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    This means that everyone involved with a situation can more easily share a single plan which measures the progress towards common goals.... Using the Edinburgh Wellbeing Outcomes When you come to record a plan in the course of your work with a child or young person, here’s what to do: • Decide on the issues that are causing concern or require planning to make progress • Decide how you would like things to be when things are progressing positively and record this as the personalised outcome on the Child’s Plan.... Remember that many of the actions that are planned to support these outcomes will continue to refer to things that adults will do, e.g. in the example above, one of the actions recorded in the plan linked to this outcome might be, “John’s dad will ensure there is cereal in the house every day”.

    THE EDINBURGH PARTNERSHIP BOARD EDINBURGH PARTNERSHIP BOARD Meeting Thursday 7 December 2017 Time 14.00 – 16.30 Venue European Room, City Chambers AGENDA v2 C = Consent Item Item Owner Welcome, Apologies and Introductions 1 C Minutes of 28 September 2017 for approval Chair Matters Arising: 1.1 EP Communications Jo McStay 1.2 Stronger North – update and proposal Cllr Cammy Day EP Community Plan – Local Outcomes Improvement Plan 2018-2023 2 LOIP Progress Update – report Jo McStay Edinburgh Partnership – Community Plan 2015/18 Economy delivers increased investment, jobs, and opportunities for all Andrew Kerr 3 City Deal update – verbal Citizens experience improved health and wellbeing, with reduced inequalities in health 4 HSC Strategic Plan and Partnership update – report and presentation Cllr Ricky Henderson Children and young people enjoy their childhood and fulfil their potential 5 Edinburgh College Strategic Plan – to endorse – report Alex Craig Edinburgh’s communities are safer and have improved physical and social fabric 6 Edinburgh’s Affordable Housing Partnership - presentation Keith Anderson EP - Locality Working 7 Locality Improvement Plans 2017/22 – link to 5 December Culture and Communities Committee paper Paul Lawrence EP – Governance, Joint Planning, Resourcing and Risk Management 8 Edinburgh Partnership protocols – update – verbal Jo McStay 9 Review and Consultation – Community Planning Governance – report Paul Lawrence Local and National Updates 10 City Vision 2050 update – verbal Andrew Kerr Any Other Business 11 CPP Community Empowerment Action Learning Programme Jo McStay Date of Next Meeting 12 Thursday 8 March 2018, 14.00 – 16.30 Venue TBA Preceded by Lunch Presentation
  • Short-Term Let Statutory Notice

    Short-Term Let Statutory Notice THE CITY OF EDINBURGH COUNCIL THE TOWN AND COUNTRY PLANNING (SCOTLAND) ACT 1997 THE TOWN AND COUNTRY PLANNING (SHORT-TERM LET CONTROL AREAS) (SCOTLAND) REGULATIONS 2021 NOTICE OF DESIGNATION OF A SHORT-TERM LET CONTROL AREA The City of Edinburgh Council hereby gives Notice, under Regulation 9 of The Town and Country Planning (Short-Term Let Control Areas) (Scotland) Regulations 2021, that the whole of the City of Edinburgh Council area is to be designated as a Short-term Let Control Area for the purposes of Section 26B of the Town and Country Planning (Scotland) Act 1997.... Upon the designation taking effect, use of an entire dwelling that is not a principal home, as a short- term let will be a material change of use requiring planning permission, in accordance with Section 26B of the Town and Country Planning (Scotland) Act 1997 and The Town and Country Planning (Short-Term Let Control Areas) (Scotland) Regulations 2021.... Dated: 5 August 2022 Signature: David Givan Chief Planning Officer The City of Edinburgh Council Waverley Court 4 East Market Street Edinburgh, EH8 8BG

    THE EDINBURGH PARTNERSHIP BOARD EDINBURGH PARTNERSHIP BOARD Meeting Thursday 28 September 2017 Time 14:30 – 16:30 (lunch and lunchtime presentation from 1330 – 1415) Venue European Room, City Chambers, High Street, Edinburgh AGENDA C = Consent Item Item Owner Welcome, Apologies and Introductions 1 C Minutes of i) 30 March and ii) 15 June 2017 for approval Chair Matters Arising: 1.1 Draft Edinburgh Partnership Protocols Nick Croft Edinburgh Partnership - Locality Working 2 Locality Improvement Plans - report Paul Lawrence 3 Open Data and Living Lab - verbal Cat McGill / Sally Kerr Edinburgh Partnership - Community Plan/Local Outcome Improvement Plan 2018/23 4 Progress Update - presentation Nick Croft Edinburgh Partnership – Community Plan 2015/18 Economy delivers increased investment, jobs, and opportunities for all 5 New Economy Strategy – progress and next steps - verbal Laurence Rockey / Paul Lawrence Citizens experience improved health and wellbeing, with reduced inequalities in health 6 Edinburgh’s Alcohol Strategy 2017-2022 - report Nick Smith Nick Smith Children and young people enjoy their childhood and fulfil their potential 7 Delivering the Edinburgh Children’s Services Plan 2017/20 - report Shulah Allan Edinburgh’s communities are safer and have improved physical and social fabric 8 Local Fire Plan for Edinburgh - report Kenny Rogers 9 Proposed Changes to Edinburgh Community Learning and Development Partnership - report John Heywood EP – Governance, Joint Planning, Resourcing and Risk Management 10 Future of ESOL Funding - verbal John Heywood / Nick Croft Local and National Updates 11 C Edinburgh Local Development Plan – Update David Leslie Any Other Business 12 Forward Programme of Board Dates 2018 and 2019 - report Nick Croft Date of Next Meeting 13 Thursday 7 December 2017, 14.00 – 16.30, European Room, City Chambers.
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    This means that everyone involved with a situation can more easily share a single plan which measures the progress towards common goals.... Using the Edinburgh Wellbeing Outcomes When you come to record a plan in the course of your work with a child or young person, here’s what to do: • Decide on the issues that are causing concern or require planning to make progress • Decide how you would like things to be when things are progressing positively and record this as the personalised outcome on the Child’s Plan.... Remember that many of the actions that are planned to support these outcomes will continue to refer to things that adults will do, e.g. in the example above, one of the actions recorded in the plan linked to this outcome might be, “John’s dad will ensure there is cereal in the house every day”.
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    If you are planning to sell your empty home, you will need to know how much it is worth.... You might want to look into getting planning consent or building warrants for any work.... Full details can be found online at www.edinburgh. You can also contact the council’s planning helpdesk at planning@ or by telephone on 0131 529 3550 You can get this document on tape, in Braille, large print and various computer formats if you ask us.
  • 189 Pollock entry.indd

    This L-plan baronial building is all ‘… pious texts and cherub corbels, beautifully carved’ (Gifford 637).... The OS Town Plan of 1845-53 shows the house plan and garden layout in great detail (at 1:500 scale) with a short drive from Dalkeith Road and sinuous paths on the east and north of the house leading to a seat, a bower, a summer house and a monument, with dense trees and shrubbery near the road and more open planting elsewhere.... Generally the landscape planting is of such a wide variety that it is difficult to summarise and is of consistently high quality and visual interest, planned for displays throughout the seasons.
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    It was agreed that the Scottish Wildlife Trust’s Head of Policy and Planning would be the programme director and that a programme board would advise on and oversee the development and implementation of the programme plan.... The programme board has been responsible for finalising and approving the programme plan.... Work with planning department to produce a policy statement on the ecosystem approach and planning in Edinburgh N/A 1,5 9.
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    This context should be considered in conjunction with the relevant Local Development Plan policies and planning guidance.... Management - legislation, policies and guidance Planning guidance More detailed, subject-specific guidance is set out in Planning Guidance documents.... Trees Trees within Conservation Areas are covered by the Town and Country Planning (Scotland) Act 1997 as amended by the Planning (etc) Act 2006.
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    It is intended that Character Appraisals will guide the local planning authority in making planning decisions and, where opportunities arise, preparing enhancement proposals.... Under Article 4 of the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) (Scotland) Order 1992, the planning authority can seek approval of the Scottish Ministers for Directions that restrict permitted development rights.... The planning authority must be given six weeks notice of the intention to uproot, fell or lop trees.