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    The community would like to work with the Council on a masterplan to benefit everyone 4) Planning Position − David Cooper gave an update on the planning position.... A statement has been circulated to the community on the planning process.... − ACTION: David Cooper to recirculate the statement on the planning process
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    All developments must meet the ESSENTIAL criteria to comply with the Local Development Plan.... If a development fails to address all of the essential requirements, planning permission may be refused.... v.

    The plan was approved by the Edinburgh Partnership, subject to Education Scotland’s endorsement of the strengthened KPI’s.... Annual updates will show changes with trends emerging after three years. 5 Actions in the CLD Plan: Discussion held on actions within the plan. 6 Integrated Impact Assessment of the CLD Plan 2018 -21: A draft Integrated Impact Assessment was circulated for comment prior to today’s meeting.... Discussion was held on translation of the plan into a range of formats.
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    The community would like to work with the Council on a masterplan to benefit everyone 4) Planning Position − David Cooper gave an update on the planning position.... A statement has been circulated to the community on the planning process.... − ACTION: David Cooper to recirculate the statement on the planning process
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    Trees covered by Tree Preservation Orders - prior consent must be given by the Planning Authority.... Trees may also be protected by conditions of a planning permission.... You can view the conditions of a planning permission by searching the Planning Portal for the relevant planning application.
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    The management plan informs a separate action plan... The management plan informs a separate action plan.... Planning and Transport, PLACE.
  • 2019 Dev in the. countryside & green belt

    Planning Permission Some new buildings, alterations or changes of use   require planning permission.  ... You can apply for  planning permission at Acceptance of the principle of a use or development does not mean  that planning permission will always be granted.
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    Review of Air Quality Action Plan... The management plan informs a separate action plan.... Planning and Transport, PLACE.
  • Notification of Initiation of Development

    Notification of Initiation of Development This notice must be submitted before you intend to start work which has planning permission.... Failure to do so is a breach of planning control under S123(1) of the Town and Country Planning (Scot) Act 1997 as amended by the Planning etc (Scot) Act 2006.... If your answer is no, please give the owner’s details below f Full name g Postal address h Contact telephone number i Email address 2 SITE AGENT/CONTRACTOR DETAILS a Full name b Postal address c Contact telephone number d Email address NOTIFICATION OF INITIATION OF DEVELOPMENT 3 APPLICATION DETAILS a Reference number b Address or location of development c Date on which planning permission granted d Intended start date for initiation of development PLEASE NOTE THAT SUSPENSIVE CONDITIONS SHOULD BE DISCHARGED PRIOR TO STARTING THE DEVELOPMENT SIGNATURE OF APPLICANT/AGENT DATE v.
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    Moving and Handling Training Flowchart M&H TRAINING REQUESTS: Moving & Handling (M&H) Training Requests are submitted to the ASL Service Healthcare mailbox Training Arrangements: · Establishment to suggest x3 dates for the training · ASL Service to link Establishment with training provider over email, including copy of the M&H Risk Assessment and Plan and proposed dates · Establishment and training provider to agree arrangements for the training session [NB Establishments must ensure adequate space is available for the training to take place] NO – there is no M&H Risk Assessment and Plan in place · School to submit Form 10a (found here ASL health care planning – The City of Edinburgh Council) to the ASL Service Healthcare mailbox · School to ask therapists involved with the child/ young person to complete M&H Risk Assessment and Plan · School to submit the M&H Risk Assessment and Plan to the ASL Healthcare Mailbox and note number of staff who require training YES – there is a M&H Risk Assessment and Plan in place · School to ask therapists to check over and make any required amendments to the M&H Risk Assessment and Plan · School to submit the M&H Risk Assessment and Plan to the ASL Healthcare Mailbox and note number of staff requiring training Is this request for a pupil who has a Moving and Handling (M&H) Risk Assessment and Plan in place already?