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    Subsequently the school with support from the education authority amended the school improvement plan to take account of the findings of the inspection.... Staff plan a range of motivating and engaging learning experiences which provide pupils at all stages in The Royal High Primary School with opportunities to progress across all areas of the curriculum.... Staff plan carefully together to ensure that all learners benefit from continuity and progression in their learning.
  • Notice of meeting and agenda

    The school should clarify and share plans for the Senior Phase with all stakeholders. 3.3 Effective partnerships had been established with a range of organisations.... The Senior Leadership Team (SLT) knew the school well and used pupil focus groups to gather opinions which were shared with staff in order to support self-evaluation and plan for improvement. 4.2 Approaches to the analysis of data were rigorous and promoted improvement.... These data were regularly shared and discussed with Faculty Heads and Guidance staff in order to plan support and to identify areas for improvement.
  • 144 Hermiston entry.indd

    Work of Art Some Historical Some Horticultural / Arboricultural / Sylvicultural Some Architectural High Scenic High Nature Conservation Little Archaeological Little Recreational Little View across Gogar valley to Hermiston from the north Edinburgh Survey of Gardens and Designed Landscapes 7 Sources – Primary Maps Adair A map of Midlothian - Counties of Scotland MSS version c. 1682 NLS Roy’s Military Survey of Scotland 1747-1755 Ref 07/5b British Library via SCRAN Armstrong, Map of the Three Lothians, 1773 NLS Sharp, Greenwood and Fowler Map of the County of Edinburgh 1828 NLS Thomson, Atlas of Scotland, 1832 NLS First edition Ordnance Survey (1852) Sheet 5 NLS Parish map OS (1898-1904) NLS Ordnance Survey (1915) Sheet IISE NLS – paper copies NLS National Library of Scotland NMRS National Monuments Record of Scotland SCRAN Scottish Cultural Resource Access Network GB 582 HWUA GC summary History of Riccarton Hermiston Conservation Area Character Appraisal 2000 www.http://download. Sources – Secondary Colvin, Howard 3rd edition 1995 A Biographical Dictionary of British Architects 1600-1840 Yale University Press Groome, Francis (Ed) 1884 (Vols 1 & 2) 1885 (Vol 3) The Ordnance Gazetteer of Scotland Thomas C Jack, Edinburgh Harris, Stuart 1996 The Place Names of Edinburgh, Gordon Wright Publishing, Edinburgh Historic Scotland Listed Building Report Accessed via PASTMAP, on the RCAHMS website 9.1.07, 19.2.07 McWilliam, Colin et al 1978 The Buildings of Scotland, Lothian Edinburgh Harmondsworth, Penguin National Monuments Record of Scotland (NMRS) Accessed via CANMORE, on the RCAHMS website 2.1.07 Tweedie, John & Jones, Cyril 1975 Our District – the Historical background of Currie & Ratho, Currie District Council Additional sources not consulted Plans at National Archives of Scotland (NAS), Register House Plans (RHP) RHP 547 1793 Plan of the Estate of Hermiston by Thomas Johnston http://www. http://www. 8 Edinburgh Survey of Gardens and Designed Landscapes
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    Equality outcomes REPORT ON LICENSING BOARD’S DUTIES UNDER THE EQUALITY ACT 2010 6.1 At the heart of this Policy is a set of equality, diversity and rights outcomes (and indicators) which are linked to the Board’s Statement of Licensing Policy, Coalition Commitments and the Council’s Business Plan.... A set of actions, aligned to each outcome, are also included in the outcomes action plan attached as an appendix to this policy.... It will be the responsibility of the Clerk to the Board to coordinate the update regarding the implementation of the plan. 9.2 The Board will publish a biennial ‘Equality, Diversity and Rights Progress Report’ in line with the Equality Act 2010 legislative requirements. 9.3 This report will describe the progress achieved as a result of the implementation and delivery of all elements of the policy, with a specific focus on outcome delivery. 9.4 Interim reviews of the Policy may take place at any time during the lifetime of the policy.
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    Briefly describe public involvement in this proposal to date and planned As this is an internal matter there was no public involvement. 4.... Research/literature evidence 2020/21 budget CLT Briefing Policy and Sustainability Committee Trade Unions In scope colleagues VERA Policy Legal/Finance Leavers checklist Senior Management review identified Corporate Leadership team consultations VERA Funds approval released Oct 20 TU Engagement, Aug, Sep, Oct 2020 ALL colleagues from in scope areas identified Policy principles adhered to Legal and financial aspects adhered to Leavers process adhered to including transition plans Public/patient/client experience information VERA Inbox AskHR All colleagues able to raise issues directly with their line managers, Heads of Service, Directors or HR Evidence of inclusive engagement of people who use the service and involvement findings Face to face briefing sessions, ORB content, VERA inbox, AskHR All in scope colleagues were notified whether they were working, off sick, on maternity/pat leave etc Evidence of unmet need n/a Good practice guidelines VERA Policy Principles followed in relation to decision making, i.e. sound business case, requirement to retain knowledge and skills, financial impact (costs), financial impact (savings) Carbon emissions generated/reduced data n/a Environmental data n/a Risk from cumulative impacts n/a Other (please specify) n/a 5 Evidence Available – detail source Comments: what does the evidence tell you with regard to different groups who may be affected?... Please provide a summary of the communications plan.
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    Briefly describe public involvement in this proposal to date and planned Due to the fast-moving nature of the pandemic and the need for early action direct public involvement has been limited to assessing initial concerns raised by young people (Youthlink Scotland Lockdown Lowdown survey and Children’s Parliament Covid survey), youth work professionals and local elected members.... In planning the restarting of outdoor youth work, our top priority is the health of young people and colleagues, and the process is directed by Scottish Government guidance: 4.... John Heywood/Youth Work lead LLDOs/LL Service Managers In progress from July 2020 Continuing Report to elected members to make them aware of current and future plans John Heywood (LL Strategic Development Officer (CLD) Policy and Sustainability Committee, 20 Aug 2020 Continuing 12.
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    Any other notice required to be displayed by law or by these conditions 17 The external doors of the premises shall be fitted with a device to provide for their automatic closure and such devices shall be maintained in good working order. 18 The windows and openings of the licensed premises shall be of material or covered with material which will render the interior of the premises invisible to passers-by. 19 The layout of the premises shall be such that performers cannot be seen from outside the premises. 20 Performers or other member of staff shall not stand in lobby, reception or foyer areas or outside the premises entrance for the purposes of greeting customers or encouraging customers to enter the venue. 21 There shall be no alterations to the layout plan of the premises without the prior written approval of the Council.... Performances 28 Performers shall be aged not less than 18 years. 29 Sexual entertainment shall be given only by performers and the audience shall not be permitted to participate in the relevant entertainment. 30 Performers must only be present in the licensed area in a state of nudity when they are performing on stage or providing a private dance. 31 Immediately after each performance, performers must fully redress in that they will have the same clothing on prior to the start of their performance. 32 Sexual entertainment shall take place only in the designated areas approved by the Council as shown on the licence plan. 33 The licence holder shall ensure that there will be no physical contact between performers and customers. 34 The licence holder will take all reasonable steps to ensure that performers will not provide any telephone number, address or any other personal contact information to any customer and that performers will not request any such personal contact from customers.... Appendix 1 WARD-11-City Centre Plan Appendix 2 Appendix 3 Appendix 4 Appendix 5 - Police Scotland Edinburgh Division SEV Response 2023 Appendix 6 - SEV consultation 2023 - ESEC response Appendix 7 Appendix 8 Appendix 9 Appendix 10 Appendix 11 - PSED Sample Comments Appendix 12.
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    Applicant is advised of the shortcomings and requested to amend their plan.... Housing Developer (or their Contractor) send the application form, location plan and detailed working drawings to at least 12 weeks prior to the proposed installation date.... o Detailed location plan.
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    In this edition find out more about the upcoming plans and activities for the next two weeks.... You can view the traffic management plans on the project website.... You can view the traffic management plans on the project website.
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    Being able to turn the Community Benefit plans into reality.... While they had sourced another location at Out of the Blue on Dalmeny Street, the Council agreed in May of this year to lease an area of land at Hawthornvale, adjacent to the existing Basketball Court and to the cycleway that runs through the area, subject to planning permission being obtained.... The Council, along with the project team, are now working with Leith DIY on developing a plan to take this forward.