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    LLCC has a particular interest in Leith town centre – from the top of the Walk to the docks, densely flanked all the way down.
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    Least intrusive Don't take open space for housing Customer Ref: 00984 Response Ref: ANON-KU2U-GW2Q-8 Supporting Info Name Lee Kindness Email Response Type Community Council On behalf of: Portobello Community Council Closest to amenities, least disruption Preference for lower density areas Seafield site could be nicely developed with low density housing to incorporate green space (parks) and recreational facilities that would enhance Portobello's reputation as a top beach destination.
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    Although improvements to walking routes (& perhaps cycling routes) are already well advanced, but we believe that the balance of expenditure should be more focussed on improvements to walking (as walking is unambiguously top of both the ‘movement hierarchy’ as laid down in Scottish Planning Policy (i) and the ‘Sustainable Travel Hierarchy’ in the new National Transport Strategy (2ii).

    NCR 6626 Type E standard non illuminated acrylic top sign 400mm High 700 wide.

    NCR 6626 Type E standard non illuminated acrylic top sign 400mm High 700 wide.
  • 1202

    1202 V I E W 3 V I E W 3 V I E W 2 V I E W 2 V I E W 3 V I E W 3 V I E W 4 V I E W 4 PS-04 PS-04 PS-05 PS-05 PS-05 PS-05 PS-06 PS-04 S I L V E R K N O W E S R D L A U R I S T O N F A R M R D SH AR ED U SE SPAC E N EXT TO EXISTIN G FO O TW AY W ID EN FO O TW AY IN TO VER G E SIG N O N N EW ASSEM BLY IN VER G E SIG N O N N EW ASSEM BLY IN VER G E SIG N O N LIG H TIN G C O LU M N B U S P A S S I N G P L A C E S H A R E D U S E S I G N S M O U N T E D B A C K T O B A C K O N Z E B R A C R O S S I N G P O L E S 5 0 . 0 m 50.0m 4 . 5 m 4 . 5 m 1023 1.875m N/A WHITE FOOTW AY WID ENING WORKS TO BE COMPLE TED IN P HASE 2 1003B 0.3m, 0.15m 0.1m WHITE 1057 1.215m BIKE WHITE 1008 2m, 4m 0.1m WHITE 1048.3 1.6m N/A WHITE V I E W 3 V I E W 4 V I E W 4 V I E W 4 PS-01A PS-01A&B PS-02A PS-02A&B P S - 0 5 P S - 0 5 P S - 0 5 P S - 0 5 P S - 0 3 & P S - 0 7 S I L V E R K N O W E S P K W Y SI LV ER KN OW ES R D SILV ERK NOW ES PL S I L V E R K N O W E S G A R D E N S S I L V E R K N O W E S G R O V E S I L V E R K N O W E S C T NO THROUGH ROAD EXCEPT CYCLISTS SIGNS MOUNTED ON LIGHTING COLUMN SIGNS MOUNTED ON NEW ASSEMBLIES SHARED USE SIGNS MOUNTED BACK TO BACK ON ZEBRA CROSSING POLES 2.5m 2.4m 3 . 2 5 m 3.25m 8.0m 1.2m T K 1 T K 1 1009 600mm, 300mm 100mm WHITE 1012.1 CONTINUOUS 100mm WHITE 1057 1215mm N/A WHITE 1059 2m AHEAD ARROW WHITE 1059 2m LEFT ARROW WHITE 1046 1600mm N/A WHITE 1023 1875mm N/A WHITE 1018.1 CONTINUOUS 100mm YELLOW 1057 1215mm N/A WHITE 1059 2m RIGHT ARROW WHITE 1028.4 WORKS TO BE COMPLETED IN PHASE 2 1057 1215mm N/A WHITE 1057 1215mm N/A WHITE WORKS TO BE COMPLETED IN PHASE 2 VIEW 3 VIEW 4 MA RIN E D R MARI NE D R S IL V E R K N O W E S R D S IL V E R K N O W E S R D SILVERKNOW ES RD SILV ERK NOW ES P KWY LA U R IS T O N F A R M R D S IL V E R K N O W E S R D S IL V E R K N O W E S P L SILV ERKN OWE S GARDEN S SILVER KNOWE S GROVE SIL VE RK NO WE S C T SIL VE RK NO WE S C T SILV ERK NOW ES EAS TW AY S IL V E R K N O W E S B A N K S IL V E R K N O W E S G R O V E S IL V E R K N O W E S G A R D E N S S IL V E R K N O W E S B R A E S IL V E R K N O W E S R D E S IL V E R K N O W E S R D E KEY THERMOPLASTIC SHARED USE SYMBOL TO TSRGD 2016 DIA. 956 - SIZE 1m DIAMETER EXISTING DRIVEWAY ACCESS NEW TRAFFIC SIGN SEE DRAWING 65201875-SWE-SIL-1204 FOR DETAILS NEW DROPPED CROSSING ACCESS POINT DROPPER KERBS HB 125X255mm TO BN 125X150mm (TK1) DROPPED BN 125X255mm KERB CYCLEWAY TACTILE PAVING NEW FOOTWAY CONSTRUCTION FOOTWAY SURFACING - 30mm THICK HRA 15/10F SURFACE 40/60 WITH WHITE CHIP 50mm THICK AC20 DENSE BIN 40/60 225mm COMPACTED TYPE 1 NEW EDGING KERB - 50X150mm FLAT TOP EDGING KERB TEMPORARY PLASTIC PEDESTRIAN ACCESS RAMP UNIT PS-XX T K 1 T K 1 P:\6524\65201875_CEC_Spaces_for_People\000\04 Deliverables Management\Silverknowes Road\Drawings\ 65201875-SWE-SIL-1201 TO 04.dwg This drawing should not be relied on or used in circumstances other than those for which it was originally prepared and for which Sweco UK Limited was commissioned.
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    Size Rev Drn DateDrawn ScaleDesigned Description App A B C D E F G H J K L 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 CBR IN EXISTING CPZ - DELEGATED POWERS DRAWINGS AREA S3 PAGE 4 OF 5 FOR APPROVAL EA EA DEC 2022 1:500 1000009038-S3-P4 2 0 22/03/2023 FIRST ISSUE IG DF EM 1 30/03/2023 REVISED AFTER CEC COMMENTS IGG EMM EMM 2 04/04/2023 REVISED FOLLOWING CEC COMMENTS IG EM EM Extended or New Permit Holder Bay Extended or New Shared Use Bay Extended or Pay and Display Bay Extended or New Double Yellow Line Extended or New Single Yellow Line Reference number associated with change in existing restrictions 7 4b 8 89.6m 2 10 4 6 5c 4a 1 b 2a 3 93.3 18 33 4 PDB LB The Limes 13 t 3 M ER CH IS TO N 16 1 to 6 2 1 4 e M E R C H IS TO N C R E S C E N T 12 N A P IE R R O A D 10 1 4 7 t o 1 2 18 8 10 b 3 31 33 2b CR ES CE NT 37 to 41 10 a 92.4m 2 28 Merchiston Castle M AR DA LE 7 8 1 CR ES CE NT 9 t o 1 1 16 30 R O C H E S T E R 17 2 25 to 29 3 1 2 t o 1 4 15 M E R C H IS TO N A V E N U E 7 to 11 1 96.6m 4 to 8 8 6 BL AN TY RE TE RR AC E 67 to 71 1 5 33a TE R R AC E 6 8 2 8 5 97.5m 35 2 20 4 4 24 Sh elt er 10 Edinburgh Napier University Merchiston Campus 10 5 S3-L28 S3-L29 S3-L32 S3-L27 S3-L31 S3-L33 3.04.2 2.7 6.1 2.9 9.4 8.07.2 2.6 1.6 3.1 12.3 0.5 New Permit Holder Bay LEGEND Reference number associated with change in parking restrictions New Shared Use Bay New Pay and Display Bay New Double Yellow Line New Single Yellow Line New Permit Holder Bay LEGEND Reference number associated with change in parking restrictions New Shared Use Bay New Pay and Display Bay New Double Yellow Line New Single Yellow Line Client Project \\itservices.local\shared$\Project Centre\Project-BST\1000009038 - NSL-CEC - CBR In Existing CPZ - DP Drawings\2 Project Delivery\6 CAD\2 Drawing\S3\1000009038-S3.dwg Rev Date A1 Chk This drawing has been specifically prepared to meet the requirements of the named client and may contain design and innovative features which differ from conventional design standards.
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    C E N CO T NAED TRUOC KRAPNAED E V A Y N EL L A M 202m Overflow Field Sinks Issues OJ Pirnie Ha School PNRUBSNH Playing Dean Park DA OR KO O SNDG KNAB YA W KN A PA 183m E NK D NT C Dra in O C K B U R N CR E SC E NT E LEACRES Sinks Issues Issues W C A I 196m Bella Vista Tra ck H I G HL E A CIRC LE Tr ac k Trac k CA C W R OS S W Cockdurno H IT E L E A R O A D Goodtrees R N S NS 218m W R O A D N H I Upper Dean Park LL C KB UR Farm R I V M A R C H B A SC E D ENFI E L W H IT GRE C R E Dr ai n Cockburn HCRAM 202m I RN M HR E IP T U IR AV E NU S DR I VE E OO D CR ES Issues GD Tr ac k REV DESCRIPTION BY CHK APP DATE Project: Drawing Title: Scale @ Drawn Date Checked Date Approved Date Project No.... Revision FI LE N AM E : N :\ ST U D IO \P RO JE CT S\ A1 15 62 8- 1 - G LA D M AN - B AL ER N O \6 _D RA W IN G S\ A1 15 62 8- 1 - BA LE RN O D FP D R.... Key frontages Built form and open spaceWider connectivity Additional green infrastructureFigure 11 Figure 14 - Development Proposal Legend Site boundary Woodland play space Wildflower meadows Outdoor education space SUDS Potential vehicular access Existing trees Trees Car parking Outdoor learning hub Potential primary road access Community orchard Allotments Development parcels SS CPCP COCO AA HH Figure 12 Figure 13 Land at Goodtrees, Balerno 15Vision Document14 Pedestrian and cycle linkages are an important part of the proposals, linking any new housing to the existing Dean Park Primary school to the east and tying into the established network of core paths in the area which connect out towards the Pentland Hills to the south.
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    Env 18Cou ntryside Policy Are a Env 19Special Landscape Are a Local Na tu re Conse rva tion Site Env 21 Are a of Importa nce for Flood Mana g e m e nt Env 35 O pe n Space Env 23 - 24 Gre e n/Blu e Ne twork Proposal Ta ble 1(BGN 1 - 57) Pentland Hills Re g ional Park Env 22 (H/O PP 1 - 96)Hou sing Proposal Hou 1, Table 2, Table 15 LDP Le g acy Site s Hou 1, Table 2 (ED 1-16) Inf 1, Inf 3, Table 11Educa tion Infrastructu re!... Inf 3, Inf 4, Inf 11,Table 3Stra te g ic Active Trave l Project and Safe g u a rds Inf 3, Inf 4, Inf 11,Table 6 O rbita l Bu s rou te s and improved connections Mine rals Site Inf 20, Inf 18 ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( Airport Pu blic Safe ty Zone Inf 15 Sa fe g u ard for Pote ntial Additional Runway Place 17 Inf 3, Inf 4, Table 9, Tra 9Road Improvem e nts Inf 3, Inf 4, Inf 11, Inf 13, Table 8 We st Edin Transport Improve m e ntsQ Safe g u arded Waste Mana g e m e nt Facility Inf 17-19 k (ATSG 1-27) (ATSR 1 -16) (PT 1-17) (WE1-40) World Herita g e Site Env 9 (R 1-10) %2 " " !!
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    Env 18Cou ntryside Policy Are a Env 19Special Landscape Are a Local Na tu re Conse rva tion Site Env 21 Are a of Importa nce for Flood Mana g e m e nt Env 35 O pe n Space Env 23 - 24 Gre e n/Blu e Ne twork Proposal Ta ble 1(BGN 1 - 57) Pentland Hills Re g ional Park Env 22 (H1 - H95)Hou sing Proposal Hou 1, Table 2 LDP Le g acy Site s Hou 1, Table 2 (ED 1-17) Inf 1, Inf 3, Table 11Educa tion Infrastructu re!... Inf 3, Inf 4, Inf 11,Table 3Stra te g ic Active Trave l Project and Safe g u ards Inf 3, Inf 4, Inf 11,Table 6O rbita l Bus rou te s and improved connections Mine rals Site Inf 20, Inf 18 ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( Airport Pu blic Safe ty Zone Inf 15 Safe g u ard for Pote ntial Additional Ru nway Place 17 Inf 3, Inf 4, Table 9, Tra 9Road Improve m e nts Inf 3, Inf 4, Inf 11, Inf 13, Table 8 We st Edin Transport Improve m e ntsQ Safe g u arded Waste Mana g e m e nt Facility Inf 17-19 k !!