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    Stevedore Place There are ongoing surfacing, lining, and landscaping works including the area outside the old Casino and to the front of the Fingal carpark.... 105+ years of family farming are brought to our customer’s cup of coffee, served by its owner, assuring a care that only an owner can give to her own business.... Straight from Colombia which is already famous by its colours, flavors and wonderful views, with no intermediaries and sent by the same family that farmed every single coffee bean by hand, selecting the right ones and making sure that quality is the number one top priority in the whole process.
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    Table 2 Special Economic Areas Area Main Purpose Name: Edinburgh BioQuarter Location: East of A7, South East Edinburgh Site area: 72 ha Relevant LDP policy - Emp 2 The Edinburgh BioQuarter (EBQ) aims to become a top 10 global centre of excellence for life sciences offering opportunities for academic, commercial and clinical research and development with health care, teaching facilities and appropriate support services and facilities focused on the Edinburgh Royal Infirmary.... Indicative only - not par t of the Proposals Map 76 Edinburgh Local Development Plan November 2016 Part 1 Section 5 - A Plan for All Parts of the City EDINBURGH BIOQUARTER A llo tm e n ts M O R E D U N V A LE R O A D site boundary housing Moredunvale Road new and existing greenspace Green network: new footpath / cyclepath Moredunvale Development Principles Description - Proposal (HSG 30) to provide new housing on approximately half of the site and improve the quality of the remaining open space Development Principles • Address the General Development Principles on transport and education for South East Edinburgh (as set out in paragraphs 126-128) • The finalised site capacity, design and layout should be informed by an adequate flood risk assessment • land around the high rise flats to be kept as green space... Indicative only - not par t of the Proposals Map 81 Edinburgh Local Development Plan November 2016 Part 1 Section 5 - A Plan for All Parts of the City Dundas Castle Stoney�ats FERRYMUIR ECHLINE Builyeon Rd South Approach to the Forth Replacement Crossing Core Path CEC 10 Newbridge to Queensferry and Kirkliston in n e r h az ar d z o n e lim it m id d le h az ar d z o n e lim it o u te r h az ar d z o n e li m it BUILYEON ROAD SOUTH SCOTSTOUN SOUTH SCOTSTOUN DALMENY QUEENSFERRY AGILENT SPRINGFIELD BUILYEON ROAD site boundary housing new woodland vehicular access Builyeon Road and South Scotstoun, Queensferry other redevelopment opportunity Green network: new footpath / cyclepath existing footpath / cyclepath street improvement and frontage A90 NA TIO NA L C YC LE RO UT E 1 D A L M E N Y JU N C T IO N TO HIGH SCHOOL PROVOST MILNE GROVE FORMER AGILENT WORKS (existing planning permission) S existing SUDs basin South Approach to the Forth Replacement Crossing SCOTST OUN AV EN UE S proposed school (2ha) junction improvement TO DALMENY STATION A90 Location Map Safeguarding zone for oil storage installation Indicative only - not par t of the Proposals Map 82 Edinburgh Local Development Plan November 2016 Part 1 Section 5 - A Plan for All Parts of the City and appearance • include a new primary school towards centre of site • opportunity for commercial and community uses within the site, possibly in the north west and north east parts of the site where they could also form part of the frontage to the main road.
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    Making More of our Parks What if you could get a cup of coffee in Inverleith Park and there was the luxury of toilets next to the kids’ play park?
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    New people coming in, a ‘welcome club’, AirBnB as well; recycling days / ‘Bucket Days’; where to get certain facilities; link to citizens advice / information centre; where are the toilets / ATMs / shops internet café; links to health & wellbeing / walkable routes / cup of tea at the end; cruise traffic just to sit / facilities.
  • (Public Pack)Agenda Document for Edinburgh Partnership, 24/09/2019 14:00

    The majority of people in poverty in Edinburgh do not live in those areas commonly stigmatised as being ‘poor’ or ‘deprived’. 11% 11% 14% 14% 14% 15% 15% 18% 19% 27% 31% 31% 31% 31% 34% 34% 39% C o rs to rp h in e /M u rr a … In v e rl e it h A lm o n d M e a d o w s/ M o rn in g si … C o li n to n /F a ir m il e h e a d D ru m B ra e /G yl e P e n tl a n d H il ls F o u n ta in b ri d g e /C ra i… S o u th si d e /N e w in g to n C ra ig e n ti n n y /D u d d in … G il m e rt o n /L ib e rt o n C it y C e n tr e Le it h W a lk P o rt o b e ll o /C ra ig m il la r F o rt h Le it h S ig h th il l/ G o rg ie C h il d P o v e rt y r a te s in E d in b u rg h , 2 0 1 7 /1 8 Page 20 Citizens voices What is obvious, though, is that these numbers alone do not tell us the whole story.... Perceptions of the local crime rate (quantitative) Local outcome 1: Increased community and service user engagement Priority area Improvement action/activity Lead partner(s) Timescales Local performance indicator 1 Establishing closer links with communities and localities 1.1 Criminal Justice Social Work is represented at locality Community Improvement Partnerships (CIPs) 1.2 Align community justice and community safety planning with locality planning 1.3 Ensure connections are made across the related strategies in Community Safety and Youth Justice 1.4 Establish mechanism for capturing Family and Household Support activity which support community justice outcomes (e.g. through making connections with Stronger Edinburgh model) 1.5 Create a local media campaign to promote community justice benefits ECSP partners collectively Update March 2020 Sub group to be created and SMART actions developed; 1.1 sub group to review Terms of Ref. for CIPs 1.2 Lead officer to attend the Edinburgh Partnership (EP) lead officer group and implement actions 1.3 ECSP to hold a planning and priorities meeting in December 2019; action plans to be developed linked to CJOIP, Community Safety Strategy and Youth Justice Strategy P a g e 1 0 7 1.4 Invite Family and Household Support to be part of sub group 1.5 Sub group to establish communication plan 2 Increasing service user engagement which actively informs service development and delivery 2.1 Supporting and engaging with Just Us 2.2 Developing a framework for service user engagement 2.3 Developing “People’s Stories” 2.4 Deliver regular updates to the ECSP on service user engagement Community Justice Management Group (CJMG) Update March 2020 A Service User Strategy statement is being developed; once completed, the CJMG will develop SMART actions to progress this priority National outcome 2: Partners plan and deliver services in a more strategic and collaborative way National indicators: • Services are planned for and delivered in a strategic and collaborative way • Partners have leveraged resource for community justice • Development of community justice workforce to work effectively across organisations/ professional/geographical boundaries • Partners illustrate effective engagement and collaborative partnership working with the authorities responsible for the delivery of MAPPA Local outcome 2: Improved communication and engagement with partners and the third sector Priority area Improvement action/activity Lead partner(s) Timescales Local performance indicator 3 Creating reporting arrangements into ECSP that demonstrate the impact of our interventions and services 3.1 ECSP to create sub groups to deliver action plan activities 3.2 Identify common ground across CJOIP and LIP’s community safety themes to improve reporting 3.3 Improve links between ECSP and local community planning partnerships 3.4 Develop a dataset to demonstrate ECSP performance 3.5 Develop a Community Safety Strategy ECSP partners Update March 2020 ECSP planning meeting in December 2019 will establish relevant sub group and SMART actions 4 Establishing closer working links with the third sector 4.1 Consult with the Third Sector on their representation at the ECSP Third Sector partner(s) Update March 2020 SMART actions to be developed by lead Third Sector partners – to be P a g e 1 0 8 4.2 Strengthen the relationship between the ECSP and the Third Sector 4.3 Engage with community planning to ensure third sector connectivity confirmed December 2019 National outcome 3: People have better access to the services they require, including welfare, health and wellbeing, housing and employability National indicators: • Partners have identified and are overcoming structural barriers for people accessing services • Existence of joint-working arrangements such as processes/protocols to ensure access to services to address underlying needs • Initiatives to facilitate access to services • Speed of access to mental health services • % of people released from a custodial sentence (quantitative) who are: registered with a GP; have suitable accommodation; have had a benefits eligibility check Local outcome 3: People in the criminal justice system experience improved access to and engagement with, housing and other support services Priority area Improvement action/activity Lead partner(s) Timescales Local performance indicator 5 Improving access and sustainability of housing for people in the criminal justice system 5.1 Council Housing staff to continue co-location at HMP Edinburgh 5.2 Establishing housing situation of each person entering prison 5.3 Support short term prisoners to retain their tenancies 5.4 Assess prisoners’ housing situation prior to release focussing on those who will be homeless on release 5.5 Ensure vulnerable people in prison are assessed and referred for housing support where required 5.6 Engage with partner landlords to secure accommodation for people in the community justice system Access to Housing sub group Update March 2020 Sub group will develop SMART actions to deliver on activities 6 Developing and delivering trauma informed leadership 6.1 Pilot a trauma informed leadership coaching approach, as part of Community Justice “Towards Trauma Enhanced Practice” pilot 6.2 Extend trauma leadership coaching across all Safer and Stronger Communities ECSP sub group Update March 2020 Relevant sub group will be created and SMART actions developed P a g e 1 0 9 6.3 Work to mainstream trauma informed approaches across Safer and Stronger Communities 6.4 Evaluate the impact of trauma leadership training sessions and coaching 6.5 Take learning from the developments in Safer and Stronger to other partner agencies for their consideration 7 Delivering services which demonstrate a greater awareness of men’s experiences of trauma and common impacts into adulthood, including effects on mental health 7.1 Undertake a study to ascertain trauma experiences in men accessing Criminal Justice Social Work services 7.2 Develop a trauma informed men’s service 7.3 Develop and deliver trauma and mental health training for social work staff in groupwork services 7.4 Provide support to embed trauma enhanced practice across group work services, including implementing routine trauma and mental health screening assessment 7.5 Trail a stage 1 trauma intervention for men in contact with the criminal justice system ECSP sub group Update March 2020 Report will be presented at ECSP meeting in December 2019, and sub group created to develop SMART actions National outcome 4: Effective interventions are delivered to prevent and reduce the risk of further offending National indicators: • Targeted interventions have been tailored for and with an individual and had a successful impact on their risk of further offending • Use of ‘other activities requirement’ in Community Payback Orders (CPOs) • Effective risk management for public protection • Quality of CPOs and DTTOs • Reduced use of custodial sentences and remand (quantitative) - Balance between community sentences relative to short custodial sentences under 1 year - Proportion of people appearing from custody who are remanded • The delivery of interventions targeted at problem drug and alcohol use ((quantitative) • Numbers of police recorded warnings, police diversion, fiscal measures, fiscal diversion, supervised bail, and community sentences (including CPOs, DTTOs and RLOs) • Number of short-term sentences under 1 year Local outcome 4: Needs are identified and services are made available at the earliest opportunity P a g e 1 1 0 Priority area Improvement action/activity Lead partner(s) Timescales Local performance indicator 8 Early identification of opportunities to support vulnerable people 8.1 Develop and Early Intervention Strategy 8.2 Review current services to ensure opportunities for positive intervention are explored 8.3 Employ a ‘one person, one plan’ approach to intervention 8.4 Embed the Whole System Approach for young people who offend 8.5 Tailor interventions according to individual needs 8.6 Evaluate interventions to ensure they are effective at meeting needs 8.7 Focus on opportunities to support people at key transition points in their lives e.g. arrest, release from prison 8.8 Develop process for early identification of vulnerable people at likelihood of remand 8.9 Ensure options for enhanced bail supervision are available to the most vulnerable groups including those who would otherwise be placed on remand 8.10 Improve support for young people who attend court and receive a custodial sentence 8.11 Develop the use of the ‘other activity’ component of unpaid work requirement 8.12 Engage with people who have breached a community disposal to identify learning opportunities 8.13 Develop an evidence base of what works e.g. impact of bail supervision, reduced reoffending rates 8.14 Making links with communities through TYLA ECSP sub group Update March 2020 Sub group to be established and develop SMART actions P a g e 1 1 1 T h is p a g e is in te n tio n a lly le ft b la n k Edinburgh Partnership Governance – Implementation Update Executive Summary The Edinburgh Partnership at its meeting on 1 April 2019 agreed a new governance framework.... The National Standard also sets out the requirement that funded providers should not charge parents top up fees for any element of the 1,140 hours.
  • Cammo Estate HLF Stage 1 Parks for People Project

    To the south of the main designed landscape is a rounded hill topped by a roundel of mature trees; this is also part of the historic policies and is prominent local feature.... Ornamental stone pineapples are features along the top of the wall, although only one of the original three survive.... At the last check (2016) Cammo had Cammo Estate HLF Stage 1 Parks for People Project 117 April2018 around 100 different individuals listing it within their top 3 most frequented sites.
  • Microsoft Word - DCID SG - Letter and Statement for submission September 2018

    The figures are based on a high-level desk top exercise which looked at the potential for required works relating to ground remediation (contamination), ground stabilisation, dealing with ground water, and other site specific matters such as the requirement for deep piling.... The figures are based on a high-level desk top exercise which looked at the potential for required works relating to ground remediation (contamination), ground stabilisation, dealing with ground water, and other site specific matters such as the requirement for deep piling.... The figures are based on a high-level desk top exercise which looked at the potential for required works relating to ground remediation (contamination), ground stabilisation, dealing with ground water, and other site specific matters such as the requirement for Yes.
  • Approved Policy Framework

    This must be clearly demonstrated where the proposed development is in the same built structure as: i. a hot food premises, live music venue, amusement arcade/centre, casino or licensed premises (with the exception of hotels, restaurants, cafés or off licences); and/or ii. there is a common or shared access with licenced premises or other use likely to be detrimental to residential amenity.
  • SCheme Retention Assessment V10 App 2 210610.xlsx

    Pe de st ri an m ov em en t Pe de st ri an c ro ss in g Cy cl e ne tw or k Cy cl e lo ca l St re et E nv ir on m en t Pu bl ic T ra np or t se rv ic e an d st op s Tr af fic + p ar ki ng -d is pl ac e Tr af fic v ol um e Sp pe ds Pa rk in g Se rv ic in g Se rv ic in g Pa rk in g St re et s pa ce Pe op le w it h m ob ili ty a nd ot he r di sa bi lit ie s M ar ke t Re se ar ch Pu bl ic C on su lt at io n B us in es s co ns ul ta ti on Where measures are retained : 1.... Reinstate bus stop at top of Playfair Steps.... Pe de st ri an m ov em en t Pe de st ri an c ro ss in g Cy cl e ne tw or k Cy cl e lo ca l St re et E nv ir on m en t Pu bl ic T ra np or t se rv ic e an d st op s Tr af fic + p ar ki ng -d is pl ac e Tr af fic v ol um e Sp pe ds Pa rk in g Se rv ic in g Se rv ic in g Pa rk in g St re et s pa ce Pe op le w it h m ob ili ty a nd ot he r di sa bi lit ie s M ar ke t Re se ar ch Pu bl ic C on su lt at io n B us in es s co ns ul ta ti on Where measures are retained : 1.
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    How many cups?... Literacy and English Rhyming Words –which words rhyme with - cat, net, tin, fan, cup, rot, bag, lick, tea, my Can you say this nursery rhyme?