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  • 164 Rutland Sq entry.indd

    There are also extant feuing plans from 1819 and 1836 showing the property layout and the central green space.... A modern topographic survey has been prepared (2007) organised by Richard Shorter Architects for The Rutland Square and Street Association in connection with a Conservation Plan and restoration proposals.... FUTURE MANAGEMENT POTENTIAL A Conservation Plan has been prepared together with proposals for reinstatement of the plinth, railings and gates, and for associated landscape works.
  • Craig Hi CACA color

    It is intended that Character Appraisals will guide the local planning authority in making planning decisions and, where opportunities arise, preparing enhancement proposals.... Plans were drawn up by Robert Morham and work commenced in May 1897.... Plans will be prepared to protect and enhance these sites
  • ratho CACA.pdf

    It is intended that Character Appraisals will guide the local planning authority in making planning decisions and, where opportunities arise, preparing enhancement proposals.... Under Article 4 of the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) (Scotland) Order 1992, the planning authority can seek approval of the Scottish Executive for Directions that restrict permitted development rights.... The planning authority must be given six weeks notice of the intention to uproot, fell or lop trees.

    marked Area A2 on the attached plans) Quality Street All that part of the carriageway on west side of Quality Street from the intersection of the extended south kerbline of East Barnton Gardens and the west kerbline of Quality Street for a distance of 19.58 metres or thereby southwards and which has a width that varies from 0 metres or thereby to 2.84 metres of thereby.... marked Area A4 on the attached plans) All as the lengths of roads are shown in sawtooth hatching on the plan annexed and executed as relative to the Order.... marked Area B3 on the attached plan) All as the lengths of roads are shown in sawtooth hatching on the plan annexed and executed as relative to the Order.
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    Trees covered by Tree Preservation Orders - prior consent must be given by the Planning Authority.... Trees may also be protected by conditions of a planning permission.... You can view the conditions of a planning permission by searching the Planning Portal for the relevant planning application.
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    LAAC / LAC Living with, Care Experienced, Looked After Absconder / MP / Misper Run away, go missing, not coming home on time, walked out Birth or Biological Parents / Natural Parents First family, First mummy or daddy, Parents, family, mum & dad, tummy mummy Child’s Plan Your plan, Next Steps Contact Family time, your plans to see or keeping in touch with family, seeing or meeting up with my/ your Dad/Mum/Grandma/Sister/ Brother etc.... Continuing Care Stay put, remain, plan for after you are 18 Foster Carers We will ask you what you call them – might be; my family, Foster Mum, Foster Dad, People who care about me, my new family, or just their names Kinship Carers We will ask you what they should be called – might be; my family, gran, granddad, auntie etc. or use their names LAC Review / LAAC Review Your meeting, your planning meeting, your review, a looked after child review LAC Visit / Statutory Visit Home Visit, Visit to see you, social work visit Leaving Care Moving on, moving house, becoming independent Minutes Notes, written notes of what was said today, what we agreed today, what was decided today Placement Your home/ your house / where you live Pathway Plan Your future planning; moving on plan; your plans for the future Peers Your friends, people your age Placement Breakdown / Placement Breakdown Meeting Things didn’t work out with your previous carers, things became a bit difficult and you had to move Respite Short breaks, short stay, sleepover Rehab / rehabilitation Going back to live with your family; Going back home, back to mums/dads/ gran’s etc.
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    Within School/Establishment Planning (needs can be met at school level - Pathway 1 - within class, Pathway 2 - within school / cluster resources) Complete the table below if there are immediate actions that can be taken to meet the identified wellbeing concerns without needing to create a child's / young person's plan. ... If after reviewing these actions, the wellbeing concerns remain, a multi-agency child's / young person's plan will be required.... Multi-Agency Level (Pathway 3 & 4) Child's/Young Person's Plan and Minute of Meeting If a child's/young person's plan is required to be developed involving multi-agencies, in order to meet the identified wellbeing concerns please record below.
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    It is intended that Character Appraisals will guide the local planning authority in making planning decisions and, where opportunities arise, preparing enhancement proposals.... The building is a 2 storey, 5-bay asymmetrical square-plan Jacobethan villa with ogee gables and square- plan tower to the rear... The Local Plan contains relevant policy advice on a range of matters.
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    This context should be considered in conjunction with the relevant Local Development Plan (LDP) policies and planning guidance.... A two storey near T-plan Arts and Crafts house.... Trees within Conservation Areas are covered by the Town and Country Planning (Scotland) Act 1997 as amended by the Planning Act 2006.
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    It is intended that Character Appraisals will guide the local planning authority in making planning decisions and, where opportunities arise, preparing enhancement proposals.... However, its village character is clearly discernible not only in plan but also in townscape differences.... The planning authority must be given six weeks notice of the intention to uproot, fell or lop trees.