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  • Videos to support wellbeing for parents and carers

    information sheet on top tips for socks and shoes (PDF)... Tying shoe laces... information sheet on one handed shoe lace tying (PDF)
  • Coffee cup recycling now on the menu in Edinburgh city centre

    with Hubbub Enterprise) has now launched, with bright orange coffee cup recycling bins sited in... including Rose Street, George Street, top of Waverley Steps, Rutland Street, St Andrew Square and within Waverley Mall. ... It's great that people can now use these eye-catching coffee cup recycling bins for their takeaway cups (NB not lids!)
  • Communal bins service

    cans / tins... clean plastic bottles with tops, pots, tubs and trays... clean cans and tins
  • Informal consultation starts for Gaelic secondary education

    Tha co-chomhairleachadh neo-fhoirmeil a’ dol air adhart le molaidhean a thaobh foghlam àrd-sgoile Gàidhlig fad-ùine anns a’ phrìomh bhaile.... Ceithir làraich a dh’fhaodadh a bhith ann airson àrd-sgoil Ghàidhlig ùr, le Àrd-sgoil Liberton ga mheas mar an roghainn as fheàrr... gus na beachdan aca a chur a-steach agus bidh choinneamh bhiortail ann cuideachd air 25 Samhain agus 30 Samhain a thèid a chraoladh air an lìon.
  • Individual kerbside collections

    clean plastic bottles with tops, pots, tubs and trays... clean cans, tins, foil and empty aerosols... household batteries placed inside a clear bag and on top of the box
  • Edinburgh claims top spot for parks and greenspaces in Scotland
  • South Morningside Primary School in the running for top marks
  • Edinburgh primary school top of the class for outdoor learning
  • Edinburgh Poverty Commission work shortlisted for top award
  • Recycling in the city centre

    clean cans, tins, foil and empty aerosols... small electrical items placed on top or next to the box, for example, hairdryers and toasters... household batteries placed inside a clear bag and on top of the box