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  • Notice of meeting and agenda

    Workplace travel planning has recently resumed to offer local support to businesses as they move through this situation.... Workplaces are affected differently by the measures set out in Scotland’s Route Map and will each have their own future plans.... Looking ahead, there is a plan to set up resident and business focus groups.
  • Industry development schedule 2018.xls

    Industry development schedule 2018.xls City of Edinburgh Industrial Development Schedule 2018 Prepared by Planning and Transport, Place, City of Edinburgh Council, March 2019 Contents Tables Summary Table 1 : Industrial developments completed between 1 January and 31 December 2018 Table 2 : Industrial developments under construction as at 31 December 2018 Table 3a : Industrial developments with planning consent in 2018 Table 3b : Industrial developments with planning consent prior to 2018 Table 4 : Industrial planning applications awaiting determination as at 31 December 2018 Table 5 : Industrial applications withdrawn or refused, and consents which expired or were superseded between 1 January and 31 December 2018 Table 6 : Loss of space as at 31 December 2018 Map of report boundaries The schedule includes a range of ‘industrial’ and ‘storage’ developments which fall into ‘class 5’ and ‘class 6’of the Use Classes (Scotland) Order.... Users should undertake their own checks before using the data in this report as an input to policy or investment decisions. 1) UNDER CONSTRUCTION 2) PLANNING PERMISSION 3) TOTAL IN THE PIPELINE (*1) Development new change refurb.... TABLE 3B : OTHER INDUSTRIAL DEVLOPMENTS WITH PLANNING CONSENT PRIOR TO 2018 APPLIC.
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    Total Too expensive 13 The size doesn’t meet my needs e.g. overcrowding 11 The layout doesn’t meet my needs e.g. not accessible 9 Concerns around safety / anti-social behaviour 2 Not my desired tenure 3 Not my preferred location 2 I am homeless 2 Other 7 If you are planning to move out of Edinburgh, what is your main reason?... Total High housing costs in Edinburgh 22 Greater housing options 0 Proximity to local facilities e.g. schools, healthcare 0 More greenspace 1 Proximity to family or friends 4 For work purposes/employment 7 For study 2 Other 5 Initial Observations on planned movement across tenure types Intentions to move into owner occupation from the rented sector (both private rent and housing association) appear to be higher amongst respondents who plan to move outwith Edinburgh than those planning to move within Edinburgh (13 vs 6).... Housing costs cited as a factor for several. 2 respondents plan to move from the PRS to mid-market rent (within Edinburgh). 3 (of 17) Council tenants plan to move (all to another social rent in Edinburgh). 11 (of 21) housing association tenants plan to move, to a range of tenures. 5 (of 8) respondents living with parents plan to move, to a range of tenures.
  • Combined Impact Assessment: Guidance

    A guide for parents outlining our expansion plan was published in January 2020. 4.... Please provide a summary of the communications plan.... within Standard & Quality Improvement Plans 14.
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    Category of total discounted cost by funding source £m LUF Funding £16.49 Other Public Sector Funding £363.51 Private Sector Funding £413.00 Total £793.00 Assumptions example - price base year Category of benefit Scenario Economic impact (£m) Edinburgh Edinburgh City Region Scotland Edinburgh Edinburgh City Region Scotland Edinburgh Edinburgh City Region Scotland Construction phase £16 £17 £24 £51 £54 £39 £162 £173 £125 …Construction impact £16 £17 £24 £51 £54 £39 £162 £173 £125 Operating phase £6 £6 £4 £61 £54 £49 £316 £287 £260 …Occupation of commercial space impact £0 £0 £0 £37 £31 £28 £176 £166 £169 …Additional household expenditure impact £5 £5 £3 £18 £15 £12 £54 £47 £37 …Visitor expenditure impact £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £67 £50 £28 …Additional Council Tax revenue £1 £1 £1 £6 £8 £9 £19 £24 £26 Total value of benefits £22 £23 £28 £112 £108 £88 £478 £460 £385 Scenario Jobs Edinburgh Edinburgh City Region Scotland Edinburgh Edinburgh City Region Scotland Edinburgh Edinburgh City Region Scotland Construction phase (PYEs) 231 240 316 800 800 600 2,700 2,800 1,900 …Construction impact 231 240 316 800 800 600 2,700 2,800 1,900 Operating phase (FTEs) 415 329 249 2,800 2,400 2,100 16,500 13,600 10,900 …Occupation of commercial space impact 0 0 0 1,300 1,100 1,000 5,800 5,200 5,200 …Additional household expenditure impact 386 291 206 1,300 1,100 800 4,200 3,500 2,600 …Visitor expenditure impact 0 0 0 0 0 0 5,900 4,200 2,300 …Additional Council Tax revenue 29 38 43 200 200 300 600 700 800 Total value of benefits 646 569 565 3,600 3,200 2,700 19,200 16,400 12,800 Full investmentDo minimum Partial investment Do minimum Partial investment Full investment Assumptions Net present value gross value added over a 40-year period Funding Sources 2021-22 2022-23 2023-24 2024-25 UKG Funding Sought £0.00 Local Authority Contribution £0.00 Third Party Contribution Total £0.00 Total £16,482,845.00 £1,831,427.00 £0.00 £18,314,272.00 Cost heading Costs (£) Date Estimated Status Pre development Procurement Q2 2021 Prelim design Q3 2021 Detailed design, statutory consents and professional fees Q4 2021 Client contingency - Gas Holder gas holder site decontamination Q3 2022 Restoration of historic structure Main contractors prelims Main overhead and profit Client contingency - Sub Total Wider Site Works Detailed Site Investigations (13,741 sqm) SI mobilisation Risk assesment Regulation liaison Remediation Implementation Retaining walls Main contractors prelims Main overhead and profit Client contingency Sub Total Client Optimism Bias and Inflation Total 18,314,272.00£ Q2 2022 Q4 2023 Q4 2022 Works Activity Estimated Date Opening Date Procurement Q2 2021 - Prelim design Q3 2021 - Detailed design - Statutory consents Finalise methodology and works contract award Q1 2022 - SI mobilisation - Detailed Site Investigations (13,741 sqm) - Risk assesment - Regulation liaison - Remediation Implementation - Removal of bell - Decontamination of bell gas chamber Localised remediation of contaminates - Ground works (cut and fill, localised utilities) Frame restoration Q4 2022 - Wider site remediation - Retaining Walls - Landscaping and Public realm Q4 2023 Summer 2024 Q2 2023 Q4 2021 Q2 2022 Q3 2022 Dates Completion of works (if different) Dates Measure Data To be used UKLUF & Council Funding Project Budget Council, Development Partner & Contractor Resource & Skills Programme Delivery Plan Restoration of Granton gas holder frame Project plans held by Council Remediation of 1.23 ha of land Project plans held by Council 1,230 sq. m of landscaping and high-quality public space Project plans held by Council Demolition and removal of the drum shaped tank which is 77m wide and 11 m deep Project plans held by Council 1,200 affordable homes to be delivered Number of houses built 3,500 new homes delivered to net zero carbon standards Number of houses built Over 100,000 sqm of enhanced high quality green space m2 of remediated land Two new transport hubs Number of transport hubs developed 5k of new active travel infrastructure No. of km of new paths developed 2,100 construction jobs created No. of people in employment £562m of GVA over a 40-year period £ construction Spend 6,000 jobs and 220 apprenticeships via end users No. of people in employment Over 700,000 visitors per annum No. of visitor footfall £83m fiscal benefits through increased council tax revenue Council tax revenues Additional household spend of £16m of GVA over a 40-year period Av. household expenditure x new homes 10,000 sqm of new commercial space Sqm of new hubs spaces built 11,000 sqm of new learning space Sqm of new learning spaces built 50 ha of land remediated Ha of derelict land in area developed 200 hectares of new and enhanced natural coastal park Ha of greenspace developed Inputs - Bid Level Outputs - Bid Level Outcomes - Over 15 year Regeneration Baseline data source Data collection methods Frequency of data collection Council Granton Waterfront Project Team Ongoing Monitoring Project Lifecycle Council Granton Waterfront Project Team Ongoing Monitoring Project Lifecycle Council Granton Waterfront Project Team Ongoing Monitoring Project Lifecycle Council Granton Waterfront Project Team Ongoing Monitoring Project Lifecycle Council Granton Waterfront Project Team Ongoing Monitoring Project Lifecycle Council Granton Waterfront Project Team Ongoing Monitoring Project Lifecycle Council Granton Waterfront Project Team Annual Report Annual Council Granton Waterfront Project Team Annual Report Annual Council Granton Waterfront Project Team Annual Report Annual Council Granton Waterfront Project Team 5 Year Review Every 5 Years Council Granton Waterfront Project Team 5 Year Review Every 5 Years Council Granton Waterfront Project Team & Contractors Annual Report Annual Council Granton Waterfront Project Team & Contractors 5 Year Review Every 5 Years Council Granton Waterfront Project Team & Contractors 5 Year Review Every 5 Years Automated sensors Annual Report Annual Council Data Insights 5 Year Review Every 5 Years Council Granton Waterfront Project Team 5 Year Review Every 5 Years Council Granton Waterfront Project Team & Contractors 5 Year Review Every 5 Years Council Granton Waterfront Project Team & Contractors 5 Year Review Every 5 Years Council Granton Waterfront Project Team & Contractors 5 Year Review Every 5 Years Council Granton Waterfront Project Team & Contractors 5 Year Review Every 5 Years Inputs - Bid Level Outputs - Bid Level Outcomes - Over 15 year Regeneration Benefit owner (if Applicable) Programme Manager Programme Manager Programme Manager Programme Manager Programme Manager Programme Manager Housing Construction Project Manager Housing Construction Project Manager Housing Construction Project Manager Transport & Infrastructure Lead Transport & Infrastructure Lead Housing Construction Project Manager Housing Construction Project Manager Housing Construction Project Manager Planning Specialist Housing Construction Project Manager Housing Construction Project Manager Housing Construction Project Manager Housing Construction Project Manager Planning Specialist Planning Specialist Inputs - Bid Level Outputs - Bid Level Outcomes - Over 15 year Regeneration Reduced fuel poverty SIMD Improved educational attainment SIMD Reduced crime rate SIMD Improved earning and household income SIMD Improved health & wellbeing outcomes SIMD Reduced poverty SIMD Reduced unemployment SIMD Impacts - Over 15 year Regeneration SIMD 5 Year Review Every 5 Years SIMD 5 Year Review Every 5 Years SIMD 5 Year Review Every 5 Years SIMD 5 Year Review Every 5 Years SIMD 5 Year Review Every 5 Years SIMD 5 Year Review Every 5 Years SIMD 5 Year Review Every 5 Years Impacts - Over 15 year Regeneration Programme Manager Programme Manager Programme Manager Programme Manager Programme Manager Programme Manager Programme Manager Impacts - Over 15 year Regeneration LUF_Application_Form_Tables_A LUF_Application_Form_Tables_B LUF_Application_Form_Tables_C LUF_Application_Form_Tables_D LUF_Application_Form_Tables_E LUF_Application_Form_Tables_F
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    Transport will play a central role in emerging plans for how the city will adapt and renew as COVID 19 restrictions change and are relaxed.... Risk from cumulative impacts Low Emission Zone, City Mobility Plan, City Plan 2030 and Edinburgh City Centre Transformation Cumulative impacts may come about as a result of Low Emission Zone, City Mobility Plan, City Plan 2030 and Edinburgh City Centre Transformation.... The majority of actions in the plan will be carried out by in-house Council services.
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    Transport will play a central role in emerging plans for how the city will adapt and renew as COVID 19 restrictions change and are relaxed.... Environmental data As above As above Risk from cumulative impacts Low Emission Zone, City Mobility Plan, City Plan 2030 Cumulative impacts may come about as a result of Low Emission Zone, City Mobility Plan, City Plan 2030 and Edinburgh City Centre Evidence Available – detail source Comments: what does the evidence tell you about different groups who may be affected?... The majority of actions in the plan will be carried out by in-house Council services.
  • 237 Baberton entry.indd

    In line with other comparatively high status houses of the period, the building of the U-plan tower house of 1622 by Sir James Murray is likely to have been accompanied by tree planting and the creation of walled gardens.... The implementation of a woodland management plan, drawn up for the Baberton Golf Club by the Edinburgh Greenbelt Trust in 2003, should ensure the future of the woodland.... Plans at National Archives of Scotland (NAS), Register House Plans (RHP) RHP 595 1755 Plan of the Mains of Baberton taken from a plan drawn by Mr Mather in 1755 RHP 166/1 1847 Plan of proposed alterations on the parish road and approach to Baberton House RHP 166/2 1847 Plan of proposed alterations on the parish road and approach to Baberton House and the crossing of the Caledonian Railway Sources – Secondary Cant, Malcolm 1999 The Villages of Edinburgh Volume 2, Malcolm Cant Publications Colvin, Howard 3rd edition 1995 A Biographical Dictionary of British Architects 1600-1840 Yale University Press The County Directory “The Directory of Noblemen and Gentlemen’s Seats, Villages etc. in Scotland” – annual publications listing properties and residents – various dates 1843,1851, 1857, 1862, 1868, 1872, 1875, 1894, 1902.
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    Recommendations and Management Action Plan: VAT manual and capturing VAT changes Ref.... Recommendations and Management Action Plan: Guidance, training and handover arrangements Ref.... Recommendations and Management Action Plan: Input VAT procedures Ref.
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    They should also be reflected throughout policy, planning, procedure and professional development at all levels and across all staff and partners.... Plan and manage resources proactively and efficiently to support effective inclusive practice... It is important that this includes a focus on tracking and planning for target groups who are recognised as being more vulnerable to marginalisation (eg.