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  • Veterans First Point Lothian Your Wellbeing & Covid-19 – A Resource Guide

    T o ta l S le e p t im e ?... S le e p Q u a li ty ( 1 -1 0 ) W h e re 1 i s th e p o o re st it c o u ld b e .... sa=i&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=imgres&cd=&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=2ahUKEwjH9-er7K_lAhWkxIUKHdGQDG4QjRx6BAgBEAQ&url= Anger Log Worksheet E xa m p le Trigger What happened before you got angry?
  • U&SA 3

    If an exceedence is likely, local authorities must proceed to Detailed Assessment (DA).... Fig 7 Comparison of 2010 DMRB modelled data using unadjusted and adjusted background PM10 concentrations. 0 5 10 15 20 25 W es t M ait lan d St Ha ym ar ke t St Jo hn s R d Le ith W alk A8 G las go w Rd Ro se bu rn T er ra ce Lo nd on R d Da lry R d W es t P or t Qu ee n St re et Go rg ie Rd Gt Ju nc tio n St A8 G og ar M ou nt Mo rn in gs id e R d Fe rry R d Be rn ar d S t L eit h Ci ty B y P as s C on ce nt ra tio n Unadjusted background Adjusted background AQ objective As previously discussed, it is apparent that the modelled concentrations using the DMRB model are much higher than measured data.... Table 9.9 Table 9.9 Assessment criteria requirement for quarries Relevant exposure from Source distance in metres 2004 PM 10 background level 2010 PM10 background level 1000 or > than No reqirement to proceed to a detailed assessment (DA) 400 - 1000 < 27 No requirement for DA < 17 No requirement for DA 200 - 400 < 26 No requirement for DA < 16 No requirement for DA For this assessment, distances from the quarry operations to the nearest relevant receptor were measured using the Geographical Information System (GIS).
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    D o no t s ca le th is do cu m en t.... D o no t s ca le th is do cu m en t.... D o no t s ca le th is do cu m en t.
  • S:\Drawings\1276 - CEC - Craigentinney Nursery\Revit\1276 Craigentinny Site Layout v3 - Sheet - AL(0)003 - Proposed Site Plan

    S:\Drawings\1276 - CEC - Craigentinney Nursery\Revit\1276 Craigentinny Site Layout v3 - Sheet - AL(0)003 - Proposed Site Plan OV EN OV EN WW L O A N IN G C R E S C E N T C R A IG E N T IN N Y R O A D LO AN IN G RO AD LO G AN LE A DR IV E LO G AN LE A TE R R AC E L O G A N L E A A V E N U E LO A N IN G C R E S C E N T Cr aig en tin ny P rim ar y S ch oo l New access to primary school via public footpath Access to nursery via public footpath RISK REGISTER No.
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    This must be addressed and should inform the Council’s overall development plan strategy. 2.43 In summary, this section has highlighted a number of critical shortfalls in the Council’s evidence base when it comes to tying this into the Council’s obligations to test reasonable alternatives under Strategic Environmental Assessment Directives.... This must therefore include a proportion of the traffic coming from those other routes (so some of the 36,000 from the M9 and 73,000 from the M8) on top of the 19,000 directly attributed to the A89/ A8 route.... This must therefore include a proportion of the traffic coming from those other routes (so some of the 36,000 from the M9 and 73,000 from the M8) on top of the 19,000 directly attributed to the A89/ A8 route.
  • C-0001

    D o no t s ca le th is do cu m en t.... D o no t s ca le th is do cu m en t.... D o no t s ca le th is do cu m en t.
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    This will summarise details of the top risks to the project and provide an overview of the current estimated risk exposure.... The risks selected for the Top 5 overview are based on the Top 5 risks/ groups of risks on the register at the time of reporting.... The design from Pilrig Street towards the city centre has taken cognisance of a future tram extension i.e. kerblines are set to allow tram, minimal works to footways and tying in should only be required.
  • Scottish Government Multi-Agency Public Protection Arrangements (MAPPA): National Guidance

    This process starts from when an individual is in closed conditions and is being considered for progression to the “National Top End” (NTE) and/or OE.... Progression agreed to National Top End/Open Estate/Community Integration Units YES – Progression agreed NO – Progression not agreed RMT should document discussion and reason for decision.... MAPPA prisoners – progression to liberation process map 97 March 2022 Progression to National Top End (NTE) or Open Estate (OE) or Community Integration Unit (CIU) Community Access: Unescorted Day Release Person transfers to National Top End or Open Estate or Community Integration Unit Assurance RMT scheduled to agree Community Access.
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    However, on top of the £540m increase in capital advances, there is a further £299m in debt maturing by 2024 which will also require to be funded.... Purpose Review Our top priority is to ensure that, as far as possible, employees’ jobs are secure.... The top causes of employee injuries were broadly consistent across all Councils: violence and aggression, manual handling, and slips, trips and falls.
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    For example, tinned foods or storage boxes.... Expressive Arts (Art) – Still Life Select three objects from home which have an ellipse (for example, a cup, a vase, a bowl, a glass).