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  • Currie Community High School pupils perspective 24 May 2019

    The pupils were asked to put emojis on their current school plan.... They were encouraged to question and discuss images that were placed on a particular table by their peers. 14 Cool 6.0 Review of existing school estate The pupils were asked to review the existing school floor plans as well as the wider site area they each placed an emoji in an area of the school and were asked to discuss with their peers then put their thoughts down on post-its and then discuss their thoughts as a group.... The pupils were asked to put emojis on their current school plan.
  • Office Development Schedule 2018.xls

    Office Development Schedule 2018.xls City of Edinburgh Office Development Schedule 2018 Prepared by Development Plan Team, Planning & Transport, City of Edinburgh Council, March 2019                                                                                                                                 Tables Summary Table 1 - Office developments completed between 1 January and 31 December 2018 Table 2 - Office developments under construction as at 31 December 2018 Table 3a - Office developments with planning consent as at 31 December 2018 but not implemented (granted in 2018) Table 3b - Office developments with planning consent as at 31 December 2018 but not implemented (granted prior to 2018) Table 4 - Office applications awaiting determination as at 31 December 2018 Table 5 - Office applications withdrawn or refused, and consents which expired or were superseded between 1 January & 31 December 2018 Table 6 - Loss / potential loss of office floorspace 2018 Table 7 - Loss / potential loss of office floorspace 2017 Table 8 - Loss / potential loss of office floorspace 2016 Table 9 - Loss / potential loss of office floorspace 2015 Map of development area boundaries Cover photograph: 142 Lothian Road, 54 Fountainbridge Whilst reasonable efforts have been made to verify the information in this report, the City of Edinburgh Council are unable to provide an assurance as to the accuracy, currency or comprehensiveness of tables and commentary.... SUMMARY OF OFFICE DEVELOPMENTS AS AT 31 DECEMBER 2018 UNDER CONSTRUCTION PLANNING PERMISSION 2018 PLANNING PERMISSION Pre-2018 Development new change refurb.... TABLE 3a : OFFICE DEVELOPMENTS WITH PLANNING CONSENT AS AT 31 DECEMBER 2018 BUT NOT IMPLEMENTED (GRANTED IN 2018) APPLIC.
  • Advisory Cycle Lanes L3

    The City of Edinburgh Council Edinburgh Street Design Guidance : Part C – Detailed Design Manual Factsheet Version: V1.0 2017 2- Directness Routes should be logical and continuous, without unnecessary obstacles, delays and diversions, and planned holistically as part of network.... Adhere to the hierarchy of destinations in the Active Travel Action Plan Signage Guidance Document, please contact the Active Travel Team for details 8 C1 - Designing for Cycling Maintenance & Signing The City of Edinburgh Council The City of Edinburgh Council The City of Edinburgh Council Contact the Cycle Team for additional detailed guidance.... Available at: [Accessed 12 December 2017] The Active Travel Action Plan All images: The City of Edinburgh Council QuietRoutes Segregated Cycle Tracks: The City of Edinburgh Council Mandatory Cycle Lanes: Google Maps [ONLINE].
  • Microsoft Word - Retail schedule 2017 front cover devt areas map

    Microsoft Word - Retail schedule 2017 front cover devt areas map City of Edinburgh Retail Development Schedule 2017 Prepared by Planning and Transport, Place, City of Edinburgh Council, February 2018 Contents Tables Summary of retail developments as at 31 December 2017, by development areas Table 1: Retail developments completed between 1 January 2016 and 31 December 2017 Table 2: Retail developments under construction as at 31 December 2017 Table 3a: Retail developments with planning consent not implemented as at 31 December 2017 (consent granted in 2017) Table 3b: Retail developments with planning consent not implemented as at 31 December 2017 (consents granted prior to 2017) Table 4 : Retail planning applications awaiting determination as at 31 December 2017 Table 5: Retail applications withdrawn or refused, and consents which expired or were superseded between 1 January and 31 December 2017 Table 6: Losses and potential losses of retail space between 1 January 2016 and 31 December 2017 Table 7: Losses and potential losses of retail space between 1 January 2016 and 31 December 2016 Table 8: Losses and potential losses of retail space between 1 January 2015 and 31 December 2015 Table 9: Losses and potential losses of retail space between 1 January 2014 and 31 December 2014 The schedule provides details of retail developments of 200 sq. metres or larger which fall mostly into class 1 of the Use Classes (Scotland) Order.... SUMMARY OF RETAIL DEVELOPMENTS AS AT 31 DECEMBER 2017, BY DEVELOPMENT AREA UNDER CONSTRUCTION PLANNING PERMISSION 2017 DEVELOPMENT new change TOTAL new change TOTAL AREA build of use build of use City Centre 60,922 0 60,922 4,535 0 4,535 West Edinburgh 0 0 0 0 0 0 Waterfront 0 0 0 0 0 0 South East 0 0 0 0 0 0 Other 3,198 0 3,198 1,411 0 1,411 TOTAL 64,120 0 64,120 5,946 0 5,946 COMPLETED FLOORSPACE AWAITING DETERMINATION DEVELOPMENT new change TOTAL new change TOTAL AREA build of use build of use City Centre 4,194 0 4,194 1,583 0 1,583 West Edinburgh 0 0 0 5,439 0 0 Waterfront 0 0 0 8,675 0 8,675 South East 2,322 0 2,322 0 0 0 Other 7,306 0 7,306 7,802 253 8,055 TOTAL 13,822 0 13,822 23,499 253 23,752 PLANNING PERMISSION PRE-2017 new change TOTAL build of use 7,872 0 7,872 13,073 0 13,073 12,430 325 12,755 11,479 0 11,479 1,464 704 2,168 46,318 1,029 47,347 TOTAL IN THE PIPELINE (*) new change TOTAL build of use 73,329 0 73,329 13,073 0 13,073 12,430 325 12,755 11,479 0 11,479 6,073 704 6,777 116,384 1,029 117,413 (*1) Under construction + planning permission TABLE 1: RETAIL DEVELOPMENTS COMPLETED BETWEEN 1 JANUARY 2017 AND 31 DECEMBER 2017 *1 APPLIC.... OR Mar-11 full new build city centre 11 3,939 42,399 pre-let / speculative 15/02054/AMC St James Centre TIAA Henderson Real Estate OR Jul-15 full new build city centre 11 54,815 590,024 pre-let / speculative Total Floorspace No. of Sites 64,120 690,182 7 OR- Other Retail FS -Food Store RW- Retail Warehouse TABLE 3: RETAIL DEVELOPMENTS WITH PLANNING CONSENT NOT IMPLEMENTED AS AT 31 DECEMBER 2017 a) CONSENTS GRANTED IN 2017 APPLIC.
  • Advisory Cycle Lanes L3

    The City of Edinburgh Council Edinburgh Street Design Guidance : Part C – Detailed Design Manual Factsheet Version: V1.0 2017 2- Directness Routes should be logical and continuous, without unnecessary obstacles, delays and diversions, and planned holistically as part of network.... Adhere to the hierarchy of destinations in the Active Travel Action Plan Signage Guidance Document, please contact the Active Travel Team for details 8 C1 - Designing for Cycling Maintenance & Signing The City of Edinburgh Council The City of Edinburgh Council The City of Edinburgh Council Contact the Cycle Team for additional detailed guidance.... Available at: [Accessed 12 December 2017] The Active Travel Action Plan All images: The City of Edinburgh Council QuietRoutes Segregated Cycle Tracks: The City of Edinburgh Council Mandatory Cycle Lanes: Google Maps [ONLINE].
  • Retailschedule2018working copy.xls

    Retailschedule2018working copy.xls City of Edinburgh Retail Development Schedule 2018 Prepared by Planning and Transport, Place, City of Edinburgh Council, March 2019 Contents Tables Summary of retail developments as at 31 December 2018, by development areas Table 1: Retail developments completed between 1 January 2018 and 31 December 2018 Table 2: Retail developments under construction as at 31 December 2018 Table 3a: Retail developments with planning consent not implemented as at 31 December 2018 (consent granted in 2018) Table 3b: Retail developments with planning consent not implemented as at 31 December 2018 (consents granted prior to 2018) Table 4 : Retail planning applications awaiting determination as at 31 December 2018 Table 5: Retail applications withdrawn or refused, and consents which expired or were superseded between 1 January and 31 December 2018 Table 6: Losses and potential losses of retail space between 1 January 2016 and 31 December 2018 Table 7: Losses and potential losses of retail space between 1 January 2016 and 31 December 2017 Table 8: Losses and potential losses of retail space between 1 January 2015 and 31 December 2016 Table 9: Losses and potential losses of retail space between 1 January 2014 and 31 December 2015 Table 10: Losses and potential losses of retail space between 1 January 2014 and 31 December 2014 Map of Edinburgh's major development areas cover photo: Lothian Road 142, Fountainbridge 54A (retail on ground floor) The schedule provides details of retail developments of 200 sq. metres or larger which fall mostly into class 1 of the Use Classes (Scotland) Order.... SUMMARY OF RETAIL DEVELOPMENTS AS AT 31 DECEMBER 2018, BY DEVELOPMENT AREA UNDER CONSTRUCTION PLANNING PERMISSION 2018 PLANNING PERMISSION PRE-2018 DEVELOPMENT new change TOTAL new change TOTAL new change TOTAL AREA build of use build of use build of use City Centre 64,718 0 64,718 761 442 1,203 6,443 0 6,443 South East 0 0 0 0 0 0 11,479 0 11,479 Waterfront 0 0 0 371 0 371 12,430 325 12,755 West Edinburgh 0 0 0 0 0 0 13,073 0 13,073 Other 349 704 1,053 453 0 453 2,526 0 2,526 TOTAL 65,067 704 65,771 1,585 442 2,027 45,951 325 46,276 TOTAL IN THE PIPELINE (*) COMPLETED FLOORSPACE AWAITING DETERMINATION DEVELOPMENT new change TOTAL new change TOTAL new change TOTAL AREA build of use build of use build of use City Centre 2,168 300 2,468 0 0 0 71,922 442 72,364 South East 0 0 0 0 0 0 11,479 0 11,479 Waterfront 0 0 0 8,675 0 8,675 12,801 325 13,126 West Edinburgh 0 0 0 5,439 0 5,439 13,073 0 13,073 Other 3,198 253 3,451 7,722 0 7,722 3,328 704 4,032 TOTAL 5,366 553 5,919 21,836 0 21,836 112,603 1,029 114,074 (*1) Under construction + planning permission TABLE 1: RETAIL DEVELOPMENTS COMPLETED BETWEEN 1 JANUARY 2018 AND 31 DECEMBER 2018 OCCUPIER / STARTED TRADING (IF TYPE OF DATE OF DEVELOPMENT KNOWN) APPLIC.... OR May-18 May-21 full change of use 11 442 4,758 CITY CENTRE TOTAL 1,203 12,949 SOUTH EAST TOTAL 0 0 18/01145/AMC Sealcarr Street, 29 (Land 71m Southeast Of) Granton Central Developments Ltd OR Oct-18 Oct-20 full new build 4 371 3,993 WATERFRONT TOTAL 371 3,993 WEST TOTAL 0 0 18/00454/FUL Milton Road West, 8A 83S Ltd OR Aug-18 Aug-21 full redevelopment 17 453 4,876 453 4,876 RETAIL FLOORSPACE OTHER TOTAL Total floorspace 2,027 21,818 No. of sites 4 *1 Total floorspace in 3/4 units with the potential of being Class 1,2,3 and Class 11 (Leisure) legal - minded to grant subject to legal agreement, once this agreement has been reached it will then be granted consent TABLE 3: RETAIL DEVELOPMENTS WITH PLANNING CONSENT NOT IMPLEMENTED AS AT 31 DECEMBER 2018 b) CONSENTS GRANTED PRIOR TO 2018 TYPE OF CONSENT TYPE OF DEVELOPMENT APPLIC.
  • Https://

    City of Edinburgh Retail Development Schedule 2019 Prepared by Planning and Transport, Place, City of Edinburgh Council, March 2020 Contents Tables Summary of retail developments as at 31 December 2019, by development areas Table 1: Retail developments completed between 1 January and 31 December 2019 Table 2: Retail developments under construction as at 31 December 2019 Table 3a: Retail developments with planning consent not implemented as at 31 December 2019 (consent granted in 2019) Table 3b: Retail developments with planning consent not implemented as at 31 December 2019 (consents granted prior to 2019) Table 4 : Retail planning applications awaiting determination as at 31 December 2019 Table 5: Retail applications withdrawn or refused, and consents which expired or were superseded between 1 January and 31 December 2019 Table 6: Losses and potential losses of retail space between 1 January 2019 and 31 December 2019 Table 7: Losses and potential losses of retail space between 1 January 2018 and 31 December 2018 Table 8: Losses and potential losses of retail space between 1 January 2017 and 31 December 2017 Table 9: Losses and potential losses of retail space between 1 January 2016 and 31 December 2016 The schedule provides details of retail developments of 200 sq. metres or larger which fall mostly into class 1 of the Use Classes (Scotland) Order.... SUMMARY OF RETAIL DEVELOPMENTS AS AT 31 DECEMBER 2019, BY DEVELOPMENT AREA UNDER CONSTRUCTION PLANNING PERMISSION 2019 PLANNING PERMISSION PRE-2019 DEVELOPMENT new change TOTAL new change TOTAL new change TOTAL AREA build of use build of use build of use City Centre 65,479 0 65,479 5,534 413 5,947 302 0 302 South East 0 0 0 0 0 0 6,837 0 6,837 Waterfront 0 0 0 0 0 0 3,881 0 3,881 West Edinburgh 0 0 0 0 0 0 13,073 0 13,073 Other 1,062 704 1,766 1,786 0 1,786 1,412 0 1,412 TOTAL 66,541 704 67,245 7,320 413 7,733 25,505 0 25,505 COMPLETED FLOORSPACE AWAITING DETERMINATION TOTAL IN THE PIPELINE (*) DEVELOPMENT new change TOTAL new change TOTAL new change TOTAL AREA build of use build of use build of use City Centre 442 0 442 328 0 328 71,315 413 71,728 South East 0 0 0 350 0 0 6,837 0 6,837 Waterfront 0 0 0 8,987 0 8,987 3,881 0 3,881 West Edinburgh 0 0 0 10,102 0 10,102 13,073 0 13,073 Other 802 0 802 3,961 0 3,961 4,260 704 4,964 TOTAL 1,244 0 1,244 23,728 0 23,728 99,366 704 100,483 (*1) Under construction + planning permission APPLIC.... Enabling drainage works were carried out in February 2019 and as such keeps this application live RETAIL FLOORSPACE TABLE 3: RETAIL DEVELOPMENTS WITH PLANNING CONSENT NOT IMPLEMENTED AS AT 31 DECEMBER 2019 b) CONSENTS GRANTED PRIOR TO 2019 APPLIC.
  • Https://

    New South Edinburgh Primary School 3972 - SK-018 - Presentation Board 2 Indicative View from Canaan Lane Indicative Aerial View New South Edinburgh Primary School 3972 - SK-019 - Presentation Board 3 Level 1 Floor Plan Level 0 Floor Plan New South Edinburgh Primary School 3972 - SK-020 - Presentation Board 4 Level 1 Floor Plan Level 0 Floor PlanDEANBANK HOUSE
  • Equally Safe: Scotland’s Strategy for Preventing and Eradicating Violence Against Women and Girls

    Community planning partnerships: In line with the principles underpinning the Verity House Agreement, community planning partnerships (CPP) are recognised as a critical mechanism for the alignment of resource locally.... As well as ensuring there is coherence across national policy and practice, the local implementation of this strategy is reliant on the work of VAWPs and wider community planning structures and processes.... We continue our commitment to local planning and implementation.
  • Equally Safe: Scotland’s Strategy for Preventing and Eradicating Violence Against Women and Girls

    Community planning partnerships: In line with the principles underpinning the Verity House Agreement, community planning partnerships (CPP) are recognised as a critical mechanism for the alignment of resource locally.... As well as ensuring there is coherence across national policy and practice, the local implementation of this strategy is reliant on the work of VAWPs and wider community planning structures and processes.... We continue our commitment to local planning and implementation.