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  • Equalities and Rights Impact Assessment: Unacceptable Actions Policy

    Place Planning and Transport David Leslie, Chief Planning Officer 2017P41 (b) What is being impact assessed?... Describe the different policies or services (i.e. decisions, projects, programmes, policies, services, reviews, plans, functions or practices that relate to the Corporate ERIA Title): Policies and Services Date ERIA commenced Edinburgh Design Guidance and Parking Standrards for Development Management 12.01.2017 (c) When is it due to be reviewed?... insert furthest away date if question relates to a number of review dates) 2021 (d) ERIA Team Please list all ERIA Team Members: Name Organisation / Service Area Steven Murrell City of Edinburgh Council, Planning and Transport Will Garrett City of Edinburgh Council, Planning and Transport Name Organisation / Service Area Part 2: Evidence and Impact Assessment (a) Evidence Base Please record the evidence used to support the ERIA.
  • Microsoft Word - Waste and Cleansing Policies Provision of Service to New Housing Developments .docx

    It is the responsibility of the developer or architect to:  Engage the Waste and Cleansing Service at the earliest point of the development process, and prior to the submission of any plans to the Planning Service, to agree a waste management plan for the property;  If this does not take place, the Waste and Cleansing Service may not be able to adopt the property, requiring residents to make their own arrangements for the disposal of waste at their additional cost.... The waste management plan must comply with the Waste and Cleansing Service’s Instructions for Developers and Architects.... Page 5  In larger blocks it may be more appropriate to utilise communal bins rather than individual containers and the Waste and Cleansing Service may require this as part of the planning process
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    The work in finalising the plans has also demonstrated that the project budget of £207.3m reported in the Final Business Case remains achievable.... Now that we've finalised the plans, we're pressing ahead with getting everything ready to begin the first phase of work in Constitution Street alongside enabling works on Leith Walk.... We will ensure the needs of the community and local businesses are central to our plans, to ensure they experience minimum disruption.
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    This information has been further tested in 2020 as part of the OBC work to update the cost plan and takes into account all current regulations and guidance on best practice for remediation.... Form of contract to be undertaken to factor in these risks. 2 2 4 Open 11 Construction underground water courses are found on site insufficient review of SI data and historical records a delay on site, extra expense and an impact on the cashflow 2 2 4 Reduce Agree scope of investigations to confirm existing information and resolve matter of any unknown water sources 1 1 1 Open 12 Construction there is a delay in securing listed building consent lack of resource and poor performance by Planning a delay to completion 2 3 6 Reduce Ensure all documents are issued to Planning in timely manner.... Monitor regulations and standards. 3 4 12 Open 17 Services / Infrastructure wayleaves required for services take time and require legal advice services runs cross 3rd party land outside the development areas cost increases and programme delays for infrastructure connections 3 3 9 Accept Undertake full review of all land ownership and current legal agreements to ensure that measures can be implemented to allow access for new services and future maintenance. 2 2 4 Open 18 Statutory listed building consent and/or planning permission is refused objections received from statutory consultees, local residents or 3rd party organisations project start is delayed or placed on hold until planning is granted 2 5 10 Avoid Early discussions and consultation with all parties to ensure any concerns are addressed.
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    Recommendations and Management Action Plan: Effectiveness of HR process checks Ref.... Recommendations and Management Action Plan: Data and records management Ref.... Recommendations and Management Action Plan: Risk Management Ref.
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    As part of the implementation of Phase 2, Scottish & Local Government have introduced local level 3 year Delivery Plans covering the period April 2022 to March 2025.... The Scottish Government published ‘Best Start, Bright Futures: Tackling Child Poverty Delivery Plan’ on 24th March 2022, building on the work of the first tackling child poverty delivery plan and setting out an ambitious target to support 12,000 parents into work and an additional 3,000 in-work parents to increase their income from employment..... The assessment of a person’s needs should determine the minimum requirements for taking part in a Learning Agreement/Action Plan.
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    Recommendations and Management Action Plan: Learning and Training Ref.... Recommendations and Management Action Plan: Performance Management Ref.... Recommendations and Management Action Plan: Directorate Oversight Ref.
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    Recommendations and Management Action Plan: Learning and Training Ref.... Recommendations and Management Action Plan: Performance Management Ref.... Recommendations and Management Action Plan: Directorate Oversight Ref.
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    This can be mitigated and controlled by the City of Edinburgh Council as part of the planning process.... The website also carries information about current activities and plans, and how to contact the organisation by email.... Point 4 – this is a planning issue.
  • Building Standards Customer Charter 2021

    The Building Standards Plan Store can be contacted to view and copy records when authorised to do so.... Plan Reporting team We carry out the assessment of Building Warrant applications with an estimated value of works up to £250,000.... Email Building Standards plan reporting with any queries.