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    The headteacher had established detailed, responsive termly and weekly planning.... These forward plans were now much more responsive to learners’ needs.... The current improvement plan had had a positive impact on the work of the school.
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    The staff had been involved in planning using Curriculum for Excellence experiences and outcomes.... In the nursery, staff had made some good progress in developing new planning approaches and formats.... The current improvement plan had had a positive impact on the work of the school.
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    All relevant staff and, where appropriate, the pupil now contributed to the individual support plans.... These strategies were reviewed in a planned manner to evaluate progression and effectiveness.... The current improvement plan had had a steady impact on the work of 4 the school.
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    This processing agreement is not legal binding Applicants should refer to the Edinburgh Planning Concordat.... This document sets out how developers, community councils and the planning authority can work together early at the pre-application stage to achieve good placemaking.... The case officer will monitor the key dates in this planning processing agreement and issue a revised version to the applicant where amendments are required.
  • Unit 3 East Hermiston Business Park Final

    Li ce n ce N u m b e r 1 0 0 0 1 7 3 0 2 Planning Applicants must wholly satisfy themselves as to any planning requirements relating to their proposed use by contacting the Council’s Planning Section at Waverley Court, 4 East Market Street, Edinburgh, EH8 8BG.... They can also be contacted by telephone on 0131 529 3550 or emailed at The text, photographs and plans a re for guidance only and are not necessarily comprehensive.
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    The majority of schools are planning to offer two full days in school per week, based on 50% occupancy.... There is also an additional level of planning and preparation required to manage any transitions.... We envisage that individual school plans will be shared with you in draft form from 15th June, with the understanding that 2 these plans are subject to change in line with Scottish Government Guidance and Health Protection Scotland advice.
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    Children at all stages had opportunities to plan and have ownership of their learning.... Staff had a clearer plan of how they were moving forward with Curriculum for Excellence.... Individualised educational plan targets are becoming more child friendly and pupil support assistants are involved in the planning stages and attend child planning meetings.
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    Children at all stages had opportunities to plan and have ownership of their learning.... Staff had a clearer plan of how they were moving forward with Curriculum for Excellence.... Individualised educational plan targets are becoming more child friendly and pupil support assistants are involved in the planning stages and attend child planning meetings.
  • Shandon.pdf

    The Council also produces supplementary planning guidance on a range of development control issues.... Under Article 4 of the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) (Scotland) Order 1992, the planning authority can seek approval of the Scottish Executive for Directions that restrict permitted development rights.... The planning authority must be given six weeks notice of the intention to uproot, fell or top trees.
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    It is intended that Character Appraisals will guide the local planning authority in making planning decisions and, where opportunities arise, preparing enhancement proposals.... The Local Plan contains policy advice on a range of matters.... The planning authority must be given six weeks notice of the intention to uproot, fell or lop trees.