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    Match Funding: The detail you provide in this table is for information purposes only at this stage Please read the explanation box shaded yellow at the top of the page Expenditure Profile Expenditure Profile UKSPF Proposal Annual Expenditure UKSPF Proposal Capital/Revenue Split (£) Investment Priority Intervention 2022-23 2023-24 2024-25 Annual Expenditure Totals Capital 22/23 Revenue 22/23 Capital 23/24 Revenue 23/24 Capital 24/25 Revenue 24/25 Capital/Revenue Totals Investment Priority Intervention 2022-23 2023-24 2024-25 Annual Expenditure Totals Capital 22/23 Revenue 22/23 Capital 23/24 Revenue 23/24 Capital 24/25 Revenue 24/25 Capital/Revenue Totals Communities & Place S1: Place based investments, regen & town centre improvements £0 £0 Communities & Place S2: Support/improve community assets & infrastructure projects £0 £0 Communities & Place S3: Improvements to the natural environment, green & open space £0 £0 Communities & Place S4: Design & management of the built & landscaped environment £0 £0 Communities & Place S5: Support sport, arts, cultural, heritage & creative activities £0 £0 Communities & Place S6: Active travel enhancements & small scale transport projects £0 £0 Communities & Place S7: Campaigns to encourage visiting & exploring the local area £0 £0 Communities & Place S8: Impactful volunteering and/or social action projects £0 £0 Communities & Place S9: Investment in capacity building & resilience for local groups £0 £0 Communities & Place S10: Community measures to reduce the cost of living £0 £0 Communities & Place S11: Relevant feasibility studies £0 £0 Communities & Place S12: Digital infrastructire for local community facilities £0 £0 Communities & Place S13: Linking communities with employment opportunities - decarbonisation £0 £0 Communities & Place Communities & Place Interventions Total £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 Local Business S14: Development & promotion of the visitor economy £0 £0 Local Business S15: SME development grants & support
  • SW HH Charges 2020 v4 AW.indd

    Top up from the tap – use a refillable bottle and enjoy Scotland’s great-tasting water fresh from the tap.
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    About damp, mould and condensation TOP TIPS  USE WINDOW VENTS They allow moisture to escape without making the room cold.
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    Aegon was one of the top-scoring companies in our industry, and received the 2015 Silver Class distinction for our excellent sustainability performance.
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    Social Studies Make a simple rain gauge by cutting the top off a plastic bottle and marking the side in centimetres.
  • Slide 1 10 Top tips Always remember: • think from the customer’s point of view • Keep sentences short • Use active and not passive verbs – you can find information on…, rather then information can be found… • Use words the reader will understand • Don’t be afraid to give instructions • Don’t change verbs into nouns ie install/installation • Break up lists with bullet points • Use contractions, ie we’re, we’ll, they’re, I’ve, you’ll o Unless it’s negative ie cannot, do not, must not.
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    Get in touch back to the top If you have ideas for content for this newsletter, please contact
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    Smoke seals fitted to the door leaf gap prevent the spread of smoke at ambient temperatures, before an intumescent strip expands. 1.3 Existing Nominal Doors Some existing doors, although not certified fire doors, may be suitable provided they are of substantial solid construction and close fitting (the British Standard states 3mm at the top and sides).
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    The school recognised the need to improve levels of attainment in 3 writing and in particular boys’ reading and writing and had introduced ‘write to the top’ which encouraged the use of ambitious language.
  • 1204

    1204 VIEW 3 VIEW 4 MA RIN E D R MARI NE D R S IL V E R K N O W E S R D S IL V E R K N O W E S R D SILVERKNOW ES RD SILV ERK NOW ES P KWY LA U R IS T O N F A R M R D S IL V E R K N O W E S R D S IL V E R K N O W E S P L SILV ERKN OWE S GARDEN S SILVER KNOWE S GROVE SIL VE RK NO WE S C T SIL VE RK NO WE S C T SILV ERK NOW ES EAS TW AY S IL V E R K N O W E S B A N K S IL V E R K N O W E S G R O V E S IL V E R K N O W E S G A R D E N S S IL V E R K N O W E S B R A E S IL V E R K N O W E S R D E S IL V E R K N O W E S R D E KEY THERMOPLASTIC SHARED USE SYMBOL TO TSRGD 2016 DIA. 956 - SIZE 1m DIAMETER EXISTING DRIVEWAY ACCESS NEW TRAFFIC SIGN SEE DRAWING 65201875-SWE-SIL-1204 FOR DETAILS NEW DROPPED CROSSING ACCESS POINT DROPPER KERBS HB 125X255mm TO BN 125X150mm (TK1) DROPPED BN 125X255mm KERB CYCLEWAY TACTILE PAVING NEW FOOTWAY CONSTRUCTION FOOTWAY SURFACING - 30mm THICK HRA 15/10F SURFACE 40/60 WITH WHITE CHIP 50mm THICK AC20 DENSE BIN 40/60 225mm COMPACTED TYPE 1 NEW EDGING KERB - 50X150mm FLAT TOP EDGING KERB TEMPORARY PLASTIC PEDESTRIAN ACCESS RAMP UNIT PS-XX T K 1 T K 1 V I E W 4 V I E W 4 V I E W 5 V I E W 5 PS-02A&B EX-01 S I L V E R K N O W E S C T S I L V E R K N O W E S B A N K S I L V E R K N O W E S G R O V E S I L V E R K N O W E S G A R D E N S S I L V E R K N O W E S B R A E S I L V E R K N O W E S R D E S I L V E R K N O W E S R D E NEW BI-DIRECTIONAL CYCLELANE CLOSE JUNCTION WITH HATCHING AND CYCLELANE DEFENDERS SIGNS MOUNTED ON NEW ASSEMBLY 3 .3 m 2 .5 m 6 .5 m 3 .3 m 2 .5 m 2 .5 m 5 .0 m 6 .0 m 5 .5 m 8 .7 m 3 . 7 m 3 .2 m 6 .5 m 9 .0 m 0 .8 5 m 3 .1 m P:\6524\65201875_CEC_Spaces_for_People\000\04 Deliverables Management\Silverknowes Road\Drawings\ 65201875-SWE-SIL-1201 TO 04.dwg This drawing should not be relied on or used in circumstances other than those for which it was originally prepared and for which Sweco UK Limited was commissioned.