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    Have fun making these yoghurt pancakes You will need: 1 egg 2/3 cup plain yogurt 2/3 cup milk 3/4 cup flour 2 Tablespoon maple syrup Mix all ingredients together until well blended.
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    The village is also host to one of Scotland’s top private schools, Merchiston Castle (which moved to the Colinton House/castle site from Bruntsfield in 1930).... Phase 2 We will employ the full marketing mix to support activity PR • Village publications •Edinburgh publications Digital •Mailchimp – bi monthly updates on the prokect •Facebook – project and finally venue page, targeted ads for donations, content supporting phases of the fundraising project •Website – landing page and or eventually it’s own site, fundraising total, meet the team, meet our key funders, blog •Email addresses – streamline email addresses Community •Village noticeboards •The Shed - Signage around The Shed detailing project and how people can get involved, project progress •Village groups •Village events •CVE Events •Door to door Fundraising assets •Fundraising brochures for different stakeholders •Posters •Flyers •Email signatures - call to donate •Collection tins Phase 3 Appointment of Business Development Manager Development Manager who will inspire additional marketing strategies. 23 Risk Analysis 24 Appendix 1. 1.... 60% like food and drink • 51% like books • 40% health and wellbeing • 33% gardener/environmentalist • 30% sports • 28% good at making things • 26% local history • 19% conversation and debate • 18% musician/artist/dancer • 15% computers/IT • Multiple other options given in free text Support for CVV’s proposal This would be good for Colinton 87% Interested in a community space for activities/classes 41% Not sure, want to hear more 10% Interested in flexible office or workshop space 13% Interested in shopping outlet 35% Not interested 2% Basic Demographics Age < 18 2% 18 – 30 4% 30 – 40 14% 40 – 50 17% 50 – 60 22% 60 – 70 21% 70 – 80 13% 80 – 90 4% >90 1% Male 13% Female 55% Employed 30% Self-employed 13% Working from Home 11% Not working 18% 25 Top “likes” to suggestions in our questionnaire • Local Produce 59% • Educational workshops/classes 52% • Social activities 43% • Pop-up shopping 42% Support for other suggestions in questionnaire Vintage second hand exchange and mart 32% Creative activities for children 30% Upcycling furniture initiatives 34% Music making/teaching 24% Skills exchange 24% Hot-desking 9% Yoga/Pilates/holistic health 37% Top additional proposals from “free text” • Bigger café • Museum/local interest/visitor centre • Bike shop/sports Positives (free text comments – summary) • Village needs more vibrancy • Help get people walking to village again • Create a space to ‘meet and greet’ • Space with easy access • Bring more people into the village • Outlet for local people to sell products & services Challenges (free text comments – summary) • Parking • Not needed as Co-op coming • Lots of classes already available • Will community financially support it?
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    Action Aim by end of 2025 Aim by end of 2030 Aim after 2030 Proposed approach to prioritisation Approximate delivery dates or target rate of delivery Responsible team(s) (FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY) Link to Other Action Plans Enhance Regional Coordination PS3 Deliver Edinburgh Bus Alliance / Bus Service Improvement Plan Strengthen new Edinburgh Bus Alliance and coordination with neighbouring alliances and local authorities Implement initial BSIP proposals Monitor performance and continue coordination and support Appendix B: Mapping of Actions against CMP Objectives People Movement Place b e h a v io u r c h a n g e to s u p p o rt s u s ta in a b le t ra v e l In c lu s iv e & a ff o rd a b le t ra n s p o rt In c re a s e p ro p o f tr ip s b y a c ti v e & s u s ta in a b le m o d e s Im p ro v e c h o ic e in to , o u t o f a n d a c ro s s c it y R e d u c e h a rm fu l e m is s io n s Im p ro v e s a fe ty M a x im is e e ff ic ie n c y o f s tr e e ts R e d u c e n e e d t o tr a v e l a n d d is ta n c e tr a v e ll e d R e d u c e v e h ic le d o m in a n c e a n d im p ro v e q u a li ty o f s tr e e ts Addressing the Climate Emergency PC1 Deliver a programme of behaviour change interventions, focusing on key priority groups ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ PC2 Work with operators to deliver options for a net zero carbon fleet ✓ PC3 Review on street infrastructure required (e.g. opportunity charging) to support multi operator electric / hydrogen fleets ✓ ✓ PC4 Review of depot infrastructure and charging requirements to support a fully electric / hydrogen fleet ✓ Providing Safe, Affordable and Accessible Public Transport Public Transport Action Plan 45 People Movement Place PT1 Improve perceived safety for all users through improved lighting at and walking routes to bus and tram stops and rail stations ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ PT2 Improve travel experience for disabled users including more information on space availability ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ PT3 Deliver Edinburgh Tram / Lothian Buses integrated ticketing ✓ ✓ ✓ PT4 Continued engagement on concessionary travel / free under 22 travel on tram ✓ ✓ PT5 Work with public transport operators and Transport Scotland to deliver comprehensive integrated ticketing across tram, bus and rail ✓ ✓ ✓ PT6 Complete Trams to Newhaven operations and handover ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ PT7 Continue ongoing programme of shelter replacement ✓ ✓ PT8 Replace existing on-street bustracker signs with multi operator information signs ✓ ✓ PT9 Strengthen partnerships with the taxi and private hire car trade and car club partners as key providers of the city’s shared mobility offering to support the shift to zero emission vehicles and the introduction of new technology to improve safety, standards and accessibility ✓ ✓ ✓ PT10 Ensure existing taxi-rank requirements are protected – general locations and capacity; continue to review of provision to deliver additional capacity in consultation with the taxi trade ✓ ✓ ✓ PT11 Develop DRT solutions that are useable for everyone and provide travel choices to support journeys that are sustainable, efficient and affordable ✓ ✓ PT12 Support development of Mobility as a Service (MAAS) in Edinburgh ✓ ✓ PT13 Deliver enhanced public transport solution through use of Data Driven Innovation (DDI) experts ✓ ✓ Delivering a Reliable and Efficient Network to Support Growth Public Transport Action Plan 46 People Movement Place PG1 Deliver outcomes from the Circulation Plan to ensure that the bus network continues to support strategic priorities including improved accessibility, integration and traffic reduction, particularly in the city centre ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ PG2 Work with the Council’s Planning Authority, developers and public transport operators to ensure public transport provision serves new developments ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ PG3 Extension of bus lane operating hours ✓ ✓ PG4 Deliver bus priority through the UTC/UTMC and AVL at traffic signals and investigate further technology options to help deliver reductions in peak bus journey times on key corridors and hotspot locations ✓ ✓ ✓ PG5 Delivery of bus stop realignment supporting faster journey times with an opportunity to provide higher quality infrastructure while maintaining access for less abled people ✓ ✓ ✓ PG6 Deliver additional bus priority interventions through the Bus Partnership Fund (BPF) and other funding sources, helping to support the aim of a 25% reduction in peak bus journey times across the city region ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ PG7 Plan, design and deliver pilot projects with site specific sustainable transport and urban realm facilities to suit the needs of the area ✓ ✓ ✓ Enhancing Regional Connectivity PR1 Identify additional city centre terminating capacity (East and West Ends) to support growth in regional bus services ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ PR2 Consider future options for the bus station ✓ ✓ PR3 Enhance interchange: • Between rail, tram, bus and active travel • between radial and orbital bus services • across the city centre ✓ ✓ ✓ PR4 Deliver regional Park & Ride / Choose strategy ✓ ✓ Public Transport Action Plan 47 People Movement Place PR5 Develop mass rapid transit plan (including tram and Bus Rapid Transit (BRT)) for the city and region ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ PR6 Deliver North/ South tram line linking Granton to the Bio Quarter and beyond ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ PR7 Implement express and regional bus services (limited stops) ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ PR8 Engage with Transport Scotland, Network Rail and rail operators in the delivery of new strategic rail projects ✓ PR9 Deliver Waverley Station Masterplan subject to Network Rail programme ✓ ✓ PR10 Consider future use of South Suburban Rail Line ✓ ✓ PR11 Working with partners, explore the opportunity for a Cross-Forth ferry ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Place – Reducing Vehicular Dominance PV1 Support Edinburgh City Centre Transformation (ECCT) initiates to reduce city centre traffic volumes on key streets ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ PV2 Review opportunities to reduce bus stop dwell times lessening the need for stacking and the impact of vehicle dominance ✓ ✓ ✓ Improving Governance and Coordination PS1 Deliver new governance arrangements for council owned public transport operators ✓ ✓ ✓ PS2 Align strategic business planning and operational management of the council-owned public transport companies with the city’s transport policies and programmes ✓ ✓ ✓ PS3 Deliver Edinburgh Bus Alliance / Bus Service Improvement Plan ✓ ✓ ✓
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    Action Aim by end of 2025 Aim by end of 2030 Aim after 2030 Proposed approach to prioritisation Approximate delivery dates or target rate of delivery Responsible team(s) (FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY) Link to Other Action Plans Enhance Regional Coordination PS3 Deliver Edinburgh Bus Alliance / Bus Service Improvement Plan Strengthen new Edinburgh Bus Alliance and coordination with neighbouring alliances and local authorities Implement initial BSIP proposals Monitor performance and continue coordination and support Appendix B: Mapping of Actions against CMP Objectives People Movement Place b e h a v io u r c h a n g e to s u p p o rt s u s ta in a b le t ra v e l In c lu s iv e & a ff o rd a b le t ra n s p o rt In c re a s e p ro p o f tr ip s b y a c ti v e & s u s ta in a b le m o d e s Im p ro v e c h o ic e in to , o u t o f a n d a c ro s s c it y R e d u c e h a rm fu l e m is s io n s Im p ro v e s a fe ty M a x im is e e ff ic ie n c y o f s tr e e ts R e d u c e n e e d t o tr a v e l a n d d is ta n c e tr a v e ll e d R e d u c e v e h ic le d o m in a n c e a n d im p ro v e q u a li ty o f s tr e e ts Addressing the Climate Emergency PC1 Deliver a programme of behaviour change interventions, focusing on key priority groups ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ PC2 Work with operators to deliver options for a net zero carbon fleet ✓ PC3 Review on street infrastructure required (e.g. opportunity charging) to support multi operator electric / hydrogen fleets ✓ ✓ PC4 Review of depot infrastructure and charging requirements to support a fully electric / hydrogen fleet ✓ Providing Safe, Affordable and Accessible Public Transport Public Transport Action Plan 45 People Movement Place PT1 Improve perceived safety for all users through improved lighting at and walking routes to bus and tram stops and rail stations ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ PT2 Improve travel experience for disabled users including more information on space availability ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ PT3 Deliver Edinburgh Tram / Lothian Buses integrated ticketing ✓ ✓ ✓ PT4 Continued engagement on concessionary travel / free under 22 travel on tram ✓ ✓ PT5 Work with public transport operators and Transport Scotland to deliver comprehensive integrated ticketing across tram, bus and rail ✓ ✓ ✓ PT6 Complete Trams to Newhaven operations and handover ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ PT7 Continue ongoing programme of shelter replacement ✓ ✓ PT8 Replace existing on-street bustracker signs with multi operator information signs ✓ ✓ PT9 Strengthen partnerships with the taxi and private hire car trade and car club partners as key providers of the city’s shared mobility offering to support the shift to zero emission vehicles and the introduction of new technology to improve safety, standards and accessibility ✓ ✓ ✓ PT10 Ensure existing taxi-rank requirements are protected – general locations and capacity; continue to review of provision to deliver additional capacity in consultation with the taxi trade ✓ ✓ ✓ PT11 Develop DRT solutions that are useable for everyone and provide travel choices to support journeys that are sustainable, efficient and affordable ✓ ✓ PT12 Support development of Mobility as a Service (MAAS) in Edinburgh ✓ ✓ PT13 Deliver enhanced public transport solution through use of Data Driven Innovation (DDI) experts ✓ ✓ Delivering a Reliable and Efficient Network to Support Growth Public Transport Action Plan 46 People Movement Place PG1 Deliver outcomes from the Circulation Plan to ensure that the bus network continues to support strategic priorities including improved accessibility, integration and traffic reduction, particularly in the city centre ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ PG2 Work with the Council’s Planning Authority, developers and public transport operators to ensure public transport provision serves new developments ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ PG3 Extension of bus lane operating hours ✓ ✓ PG4 Deliver bus priority through the UTC/UTMC and AVL at traffic signals and investigate further technology options to help deliver reductions in peak bus journey times on key corridors and hotspot locations ✓ ✓ ✓ PG5 Delivery of bus stop realignment supporting faster journey times with an opportunity to provide higher quality infrastructure while maintaining access for less abled people ✓ ✓ ✓ PG6 Deliver additional bus priority interventions through the Bus Partnership Fund (BPF) and other funding sources, helping to support the aim of a 25% reduction in peak bus journey times across the city region ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ PG7 Plan, design and deliver pilot projects with site specific sustainable transport and urban realm facilities to suit the needs of the area ✓ ✓ ✓ Enhancing Regional Connectivity PR1 Identify additional city centre terminating capacity (East and West Ends) to support growth in regional bus services ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ PR2 Consider future options for the bus station ✓ ✓ PR3 Enhance interchange: • Between rail, tram, bus and active travel • between radial and orbital bus services • across the city centre ✓ ✓ ✓ PR4 Deliver regional Park & Ride / Choose strategy ✓ ✓ Public Transport Action Plan 47 People Movement Place PR5 Develop mass rapid transit plan (including tram and Bus Rapid Transit (BRT)) for the city and region ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ PR6 Deliver North/ South tram line linking Granton to the Bio Quarter and beyond ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ PR7 Implement express and regional bus services (limited stops) ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ PR8 Engage with Transport Scotland, Network Rail and rail operators in the delivery of new strategic rail projects ✓ PR9 Deliver Waverley Station Masterplan subject to Network Rail programme ✓ ✓ PR10 Consider future use of South Suburban Rail Line ✓ ✓ PR11 Working with partners, explore the opportunity for a Cross-Forth ferry ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Place – Reducing Vehicular Dominance PV1 Support Edinburgh City Centre Transformation (ECCT) initiates to reduce city centre traffic volumes on key streets ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ PV2 Review opportunities to reduce bus stop dwell times lessening the need for stacking and the impact of vehicle dominance ✓ ✓ ✓ Improving Governance and Coordination PS1 Deliver new governance arrangements for council owned public transport operators ✓ ✓ ✓ PS2 Align strategic business planning and operational management of the council-owned public transport companies with the city’s transport policies and programmes ✓ ✓ ✓ PS3 Deliver Edinburgh Bus Alliance / Bus Service Improvement Plan ✓ ✓ ✓
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    A EC O M a cc ep ts n o re sp on sib ilit y, a nd d en ie s an y lia bi lity w ha ts oe ve r, to a ny p ar ty th at u se s or re lie s on th is dr aw in g wi th ou t A EC O M ’s ex pr es s wr itt en c on se nt .... D o no t s ca le th is do cu m en t.... IS O A 1 59 4m m x 8 41 m m KEY PLAN CLIENT PROJECT CYCLE AND WALKING IMPROVEMENTS ON GRANGE ROAD NOTES CONSULTANT AECOM 1 Tanfield EDINBURGH, EH3 5DA +44 (0) 131 301 8600 tel +44 (0) 131 301 8699 fax N Original Size (A1) Scale 0 5 10 20m2.5 1:250 @ A1 1:500 @ A3 I/R DATE DESCRIPTION ISSUE/REVISION Fi le na m e: F :\P R O JE C TS \T R A FF IC - C E C W A LK C Y C LE W P 1\ 03 E X E C U TI O N \C A D \2 0- S H E E TS \1 .1 - G R A N G E R O A D A T LA U D E R R O A D \T R O P LA N S \6 04 87 44 9- D D -C -W P 1- 1. 1A -T R O -1 01 .D W G La st s av ed b y: S W A N S O N A J L as t P lo tte d: 2 02 0- 09 -1 5 SHEET TITLE P ro je ct M an ag em en t I ni tia ls : D es ig ne r: C he ck ed : A pp ro ve d: 1.1 GRANGE RD AT TANTALLON PL TRAFFIC REGULATION ORDERS - SHEET 1 OF 1 SHEET NUMBER 60487449-DD-C-WP1-1.1A-TRO-101 - 15/09/2020 ISSUED FOR APPROVAL A JS IM P M EXISTING LAYOUT CONFIRMED LAYOUT AutoCAD SHX Text BUS AutoCAD SHX Text STOP AutoCAD SHX Text BUS AutoCAD SHX Text STOP AutoCAD SHX Text Bus AutoCAD SHX Text Stop AutoCAD SHX Text BUS AutoCAD SHX Text STOP 12. 21-17 Existing & Proposed Plans Existing & Proposed Grange Loan plans 60487449-DD-C-WP1-1.1-TRO-006 Sheets and Views 60487449-DD-C-WP1-1.1-TRO-006 60487449-DD-C-WP1-1.1-TRO-106 Sheets and Views 60487449-DD-C-WP1-1.1-TRO-106
  • Microsoft Word - Environmental Report Third Revision July 2016.doc

    Landscape and Townscape - Height constraint towards top of the ridge should be clearly identified to prevent development that would be prominent in views into the area.... Site is located on flatter land on the ridge top with some existing planting.
  • Microsoft Word - Environmental Report Third Revision July 2016.doc

    Landscape and Townscape - Height constraint towards top of the ridge should be clearly identified to prevent development that would be prominent in views into the area.... Site is located on flatter land on the ridge top with some existing planting.
  • Final Landscaping Designs Jan 2022.pdf

    THESE ARE NOT EXHAUSTIVE AND THE CONTRACTOR’S DRAWINGS SHOULD BE CONSULTED FOR ANY DESIGN INFORMATION Asphalt footpath Proposed trees P L B KEY B T O S H E E T 1 O F 1 4 T O S H E E T 3 O F 1 4 LINDSAY ROAD NO RT H LE IT H SA ND S PO RT LA ND R OW PORTLAND GARDENS NORTH LEITH SANDS LINDSAY ROAD BATHFIELD A1 Date OriginatorScale Drawing Title Project Title Drawing Status DO NOT SCALE Date Date Date Checked Approved Authorised Client Original Size Suitability Drawing Number Revision Copyright C Atkins Limited (2013) 6th Floor 200 Broomielaw Glasgow Scotland G1 4RU Tel: Fax: +44 (0)141 220 2000 +44 (0)141 220 2001 Rev.... THESE ARE NOT EXHAUSTIVE AND THE CONTRACTOR’S DRAWINGS SHOULD BE CONSULTED FOR ANY DESIGN INFORMATION Asphalt footpath Proposed trees P L B KEY B L L L P P L P B B B T O S H E E T 1 4 O F 1 4 T O S H E E T 1 2 O F 1 4 BR UN SW IC K ST RE ET MONTGOMERY STREET WINDSOR ST REET ANNANDALE STREET LANE ELM ROW AN N AN DA LE S T RE ET HUNTINGDON PLACE GAYFIELD SQUARE GA YF IE LD S QU AR E GA YF IE LD PL AC E LA NE MONTGOMERY S TREET LANE A1 Date OriginatorScale Drawing Title Project Title Drawing Status DO NOT SCALE Date Date Date Checked Approved Authorised M ill im e tr e s 1 0 0 1 0 0 Client Original Size Suitability Drawing Number Revision Copyright C Atkins Limited (2013) 6th Floor 200 Broomielaw Glasgow Scotland G1 4RU Tel: Fax: +44 (0)141 220 2000 +44 (0)141 220 2001 Rev.
  • Microsoft Word - Collection of Recycling and Waste from Charities .docx

    Review 11.1 All Waste and Cleansing Policies will be reviewed on an annual basis and agreed at Transport and Environment Committee Page 4 Appendix 1: Collection and Disposal of Waste from Charities Waste and Cleansing Services collects waste from charities but requires that as a minimum waste is segregated to allow recycling of dry mixed recyclate (paper and card; cans, tins and clean foil; an d clean plastic bottles, pots, tubs and trays); glass (where produced); food waste (from food premises).... The following COLLECTION services are available free of charge: 240 litres landfill per fortnight 360 litres mixed recycling per fortnight (paper and card; cans, tins and clean foil; and clean plastic bottles, pots, tubs and trays) Two glass boxes per fortnight Two food collection boxes per week Where multiple properties exist as separate addresses on the same site, e.g. a charity headquarters and a separate charity shop, each is entitled to its own collection (however any office which is simply part of the shop would not be covered by this).
  • Microsoft Word - Examination report

    An enhanced wording should establish an appropriate mechanism to top up the land supply if required.... Site one is a small parcel of land at the top of the ridge to the east of the Tower and comprises a flat paddock at the top of the slope.... No more employment land needs to be allocated on top of what has already been allocated in the Plan.