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    The emergency services have been consulted throughout the development of the plans.... This narrowing is unnecessary and should be fully reconsidered before the final plans are advertised.... Introduction of new car parks is outside the scope of this project but is unlikely to be compatible with other council properties including the City Mobility Plan and Parking Action Plan.
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    Implementation 5.1 This policy will be implemented and monitored through the Information Council’s annual plan.... This partnership approach is called Community Planning.... The Council is responsible for initiating, facilitating and maintaining Community Planning within the Edinburgh area.
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    Managers may ask you to indicate your intentions, but this will only be for emergency planning purposes. 2.4 What if I come under pressure from colleagues?... As part of our planning for Industrial Action, we will ask the trades unions to exempt people in these circumstances, so that you will be able to go through a picket line.... As part of our planning for Industrial Action we will ask the trade unions to exempt women who are pregnant, so that you will be able to go through a picket line.
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    Existing Tram Route with Stops Table 9, Tra 7 Extract from Edinburgh Local Development Plan, North West Proposals Map Kirkliston High School Site analysis Total Site = 28,200 m2 Primary School Site= 11,000 m2 Remaining Site = 17,200 m2 1. 2. 5. 3. 4. 1.... South Facing Outdoor Space View from Stirling Road roundabout View from Kirklands Park Street looking south Short section through site Site plan Kirkliston High School Site approach - Alternative 2 1 2 34 6 9 10 11 5 7 8 GF 0 01 4000 02 8000 03 12000 04 16000 50.8m 23m 9m Kirklands Park Street Site boundary M90 +7.5m (approx) Phase 1 Site boundary Outdoor social space 1.... Small 3G Pitch ( Not Sports Scotland Compliant) View from Stirling Road roundabout View from Kirklands Park Street looking south Short section through site Site plan Kirkliston High School Layouts to support a Sport Scotland Pitch Alternative 3 Alternative 4 45m 90m 45m 90m Kirkliston High School Sustainability - Passivhaus Orientation Simple Form Super InsulationAirtight Minimal Thermal Bridging MVHR 8 / 35 Passivhaus Principles Passivhaus is a fabric first, whole-building approach to delivering net-zero buildings.
  • Audit Scotland report template

    The scope of the audit was set out in an annual audit plan presented to the 2 May 2023 meeting of the Governance, Risk and Best Value Committee.... Our initial assessment of materiality was carried out during the risk assessment and planning phase of the audit.... These largely include the significant risks of material misstatement to the financial statements and other areas of audit focus we had identified in our Annual Audit Plan.
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    Internal Audit Report Education – Ongoing ICT support 7 July 2023 MP2201b Overall Assessment Reasonable Assurance Internal Audit Report: MP2201b –Education – Ongoing ICT support 2 Contents Executive Summary.....................................................................................................................................................3 Background and scope .................................................................................................................................................4 Findings and Management Action Plan ..............................................................................................................................5 Appendix 1 – Control Assessment and Assurance Definitions ....................................................................................................9 This Internal Audit review is conducted for the City of Edinburgh Council under the auspices of the 2022/23 internal audit plan approved by the Governance, Risk and Best Value Committee in March 2022.... Background and scope Internal Audit Report: MP2201b –Education – Ongoing ICT support 5 Findings and Management Action Plan Finding 1 – Roles and responsibilities – Learning and Teaching Network Finding Rating Medium Priority CGI roles and responsibilities are set out within contract schedules and a suite of Output Based Solution (OBS) documents.... Recommendations and Management Action Plan: Sharing best practice - accessing support and reporting issues Recommendations Agreed Management Action Action Owner / Lead Officers Timeframe 2.1 Education colleagues should review the technical support information provided by Digital Services colleagues and consider ways to share and disseminate best practice for accessing technical support and reporting issues across schools.
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    Detailed cost management procedures and responsibilities are also set out within the Project Execution Plan (PEP).... Scope and approach The following audit approach was applied: • An ‘agile’ audit approach with Internal Audit work completed on an ongoing basis and aligned with the relevant stages of the project plan... Stakeholder engagement – the audit concluded that clear stakeholder and citizen engagement and communication plans were developed with progress/outcomes monitored and reported as required.
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    Managers may ask you to indicate your intentions, but this will only be for emergency planning purposes. 2.4 What if I come under pressure from colleagues?... As part of our planning for Industrial Action, we will ask the trades unions to exempt people in these circumstances, so that you will be able to go through a picket line.... As part of our planning for Industrial Action we will ask the trade unions to exempt women who are pregnant, so that you will be able to go through a picket line.
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    Priority Outcome KPI/Milestones Type Baseline Year 1 - target Milestone target Target rationale Poverty Rate: Percentage of people in Edinburgh living on incomes below the poverty threshold Citywide Metric Child Poverty rate: Percentage of children living in families below the poverty threshold Citywide Metric Destitution: Percentage of people who are living in destitution Citywide Metric A new city wide approach to commissioned advice services is agreed with partners Milestone Mar-22 Number of people supported with welfare rights queries by the Advice shop Council Metric 6,050 6,000 Maintain or above baseline Total Scottish Welfare Fund payments made Citywide Metric £7.5M Total Discretionary Housing Payments made Citywide Metric £6.5M On track to deliver new prevention service models New long term plan for delivery of a prevention based Council service model approved and in implementation Milestone Dec-21 Positive Destinations for School Leavers Council Metric 92.5% New baseline required prior to target setting (COVID impact ongoing into Year 1) Number of Jobs/apprenticeships/internships Council Metric Increase by 1% Target agreed as part of workforce planning.... Target based on planned project deliverables in Year 1 Percentage of new builds in delivery to PassivHaus standard with associated Low and Zero Carbon (LZC) Primary Plant or equivalent Council Metric 100% of conditioned area New measure (no baseline) Annual total gross internal floor area agreed to undergo low energy retrofit works and conversion to low and zero carbon plant (or equivalent) in Council properties Council Metric 0m2 New measure.... B e c o m in g a s u s ta in a b le a n d z e ro c it y Develop key strategic sites and projects to meet the needs of a diverse and growing city Target deadline based on project deliverables The city has a well- connected and sustainable transport and active travel network Targets to be set at Committee in Autumn 2021 20 minute neighbourghood model Milestone 1: strategy submitted to committee Milestone Jun-21 Milestone 2: South West pilot action plan to committee Milestone Nov-21 Milestone subject to strategy approval 19 community hubs across the city by 2030 Council Metric pilot in SW Metric dependent on approval of above two milestones Children on the Child Protection Register as a rate per 1,000 population Council Metric 1.3 2.9 Target set to be equal to or below Scottish average.
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    Please get in touch if you are planning any construction work for your own property at the same time as this project.... We can work around some projects and can advise you of the best time to plan your construction.... Other options, as well as the funding detailed above, that may be available to you include: • Using savings or other assets; • Seeking financial advice before taking out a loan; or • Consider a payment plan with the Council – be aware of the terms of the debt re-payment plan and compare this to an external loan arrangement