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    Please contact Data, Performance and Business Planning if you require to see the data tables for any of the indicators.... Red - in poor overall condition which are likely to require planned maintenance soon.... Amber - Lengths where some deterioration is apparent which should be investigated to determine the optimum time for planned maintenance treatment.
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    Please contact Data, Performance and Business Planning if you require to see the data tables for any of the indicators.... Red - in poor overall condition which are likely to require planned maintenance soon.... Amber - Lengths where some deterioration is apparent which should be investigated to determine the optimum time for planned maintenance treatment.
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    They plan to run training sessions in June, July and August.... So it’s probably a good time to highlight what else we have planned for blossoms, bees and biodiversity at Saughton.... We also very excited that our plans for the park include the introduction of bee hives which will offer opportunities for learning about their management.
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    View the traffic management plan for Rennie's Isle to Ocean Terminal on the project website.... View the traffic management plan for Stead's Place to Springfield Street.... View the updated traffic management plans on the project website.
  • Notice of meeting and agenda

    The entirety of an adult’s circumstances will be considered when assessing risk of harm and safety planning.... In addition, agencies will work co-operatively to provide in line with the 5 Health and Social Care Standards and related principles and a response which is: • alert and responsive to signs of significant deterioration in an adult’s physical or mental wellbeing, and prompt in ensuring the immediate support and protection of the adult at risk; • sensitive to individuals and their representatives/carers; making every effort to involve the adult in decision making and to provide appropriate support for decision making, including advocacy services; • effective in providing safety plans and solutions which are as simple and practical as possible and aimed to prevent the risk of harm recurring; ensuring Page 6 that safety planning is specific, measurable, achievable, realistic, and time- based; • balanced so that agencies must exercise responsibilities and duties appropriately and ensure that all intervention in adult’s lives is proportionate, justified, and rights-based and with the reasons being fully and clearly recorded... Professionals working with adults at risk are required to work together to share information, assess needs and risks, and plan and deliver services in a co-ordinated manner.
  • 248 Liberton entry.indd

    Plans by Mr and Mrs Margiotta during the 1980s to turn Liberton House into a country club came to nothing.... A planning application by Hart Estates Ltd for residential development within the east half of the parkland, refused by City of Edinburgh Council, was the subject of an appeal in 2006.... Tenth report with Inventory of monuments and constructions in the counties of Midlothian and West Lothian Edinburgh, 132, No 160 NAS ~ RHP 93457 mid C19th Architectural plan, elevation and section of offices, byres etc at Liberton House
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    This scheme supports walking and cycling policies detailed in the Council’s Active Travel Action Plan. 2.2 This report seeks authority to set aside the objections that have been received to the Traffic Regulation Order, required to permit the installation of the current phase of the roll out of secure cycle storage units, and to make the Order as advertised. 3.... Background reading/external references 8.1 Active Travel Action Plan 2016 8.2 On- Street Residential Bike Parking for Tenement Areas – report to February 2012 Transport, Infrastructure and Environment Committee 8.3 Secure On- Street Cycle Parking – report to November 2016 Transport and Environment Committee 8.4 Proposed Increase in Scale and Rollout and Amendment to Contract for On- Street Secure Cycle Parking - report to October 2018 Transport and Environment Committee,%20Infrastructure%20and%20Environment%20Committee/20120221/Agenda/item_515_-_on-street_residential_bike_parking_for_tenement_areas_-_response_to_motion_by_councillor_.pdf 9.... The plans showed the location of the units on the street as a group of two green objects within a blue hatched box.
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    Children had ownership of their learning, they identified how they were able to plan and decide how they were to learn.... Staff talked enthusiastically about this approach and its role in identifying prior knowledge and planning next steps.... An electronic planning tool was beginning to be used to monitor curriculum coverage.

    Subsequently the school with support from the education authority ensured the school improvement plan took account of the findings of the inspection.... In the nursery an early start had been made to developing planning involving learners.... The school was well placed to build on the very good developments in literacy and English to continue to this to mathematics and numeracy, along with other curriculum areas, in line with cluster and authority plans.
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    Priorities were clearly linked to the school improvement plan.... Commendably, the school had embraced the planning of interdisciplinary opportunities and short courses in line with national advice.... Approaches to school self-evaluation were more coherent and clearly linked to priorities set out in the annual school improvement plan.