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    PLANNING AND TRANSPORT WCBR-PHASE 4 PP S COMMUNAL BIN REVIEW PHASE 4 - PRIORITY PARKING ZONE - SOUTH PAGE 1 14/06/2023 1:250 @A0 AL MP WCBR-PHASE 4 PP S WCBR-PHASE 4 PP S WCBR-PHASE 4 PP S This map is reproduced from Ordnance Survey material with the permission of Ordnance Survey on behalf of the Controller of Her Majesty's Stationery Office © Crown copyright.... PLANNING AND TRANSPORT WCBR-PHASE 4 PP S COMMUNAL BIN REVIEW PHASE 4 - PRIORITY PARKING ZONE - SOUTH PAGE 2 14/06/2023 1:250 @A0 AL MP WCBR-PHASE 4 PP S WCBR-PHASE 4 PP S WCBR-PHASE 4 PP S This map is reproduced from Ordnance Survey material with the permission of Ordnance Survey on behalf of the Controller of Her Majesty's Stationery Office © Crown copyright.... PLANNING AND TRANSPORT WCBR-PHASE 4 PP S COMMUNAL BIN REVIEW PHASE 4 - PRIORITY PARKING ZONE - SOUTH PAGE 3 14/06/2023 1:250 @A0 AL MP WCBR-PHASE 4 PP S WCBR-PHASE 4 PP S WCBR-PHASE 4 PP S This map is reproduced from Ordnance Survey material with the permission of Ordnance Survey on behalf of the Controller of Her Majesty's Stationery Office © Crown copyright.
  • Advisory Cycle Lanes L3

    The street pattern then forms the basis for perimeter blocks which ensure that buildings contribute positively to the public realm Bus stop Principal routes Internal streets Factsheet Edinburgh Street Design Guidance : Part C – Detailed Design Manual Version: V1.0 2017 P1 - Street as a Place: Desired Characteristics – Urban Connectivity Demonstrating connectivity As Part of their joint Planning and Road Construction Consent (RCC) Application, developers are expected to use the Scottish Government’s Street Technique process to demonstrate the existing street network and the role/impact of new connecting streets in their Quality Audit statements (Stage 1 and 2).... Designing for Public Transport  Public transport routes should be designed into the proposed street structure to support public transport oriented neighbourhoods  Streets on public transport routes (strategic and/or secondary streets) must be designed to accommodate reasonable anticipation of future level of services (for bus or sometimes tram use) P1 - Street as a Place: Desired Characteristics – Urban Connectivity Designing for Permeability in New Residential Streets Relevant Factsheets: Bus Routes (PT1) Traffic Management and Speed Reduction (G6) Street Furniture Layout (F1) Crossings (G4) Crossings at or near junctions (G5) Pedestrian Desire Lines (P2) Priority Junctions (G7) 4 Factsheet Edinburgh Street Design Guidance : Part C – Detailed Design Manual Version: V1.0 2017 P1 - Street as a Place: Desired Characteristics The Council requires new/future walking and cycling Quiet Route routes to be part of an integrated network, even if this is delivered across multiple master plans.... Available at: to-green.html [Accessed 1 November 2016].
  • Advisory Cycle Lanes L3

    The street pattern then forms the basis for perimeter blocks which ensure that buildings contribute positively to the public realm Bus stop Principal routes Internal streets Factsheet Edinburgh Street Design Guidance : Part C – Detailed Design Manual Version: V1.0 2017 P1 - Street as a Place: Desired Characteristics – Urban Connectivity Demonstrating connectivity As Part of their joint Planning and Road Construction Consent (RCC) Application, developers are expected to use the Scottish Government’s Street Technique process to demonstrate the existing street network and the role/impact of new connecting streets in their Quality Audit statements (Stage 1 and 2).... Designing for Public Transport  Public transport routes should be designed into the proposed street structure to support public transport oriented neighbourhoods  Streets on public transport routes (strategic and/or secondary streets) must be designed to accommodate reasonable anticipation of future level of services (for bus or sometimes tram use) P1 - Street as a Place: Desired Characteristics – Urban Connectivity Designing for Permeability in New Residential Streets Relevant Factsheets: Bus Routes (PT1) Traffic Management and Speed Reduction (G6) Street Furniture Layout (F1) Crossings (G4) Crossings at or near junctions (G5) Pedestrian Desire Lines (P2) Priority Junctions (G7) 4 Factsheet Edinburgh Street Design Guidance : Part C – Detailed Design Manual Version: V1.0 2017 P1 - Street as a Place: Desired Characteristics The Council requires new/future walking and cycling Quiet Route routes to be part of an integrated network, even if this is delivered across multiple master plans.... Available at: to-green.html [Accessed 1 November 2016].
  • 247 Woodhall entry.indd

    Work of Art Some Historical High Horticultural / Arboricultural / Sylvicultural Little Architectural Some Scenic High Nature Conservation High Archaeological Some Recreational High Sources – Primary Maps Blaeu Atlas of Scotland, 1654 NLS Adair/Cooper A map of Midlothian – Counties of Scotland printed version -1735 NLS South Park walls and planting The Water of Leith 8 Edinburgh Survey of Gardens and Designed Landscapes Roy’s Military Survey of Scotland 1747-1755 Ref 07/5b British Library via SCRAN Laurie, A plan of Edinburgh and places adjacent, 1766 NLS Armstrong, Map of the Three Lothians, 1773 NLS Knox, Map of the Shire of Edinburgh, 1816 NLS Thomson, Atlas of Scotland, 1832 NLS First edition Ordnance Survey (1852) Sheets 5 and 6 NLS Parish map OS (1898-1904) NLS Ordnance Survey (1915) Sheet VII NW NLS – paper copies NLS National Library of Scotland RMS Reg Mag Sig Register of the Great Seal of Scotland, Edinburgh NMRS National Monuments Record of Scotland SCRAN Scottish Cultural Resource Access Network Plans at National Archives of Scotland (NAS), Register House Plans (RHP) Scotsman 19 November 2005 Sources – Secondary Cant, Malcolm 1987 The Villages of Edinburgh Volume 2, John Donald, 110, 111 The County Directory “The Directory of Noblemen and Gentlemen’s Seats, Villages etc. in Scotland” – annual publications listing properties and residents – various dates 1843,1851, 1857, 1862, 1868, 1872, 1875, 1894, 1902.
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    Other options, as well as the funding detailed above, that may be available to you include: • Using savings or other assets; • Seeking financial advice before taking out a loan; or • Consider a payment plan with the Council – be aware of the terms of the debt re- payment plan and compare this to an external loan arrangement... Owners can arrange a payment plan with the Council’s Debt Recovery Team after the bill has been issued.
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    u=64e7cd5f17fc2498e42c254e0&id=93f12cecd7&e=85b4ec5436 Christmas Shutdown Plan The project will shut down from 5pm on 23 December 2022 and return on Monday 9 January 2023 to review all safety measures ahead of recommencing main construction activities on Wednesday 11 January 2022.... The project had planned to reintroduce two-way traffic the length of Leith Walk at the same time.... Two-way traffic the length of Leith Walk is now planned for January 2023.
  • Https://–-progress-report-jacobs-october-2019

    These have been generated from planning forecasts, agreed with CEC, and were last updated in summer 2017... These have been generated from planning forecasts, agreed with CEC, and were last updated in summer 2017.... These policy interventions include the City Centre Transformation and the City Mobility Plan, Electric Vehicle Action Plan, and parking policies.–-progress-report-jacobs-october-2019
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    These have been generated from planning forecasts, agreed with CEC, and were last updated in summer 2017... These have been generated from planning forecasts, agreed with CEC, and were last updated in summer 2017.... These policy interventions include the City Centre Transformation and the City Mobility Plan, Electric Vehicle Action Plan, and parking policies.
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    The school with support from the education authority amended the school improvement plan to take account of the findings of the inspections.... Areas for improvement from original report: 1.1 Improvements in performance The improvement plan had a focus on a range of appropriate priorities.
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    Expenses Name Position Held Salary Car and Van Mileage Expenses Total Expenses Salary & Expenses Total Claimed by Claimed by Paid Direct by Claimed by Paid Direct by Claimed by Paid Direct by Claimed by Paid Direct by Claimed by Paid Direct by Councillor Councillor Authority Councillor Authority Councillor Authority Councillor Authority Councillor Authority £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ Aitken M E Councillor 16560.00 96.24 96.24 16656.24 Aldridge R Councillor 16560.00 42.75 612.00 654.75 17214.75 Austin Hart N Vice Convener Culture & Sport Committee 22356.96 22356.96 Bagshaw N Councillor 16560.00 612.00 161.52 773.52 17333.52 Balfour J Convener Governance, Risk & Best Value Committee 24840.96 237.17 204.04 441.21 25282.17 Barrie G Convener Regulatory Committee 32294.04 612.00 96.00 708.00 33002.04 Blacklock A Vice Convener Regulatory Committee 22356.96 612.00 146.00 758.00 23114.96 Booth C Councillor 16560.00 612.00 98.32 710.32 17270.32 Bridgman M Police & Fire Scrutiny Committee 19872.96 554.85 138.80 693.65 20566.61 Brock D L Depute Convener 24840.96 295.57 98.39 393.96 25234.92 Burgess S Opposition Group Leader 24840.96 612.00 185.00 135.87 932.87 25773.83 Burns A Leader of the Council 49683.00 69.36 144.63 213.99 49896.99 Cairns R Councillor 16560.00 101.09 101.09 16661.09 Cardownie S Councillor 36149.02 30.92 96.00 126.92 36275.94 Chapman M Councillor 16560.00 612.00 100.26 712.26 17272.26 Child M M Convener Communities & Neighbourhood Committee 22356.96 95.37 95.37 22452.33 Cook B Vice Convener Finance & Budget Committee 22356.96 22356.96 Cook N Councillor 16560.00 612.00 96.00 708.00 17268.00 Corbett G Councillor 16560.00 118.01 118.01 16678.01 Day C Vice Convener Health & Wellbeing Committee 22356.96 12.50 231.47 150.00 99.78 493.75 22850.71 Dixon D Vice Convener Planning Committee 16871.67 313.65 99.00 101.04 513.69 17385.36 Doran K Councillor 16560.00 612.00 146.79 758.79 17318.79 Edie P Councillor 16560.00 129.76 129.76 16689.76 Fullerton C Vice Convener Education, Children & Families Committee 22356.96 48.19 96.00 144.19 22501.15 Gardner N Councillor 16560.00 804.50 96.00 900.50 17460.50 Godzik P Convener Education, Children & Families Committee 32294.04 266.70 266.70 32560.74 Griffiths J Councillor 16560.00 96.00 96.00 16656.00 Henderson R Convener Health & Wellbeing Committee 32294.04 612.00 96.00 708.00 33002.04 Henderson W Councillor 16560.00 96.05 96.05 16656.05 Heslop D Councillor 16560.00 31.75 648.82 152.98 833.55 17393.55 Hinds L Convener Transport & Environment Committee 32294.04 764.28 197.25 146.09 155.28 1262.90 33556.94 Howat S Depute Leader of the Council 23158.31 612.00 102.71 714.71 23873.02 Jackson A Councillor 16560.00 238.37 238.37 16798.37 Keil K Councillor 16560.00 16560.00 Key D Councillor 16560.00 96.00 96.00 16656.00 Lewis R Convener Culture & Sport Committee 32294.04 154.35 14.00 906.87 629.07 129.14 1833.43 34127.47 Lunn A Councillor 16560.00 612.00 98.44 710.44 17270.44 Main M Councillor 16560.00 612.00 96.63 708.63 17268.63 McInnes M Councillor 16560.00 612.00 612.00 17172.00 McVey A Vice Convener Transport & Environment Committee 22356.96 612.00 96.00 708.00 23064.96 Milligan E Convener Licensing Board 29808.96 554.40 17.70 100.46 672.56 30481.52 Mowat J Councillor 16560.00 11.53 96.29 107.82 16667.82 Munro G Vice Convener Economy Committee 22356.96 612.00 96.00 708.00 23064.96 Orr J Councillor 16560.00 21.80 39.95 110.94 172.69 16732.69 Paterson L Councillor 16560.00 81.90 612.00 96.00 789.90 17349.90 Perry I Convener Planning Committee 32294.04 83.03 104.45 187.48 32481.52 Rankin A Convener Finance & Budget Committee 32294.04 612.00 98.08 710.08 33004.12 Redpath V Councillor 16560.00 96.00 96.00 16656.00 Robson K Councillor 16560.00 5.60 612.00 99.87 717.47 17277.47 Rose C Opposition Group Leader 24840.96 99.00 99.00 24939.96 Ross F Convener Economy Committee 32294.04 1311.64 592.70 146.09 215.87 2266.30 34560.34 Rust J G Councillor 16560.00 612.00 174.88 786.88 17346.88 Shields A Councillor 16560.00 217.80 42.05 612.00 96.00 967.85 17527.85 Tymkewycz S Councillor 16560.00 612.00 135.96 747.96 17307.96 Walker D Councillor 16560.00 108.00 118.30 99.55 325.85 16885.85 Whyte I Councillor 16560.00 72.20 138.35 210.55 16770.55 Wilson D Lord Provost 37262.04 435.92 136.58 47.20 619.70 37881.74 Work N Councillor 834.00 134.28 968.28 968.28 **Work N Convener of Lothian Valuation Joint Board 20702.04 20702.04 Total 1266879.84 1984.95 360.95 20461.67 0.00 1705.60 0.00 47.20 39.95 675.18 100.46 5842.03 31217.99 1298097.83 ** Joint Board costs shown separate.