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    Dr, Mr, Mrs, Ms etc) Forename Names Surname Contact Address House name Street number Flat no Street name City/County Postcode Contact Phone No Mobile Phone No Contact email address Date of Birth Age Place of Birth 2 Created 15.09.21 – v2 PART 3 –TEMPORARY STRUCTURES– please note that if you currently have temporary structure/s in place you must apply for planning consent to extend the duration of the permit.... Planning permission must be applied for by 31 October 2021.... Please tick  Are temporary structures included within the current permit area NO YES* *see note below * you must submit your application for planning permission before the extension request can be considered – if permission is required, please provide your Planning reference number as confirmation of submission below Planning ref no: PART 4 – APPLICANT DECLARATION - I hereby make application for a temporary extension to the duration of a current Outdoor Area Permit and certify that the information given is true and correct Signature of Applicant /Agent (delete as appropriate) Date Print Name: CORRESPONDENCE DETAILS – please provide details of where all correspondence relating to this application should be sent Name address Postcode contact phone no email address Current Permit number: Current expiry date: PART 2 APPLICANT DETAILS all question must be completed your application form cannot be accepted unless every question has been completed If not applicable please enter NARow1: House name: Street number: Flat no: Street name: CityCounty: Postcode: Contact Phone No: Mobile Phone No: Contact email address: Date of Birth: Age: Place of Birth: Planning ref no: Print Name: Name: Postcode_2: contact phone no: email address: Forename Names: Surname: No: Off Yes: Off Signature of Applicant Agent: Date: address2: Title:
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    Material planning considerations are those which the Sub-Committee can take into account when making its decision.... The hearing will generally follow the Council’s arrangements as agreed by the Planning Committee on 19 May 2011.... The planning officer will give a short summary of the proposals, and each party will then be given a specified time- slot in which to succinctly present their case.
  • ll37a

    ll37a 06/12/23 PO/23/11 Page 1 of 2 TOWN AND COUNTRY PLANNING (SCOTLAND) ACT 1997 THE CITY OF EDINBURGH COUNCIL (TEMPLE PARK CRESCENT & POLWARTH PLACE, EDINBURGH) (STOPPING UP) ORDER 2023 - PO/23/11 The City of Edinburgh Council, in exercise of the powers conferred on them by section 207 of the Town and Country Planning (Scotland) Act 1997, (“the 1997 Act”) and of all other powers enabling them in that behalf, and being satisfied that it has become necessary to authorise the Stopping Up of the lengths of road specified in the Schedule to this Order to enable development to be carried out in accordance with planning permission granted under Part III of the 1997 Act, and having complied with the provisions of Section 209 of and Schedule 16 to the 1997 Act, hereby make the following Order:- 1.... marked area A on the attached plan) POLWARTH PLACE (South-West Side) All that part of the road on the south-west side of Polwarth Place from the extended north-west building line of 15 to 19 Polwarth Place, north-westwards for a distance of 2.25 metres or thereby and which has a width throughout of 2.75 metres or thereby.... marked area B on the attached plan) All as the said lengths of road are shown hatched on the plan and executed as relative to this Order.
  • ll37a

    ll37a DRAFT 19/07/23 PO/23/11 Page 1 of 2 TOWN AND COUNTRY PLANNING (SCOTLAND) ACT 1997 THE CITY OF EDINBURGH COUNCIL (TEMPLE PARK CRESCENT & POLWARTH PLACE, EDINBURGH) (STOPPING UP) ORDER 202_ - PO/23/11 The City of Edinburgh Council, in exercise of the powers conferred on them by section 207 of the Town and Country Planning (Scotland) Act 1997, (“the 1997 Act”) and of all other powers enabling them in that behalf, and being satisfied that it has become necessary to authorise the Stopping Up of the lengths of road specified in the Schedule to this Order to enable development to be carried out in accordance with planning permission granted under Part III of the 1997 Act, and having complied with the provisions of Section 209 of and Schedule 16 to the 1997 Act, hereby make the following Order:- 1.... marked area A on the attached plan) POLWARTH PLACE (South-West Side) All that part of the road on the south-west side of Polwarth Place from the extended north-west building line of 15 to 19 Polwarth Place, north-westwards for a distance of 2.25 metres or thereby and which has a width throughout of 2.75 metres or thereby.... marked area B on the attached plan) All as the said lengths of road are shown hatched on the plan and executed as relative to this Order.
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    It is intended that Character Appraisals will guide the local planning authority in making planning decisions and, where opportunities arise, preparing enhancement proposals.... This is marked by an L-plan single storey sandstone lodge house.... The planning authority must be given six weeks notice of the intention to uproot, fell or top trees.
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    Land owners may not share the aspirations of City Plan for their sites and others are at an early stage, delivery in the plan period cannot be relied upon.... Owner has no intention of releasing the land for housing in the Plan period... Not in alignment with National Planning Framework 3
  • Statutory Address Application Form

    Please complete & return to 1 APPLICANT a Full name b Postal address c Contact telephone number d Email address 2 INVOICE ADDRESS (IF DIFFERENT) a Full name b Postal address c Contact telephone number d Email address Statutory Address Application Form 3 ABOUT THE DEVELOPMENT Please provide a short description of the development and location within the street Planning Permission Reference Number Building Warrant Reference Number(s) 1.... Road Construction Consent (RCC) Reference(s) Number of residential units Number of commercial units 4 DEVELOPMENT CREATING NEW STREETS Name suggestions (only required for new streets) Justification 5 DOCUMENTATION CHECKLIST To request addresses for a new development we require the following as flattened pdfs: Location Plan Site Plan Approved plans showing position of access to individual units with plot numbers (including clear stair orientations for flatted and multi-story development) If there are multiple building warrants for the site: Site Plan indicating which plots are covered by each building warrant SIGNATURE OF APPLICANT/AGENT I certify that the information given by me in this form is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge.... Dec 2023 Full name: Postal address: Contact telephone number: Email address: Full name_2: Postal address_2: Contact telephone number_2: Email address_2: Please provide a short description of the development and location within the street: Planning Permission Reference Number: Building Warrant Reference Numbers 1 Please note your application will be returned as invalid if a building warrant reference is not provided 2 If multiple building warrants apply to the site addressing will not be finalised until all warrants are granted: Road Construction Consent RCC References: Number of residential units: Number of commercial units: Name suggestions only required for new streets: Justification: undefined_2: undefined_3: undefined_4: SIGNATURE OF APPLICANTAGENT I certify that the information given by me in this form is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge I am the legal owner or representative of the propertydevelopmentland and as such have the right to make the applicationRow1: DATERow1: Check Box2: Off Check Box3: Off Check Box4: Off Check Box5: Off
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    Response ID ANON-KU2U-GFV2-V Submitted to Choices for City Plan 2030 Submitted on 2020-03-02 15:09:55 Your information and data 1 What is your name?... Both documents (Mobility Plan and City Plan) are suitably ambitious and represent a step-change from what has gone before.... However, the recognition has often not been reflected in decisions on planning applications, or in enforcement.
  • Combined Impact Assessment: Guidance

    Title of plan, policy or strategy being assessed Temporary Classrooms in Primary Schools 2.... Please provide a summary of the communications plan.... How will you monitor how this policy, plan or strategy affects different groups, including people with protected characteristics?
  • Notice of meeting and agenda

    Workplace travel planning has recently resumed to offer local support to businesses as they move through this situation.... Workplaces are affected differently by the measures set out in Scotland’s Route Map and will each have their own future plans.... Looking ahead, there is a plan to set up resident and business focus groups.