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    Topic summary : Housing : dwelling type, tenure, rooms, overcrowding and under-occupancy February 2014 Planning Information, Planning and Building Standards,   Services for Communities, The City of Edinburgh Council       Published by Planning Information, Planning & Building Standards, Services for Communities, City of Edinburgh Council February 2014 This report is based on 2011 Census data published by National Records of Scotland (formerly General Register Office Scotland) Whilst reasonable care has been taken in the analysis and presentation of this data, the report is offered for general guidance only and users should undertake their own verification if used for business critical purposes.
  • Microsoft Word - Ethnicity and related themes - topic report.docx

    Microsoft Word - Ethnicity and related themes - topic report.docx                                                                                          Topic summary : Ethnicity and related themes : ethnic group, country of birth, national identity, age and year of arrival in the UK, religion, languages November 2013 Planning Information, Planning and Building Standards, Services for Communities, The City of Edinburgh Council     Published by Planning Information, Planning & Building Standards, Services for Communities, City of Edinburgh Council November 2013 This report is based on 2011 Census data published by National Records of Scotland (formerly General Register Office Scotland) Whilst reasonable care has been taken in the analysis and presentation of this data, the report is offered for general guidance only and users should undertake their own verification if used for business critical purposes.
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    Topic summary : Housing : dwelling type, tenure, rooms, overcrowding and under-occupancy February 2014 Planning Information, Planning and Building Standards,   Services for Communities, The City of Edinburgh Council       Published by Planning Information, Planning & Building Standards, Services for Communities, City of Edinburgh Council February 2014 This report is based on 2011 Census data published by National Records of Scotland (formerly General Register Office Scotland) Whilst reasonable care has been taken in the analysis and presentation of this data, the report is offered for general guidance only and users should undertake their own verification if used for business critical purposes.
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    PLANNING AND TRANSPORT WCBR-PHASE 1 BO COMMUNAL BIN REVIEW PHASE 1 - BONNINGTON PAGE 1 09/03/2022 1:250 @A0 AL WCBR-PHASE 1 BO WCBR-PHASE 1 BO WCBR-PHASE 1 BO This map is reproduced from Ordnance Survey material with the permission of Ordnance Survey on behalf of the Controller of Her Majesty's Stationery Office © Crown copyright.... PLANNING AND TRANSPORT WCBR-PHASE 1 BO COMMUNAL BIN REVIEW PHASE 1 - BONNINGTON PAGE 2 09/03/2022 1:250 @A0 AL WCBR-PHASE 1 BO WCBR-PHASE 1 BO WCBR-PHASE 1 BO This map is reproduced from Ordnance Survey material with the permission of Ordnance Survey on behalf of the Controller of Her Majesty's Stationery Office © Crown copyright.... PLANNING AND TRANSPORT WCBR-PHASE 1 BO COMMUNAL BIN REVIEW PHASE 1 - BONNINGTON PAGE 3 03/06/2021 1:250 @A0 AL WCBR-PHASE 1 BO WCBR-PHASE 1 BO WCBR-PHASE 1 BO This map is reproduced from Ordnance Survey material with the permission of Ordnance Survey on behalf of the Controller of Her Majesty's Stationery Office © Crown copyright.
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    PLANNING AND TRANSPORT WCBR-PHASE 3 S3 COMMUNAL BIN REVIEW PHASE 3 - S3 PAGE 1 15/06/2023 1:250 @A0 AL WCBR-PHASE 3 S3 WCBR-PHASE 3 S3 WCBR-PHASE 3 S3 This map is reproduced from Ordnance Survey material with the permission of Ordnance Survey on behalf of the Controller of Her Majesty's Stationery Office © Crown copyright.... PLANNING AND TRANSPORT WCBR-PHASE 3 S3 COMMUNAL BIN REVIEW PHASE 3 - S3 PAGE 2 15/06/2023 1:250 @A0 AL WCBR-PHASE 3 S3 WCBR-PHASE 3 S3 WCBR-PHASE 3 S3 This map is reproduced from Ordnance Survey material with the permission of Ordnance Survey on behalf of the Controller of Her Majesty's Stationery Office © Crown copyright.... PLANNING AND TRANSPORT WCBR-PHASE 3 S3 COMMUNAL BIN REVIEW PHASE 3 - S3 PAGE 3 15/06/2023 1:250 @A0 AL WCBR-PHASE 3 S3 WCBR-PHASE 3 S3 WCBR-PHASE 3 S3 This map is reproduced from Ordnance Survey material with the permission of Ordnance Survey on behalf of the Controller of Her Majesty's Stationery Office © Crown copyright.
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    Index Edinburgh Street Design Guidance : Part C – Detailed Design Manual Version: V1.1 2019 FactsheetIndex Subject Page A History of Street Lighting in the Old and New Towns of Edinburgh World Heritage Site (2012) F6.9 A Sustainable Lighting Strategy for Edinburgh, 2012 F6.1, F6.2, F6.9 Access to bus stops PT2.2 Active travel action plan C1.4 Active travel networks P1.5 Advanced stop line M5.3 Advertising boards (A-boards) P3.7 Advisory cycle lanes C2.1-2 Bus stops C2.4 Crossings C2.4 Dimensions C2.2 Integration with junctions C2.5 Materials C2.2 Parking and loading C2.4 Side roads C2.4 Asphalt footway Construction requirements M2.1 Crossfall M2.2 New developments M2.2 Where to lay it M2.1 BD 29/17 - Design criteria for footbridges G4.17 Subject Page BS 5489-1: 2003 - Code of Practice for the Design of Road Lighting F6.2 BS 5837: 2012 - Trees in relation to design, demolition and construction – Recommendations F6.7 Boundary protection M1.2 Buffers/Islands C4.10-12 Buffer/Separation strip C4.9 Build outs G7.1, G7.2, G7.6 Bus boxes PT2.10 Bus lanes Cyclists PT3.2 Lane widths PT3.2 Operational hours PT3.2 Signs and road markings PT3.2 Waiting restrictions PT3.2 Bus laybys PT2.11 Bus only streets PT3.1 Bus priority PT1.1 Cyclists PT3.3 Options PT3.3 Signal priority PT3.1, PT3.3 Traffic calming PT3.1, PT3.4 Edinburgh Street Design Guidance : Part C – Detailed Design Manual Version: V1.1 2019 FactsheetIndex Subject Page Considerations C3.14 Cycle track through bus boarder C4.17, C4.21-22 Design principles PT2.1-3 Floating bus stop C4.17-20 Floating Bus Stops – Bus shelter located on footway C3.16 Floating Bus Stops – Bus shelter located on island C3.15 Footway PT2.4 Integration with soft segregation C3.13 Kerbs PT2.11 Layout PT2.3 Placement and location PT2.2 Shared use footway C4.17 Bus shelters Dimensions PT2.8 Location on footway PT2.7 Shelter or no shelter?... G5.1-G5.3 Cycle friendly city C1.4, C1.7 Cycle friendly traffic management G6.12 Cycle parking P3.1 Cycle route design principles C1.2 Cycle tracks on hills C4.3 Cycleways F6.11, M2.2 De-cluttering assessment P3.5 Part A: Audit inventory P3.6 Part B: Opportunities for decluttering P3.7 Part C: Action the Preferred Design Solution P3.20 Process for traffic signs P3.8-13 Process for road markings P3.14-15 Process for street furniture P3.16-19 Demonstrating connectivity P1.3 Department for Transport’s Manual for streets G3.2, G6.1, G6.3, G6.5- 6, G6.8 Design priorities P2.7 Edinburgh Street Design Guidance : Part C – Detailed Design Manual Version: V1.1 2019 FactsheetIndex Subject Page Dropped Kerb Crossings G7.5 Edges M3.10 Electric Vehicle Charging Points F6.3 Energy Efficient Lighting F6.1 Equality Act 2010 P2.6, P2.8 Equality and Rights Impact Assessment (ERIA) P2.8 Equality/accessibility P3.4 Existing crossings near or at junctions G5.4, G5.5 Existing streets PT1.3 False One Ways C5.1 Flexible posts C3.1-2 Batons/ wands C3.3, C3.4 Satellite Islands C3.3, C3.5 Wand orcas C3.3, C3.5 Footpaths Definition P6.1 Dimensions P6.1 Footway construction M1.2 Footway materials Asphalt M1.3-4 Concrete paving/artificial stone M1.3-4 Natural stone M1.3-4 Subject Page Resin bound gravel M1.3 Setts M1.3 Footway width requirements P3.1-3 Footway zones Clear footway zone P3.4 Frontage zone P3.4-5 Furniture zone P3.4-5 Kerb zone P3.4 Furniture zone F1.2-4 Guidance Note for Local Authorities - Reducing Sign Clutter (TRL) 2010 P3.20 Guidance on the use of Tactile Paving Surfaces, 1998 C3.20, G4.12, M4.4 Here and Now studies P2.2 Highway Code M5.3 Historic environment M1.1 Historic Lighting Columns F6.10 Historic paving Protection M3.6 Repairs M3.6-7 HSG47 'Avoiding danger from underground services‘ F6.8 HSG185 'Safety in excavations' F6.8 Illuminated Traffic Signs and Bollards F6.12 Edinburgh Street Design Guidance : Part C – Detailed Design Manual Version: V1.1 2019 FactsheetIndex Subject Page Inclusive Mobility P2.8 Inspection cover details M3.9 Integration with parking/loading Floating loading island C4.13, C4.15 Floating parking bays C4.13-14 Parking / Loading Bays inset into separating island C4.13, C4.16 Junctions Cycle gate at signal controlled junctions C4.37 Holding the left turn at signalled junctions C4.36 Integration with signal controlled junctions C4.34 Two stage right turn and early release at signal junctions C4.35 Keep left bollards G4.7 Kerbs and other separation options C4.8 Licensing P3.4 Lighting G4.7 Landscaping objects C3.1-2, C3.3 Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plans (2017) C1.3 Local Transport Note (LTN) 1/95 C3.20, G4.2, G4.12 Local Transport Note (LTN) 2/95 C3.20, G4.2, G4.9, G4.12, G5.1, G 5.3 Locating Street Lighting Subject Page At Crossings F6.5 Back of Footway F6.6 General Principles F6.3-F6.4 Front of Footway F6.6 Supply Pillars F6.5 Wall Mounted F6.5 Low level separators C3.1-2 Armadillos/ Zebras C3.3, C3.6 Orcas C3.3, C3.7 Mandatory cycle lanes C2.1, C2.3 Bus stops C2.4 Crossings C2.4 Dimensions C2.3 Integration with junctions C2.5 Materials C2.3 Parking and loading C2.4 Side roads C2.4 Making Space for Cycling (2014) C1.3 Materials palette P3.4 Minimising street clutter – principles P3.1 Minimum treatment length M5.3-4 Natural stone British standards M3.4 Edinburgh Street Design Guidance : Part C – Detailed Design Manual Version: V1.1 2019 FactsheetIndex Subject Page Corner details M3.8 Design considerations M3.3 Flag cutting M3.4 Finishes M3.5 Joint detail M3.4 Laying detail M3.4 Omitting centrelines Centreline removal trial G3.2 Risk mitigation in exceptional circumstances G3.3 One way flow C4.1, C4.4, C4.6 One-Way Plugs C5.1, C5.3, C5.4, C5.5 PAN 51: Planning, Environmental Protection F6.2 PAN 77: Designing Safer Places F6.2 Parking P3.4 Parking and loading – integration with soft segregation C3.8 Floating parking/loading bays C3.9 Inset or on-footway parking/loading bays C3.10 Kerbside parking/loading C3.11 Part-time Soft Segregation Cycle Lane with Kerbside Parking / Loading Bays C3.12 Paths F6.11 Subject Page Pedestrian guardrail assessment P3.1 Pedestrian Movement and Activity Analysing P2.2 Comfort assessments P2.2, P2.4-5 Desire lines P2.2 Flow counts P2.2 Origin-destination assessments P2.2 Pedestrian desire lines P2.2, P2.3 Pedestrian environment review system P2.2 Promoting P2.1 Qualitative observations P2.2 Shared use interaction analysis P2.2 Static activity assessments P2.2 Pelican crossings Existing with in 15m of a junction G5.5 Polished stone values (PSV) M5.2 Priority junctions Carriageway design G7.1 Crossing width G7.1 Cycling provision G7.1 Design principles G7.1 Drainage G7.1 Edinburgh Street Design Guidance : Part C – Detailed Design Manual Version: V1.1 2019 FactsheetIndex Subject Page Protection from parking and vehicle over run M1.2 Public Advice Note (PAN) 78: Inclusive Design P2.8 Public transport oriented neighbourhoods P1.6 Puffin crossings Existing with in 15m of a junction G5.5 On closed side streets G5.6 On one way plugs/side streets G5.6 Pros and cons G5.6 On two way side streets G5.6 QuietRoutes C1.1, C1.4- 6, G4.3, G4.14, G5.1, G5.2, P1.5 Raised tables G7.2, G7.6 Red Chips C5.8 Reduced clear kerb zone F1.5 Reducing sign clutter (TAL 01/13) P3.1, P3.5, P3.7 Reducing Street Clutter F6.12 Refuge islands G7.2 Residential footway crossovers Layout P4.1 Location P4.1 Materials P4.1 Subject Page Rear of footway P4.1 Widths P4.1 Materials P4.1 Rear of footway P4.1 Widths P4.1 Road markings P3.3, P3.14- 15 Roundabouts C1.13, G4.11 Seating Design considerations F2.2 Dimensions F2.3 Location F2.1 Materials F2.3 Segregation and user needs C4.2 Shackel, S.
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    Other options, as well as the funding detailed above, that may be available to you include: • Using savings or other assets; • Seeking financial advice before taking out a loan; or • Consider a payment plan with the Council – be aware of the terms of the debt re- payment plan and compare this to an external loan arrangement... Owners can arrange a payment plan with the Council’s Debt Recovery Team after the bill has been issued.
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    Some of the benefits of better participation include: • The way in which public services are planned, developed and delivered is influenced by, and responds to, community need... Planning This will allow all the partners to jointly plan what needs to be done, by whom, and by when.
  • Advisory Cycle Lanes L3

    Planning for pedestrian safety Investigate collision datasets alongside the analysis of pedestrian desire lines, to define existing safety issues for pedestrians.... Plan to accommodate the corresponding uplift in pedestrian flow by considering opportunities to widen footways or relocate street furniture that creates a pinch-point.... Edinburgh Street Design Guidance : Part C – Detailed Design Manual Version: V1.0 2017 FactsheetP2 - Promoting Pedestrian Movement and Activity – Desire Lines and Comfort The Pedestrian Comfort Guidance for London (TfL, 2010) An example can be found in Aldgate Gyratory the City of London Pedestrian Comfort Analysis Pedestrian comfort level (PCL) on footways PCL for different area types for use in peak hours and for average maximum activity level 5 Note: pedestrians per metre of clear footway width per minute (ppmm) is used to measure the crowding level on a footway Edinburgh Street Design Guidance : Part C – Detailed Design Manual Factsheet Version: V1.0 2017 Designing Inclusive Streets Public spaces and streets play a key role in improving accessibility and helping to create social cohesion and should be designed to consider the needs of all users.
  • Advisory Cycle Lanes L3

    Planning for pedestrian safety Investigate collision datasets alongside the analysis of pedestrian desire lines, to define existing safety issues for pedestrians.... Plan to accommodate the corresponding uplift in pedestrian flow by considering opportunities to widen footways or relocate street furniture that creates a pinch-point.... Edinburgh Street Design Guidance : Part C – Detailed Design Manual Version: V1.0 2017 FactsheetP2 - Promoting Pedestrian Movement and Activity – Desire Lines and Comfort The Pedestrian Comfort Guidance for London (TfL, 2010) An example can be found in Aldgate Gyratory the City of London Pedestrian Comfort Analysis Pedestrian comfort level (PCL) on footways PCL for different area types for use in peak hours and for average maximum activity level 5 Note: pedestrians per metre of clear footway width per minute (ppmm) is used to measure the crowding level on a footway Edinburgh Street Design Guidance : Part C – Detailed Design Manual Factsheet Version: V1.0 2017 Designing Inclusive Streets Public spaces and streets play a key role in improving accessibility and helping to create social cohesion and should be designed to consider the needs of all users.