileage Passenger Mileage Subsistence Other Travel etc.
  • Your Civil Marriage Ceremony in Edinburgh

    Consent to Declarations Usual Wording We are not here simply as an audience today, the presence of all of you to witness this event is important to ….......…. and ….......…..
  • Notice of meeting and agenda

    In this event it is the responsibility of the householder to remove the incorrect items, and present the bin or box on the next collection day.
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    In the event of a failure to reach agreement both parties reserve the right to terminate this local agreement by giving four months notice in writing.
  • Notice of meeting and agenda

    In this event it is the responsibility of the householder to remove the incorrect items, and present the bin or box on the next collection day.
  • Your Civil Marriage Ceremony in Edinburgh

    Consent to Declarations Usual Wording We are not here simply as an audience today, the presence of all of you to witness this event is important to …......…. and …......…..
  • Your Civil Marriage Ceremony in Edinburgh

    Consent to Declarations Usual Wording We are not here simply as an audience today, the presence of all of you to witness this event is important to …......…. and …......…..
  • CHOISS CLG as submitted

    c) To advise in relation to, prepare, organise, conduct and / or support training courses, educational and training events and activities of all kinds.... Minimum number of members 30 The minimum number of members is 20; and at least three quarters of the members must, at all times, be Full Members. 31 In the event that either or both of the requirements under article 30 cease to be met through a reduction in the number of members or a reduction in the proportion of Full Members included within the membership, the directors may not conduct any business other than to ensure the admission of sufficient members (or, as the case may be, Full Members) to ensure that those requirements are met once more.
  • PowerPoint Presentation

    Economic Output Source: Scottish Government GDP monthly estimates; SG Quarterly Output growth; -0.5 -0.6 -7.5 -23.5-21.5 -17.2 -11.2 -7.7 -6.6 -6.4 -6.2 -6.7 -9.1 -7.7 1.3 24.622.8 17.9 9.4 Ja n -2 0 F e b -2 0 M a r- 2 0 A p r- 2 0 M a y- 2 0 Ju n -2 0 Ju l- 2 0 A u g -2 0 S e p -2 0 O ct -2 0 N o v- 2 0 D e c- 2 0 Ja n -2 1 F e b -2 1 M a r- 2 1 A p r- 2 1 M a y- 2 1 Ju n -2 1 Ju l- 2 1 Percentage change in Scottish monthly GDP, latest month compared to 12 months ago 0.0 -0.3 -6.8 -17.2 2.4 5.0 7.5 3.9 1.9 0.7 -1.0 -0.7 -2.5 1.2 2.3 1.9 0.9 0.8 -0.2 Ja n -2 0 F e b -2 0 M a r- 2 0 A p r- 2 0 M a y- 2 0 Ju n -2 0 Ju l- 2 0 A u g -2 0 S e p -2 0 O ct -2 0 N o v- 2 0 D e c- 2 0 Ja n -2 1 F e b -2 1 M a r- 2 1 A p r- 2 1 M a y- 2 1 Ju n -2 1 Ju l- 2 1 Percentage change in Scottish monthly GDP, latest month compared to previous month 1.4 0.5 0.5 0.6 -2.9 -20.7 -8.5 -6.4 -5.3 21.7 1.7 1.5 1.4 1.2 -2.2 -21.4 -8.5 -7.3 -6.1 22.2 -30.0 -20.0 -10.0 0.0 10.0 20.0 30.0 % change in GDP (quarter on same quarter a year ago) Scotland UK Scotland’s economy returning to the size it was in February 2020 • Scotland’s economy has continued to recover gradually from the pandemic events and the immediate effect of the public health based restrictions in early 2020... Scottish Business Formation Source: UK Gov Companies House; ONS Business Demography Note: Due to the set of easements from Company house, and the pausing of compulsory dissolutions since April 2020 the effective number of companies on the register was used for this analysis. 4 ,2 8 0 6 ,2 8 5 5 ,8 5 0 5 ,0 7 5 4 ,4 7 5 5 ,6 8 0 3 ,6 1 0 4 ,2 6 0 5 ,1 0 5 6 ,3 2 0 5 ,0 0 0 4 ,6 4 0 4 ,5 7 0 4 ,9 1 5 5 ,8 4 5 4 ,8 1 0 4 ,3 7 5 5 ,9 7 5 4 ,5 1 0 4 ,5 6 0 5 ,4 6 0 6 ,5 9 5 6 ,5 2 0 5 ,8 7 5 Q4 2018 Q1 2019 Q2 2019 Q3 2019 Q4 2019 Q1 2020 Q2 2020 Q3 2020 Q4 2020 Q1 2021 Q2 2021 Q3 2021 N u m b e r o f B u si n e ss b ir th / d e a th s Business Births and Deaths in Scotland Business Births Business deaths 1 9 3 ,2 6 2 1 9 5 ,5 9 3 1 9 6 ,7 3 8 1 9 9 ,1 4 2 2 0 1 ,0 2 6 2 0 3 ,0 6 9 2 0 4 ,8 3 5 2 0 6 ,5 9 2 2 0 7 ,4 7 9 2 0 9 ,0 6 7 2 0 9 ,4 2 3 2 1 5 ,0 7 3 2 1 7 ,3 6 9 2 1 9 ,6 3 4 2 2 0 ,1 8 2 2 1 9 ,4 0 9 Registered companies in Scotland at end of each quarter 1 .3 1 .4 1 .2 1 .2 0 .6 1 .1 0 .3 4 .0 1 .6 1 .6 0 .4 -0 .5 1 .4 1 .8 1 .5 1 .7 0 .6 1 .5 1 .4 5 .3 3 .2 3 .4 0 .4 0 .6 % change quarter on quarter of Registered companies in Scotland and UK Scotland UK UK Businesses trading in 2020 2021 reported negative turnover • The impact of the coronavirus pandemic and other events on UK businesses and the economy was covered by a voluntary fortnightly business survey.