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    Teachers were planning using Curriculum for Excellence (CfE) experiences and outcomes.... Plans were in place to improve the website and further develop the use of the iPads. 2.2 Meeting pupils’ learning needs A good start had been made developing personal learning planning.... They also had a significant role in planning and producing the centenary celebrations.
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    Lessons were well planned with a range of tasks and activities to support learning.... Educational plans provided clear guidance to staff on how to support specific young people’s learning.... The current improvement plan had had a very positive impact on the work of the school.
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    They were involved in the planning of these projects and their views were sought on how they might learn better.... Young people were developing skills to enable them to plan their work together and to work cooperatively with each other.... The current improvement plan had had a positive impact on the work of the school.
  • Equalities and Rights Impact Assessment: Unacceptable Actions Policy

    They will be used to determine planning applications for the change of use of shop units to non-shop uses and help deliver the wider placemaking agenda.... Once adopted they will form part of the development plan.... Date Sign Off (print name and position) Reason for Sign Off (please indicate which reason/s from list (i) to (vi) above) 05/09/17 Lindsay Robertson, Senior Planning Officer/Naomi Sandilands, Planning Officer i, ii, and iv 26/9/17 Michael Thain, Head of Place Development ( i, ii, iii
  • Equalities and Rights Impact Assessment: Unacceptable Actions Policy

    They will be used to determine planning applications for the change of use of shop units to non-shop uses and help deliver the wider placemaking agenda.... Once adopted they will form part of the development plan.... Date Sign Off (print name and position) Reason for Sign Off (please indicate which reason/s from list (i) to (vi) above) 05/09/17 Lindsay Robertson, Senior Planning Officer/Naomi Sandilands, Planning Officer i, ii, and iv 26/9/17 Michael Thain, Head of Place Development ( i, ii, iii
  • Equalities and Rights Impact Assessment: Unacceptable Actions Policy

    The SG sets out an approach to identifying heat mapping and opportunities in line with the Local Development Plan.... Once adopted it will form part of the development plan.... Directorate of Place Planning and Transport Michael Thain 2018P146 (b) What is being impact assessed?
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    Staff spoke positively about their engagement in moderating peer pupil assessment folios and forward plans.... The head teacher and staff took good account of the views of parents when planning how to take the school forward.... The current improvement plan has had an initial positive impact on the work of the school, especially in reading.
  • Combined Impact Assessment: Guidance

    Briefly describe public involvement in this proposal to date and planned None.... Please provide a summary of the communications plan.... As detailed delivery plans are developed, this will be reassessed. 13.
  • Craigour Park.indd

    This had been achieved through the introduction of a well-planned social skills programme across the school.... Open afternoons for sharing personal learning plans were held on five occasions across the year.... The current improvement plan had positive support from staff, pupils and parents.
  • Notice of meeting and agenda

    Children have an involvement in the planning of their learning and are reflective and confident about their progress.... Staff continue to develop ways of planning with the children and are developing literacy and numeracy creatively in the outdoor area. 3.3 At the primary stages, teachers plan tasks and activities that meet the needs of almost all learners very well.... The school has identified that they will continue to review planning and their Learning Journeys/Achievement Folders in line with newer guidance. 4.