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  • Equalities and Rights Impact Assessment: Unacceptable Actions Policy

    Describe the different policies or services (i.e. decisions, projects, programmes, policies, services, reviews, plans, functions or practices that relate to the Corporate ERIA Title): Policies and Services Date ERIA commenced Bus Tracker - Future Provision - F&R report seeking to continue to make payments to Cofly Ineo for the continued running of the Bus Tracker system until the implementation of a new solution (c) When is it due to be reviewed?... insert furthest away date if question relates to a number of review dates) (d) ERIA Team Please list all ERIA Team Members: Name Organisation / Service Area Andrew Macleod Planning and Transport, Place Part 2: Evidence and Impact Assessment (a) Evidence Base Please record the evidence used to support the ERIA.
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    1 in 5 Conference: Tackling Poverty and Inequality 27th April 2017 1 Pupil Equity Fund overview: The story so far Sustainability over time Immediate Priorities • Understand the context within the cluster and use data to track, monitor and intervene • Improve parental engagement • Remove barriers to learning • Increase attendance and reduce lates • Raise ethos and aspiration for all • Become an inclusive school 3 year plan Parental engagement  Launched a Forrester High school app  Increased parent attendance by introducing Online parents night booking system (Last S3 stats-up 34%)  Show my homework (Digital technology: 1-1 school) 1 in 5 Conference: Tackling Poverty and Inequality 27th April 2017 2 • Department PEF bids(PE department bought a huge bank of kit) • Period poverty • Removal of HE/CDT money • Purchased stationary • Uniform clothing assistance • Bus fares • FSM applications • Food banks (Great link with the Broomhouse one stop shop) • Prom support Creating a shared vision and values • Improve ethos • Develop pupil sense of belonging • School identity • More colourful visuals around the school • Help shape classroom behaviour • Everyone involved(Pupil focus groups) • Develop positive relationships • Raising attainment for all working group • 3 word ‘Relationship policy’ not a 20 page discipline policy Vision and Values ideas and feedback Targeted Support • S1 Nurture group (Boxall) • Targeted attendance and late groups (S1-3)/Raised awareness (30 pupils who fall between 70-90%) • Easter study programme(127 pupils x 4 sessions) • Extracted Nat 5 Maths group (1 hr extra a week) • S4 Nat 5 Numeracy and Literacy course in exam leave(50 pupils) • Phone calls home every parents night to all FSM and SIMD 1-3 families • SDO and PSO part of PSG and YPPM Inclusive practice and changed mindset • 1-5 staff and pupil workshops • SIMD data readily used by staff to track, support and intervene • Whole staff restorative training in service day arranged for May • Working group created • Circle document use ‘Inclusive classroom’ • Moving away from punitive punishments • Growth mindset and motivational speakers • Celebrating success using Epraise/kudos Breakfast club • Starting 4th June 2018 • 12 month trial • Links with Fairshare • Pupil and staff volunteers Community links • Broomhouse One Stop Shop • Wester Hailes Youth Agency • Lloyds Banking Group • Corstorphine youth & community centre 1 in 5 Conference: Tackling Poverty and Inequality 27th April 2017 3 What next?... Plan for a 2nd group to start in August with our new S1 cohort
  • Equalities and Rights Impact Assessment: Unacceptable Actions Policy

    Describe the different policies or services (i.e. decisions, projects, programmes, policies, services, reviews, plans, functions or practices that relate to the Corporate ERIA Title): Policies and Services Date ERIA commenced Bus Tracker - Future Provision - F&R report seeking to continue to make payments to Cofly Ineo for the continued running of the Bus Tracker system until the implementation of a new solution (c) When is it due to be reviewed?... insert furthest away date if question relates to a number of review dates) (d) ERIA Team Please list all ERIA Team Members: Name Organisation / Service Area Andrew Macleod Planning and Transport, Place Part 2: Evidence and Impact Assessment (a) Evidence Base Please record the evidence used to support the ERIA.
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    Expenses Name Position Held Salary Car and Van Mileage Expenses Total Expenses Salary & Expenses Total Claimed by Claimed by Paid Direct by Claimed by Paid Direct by Claimed by Paid Direct by Claimed by Paid Direct by Claimed by Paid Direct by Councillor Councillor Authority Councillor Authority Councillor Authority Councillor Authority Councillor Authority £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ Aitken M E Councillor 16560.00 96.24 96.24 16656.24 Aldridge R Councillor 16560.00 42.75 612.00 654.75 17214.75 Austin Hart N Vice Convener Culture & Sport Committee 22356.96 22356.96 Bagshaw N Councillor 16560.00 612.00 161.52 773.52 17333.52 Balfour J Convener Governance, Risk & Best Value Committee 24840.96 237.17 204.04 441.21 25282.17 Barrie G Convener Regulatory Committee 32294.04 612.00 96.00 708.00 33002.04 Blacklock A Vice Convener Regulatory Committee 22356.96 612.00 146.00 758.00 23114.96 Booth C Councillor 16560.00 612.00 98.32 710.32 17270.32 Bridgman M Police & Fire Scrutiny Committee 19872.96 554.85 138.80 693.65 20566.61 Brock D L Depute Convener 24840.96 295.57 98.39 393.96 25234.92 Burgess S Opposition Group Leader 24840.96 612.00 185.00 135.87 932.87 25773.83 Burns A Leader of the Council 49683.00 69.36 144.63 213.99 49896.99 Cairns R Councillor 16560.00 101.09 101.09 16661.09 Cardownie S Councillor 36149.02 30.92 96.00 126.92 36275.94 Chapman M Councillor 16560.00 612.00 100.26 712.26 17272.26 Child M M Convener Communities & Neighbourhood Committee 22356.96 95.37 95.37 22452.33 Cook B Vice Convener Finance & Budget Committee 22356.96 22356.96 Cook N Councillor 16560.00 612.00 96.00 708.00 17268.00 Corbett G Councillor 16560.00 118.01 118.01 16678.01 Day C Vice Convener Health & Wellbeing Committee 22356.96 12.50 231.47 150.00 99.78 493.75 22850.71 Dixon D Vice Convener Planning Committee 16871.67 313.65 99.00 101.04 513.69 17385.36 Doran K Councillor 16560.00 612.00 146.79 758.79 17318.79 Edie P Councillor 16560.00 129.76 129.76 16689.76 Fullerton C Vice Convener Education, Children & Families Committee 22356.96 48.19 96.00 144.19 22501.15 Gardner N Councillor 16560.00 804.50 96.00 900.50 17460.50 Godzik P Convener Education, Children & Families Committee 32294.04 266.70 266.70 32560.74 Griffiths J Councillor 16560.00 96.00 96.00 16656.00 Henderson R Convener Health & Wellbeing Committee 32294.04 612.00 96.00 708.00 33002.04 Henderson W Councillor 16560.00 96.05 96.05 16656.05 Heslop D Councillor 16560.00 31.75 648.82 152.98 833.55 17393.55 Hinds L Convener Transport & Environment Committee 32294.04 764.28 197.25 146.09 155.28 1262.90 33556.94 Howat S Depute Leader of the Council 23158.31 612.00 102.71 714.71 23873.02 Jackson A Councillor 16560.00 238.37 238.37 16798.37 Keil K Councillor 16560.00 16560.00 Key D Councillor 16560.00 96.00 96.00 16656.00 Lewis R Convener Culture & Sport Committee 32294.04 154.35 14.00 906.87 629.07 129.14 1833.43 34127.47 Lunn A Councillor 16560.00 612.00 98.44 710.44 17270.44 Main M Councillor 16560.00 612.00 96.63 708.63 17268.63 McInnes M Councillor 16560.00 612.00 612.00 17172.00 McVey A Vice Convener Transport & Environment Committee 22356.96 612.00 96.00 708.00 23064.96 Milligan E Convener Licensing Board 29808.96 554.40 17.70 100.46 672.56 30481.52 Mowat J Councillor 16560.00 11.53 96.29 107.82 16667.82 Munro G Vice Convener Economy Committee 22356.96 612.00 96.00 708.00 23064.96 Orr J Councillor 16560.00 21.80 39.95 110.94 172.69 16732.69 Paterson L Councillor 16560.00 81.90 612.00 96.00 789.90 17349.90 Perry I Convener Planning Committee 32294.04 83.03 104.45 187.48 32481.52 Rankin A Convener Finance & Budget Committee 32294.04 612.00 98.08 710.08 33004.12 Redpath V Councillor 16560.00 96.00 96.00 16656.00 Robson K Councillor 16560.00 5.60 612.00 99.87 717.47 17277.47 Rose C Opposition Group Leader 24840.96 99.00 99.00 24939.96 Ross F Convener Economy Committee 32294.04 1311.64 592.70 146.09 215.87 2266.30 34560.34 Rust J G Councillor 16560.00 612.00 174.88 786.88 17346.88 Shields A Councillor 16560.00 217.80 42.05 612.00 96.00 967.85 17527.85 Tymkewycz S Councillor 16560.00 612.00 135.96 747.96 17307.96 Walker D Councillor 16560.00 108.00 118.30 99.55 325.85 16885.85 Whyte I Councillor 16560.00 72.20 138.35 210.55 16770.55 Wilson D Lord Provost 37262.04 435.92 136.58 47.20 619.70 37881.74 Work N Councillor 834.00 134.28 968.28 968.28 **Work N Convener of Lothian Valuation Joint Board 20702.04 20702.04 Total 1266879.84 1984.95 360.95 20461.67 0.00 1705.60 0.00 47.20 39.95 675.18 100.46 5842.03 31217.99 1298097.83 ** Joint Board costs shown separate.
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    Publication 2021 ELECTED MEMBERS RECORD OF CLAIMS ACTUAL SPEND FROM 1 APRIL 2020 TO 31 MARCH 2021 Expenses Name Position Held Salary Car Mileage Expenses Other Travel Subsistence Conference Telephone, Mobile & ICT Expenses Total Expenses Salary & Expenses Total Accommodation Meals Claimed by Claimed by Paid Direct by Claimed by Paid Direct by Claimed by Paid Direct by Claimed by Paid Direct by Claimed by Paid Direct by Councillor Councillor Authority Councillor Authority Councillor Authority Councillor Authority Councillor Authority £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ Aldridge Robert Opposition Group Leader 26,784.96 0.00 26784.96 Arthur Scott Councillor 17,853.96 116.48 116.48 17970.44 Barrie Gavin Councillor 17,853.96 118.28 118.28 17972.24 Bird Eleanor Councillor 17,853.96 600.00 351.00 117.06 1068.06 18922.02 Booth Charles Councillor 17,853.96 600.00 116.96 716.96 18570.92 Bridgman Claire Councillor 17,853.96 116.93 116.93 17970.89 Brown Mark Councillor 17,853.96 116.91 116.91 17970.87 Bruce Graeme Councillor 17,853.96 117.16 117.16 17971.12 Burgess Stephen Councillor 17,853.96 600.00 138.90 738.90 18592.86 Cameron Lezley Councillor 26,784.96 116.97 116.97 26901.93 Campbell James Councillor 17,853.96 121.49 121.49 17975.45 Campbell Kate Convener - Housing, Homelessness & Fairwork 33,480.00 117.05 117.05 33597.05 Campbell Mary Councillor 17,853.96 116.90 116.90 17970.86 Child Maureen Vice Convener - Planning 26,784.96 141.57 141.57 26926.53 Cook Nicholas Councillor 17,853.96 116.44 116.44 17970.40 Corbett Gavin Councillor 17,853.96 116.97 116.97 17970.93 Day Cameron Depute Leader of the Council 40,175.04 116.96 116.96 40292.00 Dickie Alison Vice Convener - Education, Children & Families 26,784.96 116.48 116.48 26901.44 Dixon Denis Vice Convener - Regulatory 26,784.96 117.01 117.01 26901.97 Doggart Philip Councillor 17,853.96 116.89 116.89 17970.85 Doran Karen Vice Convener - Transport & Environment 26,784.96 116.93 116.93 26901.89 Douglas William Councillor 17,853.96 116.93 116.93 17970.89 Fullerton Catherine Convener - Regulatory 33,480.00 116.48 116.48 33596.48 Gardiner Neil Convener - Planning 33,480.00 116.67 116.67 33596.67 Gloyer Gillian Councillor 17,853.96 600.00 116.44 716.44 18570.40 Gordon George Councillor 17,853.96 26.50 120.03 146.53 18000.49 Graczyk Ashley Councillor 17,853.96 163.63 163.63 18017.59 Griffiths Joan Depute Convener/Vice Convener Finance & Resources 26,784.96 116.41 116.41 26901.37 **Henderson Ricky Convener or Vice Convener of Integration Joint Board 33,480.00 0.00 33480.00 Henderson Ricky Councillor 0.00 600.00 116.44 716.44 716.44 Howie Derek Councillor 17,853.96 119.41 116.48 235.89 18089.85 Hutchison Graham Councillor 17,853.96 116.46 116.46 17970.42 Johnston Andrew Councillor 17,853.96 116.48 116.48 17970.44 **Key David Convener of Lothian Valuation Joint Board 22,320.00 0.00 22320.00 Key David Councillor 0.00 96.00 96.00 96.00 Laidlaw Callum Councillor 17,853.96 116.44 116.44 17970.40 Lang Kevin Councillor 17,853.96 116.96 116.96 17970.92 MacInnes Lesley Convener - Transport & Environment 33,480.00 116.44 116.44 33596.44 Main Melanie Opposition Group Leader 22,295.46 124.59 124.59 22420.05 McLellan John Councillor 17,853.96 116.41 116.41 17970.37 McNeese-Mechan Amy Vice Convener - Culture & Communities 26,784.96 186.50 186.50 26971.46 McVey Adam Leader of the Council 53,567.04 600.00 122.32 722.32 54289.36 Miller Claire Councillor 17,853.96 118.39 118.39 17972.35 Mitchell Max Councillor 17,853.96 116.46 116.46 17970.42 Mowat Joanna Convener - GRBV 26,784.96 116.96 116.96 26901.92 Munn Robert Acting Convener Finance & Resources 27,263.19 600.00 116.93 716.93 27980.12 Munro Gordon Councillor 17,853.96 234.12 234.12 18088.08 Osler Hal Councillor 17,853.96 116.92 116.92 17970.88 Perry Ian Convener - Education, Children & Families 33,480.00 123.41 123.41 33603.41 Rae Susan Councillor 17,853.96 236.74 236.74 18090.70 Rankin Alasdair Convener - Finance & Resources 33,480.00 116.97 116.97 33596.97 Ritchie John Councillor 17,236.70 0.00 17236.70 Rose Cameron Councillor 17,853.96 0.00 17853.96 Ross Francis Lord Provost 40,175.04 116.92 116.92 40291.96 Ross Neil Councillor 17,853.96 126.07 126.07 17980.03 Rust Jason Councillor 17853.96 117.14 117.14 17971.10 Smith Stephanie Councillor 17853.96 139.94 139.94 17993.90 Staniforth Alexander Councillor 22343.46 117.57 117.57 22461.03 Watt Mandy Vice Convener - Housing, Homelessness & Fairwork 26784.96 600.00 117.15 717.15 27502.11 Webber Susan Councillor 17853.96 116.92 116.92 17970.88 Whyte Iain Opposition Group Leader 26784.96 600.00 91.94 691.94 27476.90 Wilson Donald Convener - Culture & Communities 33480.00 116.47 116.47 33596.47 Work Norman Convener - Licensing Board 33480.00 131.42 131.42 33611.42 Young Ethan Councillor 6893.61 52.33 52.33 6945.94 Young Louise Councillor 17853.96 129.57 129.57 17983.53 Total 1455258.74 0.00 0.00 5545.91 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 351.00 0.00 7388.79 13285.70 1468544.44 ** Joint Board costs shown separate.
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    Other Expenses Date Time of Departure Time of Arrival Sub Total 0 0 0 0 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 Rate £0.45 £0.24 £0.20 £0.05 Cash Value of Mileage Claim £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 Dalgleish J 2022 - 2023 Expenditure Members Name J Dalgleish Current Position Held Convener - Planning Council Duties - Expenses Journey Details Detailed Description of Approved Duty Expense Items or details of Journey Car Mileage Motor Cycle Mileage Bicycle Mileage Passenger Mileage Subsistence Other Travel etc.... Other Expenses Date Time of Departure Time of Arrival 09 Sep 2022 UK's 100's Climate Leadership Academy Weekend, Manchester - Event cancelled due to death of HRH Train Fare Refund on Train Fare Refund on Train Fare £172.65 -£76.20 -£76.20 07 Oct 2022 UK's 100's Climate Leadership Academy Weekend - Birmingham Train Fare £277.45 18 Nov 2022 UK's 100's Climate Leadership Academy Weekend - London Train Fare £255.00 13 Jan 2023 UK's 100's Climate Leadership Academy Weekend - Manchester Train Fare £146.70 22 Jan - 23 Jan 2023 Smart Cities Conference - London Train Fare Accommodation £88.00 £338.00 Sub Total £88.00 £1,037.40 Rate £0.45 £0.24 £0.20 £0.05 Cash Value of Mileage Claim £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 Dickie A 2022 - 2023 Expenditure Members Name A Dickie Current Position Held Councillor Council Duties - Expenses Journey Details Detailed Description of Approved Duty Expense Items or details of Journey Car Mileage Motor Cycle Mileage Bicycle Mileage Passenger Mileage Subsistence Other Travel etc.
  • Deliverable D1 - Complete Audit Report Final Submission

    This underlines user experience aspects critical for effective remediation planning.... Jadu content page a. b. 6.... Pretty pdfs - Commercial in Confidence 30 © Access Technology Company (ATC) DIRECTORIES type template 10.
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    PLANNING AND TRANSPORT WCBR-PHASE 2 GG COMMUNAL BIN REVIEW PHASE 2 - GORGIE PAGE 1 15/08/2022 1:250 @A0 AL WCBR-PHASE 2 GG WCBR-PHASE 2 GG WCBR-PHASE 2 GG This map is reproduced from Ordnance Survey material with the permission of Ordnance Survey on behalf of the Controller of Her Majesty's Stationery Office © Crown copyright.... PLANNING AND TRANSPORT WCBR-PHASE 2 GG COMMUNAL BIN REVIEW PHASE 2 - GORGIE PAGE 2 15/08/2022 1:250 @A0 AL WCBR-PHASE 2 GG WCBR-PHASE 2 GG WCBR-PHASE 2 GG This map is reproduced from Ordnance Survey material with the permission of Ordnance Survey on behalf of the Controller of Her Majesty's Stationery Office © Crown copyright.... PLANNING AND TRANSPORT WCBR-PHASE 2 GG COMMUNAL BIN REVIEW PHASE 2 - GORGIE PAGE 3 15/08/2022 1:250 @A0 AL WCBR-PHASE 2 GG WCBR-PHASE 2 GG WCBR-PHASE 2 GG This map is reproduced from Ordnance Survey material with the permission of Ordnance Survey on behalf of the Controller of Her Majesty's Stationery Office © Crown copyright.
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    PLANNING AND TRANSPORT WCBR-PHASE 3 PP S COMMUNAL BIN REVIEW PHASE 3 - PRIORITY PARKING ZONE - SOUTH PAGE 1 14/06/2023 1:250 @A0 AL MP WCBR-PHASE 3 PP S WCBR-PHASE 3 PP S WCBR-PHASE 3 PP S This map is reproduced from Ordnance Survey material with the permission of Ordnance Survey on behalf of the Controller of Her Majesty's Stationery Office © Crown copyright.... PLANNING AND TRANSPORT WCBR-PHASE 3 PP S COMMUNAL BIN REVIEW PHASE 3 - PRIORITY PARKING ZONE - SOUTH PAGE 2 14/06/2023 1:250 @A0 AL MP WCBR-PHASE 3 PP S WCBR-PHASE 3 PP S WCBR-PHASE 3 PP S This map is reproduced from Ordnance Survey material with the permission of Ordnance Survey on behalf of the Controller of Her Majesty's Stationery Office © Crown copyright.... PLANNING AND TRANSPORT WCBR-PHASE 3 PP S COMMUNAL BIN REVIEW PHASE 3 - PRIORITY PARKING ZONE - SOUTH PAGE 3 14/06/2023 1:250 @A0 AL MP WCBR-PHASE 3 PP S WCBR-PHASE 3 PP S WCBR-PHASE 3 PP S This map is reproduced from Ordnance Survey material with the permission of Ordnance Survey on behalf of the Controller of Her Majesty's Stationery Office © Crown copyright.
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