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    Health & Safety Classification by Contractor Injury MUS   SFN   Siemens   Total DangerousOccurrence EnvironmentalIncident InjuryOver7Days InjuryUnder7Days MemberofPublic Other RoadTrafficAccident ServiceDamage 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 Total 0 1 0 1 Injury Breakdown 100% Minor Fatality Major Incident and Injury Measures Measure  Target Value Accident Frequency Rate Accident Severity Rate Incident Weighted Index Lost Time Weighted Index Safety Observation Index Service Strike Weighted Index 0.10 1.00 0.10 0.05 36.00 0.15 0.000 0.544 0.049 0.013 54.000 0.078 Classifications 1 (100%) Service Strike Incident Injury Incident MUS   SFN   Siemens   Total Major Minor Near Miss / Unsafe Condition Serious / Significant 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 Total 0 1 0 1 Incident and Injury Type Planned Actual Audits CoCP Health & Safety Quality Assurance Safety Commitment Senior Management Tour 0 4 3 3 2 0 0 7 4 3 2 0 Total 12 16 Quality Code of Construction 0 50 100 Type & Contractor Reinsta… / Landsc… SFN Track slab SFN Utilities SFN MEICA/… Siemen… Utilities MUS Ducting MUS Reinsta… / Landsc… MUS Drainage SFN Ducting SFN Drainage MUS MEICA/… MUS TICZ Excava… MUS Track slab MUS 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 87 40 22 16 2 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 Closed in Month Open 0 5 Be ha vio urs Du st Em erg en cy Ac ce ss Fe nc ing an d H oa rdi ng Ho urs of W ork Lit ter & Ge ne ral Ho … Me mb ers of th e P ub … No ise No tic es Pa rki ng PP E Sit e h ou se ke ep ing Sm ok ing Vib rat ion Wa ste M an ag em en t Wa ste W ate r a nd Ru … Wa ter Value N/A No Yes Commentary   Summary
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    Health & Safety Classification by Contractor Injury MUS   SFN   Siemens   Total DangerousOccurrence EnvironmentalIncident InjuryOver7Days InjuryUnder7Days MemberofPublic Other RoadTrafficAccident ServiceDamage 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 Total 0 2 0 2 Injury Breakdown Fatality Major Minor Incident and Injury Measures Measure  Target Value Accident Frequency Rate 0.10 0.000 Accident Severity Rate 1.00 0.573 Incident Weighted Index 0.10 0.041 Lost Time Weighted Index 0.05 0.011 Safety Observation Index 30.00 39.000 Service Strike Weighted Index 0.15 0.069 Classifications 2 (100%) Service Strike Incident Injury Incident MUS   SFN   Siemens   Total Major Minor Near Miss / Unsafe Condition 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 Total 0 2 0 2 Incident and Injury Type Planned Actual Audits CoCP Health & Safety Quality Assurance Safety Commitment Senior Management 0 3 3 2 2 0 0 3 4 2 2 0 Total 10 11 Quality Code of Construction 0 100 200 Type & Contractor Reinsta… / Landsc… SFN Track slab SFN Drainage SFN Utilities SFN MEICA/… Siemen… Ducting SFN Utilities MUS Ducting MUS Reinsta… / Landsc… MUS Drainage MUS MEICA/… MUS TICZ Excava… MUS Track slab MUS 7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 240 109 45 23 17 12 2 1 1 0 0 0 0 Closed in Month Open 0 2 Be ha vio urs Du st Em erg en cy Ac ce ss Fe nc ing an d H oa rdi ng Ho urs of W ork Lit ter & Ge ne ral Ho … Me mb ers of th e P ub … No ise No tic es Pa rki ng PP E Sit e h ou se ke ep ing Sm ok ing Vib rat ion Wa ste M an ag em en t Wa ste W ate r a nd Ru … Wa ter Value N/A No Yes Commentary   Summary
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    Health & Safety Classification by Contractor Injury MUS   SFN   Siemens   Total DangerousOccurrence EnvironmentalIncident InjuryOver7Days InjuryUnder7Days MemberofPublic Other RoadTrafficAccident ServiceDamage 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 2 Total 0 4 0 4 Injury Breakdown Fatality Major Minor Incident and Injury Measures Measure  Target Value Accident Frequency Rate 0.10 0.000 Accident Severity Rate 1.00 0.591 Incident Weighted Index 0.10 0.043 Lost Time Weighted Index 0.05 0.012 Safety Observation Index 30.00 46.000 Service Strike Weighted Index 0.15 0.070 Classifications (50%)(50%) 22 Service Strike Incident Injury Incident MUS   SFN   Siemens   Total Major Minor Near Miss / Unsafe Condition 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 Total 0 4 0 4 Incident and Injury Type Planned Actual Audits CoCP Health & Safety Quality Assurance Safety Commitment Senior Management 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 Total 4 2 Quality Code of Construction 0 100 200 Type & Contractor Reinsta… / Landsc… SFN Track slab SFN Drainage SFN Utilities SFN MEICA/… Siemen… Ducting SFN Utilities MUS Ducting MUS Reinsta… / Landsc… MUS Drainage MUS MEICA/… MUS TICZ Excava… MUS Track slab MUS 7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 200 95 30 17 17 12 2 1 1 0 0 0 0 Closed in Month Open 0 1 2 Be ha vio urs Du st Em erg en cy Ac ce ss Fe nc ing an d H oa rdi ng Ho urs of W ork Lit ter & Ge ne ral Ho … Me mb ers of th e P ub … No ise No tic es Pa rki ng PP E Sit e h ou se ke ep ing Sm ok ing Vib rat ion Wa ste M an ag em en t Wa ste W ate r a nd Ru … Wa ter Value N/A No Yes Commentary   Summary
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    Health & Safety Classification by Contractor Injury MUS   SFN   Siemens   Total DangerousOccurrence EnvironmentalIncident InjuryOver7Days InjuryUnder7Days MemberofPublic Other RoadTrafficAccident ServiceDamage 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 2 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 2 0 0 0 2 Total 0 5 0 5 Injury Breakdown 100% Minor Fatality Major Incident and Injury Measures Measure  Target Value Accident Frequency Rate Accident Severity Rate Incident Weighted Index Lost Time Weighted Index Safety Observation Index Service Strike Weighted Index 0.10 1.00 0.10 0.05 45.00 0.15 0.000 0.751 0.060 0.017 52.000 0.090 Classifications (40%) 1 (20%) (40%) 22 Service Strike Incident Injury Incident MUS   SFN   Siemens   Total Major Minor Near Miss / Unsafe Condition Serious / Significant 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 2 Total 0 5 0 5 Incident and Injury Type Planned Actual Audits CoCP Health & Safety Quality Assurance Safety Commitment Senior Management Tour 0 10 6 5 4 0 0 13 13 11 4 0 Total 25 41 Quality Code of Construction 0 5 10 Type & Contractor Reinsta… / Landsc… SFN Track slab SFN Utilities SFN Reinsta… / Landsc… MUS Utilities MUS Ducting SFN Drainage SFN Ducting MUS MEICA/… Siemen… Drainage MUS MEICA/… MUS TICZ Excava… MUS Track slab MUS 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 8 5 3 3 2 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 Closed in Month Open 0 10 Be ha vio urs Du st Em erg en cy Ac ce ss Fe nc ing an d H oa rdi … Ho urs of W ork Lit ter & Ge ne ral Ho … Me mb ers of th e P ub … No ise No tic es Pa rki ng PP E Sit e h ou se ke ep ing Sm ok ing Vib rat ion Wa ste M an ag em en t Wa ste W ate r a nd Ru … Wa ter Value N/A No Yes Commentary   Summary
  • An evaluation of the impacts of on vehicle emissions of a 20mph speed restriction in London

    In general it is accepted that the lower demand for power at lower speed limits (with fewer) acceleration events) is likely to be beneficial to particulate matter emissions associated with brake and tyre wear.
  • Report Corstorphine Connections post-12-Month Data Collection 2024-09-05

    This is the sound level exceeded for 90 % of the measurement period and generally reflects the sound level in the lulls between individual sound events.
  • 0703

    I S O A 1 5 9 4 m m x 8 4 1 m m KEY PLAN CLIENT PROJECT WEST EDINBURGH ACTIVE TRAVEL NETWORK PROJECT NUMBER 60579456 NOTES CONSULTANT AECOM 1 Tanfield EDINBURGH, EH3 5DA +44 (0) 131 301 8600 tel +44 (0) 131 301 8699 fax 2. 3. 4.... I S O A 1 5 9 4 m m x 8 4 1 m m KEY PLAN CLIENT PROJECT WEST EDINBURGH ACTIVE TRAVEL NETWORK PROJECT NUMBER 60579456 NOTES CONSULTANT AECOM 1 Tanfield EDINBURGH, EH3 5DA +44 (0) 131 301 8600 tel +44 (0) 131 301 8699 fax 2. 3. 4.... I S O A 1 5 9 4 m m x 8 4 1 m m KEY PLAN CLIENT PROJECT WEST EDINBURGH ACTIVE TRAVEL NETWORK PROJECT NUMBER 60579456 NOTES CONSULTANT AECOM 1 Tanfield EDINBURGH, EH3 5DA +44 (0) 131 301 8600 tel +44 (0) 131 301 8699 fax 2. 3. 4.
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    LWF KH Q� 5 LV HU ����Pð 6WDII�:& ����Pð 6WDII�:& UHIXJH UHIXJH ����Pð :& ����Pð :&UH IX JH E n t r a n c e h u b – f i r s t f l o o r S e n i o r l e a d e r s h i p t e a m h u b Café View from fitness into pool Senior leadership team offices on link bridge at heart of building Senior leadership team meeting room B rid ge li nk b et w ee n te ac hi ng b lo ck a nd s po rts Wellness Centre with multi-purpose community room and school & community counselling facilities Views over entrance & LRC from bridge & SLT offices Bridge access with SLT offices – early design sketch Architype precedent – University of East Anglia, Enterprise Centre T e a c h i n g B l o c k D i n i n g f a c i l i t i e s Concept sketches of dining & Hellerup stair Dining Zone Links to outdoor dining Se rv er y Catering kitchen Dining Access from school Queueing Catering deliveries & access to nearby bins E x p r e s s i v e A r t s a n d A s s e m b l y S p a t i a l c o n f i g u r a t i o n - l a y o u t s Ground floor First floor First Floor Ground Floor Second Floor Void over break out Assembly Expressive Arts & Assembly S p a t i a l c o n f i g u r a t i o n – 3 D V i e w s Integrated Support Zone – Ground floor I n c l u s i v e s u p p o r t h u b f o r p u p i l s w i t h a d d i t i o n a l n e e d s Retreat and breakout spaces within ISZ Ground floor Languages & Humanities – First Floor E n g l i s h a n d l e a r n i n g p l a z a Use of feature stairs to connect L&H areas Views over assembly First floor First Floor Ground Floor Second Floor Void over Hellerup stair Learning plaza Dining View towards learning plaza Debating chamber Languages & Humanities – Second Floor S o c i a l S c i e n c e s & M o d e r n L a n g u a g e s Second floor Sketch of break out area uses Languages & Humanities – Second Floor S o c i a l S c i e n c e s & M o d e r n L a n g u a g e s STEM (science, technologies, engineering & maths) – Ground floor Business, CDT and Skills Space Void First Floor Ground Floor Second Floor STEM plaza Ground floor plan STEM – First Floor ICT and Maths View from STEM plaza towards void Sketch of indicative learning plaza spaces First floor plan STEM – First Floor Science Dual lab 3D view of the STEM void 1 3D view of the STEM void 2 Examples of flexible learning spaces STEM 3D views Health & Wellbeing Food Technology – Second Floor First Floor Ground Floor Second Floor HFT teaching Staff base Second floor plan terrace access from social science & science Health & Wellbeing Food Technology – Second Floor View 1 - towards breakout and terrace from North Teaching Kitchen View 2 - from second floor department entrance HFT and Teaching Terrace Health & Wellbeing Sports Block - Ground Floor $ % & ' ( ) * + - / 0 3 5 6 7 � � � � � � � � �� �� �� �� $� %� .�+�(� 1� ������Pð 'LQLQJ ������Pð &DWHULQJ�.LWFKHQ �� �� �P ð ) 0 �6 WR UH �� ' LQ LQ J �����Pð 7DQN �� �� P ð 6 WD II� : & �� �� P ð 6 WD II� : & �� �� �P ð 3 XS LO� : & V �� �� �P ð 3 XS LO� : & V ����Pð $:& ������Pð 7KHDWUH�$VVHPEO\ ������Pð 'UDPD�6WXGLR �����Pð ([SUHVVLYH�$UW�7HDFKLQJ �����Pð %UHDN�RXW��0XVLF�'UDPD� �����Pð 0XVLF�&ODVVURRP�����Pð 0XVLF�&ODVVURRP �����Pð /�3UDFWLFH�5P �����Pð 5HFRUGLQJ�6WXGLR �����Pð 0XVLF�6WRUH �����Pð ,QVWUXPHQW�/RFNHUV �����Pð 6NLOOV�6SDFH ������Pð &'7�ZRUNVKRS ������Pð &'7�ZRUNVKRS �����Pð 0DFKLQH�5RRP ����Pð &'7�6WRUH ����Pð (OHFWULFDO�5LVHU ����Pð 6P�3UDFWLFH�5P ����Pð 6P�3UDFWLFH�5P ����Pð 6P�3UDFWLFH�5P �����Pð 0DLQ�6ZLWFK�5RRP �����Pð +HDW�'+:�3ODQW �� �� �P ð 0 DL Q� ' DW D� & HQ WU H� �F HQ WU DO �F RP P V� �����Pð 67(0�EUHDNRXW��7HFK� �����Pð 4XHXH�'LQH�+RVS �����Pð &LUFXODWLRQ ����Pð 'LQLQJ�4XLHW ����Pð /LIW ������Pð 6SRUWV�+DOO ������Pð *\P�+DOO �����Pð 6SRUW�KDOO�6WRUH �����Pð 'U\�&KDQJH��� �����Pð 'U\�&KDQJH��� �����Pð 2XWGRRU�&KDQJH��� �����Pð 2XWGRRU�&KDQJH��� �� �� �P ð $ FF HV VL EO H� & 3 7 ����Pð $:& ������Pð 0DLQ�3RRO �����Pð :HW�&KDQJLQJ �����Pð 6KRZHUV �����Pð 6WDII�URRP���)LUVW�$LG ����Pð $FF�&KDQJLQJ ����Pð $:& ����Pð &OHDQHUV �����Pð 6WRUH �����Pð 6SRUWV�3ODQW ����Pð &KHPLFDO�VWRUH �����Pð 6WDLU�� ����Pð :&��� �����Pð :& ����Pð /REE\ ������Pð /5& �����Pð $GPLQ�2IILFH �����Pð 5HFHSWLRQ �����Pð &DIH�%R+��6HUYHU\ ����Pð :& ����Pð :& ����Pð :& ����Pð :& ����Pð :& ����Pð /LIW �����Pð &DIH �����Pð :HOOEHLQJ�+XE �����Pð 6)/�&ODVVURRP �����Pð 1XUWXUH �����Pð 6HQVRU\�5RRP �����Pð &KDQJLQJ�3ODFH ����Pð ,QWHUYLHZ �� �� P ð ) 0 �& ��6 WR UH �� �����Pð 6WDLU�� �����Pð 6WDLU�� ����Pð /REE\ �����Pð 6WDLU�� ����Pð /REE\ $GPLQ�6WDII $X[LOODU\� �:&V &LUFXODWLRQ &RPPXQLW\ ([SUHVVLYH�$UWV )0�$QFLOODU\ ,QFOXVLRQ 3( 3ODQW 6FKRRO�6KDUHG 6)/ 67(0 6ZLPPLQJ�3RRO �����Pð 6WDLU�� �����Pð /REE\ 4. ���� ���� ���� ���� ���� ���� ���� ���� ���� ���� ���� ���� ���� ���� ���� ���� ���� �� �� �� �� �� �� �� �� �� �� �� �� �� �� �� �� �� �� �� �� �� �� �� � �� �� �� �� � �� �� �� �� ����� ����� ���� ����� ���� ���� ���� ���� ���� �����Pð 'UDPD�6WRUH 0DLQ�(QWUDQFH 6HFRQGDU\�(QWUDQFH 6(1� (QWUDQFH �� �����Pð 6NLOOV�6SDFH�6WRUH % OH DF KH U�6 WR UD JH �] RQ H �����Pð /REE\ �����Pð *UDSKLFV �����Pð &ODVVURRP �����Pð &ODVVURRP �����Pð 5HWUHDW �� �� �P ð 6 ) /� 6 WD II� ED VH �����Pð 0HGLFDO �����Pð (QKDQFHG�6XSSRUW�%DVH ����Pð (OHFWULFDO�5LVHU �� �� �P ð /5 & �2 IIL FH ��6 WR UH ����Pð ,QVWUXPHQW�/RFNHUV �����Pð 6WRUH �����Pð 67(0�EUHDNRXW��7HFK� �� �� P ð ) 0 �& ��6 WR UH (QWUDQFH�FDQRS\�DERYH ����Pð (OHF�&XSERDUG �� �� P ð ( OH F� �& EG ������Pð 3ODQW ����Pð /LIW 'LQLQJ�FDQRS\�DERYH 'UDPD�([WHUQDO�7HDFKLQJ�6SDFH��&DQRS\� LQGHSHQGHQW�RI�EXLOGLQJ�HQYHORSH�� & DQ RS \� DE RY H & ' 7 �V NL OOV �& DQ RS \� $ ER YH 'HSDUWPHQWDO�/HJHQG 6SULQNOHU�WDQN�FRPSRXQG & DQ RS \� DE RY H 1 ����Pð +RW�:DWHU�7DQN -� ����Pð $:& �����Pð :DLWLQJ�$UHD &� *�)�'� � �D �� �� P ð : & K�R�F� K�R�V� K�R�V� K�R�V� K�R�V� K�R�V� K�R�V� K�R�V� �$ YDQLW\�ORFNHUV �� �� P ð $ FF ��& KD QJ H OR FN HU V EH QF K ORFNHUV EH QF K EHQFK ORFNHUV VKRZHUV ORFNHUV EH QF K ORFNHUV EH QF K K�R�V� K�R�V� �� �� �P ð ' RI ( �2 XW GR RU �/ HD UQ LQ J� 6 WR UH �LQ FO XG HV �OD XQ GU \� ����Pð $:& �����Pð 6WDII�%DVH��7HFK� ����Pð &$'�&$0 EHQFK EHQFK VKRZHUV VKRZHUV VK RZ HU V VK RZ HU V ORFNHUV ORFNHUV �����Pð 0HHWLQJ�5RRP���6HPLQDU �� �� �P ð /D UJ H� ) 0 �& OH DQ LQ J� 6 WR UH ����Pð ,QWHUYLHZ ����Pð ,QWHUYLHZ����Pð ,QWHUYLHZ K�R�F� ( QW UD QF H� FD QR S\ �D ER YH �����Pð &ODVVURRP �����Pð ,&7�6XLWH �����Pð &ODVVURRP ����Pð 6WRUH )RUPHU�QXUVHU\�DUHD�� ODQGVFDSH�WR�EH�GHYHORSHG�WR�LQFOXGH� SURYLVLRQ�IRU�H[WHUQDO�)0�VWRUDJH 6HFXULW\�FRQWURO�EHWZHHQ� VFKRRO�DQG�HQWUDQFH�KXE�� WXUQVWLOH�W\SH 3XPS�KRXVH 1RWH��:LQGRZV�SRVLWLRQ�VL]HV�VXEMHFW�WR�GHYHORSPHQW� RI�WKH�HOHYDWLRQV�DQG�IXUWKHU�,(6�PRGHOOLQJ �� �� �P ð & LUF XO DW LR Q �����Pð &LUFXODWLRQ �� �� �P ð 6 WR UD JH �� ) ) ( � ����Pð 6WRUH P DN H� XS �D UH D P DN H� XS �D UH D �����Pð %UHDN�RXW��0XVLF�'UDPD� 3 3 ( VW RU DJ H� DU HD �����Pð -DQLWRU�6HUYLFH�6XSSRUW�6WRUH� &DQRS\�WR�'RI(�(QWUDQFH Sports Hall Gym Hall Swimming Pool Café View from café into pool $ % & ' ( ) * + - 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  • 0703

    I S O A 1 5 9 4 m m x 8 4 1 m m KEY PLAN CLIENT PROJECT WEST EDINBURGH ACTIVE TRAVEL NETWORK PROJECT NUMBER 60579456 NOTES CONSULTANT AECOM 1 Tanfield EDINBURGH, EH3 5DA +44 (0) 131 301 8600 tel +44 (0) 131 301 8699 fax 2. 3. 4.... I S O A 1 5 9 4 m m x 8 4 1 m m KEY PLAN CLIENT PROJECT WEST EDINBURGH ACTIVE TRAVEL NETWORK PROJECT NUMBER 60579456 NOTES CONSULTANT AECOM 1 Tanfield EDINBURGH, EH3 5DA +44 (0) 131 301 8600 tel +44 (0) 131 301 8699 fax 2. 3. 4.... I S O A 1 5 9 4 m m x 8 4 1 m m KEY PLAN CLIENT PROJECT WEST EDINBURGH ACTIVE TRAVEL NETWORK PROJECT NUMBER 60579456 NOTES CONSULTANT AECOM 1 Tanfield EDINBURGH, EH3 5DA +44 (0) 131 301 8600 tel +44 (0) 131 301 8699 fax 2. 3. 4.
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    ByDate DescriptionRevision -- a: 99 Giles Street > Edinburgh > EH6 6BZ t: 0131 553 4321 f: 0131 554 6699 e: Project SAUGHTON PARK CAFE BALGREEN ROAD EDINBURGH EH11 3BQ SUTHERLAND HUSSEY ARCHITECTS Proposed Glasshouse Ground Floor Plans Drawing Title Scale Date Dwg No Rev No © Sutherland Hussey Architects Status BUILDING WARRANT 1:50 GA-18 Existing tile flooring retained and repaired New double glazed window and door system with new beam over to SE detail Minimum u value 1.4Wm-2K-1 Wall Type 04 New Rendered Blockwork Wall Type 05 Existing Block Wall with New Render Wall Type 04 New Rendered Blockwork Wall Type 04 New Rendered Blockwork Wall Type 05 Existing Block Wall with New Render Wall Type 05 Existing Block Cavity Wall with New Render Wall Type 04 New Rendered Blockwork New single glazed aluminium framed door system STAGE B Warrant Glasshouse to be refurbished and reglazed.