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    Subsequently the school with support from the education authority amended the school improvement plan to take account of the findings of the inspection.... The current improvement plan had had a positive impact on the work of the school.
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    Subsequently the school with support from the education authority amended the school improvement plan to take account of the findings of the inspection.... The improvement plan and the working groups, taking forward the school’s priorities for improvement, were well focused on raising attainment and achievement for all learners.
  • Equalities and Rights Impact Assessment: Unacceptable Actions Policy

    Place Transport and Planning Paul Lawrence, Executive Director 2017P78 (b) What is being impact assessed?... Describe the different policies or services (i.e. decisions, projects, programmes, policies, services, reviews, plans, functions or practices that relate to the Corporate ERIA Title): Policies and Services Date ERIA commenced Transport and Environment Report (21 March 2017) Bus Lane Network Review – Objections to the Traffic Regulation Orders 1/01/2017 (c) ERIA Team Please list all ERIA Team Members: Name Organisation / Service Area Andrew Renwick CEC/Services for Communities Part 2: Evidence and Impact Assessment (a) Evidence Base Please record the evidence used to support the ERIA.
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    Place Planning and Transport Paul Lawrence, Executive Director 2017P75 (b) What is being impact assessed?... decisions, projects, programmes, policies, services, reviews, plans, functions or practices that relate to the Corporate ERIA Title): Policies and Services Date ERIA commenced 1.
  • Equalities and Rights Impact Assessment: Unacceptable Actions Policy

    Describe the different policies or services (i.e. decisions, projects, programmes, policies, services, reviews, plans, functions or practices that relate to the Corporate ERIA Title): Policies and Services Date ERIA commenced Report Proposals 10/08/17 (c) ERIA Team Please list all ERIA Team Members: Name Organisation / Service Area Suzanne Hunter CEC / Transport Policy and Planning Lorna Henderson CEC / Diversity Officer Part 2: Evidence and Impact Assessment (a) Evidence Base Please record the evidence used to support the ERIA.
  • Equalities and Rights Impact Assessment: Unacceptable Actions Policy

    Describe the different policies or services (i.e. decisions, projects, programmes, policies, services, reviews, plans, functions or practices that relate to the Corporate ERIA Title): Policies and Services Date ERIA commenced A committee report seeking approval to develop 'meanwhile' uses on a gap site at Leith Walk owned by the Council until the site is ready for redevelopment (expected to be in circa 2021-2022).... A detailed business plan for the operation of the meanwhile uses is being drafted and consideration can be given within this to how these outcomes come be supported.
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    These preventative measures will support our aim to mitigate unnecessary levels of stress: • Provide clarity of what’s expected in the role and how it should be done, with supporting feedback, coaching and development as required; • Regular communication ensuring colleagues are informed and engaged; • Active work force planning to ensure the right resources are in the right place at the right time doing the right thing, in a planned and balanced way; • Promote and encourage team members to access health and wellbeing initiatives; • Empower team members to be able to influence where, when and how work is done to sufficiently feel in control of their workload within the remit of the role; • Fully utilise skills and make time to listen, support and involve in decisions where possible; • Consider any adjustments made in occupational health reports and discuss these with employees; • Conduct appropriate level of stress risk assessments and work to implement recommendations; • Ensure you create a safe space to have a discussion around any stressors; • Confidentiality must be respected and maintained and personal circumstances are not discussed with others without consent, unless in exceptional circumstances where this level of confidentiality cannot be guaranteed if there are health and safety concerns for fellow colleagues or clients of the council.
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    This is consistent with Coalition Pledge 30, to continue to maintain a sound financial position including long term financial planning. 5.... Links Coalition Pledges P8 - make sure the city’s people are well housed P30 - continue to maintain a sound financial position including long term financial planning Council Priorities CP10 - a range of quality housing options CP13 - transformation, workforce, and partner engagement, budget Single Outcome Agreement SO1 - Edinburgh’s economy delivers increased investment, jobs and opportunities for all Appendices Appendix 1 - table detailing potential additional income generated by not granting a Council Tax discount for second homes Finance and Resources Committee - 19 January 2017 Page 6 Appendix 1 Potential additional income generated by not granting a Council Tax discount for second homes Band Total Annual Council Tax Charge (£) Current Value of Second Home Discount (£) Additional Revenue Including Band E-H Multipliers (£) Additional Revenue Including 3% Increase (£) A 51 779.33 3,974.58 3,974.58 4,093.82 B 215 909.22 19,548.23 19,548.23 20,134.68 C 333 1,039.11 34,602.36 34,602.36 35,640.43 D 406 1,169.00 47,461.40 47,461.40 48,885.24 E 566 1,428.78 80,868.95 86,934.12 89,542.14 F 418 1,688.56 70,581.81 79,404.53 81,786.67 G 268 1,948.33 52,215.24 61,352.91 63,193.50 H 64 2,338.00 14,963.20 18,329.92 18,879.82 Total 2,321 324,215.78 351,608.06 362,156.30
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    Key Questions for holiday plans: • When they are travelling and when they are due to return?... What are they planning to do on the trip?
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    This includes: Reducing poverty • £82 million on early years services - 1,140 hours of funded early learning and childcare planned by August 2021 • £2.8 over 10 years in capital projects including 10,000 new Council-led affordable homes by 2027, modernising existing homes and producing zero carbon emissions by 2030 • £3.6 million to improve pupil attainment, achievement and attendance, as well as the £7 million from Scottish Government Pupil Equity Funding • £0.8 million for clothing grants • £0.17 million to freeze fees and charges for school meals, care at home services, garden aid and library reservation charges and fines • an extra £10 million to improve temporary accommodation for ongoing impacts of responding to the COVID-19 pandemic • over £1 million to maximise household incomes for those who need it most • free school meals for almost 7,700 pupils and all pupils in P1-P3 • almost £30 million for people who need help paying their council tax • £0.175 million extra for the Edinburgh Guarantee • £0.4 million to help people at risk of homelessness and support those experiencing homelessness into secure tenancies • £1.05 million for families to manage crisis needs, more direct payments due to COVID- 19, food security and expand programmes like Discover • £2 million extra to help all our school pupils get the equipment they need for their studies Sustainability - working towards being carbon-neutral by 2030 • £8.4 million to finish upgrading our street lighting to energy-efficient LED lights • £0.5 million to support our climate obligations and further decarbonisation of the Council's estate • £0.3 million to support our sustainability plan • trams to Newhaven including £2.4 million to support local businesses • £7.6 million to continue to replace more than 200 vehicles with lower-emissions ones • £0.5 million for digital Smart City initiatives Health and Wellbeing • £19.7 million to complete Meadowbank Sports Centre • £2.3 million for community mental health support and school counselling • £3.9 million in grants to improve mental health and wellbeing, learning and development and to support personal and social development • £0.5 million to improve our parks, playparks, food growing and urban forests, with £4 million of related of capital investment • £0.25 million to set up a short-term let licensing and enforcement system • £0.11 million to strengthen and support our role as corporate parents by expanding the support team • £0.052 million to extend the role of Gaelic development Where our income comes from The Council Tax funding is gross of £26.6m of Council Tax Reduction Scheme funding Government Grants 52% (£594m) Non-Domestic Rates 21% (£238m) Council Tax 27% (£311m) ANNUAL REVENUE BUDGET £1.143 BILLION