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    R O A D E N A T S G NI D N A T S Tr ac k D ra in Drain Cottage Standingstone mtd Dis Rly C yc le T ra ck Whitelees 65m 60m 70m 65 m Track 55m 50m 53m Depot Royal Elizabeth Yard Brae Craig Cottages Craigbrae Craigbrae W pg. 13 © Crown copyright, All rights reserved [year].
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    Unauthorised reproduction infringes Crown copyright and may lead to prosecution or civil proceedings. 100023420 (2015) PH TCBs 44 37 3 N ew ki rk ga te 20 19 7 18 to 26 7 to 1 7 12 22 9 to 40 48 to 15 54 9 23 C AS SE L' S LA N E 16 16 4 4 41 to 4 9 3 4 40 16 17 70 5 Ba pt is t C hu rc h LB 18 9 Garage 2 KIRK STREET 22 9.4m 42 a 15 17 13 PH 21 7 42 b 46 29 2a Shelters 2 1 12 PIR RIE ST RE ET 9 1 5 13 7 12 16 61 to 6 7 26 El S ub S ta 3 11 2 3 So ut h Le ith KI R K ST R EE T 38 1 7 6 1 52 TCBs 24 Statue 3 13 a 42 28 to 36 11 14 1 31 to 3 9 3 4 7 6 35 5 3 3 PH 5 44 20 51 to 5 9 38 GREAT JUNCTION STREET 2 to 10 15 16 16 71 5 2 48 3 58 to 62 ST ANTHONY STREET 6 81 to 8 7 50 1 75 to 7 9Leith15 Centre 69 14 Methodist Ce ntr e 9.8mJU NC TI ON P LA CE 1 4 64 to 70 Fa mi ly Dr Be ll's Church Education Community PH 8 2 P-02 P-05 P-01 P-03 P-04 P-06 P-07 26 & 28 LEGEND 1280L NON-RECYCLABLE WASTE 1280L MIXED RECYCLING BIN 660L GLASS RECYCLING BIN 240L FOOD WASTE RECYCLING BIN AND HOUSING BULL BAR DRG.... Unauthorised reproduction infringes Crown copyright and may lead to prosecution or civil proceedings. 100023420 (2015) 0 6.25 25 50m12.5 13 10 25 8 CA MB RID GE AV EN UE 26 0 47 19 9 27 9 301 to 307 5 TCBs 41 34 5 13 Pilr ig C otta ges 281 to 289 ST RE ET 6 1 AR TH UR 29 8 6 264 26 2 8 39 297 9 13 1 El Sub Sta 7 29 28 0 32 8 6 30 8 3 to 7 295 PH 29 4 26 6 to 2 74 247 13 32 17 9 27 6 31 8 12 10 10 27 8 32 632 4 293 11 316 Allotment Gardens 271 to 279 10 31 4 Garage 31 421 19 45 43 3 31 2 Posts 32 0 8 38 30 5 32 2 31 0 16 23 ARTHUR STREET LANE 4 ARTHUR STREET 13 14 49 30 2 Shelter 30 6 30 25 44 7 11 3 36 309 to 317 21 LE IT H W AL K 42 8 22 30 0 4 28 4 19 PH 29 6 15 28 2 27 18 40 291 P-23 P-28 P-38 P-39 LEGEND 1280L NON-RECYCLABLE WASTE 1280L MIXED RECYCLING BIN 660L GLASS RECYCLING BIN 240L FOOD WASTE RECYCLING BIN AND HOUSING BULL BAR DRG.... Unauthorised reproduction infringes Crown copyright and may lead to prosecution or civil proceedings. 100023420 (2015) 0 6.25 25 50m12.5 11 9 7 STREET 9 37 8 2 SPEY STREET LANE SPEY TERRACE 5 15 14 15 29 3 9Sh aw 's P lac e 18 to 26 18 to 22 PH 2 36 6 8 23 to 27 367 373 to 381 34 8 to 3 52 4 371 28 to 3237 0 36 2 36 8 17 7 1a 18 2a 6 1 35 4 to 3 60 TCB Bank 9 2 El S ub S ta 8 Shelter TCB 1 to 3 Shrubhill W alk 2 1 Shaw's Street 1 19 13 7 2 11 Inchkeith Sh aw 's T err ace 1 4 Hall Shelter LE IT H W AL K 4 9b 1 37 6 28 to 34 1 to 7 MIDDLEFIELD 12 Cr ig ht on P la ce 36 4 PILR IG 24.7m Church 7 Pl ac e 2 to 6 8 5 37 2 5 12 4 2 1 10 16 8 to 12 21.0m 13 to 17 37 4 20 Pilrig St Paul's 7 20 SP EY S TR EE T 25.6m 3 1 Pi lri g 6a 369 8 to 16 13 Court Sh ru b Pl ac e 3 14 PH PH P-14 P-15 P-18 P-19 P-20 LEGEND 1280L NON-RECYCLABLE WASTE 1280L MIXED RECYCLING BIN 660L GLASS RECYCLING BIN 240L FOOD WASTE RECYCLING BIN AND HOUSING BULL BAR DRG.
  • LEZ_City Centre 2021

    Andrew Square Greyfriars Kirkyard Deaconess Garden Nicolson Square Gardens New Calton Burial Ground Regent Road Park Hillside Crescent Gardens Dunbar's Close Garden Barony Community Garden Bruntsfield Links East Gardner's Crescent Gardens Atholl Crescent Coates Crescent Royal Terrace Gardens Salisbury Crags EDINBURGH QUAY UNION CANAL WATER OF LEITH C A S T L E H I L L (R O YA L M I L E) R O S E S T R E E T N O R T H L A N E R O S E S T R E E T S O U T H L A N E R O S E S T R E E T R O S E S T R E E T Y O U N G S T R E E TY O U N G S T R E E T N O R T H L N H I L L S T R E E T N O R T H L A N E H I L L S T R E E T S O U T H L A N E H I L L S T R E E T T H I S T L E S T R E E T T H I S T L E S T R E E T T H I S T L E S T R E E T S W L A N E T H I S T L E S T R E E T N W L A N E T H I S T L E S T R E E T N E L A N E T H I S T L E S T R E E T S E L A N E LI TT LE K IN G S TR EE T S T.... G IL E S ’ S T I N F I R M A R Y S T R E E T N ID D R Y S T R E E T R A M S A Y L A N E M O U N D P L A C E AT H O L L C R E S C E N T L A N E D A L R Y G A IT Y E A M A N P LA C E M C N EIL STT H IST LE P L P O R T H AM I LT O N Q U E E N S F E R R Y S T R E E T L A N E LY N E D O C H P L A C E L A N E RO TH ES AY M EW S M O N T A G U E S T ST.... A N D R E W S T S H A N D W I C K P L A C E W E S T M A I T L A N D S T R E E T Q U E E N S T R E E T LE IT H W A LK P R I N C E S S T R E E T CANONGATE THE UNIVERSITY OF EDINBURGH QUARTERMILE TOLLCROSS ST.
  • Microsoft Word - ECCT SEA_Appendix B Baseline Report.docx

    Consultation in 2011 identified that action on poverty and inequality was a top priority as well as support for action on education and employment, health and behavioural change. 21 Indicators were developed to measure performance including social, economic and environmental issues.... The goal is for the city to be recognised as being among the top 10 most liveable cities in the world by 2021 (Monocle Quality of Life Ranking) To achieve this and to deliver tow key objectives; deliver better Quality of Life and Health and Wellbeing it identifies six broadly defined project areas which include: •• Haymarket to Holyrood •• Haymarket •• Chambers Street •• The Royal Mile •• Tollcross •• Temporary projects Through the implementation these projects the strategy; ••sought to improve walking and cycling movements between Holyrood and Haymarket, and vice versa; •• make walking and cycling an appealing, safe and attractive option; •• improve the health and wellbeing of the resident population; •• improve access to services, both essential and those associated with leisure; •• make the area more attractive and liveable; •• achieve a Monocle Quality of Life top 10 position by 2021.
  • Microsoft Word - Edinburgh.doc

    These have included: Scottish Cup Final 2012 In the build up to the above event, the Police Licensing Inspector contacted a high percentage of licensed premises in Edinburgh raising awareness of the possible issues and tensions relating to this event and asking that they make suitable arrangements regarding staffing levels, door stewarding and proactively monitored patrons for over consumption and signs of volatility.... This activity had a positive impact in minimising the number of disturbances in and around licensed premises over the cup final weekend.... Communities across the length and breadth of Scotland have given us their views during our public consultation processes and all have a common theme at the top of their list; that our communities have had enough alcohol fuelled anti social behaviour which blights our villages, towns and cities.
  • Microsoft Word - Edinburgh.doc

    These have included: Scottish Cup Final 2012 In the build up to the above event, the Police Licensing Inspector contacted a high percentage of licensed premises in Edinburgh raising awareness of the possible issues and tensions relating to this event and asking that they make suitable arrangements regarding staffing levels, door stewarding and proactively monitored patrons for over consumption and signs of volatility.... This activity had a positive impact in minimising the number of disturbances in and around licensed premises over the cup final weekend.... Communities across the length and breadth of Scotland have given us their views during our public consultation processes and all have a common theme at the top of their list; that our communities have had enough alcohol fuelled anti social behaviour which blights our villages, towns and cities.
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    �Drinks to be provided in plastic�bottles with tops removed or decanted into paper or plastic�containers.... �Drinks to be provided in plastic bottles with tops removed or decanted�into paper or plastic containers.... �Drinks to be provided in plastic�bottles with tops removed or decanted into paper or plastic�containers.
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    A I think Daniel Craig is great too (Casino Royale is one of my favourite Bond films), so I’m not going to argue with that idea!... Almost True was great because it was the story behind Ty, but I preferred the first one because there was more action.... It was believable, you can see how hard life is for Ty as he has to change his identity and move away.
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    Biodiversi ty, Climatic Factors Recommendation accepted.... Biodiversi ty forum.... These three catchments have been identified by the Council and Scottish Water as the top priority for work.
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    Garden walls with crudely blocked-up entrances, barbed-wire topped walls and inappropriate gates.... A recent audit by the Parks and Greenspace team estimated that there are now 1313 presentation seats distributed throughout the city. 1075 are the wooden “Glen Moy” design and 238 are the metal seats.... PGO ◼ ◼ £100k estimate Options in 2024 with fundraising in 2025.