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    Name Crawford McGhie, Senior Manager – Estates and Operational Support, Communities and Families Level 1.3, Waverley Court, 4 East Market Street, Edinburgh EH8 8BG, Date: 13 November 2018 Our Ref: CM.IT.01 Dear Parent or Guardian, New South Edinburgh Primary School (Canaan Lane) - Update The Council has been progressing with plans to open a new primary school on Canaan Lane.... If there was any delay to completing the new school building there is no obvious contingency plan for where the new P1 intake would go and last minute changes of locations for new P1 pupils would be very disruptive to the families involved.
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    If you would like the leaflet in another format such as Braille, large print or translation, please contact the Interpretation and Translation Service email quoting reference 22-7462 The City Centre West to East Link project Roseburn & West Coates resurfacing We wanted to update you on our works planned for the road resurfacing on Roseburn Terrace & West Coates.... Further information and keeping in touch Keep up to date with the project - which also has information such as construction designs, consultation report and planned traffic management.
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    The trial is intended to support the approved transport hierarchy, measures included in the City Mobility Plan and Our Future Streets (Circulation Plan).
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    The trial is intended to support the approved transport hierarchy, measures included in the City Mobility Plan and Our Future Streets (Circulation Plan).
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    A plan/ map must also be included) Number of Signs Click or tap here to enter text.... A plan/ map with the locations of the proposed signs clearly marked.
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    Were you happy with the action plan that was put in place for your child?        ... Was a Lead Professional identified to help to implement your child's plan?
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    The trial is intended to support the approved transport hierarchy, measures included in the City Mobility Plan and Our Future Streets (Circulation Plan).
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    PLANNING AND TRANSPORT WCBR-PHASE 3 N1 COMMUNAL BIN REVIEW PHASE 3 - N1 PAGE 2 15/06/2023 1:250 @A0 AL WCBR-PHASE 3 N1 WCBR-PHASE 3 N1 WCBR-PHASE 3 N1 This map is reproduced from Ordnance Survey material with the permission of Ordnance Survey on behalf of the Controller of Her Majesty's Stationery Office © Crown copyright.... PLANNING AND TRANSPORT WCBR-PHASE 3 N1 COMMUNAL BIN REVIEW PHASE 3 - N1 PAGE 3 15/06/2023 1:250 @A0 AL WCBR-PHASE 3 N1 WCBR-PHASE 3 N1 WCBR-PHASE 3 N1 This map is reproduced from Ordnance Survey material with the permission of Ordnance Survey on behalf of the Controller of Her Majesty's Stationery Office © Crown copyright.... PLANNING AND TRANSPORT WCBR-PHASE 3 N1 COMMUNAL BIN REVIEW PHASE 3 - N1 PAGE 4 15/06/2023 1:250 @A0 AL WCBR-PHASE 3 N1 WCBR-PHASE 3 N1 WCBR-PHASE 3 N1 This map is reproduced from Ordnance Survey material with the permission of Ordnance Survey on behalf of the Controller of Her Majesty's Stationery Office © Crown copyright.
  • Microsoft Word - Census 2011 - Population, age structure and household overview.doc

    Microsoft Word - Census 2011 - Population, age structure and household overview.doc                                                                                          Population, age structure and household overview Initial findings from first release of Census data at local authority level March 2013 Planning Information, Planning and Building Standards, Services for Communities, The City of Edinburgh Council Published by Planning Information, Planning & Building Standards, Services for Communities, City of Edinburgh Council March 2013 This report is based on 2011 Census data published by National Records of Scotland (formerly General Register Office Scotland), and uses Ordnance Survey mapping under license (license no. 100023420).... y The revised population figure for the city could have a number of implications for service planning, funding bids and future land use allocations.
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    New long term plan for delivery of a prevention based Council service model approved and in implementation Milestone Dec-21 Priority Outcome KPI/Milestones Type Baseline Year 1 Target Milestone Target Target Rationale Ending Poverty By 2030 More residents experience fair work and receive the living wage Positive Destinations for School Leavers Council Metric 92.5% New baseline required prior to target setting (COVID impact ongoing into Year 1) Ending Poverty By 2030 More residents experience fair work and receive the living wage Number of Jobs/apprenticeships/internships Council Metric Increase by 1% Target agreed as part of workforce planning.... Target based on planned project deliverables in Year 1 Becoming a sustainable and net zero city On track to deliver our 2030 net zero target Percentage of new builds in delivery to PassivHaus standard with associated Low and Zero Carbon (LZC) Primary Plant or equivalent Council Metric 100% of conditioned area New measure (no baseline) Becoming a sustainable and net zero city On track to deliver our 2030 net zero target Annual total gross internal floor area agreed to undergo low energy retrofit works and conversion to low and zero carbon plant (or equivalent) in Council properties Council Metric 0m2 New measure.... Priority Outcome KPI/Milestones Type Baseline Year 1 Target Milestone Target Target Rationale Wellbeing and Equalities People can access the support they need in the place they live and work 20 minute neighbourghood model: Milestone 1: Strategy submitted to committee Milestone Jun-21 Wellbeing and Equalities People can access the support they need in the place they live and work 20 minute neighbourghood model: Milestone 2: South West pilot action plan to committee Milestone Nov-21 Milestone subject to strategy approval Wellbeing and Equalities People can access the support they need in the place they live and work 19 community hubs across the city by 2030 Council Metric Pilot in South West Metric dependent on approval of above two milestones Wellbeing and Equalities Improved safety and wellbeing for vulnerable citizens Children on the Child Protection Register as a rate per 1,000 population Council Metric 1.3 2.9 Target set to be equal to or below Scottish average.