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  • Microsoft Word - Appendix 5 - ECCT Integrated Impact Assessment v2.docx

    Over the same 10 year period, the population of those aged 65+ is expected to increase by 20.2% (from 75,933 to 91,270) in comparison to Scotland which will increase by 19.1%. 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 % C ha ng e Year % Populations Projection Edinburgh/Scotland City of Edinburgh % change from 2016 Scotland % change from 2016 Figure 2 - % Population Change Edinburgh/Scotland 20,000 22,000 24,000 26,000 28,000 30,000 32,000 34,000 36,000 38,000 Co rs to rp hi ne / M ur ra yf ie ld A lm on d In ve rle ith D ru m B ra e / G yl e Fo rt h Cr ai ge nt in ny / D ud di ng st on Le it h Le it h W al k Po rt ob el lo / C ra ig m ill ar M or ni ng si de So ut hs id e / N ew in gt on Ci ty C en tr e Li be rt on / G ilm er to n Co lin to n / Fa ir m ile he ad Fo un ta in br id ge / Cr ai gl oc kh ar t Pe nt la nd H ill s Si gh th ill / G or gi e North West North East South East South West Po pu la tio n Edinburgh Wards 2017 Ward Populations/City Wide Average 2017 Population Edinburgh Average Figure 1 - Edinburgh 2017 Ward Populations ECCT Integrated Impact Assessment – Appendix A.... Gender 0 5000 10000 15000 20000 25000 30000 35000 40000 Co rs to rp hi ne /M ur ra y fie ld A lm on d In ve rle ith D ru m B ra e/ G yl e Fo rt h Cr ai ge nt in ny /D ud di n gs to n Le it h Le it h W al k Po rt ob el lo /C ra ig m ill a r M or ni ng si de So ut hs id e/ N ew in gt o n Ci ty C en tr e Li be rt on /G ilm er to n Co lin to n/ Fa ir m ile he a d Fo un ta in br id ge /C ra ig lo ck ha rt Pe nt la nd H ill s Si gh th ill /G or gi e North West North East South East South West Po pu la tio n N o.... Twenty responses to Question 20 (see above) of the Survey ‘Edinburgh: connecting our city, transforming our places’ mentioned the word ‘safety’ with a large number of them highlighting the safety of women cycling as well 60% 65% 70% 75% 80% 85% 90% 95% 100% Co rst or ph ine /M ur ra yfi eld Alm on d Inv er lei th Dr um Br ae /G yle Fo rth Cr aig en tin ny /D ud din gs to n Le ith Le ith W alk Po rto be llo /C ra igm illa r M or nin gs ide So ut hs ide /N ew ing to n Cit y C en tre Lib er to n/ Gi lm er to n Co lin to n/ Fa irm ile he ad Fo un ta inb rid ge /C ra igl oc kh ar t Pe nt lan d H ills Sig ht hil l/G or gie Ed inb ur gh Neighbourhood Safety/Street Lighting 2015-17 'Feel safe in neighbourhood after dark' 2015-2017 'Satisfaction with Street Lighting' 2015-2017 Figure 5 - Edinburgh People Survey responses to questions regarding neighbourhood safety and street lighting ECCT Integrated Impact Assessment – Appendix A.
  • Microsoft Word - Appendix 5 - ECCT Integrated Impact Assessment v2.docx

    Over the same 10 year period, the population of those aged 65+ is expected to increase by 20.2% (from 75,933 to 91,270) in comparison to Scotland which will increase by 19.1%. 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 % C ha ng e Year % Populations Projection Edinburgh/Scotland City of Edinburgh % change from 2016 Scotland % change from 2016 Figure 2 - % Population Change Edinburgh/Scotland 20,000 22,000 24,000 26,000 28,000 30,000 32,000 34,000 36,000 38,000 Co rs to rp hi ne / M ur ra yf ie ld A lm on d In ve rle ith D ru m B ra e / G yl e Fo rt h Cr ai ge nt in ny / D ud di ng st on Le it h Le it h W al k Po rt ob el lo / C ra ig m ill ar M or ni ng si de So ut hs id e / N ew in gt on Ci ty C en tr e Li be rt on / G ilm er to n Co lin to n / Fa ir m ile he ad Fo un ta in br id ge / Cr ai gl oc kh ar t Pe nt la nd H ill s Si gh th ill / G or gi e North West North East South East South West Po pu la tio n Edinburgh Wards 2017 Ward Populations/City Wide Average 2017 Population Edinburgh Average Figure 1 - Edinburgh 2017 Ward Populations ECCT Integrated Impact Assessment – Appendix A.... Gender 0 5000 10000 15000 20000 25000 30000 35000 40000 Co rs to rp hi ne /M ur ra y fie ld A lm on d In ve rle ith D ru m B ra e/ G yl e Fo rt h Cr ai ge nt in ny /D ud di n gs to n Le it h Le it h W al k Po rt ob el lo /C ra ig m ill a r M or ni ng si de So ut hs id e/ N ew in gt o n Ci ty C en tr e Li be rt on /G ilm er to n Co lin to n/ Fa ir m ile he a d Fo un ta in br id ge /C ra ig lo ck ha rt Pe nt la nd H ill s Si gh th ill /G or gi e North West North East South East South West Po pu la tio n N o.... Twenty responses to Question 20 (see above) of the Survey ‘Edinburgh: connecting our city, transforming our places’ mentioned the word ‘safety’ with a large number of them highlighting the safety of women cycling as well 60% 65% 70% 75% 80% 85% 90% 95% 100% Co rst or ph ine /M ur ra yfi eld Alm on d Inv er lei th Dr um Br ae /G yle Fo rth Cr aig en tin ny /D ud din gs to n Le ith Le ith W alk Po rto be llo /C ra igm illa r M or nin gs ide So ut hs ide /N ew ing to n Cit y C en tre Lib er to n/ Gi lm er to n Co lin to n/ Fa irm ile he ad Fo un ta inb rid ge /C ra igl oc kh ar t Pe nt lan d H ills Sig ht hil l/G or gie Ed inb ur gh Neighbourhood Safety/Street Lighting 2015-17 'Feel safe in neighbourhood after dark' 2015-2017 'Satisfaction with Street Lighting' 2015-2017 Figure 5 - Edinburgh People Survey responses to questions regarding neighbourhood safety and street lighting ECCT Integrated Impact Assessment – Appendix A.

    determining requests for variation of fees for Houses in Multiple Occupation licences; 223. appointing members to vacancies arising in the membership of the Council’s Licensing Forum; 224. appointing Licensing Standards Officers in accordance with section 13 of the Licensing (Scotland) Act 2005 and Civic Licensing Standards officers in accordance with the Civic Government (Scotland) Act 1982; 225. determining and issuing wheelchair exemptions on a temporary basis in respect of the City of Edinburgh Council’s Licensing Conditions for Taxis, Private Hire Cars, Taxi Drivers and Private Hire Car Drivers; 226. determining whether to hold a hearing to consider the suspension of a licence in terms of the Civic Government (Scotland) Act 1982; 227. approve in terms of standard licence condition 26 for individual applications to install Admits and to vary the standard conditions of licence to disapply condition 299 insofar as it applies to Admits. 228. approve exemptions to the age and emissions policy in respect of vehicle owners who are retiring, subject to meeting the criteria agreed by the Regulatory Committee 229. approve in terms of standard licence condition 26 for individual applications to install ‘Brightmove taxi tops’ and to vary the standard conditions of licence to disapply condition 299 insofar as it applies to ‘Brightmove taxi tops’ Community safety, environmental and consumer protection and registration etc. 230. exercising statutory duties, functions and enforcement under the legislation listed in Part B of Appendix 10; 231. when appointed by the Scottish Ministers, acting on any Emergency Order made under Part I of the Food and Environment Protection Act 1985; 232. carrying out reviews of air quality in accordance with section 82 of the Appendix 6 – Delegation to the Executive Director of Place Page 70 of 107 Environment Act 1995; 233. carrying out assessments of air quality and the achievement of air quality standards or objectives in accordance with section 84 of the Environment Act 1995; 234. complying with any regulations made under section 87 of the Environment Act 1995; 235. enforcing pollution and nuisance control measures in accordance with sections 107, 108 and 109 of the Environment Act 1995; 236. issuing suspension notices under section 14 of the Consumer Protection Act 1987 for goods which are suspected to be unsafe; 237. granting licences under the Health and Safety at Work etc.... Imposing a condition altering the duration of a planning consent; 14. determining whether a change to a granted planning application is material or not or whether changes are substantial; 15. deciding whether or not full details of a proposed agricultural building require to be submitted; 16. deciding whether or not full details of a proposed forestry building require to be submitted; 17. deciding whether or not full details of proposed buildings by gas and electricity undertakings, solely for the protection of plant and machinery, are required; 18. deciding whether or not, in the case of proposed demolition of residential property, to require a formal submission; 19. deciding whether or not, in the case of proposed toll facilities on toll roads, to require a detailed submission; 20. determining painting and sundry minor works requiring permission by reason of an Article 4 Direction; 21. determining that alterations to a listed building do not require Listed Building Consent 22. determining whether works or a change of use constitute permitted development or permitted development under the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) (Scotland) Order 1992 or whether prior approval of matters is required as necessary and determining any prior approval applications where required; 23. determining the display of advertisements; Appendix 6 – Delegation to the Chief Planning Officer Page 95 of 107 Enforcement action 24. acting as proper officer in terms of the signing and service of decision notices, enforcement notices and related notices under section 193 of the Local Government (Scotland) Act 1973 and appointing appropriate officers to prepare, sign and serve such notices on their behalf; 25. initiating, progressing, serving notices and concluding enforcement action, interdict action or direct action in connection with the following, provided that any significant case, or cases where it is in the public interest to do so, shall be reported to the Development Management Sub-Committee for consideration: (a) Planning Contravention Notices; (b) Enforcement Notices, including those relating to listed building and advertisements; (c) advertisement discontinuation procedures; (d) reporting to the procurator fiscal; (e) Breach of Condition Notices; (f) Amenity Notices; (g) Stop Notices; (h) Temporary Stop Notices; (i) Fixed Penalty Notices; (j) Hazardous Substances Contravention Notices; (k) Tree Replacement Notices; (l) prosecution in respect of the above as necessary and the giving of evidence in court; and Appendix 6 – Delegation to the Chief Planning Officer Page 96 of 107 (m) powers of entry; (n) Notice requiring application for planning permission for development already carried out. 26. carrying out the following functions provided that any significant cases, or cases where it is in the public interest to do so, are reported to the Development Management Sub-Committee for consideration: (a) withdrawing, relaxing, or varying an enforcement notice (section 129 of the Town and Country Planning (Scotland) Act 1997); (b) undertaking work required by an enforcement notice and recovering the costs (section 135 of the Town and Country Planning (Scotland) Act 1997); (c) serving notices in case of compliance or non-compliance with planning consent (section 145 of the Town and Country Planning (Scotland) Act 1997); (d) lodging an interdict restraining a breach of planning control to the Court of Session/Sheriff Court (section 146 of the Town and Country Planning (Scotland) Act 1997); (e) undertaking work required by non-compliance with a listed building enforcement notice (Town and Country Planning (Scotland) Act 1997 and section 38 of the Town and Country Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) (Scotland) Act 1997); (f) serving section 270 Notices and Planning Contravention Notices; (g) determining whether or not it is expedient to take no further action in respect of a breach of control, having regard to the provisions of the development plan and other material planning considerations; (h) after the service of a notice, taking all necessary subsequent steps to bring the matter to an acceptable conclusion; (i) instituting any necessary action to remove or obliterate placards or posters which are displayed in contravention of the Town and Country Planning (Control of Appendix 6 – Delegation to the Chief Planning Officer Page 97 of 107 Advertisements) (Scotland) Regulations 1984 and the Town and Country Planning (Scotland) Act 1997; (j) undertaking and enforcing the procedures requiring developers to inform the Council of the initiation and completion of developments and in relation to the display of notices indicating the development being carried out; and (k) issuing and enforcing notices requiring the owner of land, where planning permission has not been granted but development has been carried out, to make an application for planning permission; Landscape 27. making Tree Preservation Orders (with the Planning Committee approving the final order taking into account objections or representations received); 28. authorising or refusing the felling, pruning, topping, lopping of trees or the carrying out of other prohibited works to trees protected by Tree Preservation Orders (including the imposition of conditions as appropriate); 29. determining notifications for the felling, pruning, topping, lopping of trees or the carrying out of other prohibited works to trees in conservation areas; 30. serving, progressing, and concluding actions in respect of tree replacement notices, including any necessary follow up direct action; 31. investigating unauthorised works to protected trees and reporting offences to the Procurator Fiscal where considered appropriate; 32. considering and determining all applications in respect of high hedge notices, taking any subsequent enforcement or other action and exercising powers of entry and other supplementary powers in accordance with the High Hedges (Scotland) Act 2013 provided that any significant cases, or cases where it is in the public interest to do so, are reported to the Development Management Sub-Committee for consideration; Appeals 33. determining what response should be made to the Directorate of Planning and Appendix 6 – Delegation to the Chief Planning Officer Page 98 of 107 Environmental Appeals in the case of appeals submitted in respect of the non- determination of an application and/or where the application could otherwise have been dealt with under delegated powers; Legal Agreements 34. entering into a legal agreement with a developer, provided that: (a) the agreement complies with the terms of government guidance, relevant development plan policies and supplementary guidance on developer contributions; and (b) does not involve a financial sum or other contributions of a value exceeding £250,000; 35. entering into a discharge of a legal agreement granting partial or full discharge of the relevant party’s obligations on the due performance by that party of such obligations; 36. modifying a legal agreement with the relevant party provided that: (a) the terms of the modifications comply with the terms of government guidance, relevant development plan policies and supplemental guidance on developer contributions; and (b) it does not involve reducing the financial sum or other contributions in the legal agreement; 37. extending the six-month period for concluding a legal agreement to nine months, provided meaningful progress is being achieved Miscellaneous 38. authorising Powers of Entry to land for any purpose (especially surveying) relating to the preparation of a development plan and general planning controls (sections 269 & 270 of the Town and Country Planning (Scotland) Act 1997); 39. allocating new street numbers and, in consultation with the appropriate local ward councillors, changing street numbers and naming new streets; Appendix 6 – Delegation to the Chief Planning Officer Page 99 of 107 40. requiring proper maintenance of land affecting listed buildings or conservation areas and to undertake necessary work and recover costs in cases of non-compliance (sections 135 and 179 of the Town and Country Planning (Scotland) Act 1997 and the Town and Country Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) (Scotland) Act 1997); Flooding 41. requesting advice from SEPA as to flood risk under section 72 of the Flood Risk Management (Scotland) Act 2009.
  • Https://

    Currie Community High School is in the top five schools in Edinburgh.
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    Remember to top up the water levels in dry weather.
  • Https://

    Gardens and plots gradually taper in size, especially where they are restricted by the short distance between the road / ridge line to the top of the steeply sided river valley.
  • /docProps/thumbnail.wmf

    Categories Description Category 1 Health and Care workers directly supporting COVID response, and associated staff; Health and Care workers supporting life threatening emergency work, as well as critical primary and community care provision; Energy suppliers (small numbers identified as top priority already); staff providing childcare/learning for other category 1 staff. 13/01/2021: Schools are included in Category 1 - which is any colleague providing learning or childcare to key workers.
  • Client name

    Male, parent It’s a lovely idea, but not top of the list of what the people of Leith need… small area of Leith as well.
  • Advisory Cycle Lanes L3

    Relevant Factsheets: Priority Junctions (G7) Crossings (G4) Entry Treatment with Asphalt Table Raised Table at Junction Type of Flat-topped Hump to be Avoided Cycle-friendly Speed Cushions All images: Transport for London: London Cycling Design Standards, 2016 10 The following vertical deflection types should not be used due to adverse effects on cyclists: • Rumble-strips
  • PowerPoint Presentation

    London Streetscape Guidance, 2016 London Streetscape Guidance, 2016 London Streetscape Guidance, 2016 Road Construction Guidelines for Development, CEC, Chapter 4 Atkins, 2016 London Streetscape Guidance, 2016 Road Construction Guidelines for Development, CEC, Chapter 4 © Pavingexpert, 2017 Edinburgh Street Design Guidance : Detailed Design Manual Version: V1.0 2017 Factsheet Edges for concrete paving, artificial stone and asphalt footways can utilise 50mm x 150mm hydraulically pressed flat top concrete edging (set flush) to BS EN 1340:2003, installed on a 200mm x 100mm ST4 concrete foundation, haunched on both sides.