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    It has been developed in response to the growing number of planning applications and developments in this sector.... activeTab=summary&keyVal=NV2X5KEW0GY00 Table 3: Student housing developments with planning consent in 2017 APPLIC.... activeTab=summary&keyVal=OUAYUSEWKF000 Table 4: Student housing developments with planning consent prior to 2017 APPLIC.
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    City Mobility Plan and implementation plan was approved by Transport and Environment Committee in Feb 2021.... City Mobility Plan and implementation plan was approved by Transport and Environment Committee in Feb 2021.... City Mobility Plan and implementation plan was approved by Transport and Environment Committee in Feb 2021.
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    The Council is also committed to revising the Air Quality Action Plan in 2021-22.... This forms part of the Network Management Plan (See Objective S2 below).... The LEZ plans will have a complementary benefit to noise control policies.
  • Factsheet_template_con_areas.xlsx

    Overcrowded hh spaces 1,502 2.6 2.4 Living rent free 810 1.4 1.1 Average number of rooms/hh 4.7 4.6 Under occupied hh spaces 17,999 31.0 30.8 Car availability Transport to work Dwellings H'Holds Edin No. % Edin % No. % Edin % Households 58,089 Rail 1,654 3.3 2.2 Dwellings 61,012 Bus 12,464 25.1 28.6 H'hold spaces 61,080 % H'holds with: Car - drive 15,799 31.8 41.0 Vacant 1,713 2.8 2.2 0 car 42.8 39.9 Car - passenger 1,202 2.4 3.5 2nd residence 1,278 2.1 0.9 1 car 42.0 42.7 Motorcycle 172 0.3 0.5 2 cars 12.8 14.6 Bicycle 3,400 6.8 4.8 Detached 2,713 4.4 10.4 3 1 9 2 2 F 14 278 28 7 18 2 S i d h d 3 026 5 0 12 83 cars 1.9 2.2 Foot 14,278 28.7 18.2 Semi-detached 3,026 5.0 12.8 4 or more cars 0.5 0.6 Other 717 1.4 1.2 Terraced 6,186 10.1 12.7 Flats/tenement 49,139 80.5 64.1 Total cars 43,853 Working at Home 7,107 Caravan/temporary 16 0.0 0.0 City of Edinburgh Council, Services for Communities, Planning Information TeamCity of Edinburgh Council, Services for Communities, Planning Information Team Ethnic composition / Religion Socio-economic classification Economic activity Persons % Edin % Persons % Edin % Male Female Person % Edin % All Residents 123,432 All persons 16-74 101,149 All persons 16 to 74 50,050 51,099 101,149 White 112,586 91.2 91.7 Ec.... Overcrowded hh spaces 193 6.3 2.4 Living rent free 38 1.2 1.1 Average number of rooms/hh 3.5 4.6 Under occupied hh spaces 232 7.6 30.8 Car availability Transport to work Dwellings H'Holds Edin No. % Edin % No. % Edin % Households 3,053 Rail 93 5.2 2.2 Dwellings 3,324 Bus 474 26.5 28.6 H'hold spaces 3,328 % H'holds with: Car - drive 324 18.1 41.0 Vacant 79 2.4 2.2 0 car 72.0 39.9 Car - passenger 44 2.5 3.5 2nd residence 196 5.9 0.9 1 car 24.0 42.7 Motorcycle 5 0.3 0.5 2 cars 3.5 14.6 Bicycle 56 3.1 4.8 Detached 23 0.7 10.4 3 0 4 2 2 F 762 42 5 18 2 S i d h d 29 0 9 12 83 cars 0.4 2.2 Foot 762 42.5 18.2 Semi-detached 29 0.9 12.8 4 or more cars 0.1 0.6 Other 33 1.8 1.2 Terraced 79 2.4 12.7 Flats/tenement 3,196 96.0 64.1 Total cars 992 Working at Home 269 Caravan/temporary 1 0.0 0.0 City of Edinburgh Council, Services for Communities, Planning Information TeamCity of Edinburgh Council, Services for Communities, Planning Information Team Ethnic composition / Religion Socio-economic classification Economic activity Persons % Edin % Persons % Edin % Male Female Person % Edin % All Residents 6,201 All persons 16-74 5,663 All persons 16 to 74 2,894 2,769 5,663 White 5,250 84.7 91.7 Ec.... Overcrowded hh spaces 195 4.7 2.4 Living rent free 52 1.3 1.1 Average number of rooms/hh 3.9 4.6 Under occupied hh spaces 320 7.8 30.8 Car availability Transport to work Dwellings H'Holds Edin No. % Edin % No. % Edin % Households 4,127 Rail 71 3.0 2.2 Dwellings 4,242 Bus 709 30.1 28.6 H'hold spaces 4,242 % H'holds with: Car - drive 419 17.8 41.0 Vacant 86 2.0 2.2 0 car 70.3 39.9 Car - passenger 42 1.8 3.5 2nd residence 29 0.7 0.9 1 car 25.3 42.7 Motorcycle 7 0.3 0.5 2 cars 3.6 14.6 Bicycle 189 8.0 4.8 Detached 16 0.4 10.4 3 0 7 2 2 F 896 38 0 18 2 S i d h d 28 0 7 12 83 cars 0.7 2.2 Foot 896 38.0 18.2 Semi-detached 28 0.7 12.8 4 or more cars 0.0 0.6 Other 22 0.9 1.2 Terraced 80 1.9 12.7 Flats/tenement 4,118 97.1 64.1 Total cars 1,438 Working at Home 265 Caravan/temporary 0 0.0 0.0 City of Edinburgh Council, Services for Communities, Planning Information TeamCity of Edinburgh Council, Services for Communities, Planning Information Team Ethnic composition / Religion Socio-economic classification Economic activity Persons % Edin % Persons % Edin % Male Female Person % Edin % All Residents 9,682 All persons 16-74 8,951 All persons 16 to 74 4,248 4,703 8,951 White 7,887 81.5 91.7 Ec.
  • 010

    INFRASTRUCTURE NOTES: PLACE PLANNING AND TRANSPORT INFRASTRUCTURE TRANSPORT DESIGN & DELIVERY The City of Edinburgh Council Waverley Court 4 East Market Street Edinburgh, EH8 8BG Telephone: 0131 200 2000 DRG.... INFRASTRUCTURE NOTES: PLACE PLANNING AND TRANSPORT INFRASTRUCTURE TRANSPORT DESIGN & DELIVERY The City of Edinburgh Council Waverley Court 4 East Market Street Edinburgh, EH8 8BG Telephone: 0131 200 2000 DRG.... Checked by: CITY CENTRE WEST TO EAST CYCLE LINK RE-DETERMINATION SECTION 1 - SHEET 10 OF 10 RSO_010 JN PM APR 2017 1:500 RSO_010 RSO_010 RSO_010 WP (D3) AutoCAD SHX Text 7 AutoCAD SHX Text Haymarket AutoCAD SHX Text 8 AutoCAD SHX Text House AutoCAD SHX Text PC AutoCAD SHX Text 15 to 18 AutoCAD SHX Text PH AutoCAD SHX Text 7 AutoCAD SHX Text 266 to 270 AutoCAD SHX Text Clifton Terrace AutoCAD SHX Text 271 AutoCAD SHX Text 9 AutoCAD SHX Text PH AutoCAD SHX Text 10 AutoCAD SHX Text 11 to 14 AutoCAD SHX Text Hotel AutoCAD SHX Text 272 to 278 AutoCAD SHX Text Club AutoCAD SHX Text Club AutoCAD SHX Text 6 AutoCAD SHX Text 2 AutoCAD SHX Text 4 AutoCAD SHX Text 3 AutoCAD SHX Text 6 to 8 AutoCAD SHX Text 5 AutoCAD SHX Text to 6 AutoCAD SHX Text 264 AutoCAD SHX Text 2 AutoCAD SHX Text 5 AutoCAD SHX Text 3 AutoCAD SHX Text 2 AutoCAD SHX Text 1 AutoCAD SHX Text 4 AutoCAD SHX Text Shelters AutoCAD SHX Text Shelter Sheets and Views RSO Plans-001 RSO Plans-002 RSO Plans-003 RSO Plans-004 RSO Plans-005 RSO Plans-006 RSO Plans-007 RSO Plans-008 RSO Plans-009 RSO Plans-010
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    I hereby confirm that, since the Provisional Premises Licence was issued, or if, since that time, an application for a variation of the licence has been granted under section 30, since the last such application was granted, that there has been no variation (other than a minor variation) made to the operating plan or layout plan for the premises to which the licence relates.... Signature *See note below Date Capacity APPLICANT/AGENT (delete as appropriate) Telephone number of signatory Email address of signatory I have enclosed the relevant documents with this application – please tick the relevant boxes Provisional Premises Licence Operating Plan (with Section 4(g) complete) Layout Plan Planning certificate Building standards certificate Food hygiene certificate * Data Protection Act 1998 The information on this form may be held on an electronic public register which may be available to members of the public on request.
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    I hereby confirm that, since the Provisional Premises Licence was issued, or if, since that time, an application for a variation of the licence has been granted under section 30, since the last such application was granted, that there has been no variation (other than a minor variation) made to the operating plan or layout plan for the premises to which the licence relates.... Signature *See note below Date Capacity APPLICANT/AGENT (delete as appropriate) Telephone number of signatory Email address of signatory I have enclosed the relevant documents with this application – please tick the relevant boxes Provisional Premises Licence Operating Plan (with Section 4(g) complete) Layout Plan Planning certificate Building standards certificate Food hygiene certificate * Data Protection Act 1998 The information on this form may be held on an electronic public register which may be available to members of the public on request.
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    Recommendations and Management Action Plan: Quality Assurance Processes Ref.... Recommendations and Management Action Plan: Risk Management of RRFT performance issues Ref.... Recommendations and Management Action Plan: Repairs Information available to Customers Ref.
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    Recommendations and Management Action Plan: Quality Assurance Processes Ref.... Recommendations and Management Action Plan: Risk Management of RRFT performance issues Ref.... Recommendations and Management Action Plan: Repairs Information available to Customers Ref.
  • Notice of meeting and agenda

    There is also LEZs optimise existing and planned investment in public transport and active travel.... The LEZ will also work in conjunction with the Sustainable Energy Action Plan by reducing emissions from transport.