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    Meeting informed possible funding for FG £140,000 20/02/2006 Constitution Adopted Constitution adopted at Public Meeting held in Priory Church 01/06/2006 FG work in hand Woodland work completed, two new bridges, pathway boardwalk 08/11/2006 Bluebell planting 30,000 bluebells planted by upper bridge and along the beck 01/11/2008 Public Consultation Undertaken by committee over 10 days in Parish Church, Bowling Club, High School, Scotmid and Tesco. 280 people expressed opinions: Catherine Terrace, BB path, selective felling, install lighting under road bridge, better signposting, interpretation boards, improve access from top of Stoneycroft 09/09/2009 Vandalism Upper and lower bridge, boardwalks set on fire 01/11/2009 Planting Further 10,000 bluebells planted along cyclepath, plus daffodils 15/03/2011 AGM AGM 30/04/2011 Dawn Chorus 0600 hours Local people attended this walk led by Graeme Garner.
  • Ethan Frome

    The development of “civic” space on the top floor will increase the community’s capacity to organise and host meetings, events, festivals, and exhibitions.
  • TFE 2014 Consolidated Accounts Draft (080415)

    Future Prospects The Directors are of the opinion that the Group remains in a sound position to maintain its role as the major operator of buses, trams, open top tours and cycle hire in Edinburgh and the Lothians.
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    I have suffered in silence for 60 years” -Comments from service users- 11 Figure three: Those whom victims approached directly for help Figure three shows the top 12 services and people contacted for help by victims.
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    FinTech Scotland – Based in Edinburgh, Fintech Scotland was established to secure Scotland’s place as a top five global fintech centre.
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    Therefore, IV wish to review the comments in relation to Prestonfield Golf Course, which was site assessment No. 83 (the top row in the Assessment Matrix below) with regard to their retirement community development proposal.
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    Disruptor Relationships A ff e ct o r A ff e ct e d A B C D E F G H I J V a ri a n t D is ru p to r R e la ti o n sh ip 0 = N o , 1 = Y e s In cr e a se d T ra v e l d e m a n d t o /f ro m e x is ti n g p re m is e s – c o m m u te In cr e a se d T ra v e l d e m a n d t o /f ro m e x is ti n g p re m is e s - sh o p p in g R e d u ce d p ro p o se d b u s o p e ra ti o n s Im p ro v e d i n f le e t co m p o si ti o n /c o m p li a n ce l e v e l Im p a ct o f so ci a l d is ta n ci n g o n b u s p a tr o n a g e Im p ro v e d P u b li c a p p e ti te f o r A ir Q u a li ty m e a su re s p o st -C o v id ?... R e d u ce d o ff ic e s p a ce t ra n fe rr e d to r e si d e n ti a l/ R e ta il B o y a n t w id e r e co n o m y F u rt h e r S h if t in p o li cy t o w a rd s su st a in a b le /h e a lt h ie r m o d e s D e la y o n co m m it te d in fr a st ru ct u re sc h e m e s A In cr e a se d T ra v e l d e m a n d to /f ro m e x is ti n g p re m is e s – co m m u te 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 B In cr e a se d T ra v e l d e m a n d to /f ro m e x is ti n g p re m is e s - sh o p p in g 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 C R e d u ce d p ro p o se d b u s o p e ra ti o n s 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 D Im p ro v e d i n f le e t co m p o si ti o n /c o m p li a n ce le v e l 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 E Im p a ct o f so ci a l d is ta n ci n g o n b u s p a tr o n a g e 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 F Im p ro v e d P u b li c a p p e ti te fo r A ir Q u a li ty m e a su re s p o st -C o v id ?... R e d u ce d o ff ic e s p a ce t ra n fe rr e d t o re si d e n ti a l/ R e ta il 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 H B o y a n t w id e r e co n o m y 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 I F u rt h e r S h if t in p o li cy to w a rd s su st a in a b le /h e a lt h ie r m o d e s 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 J D e la y o n c o m m it te d in fr a st ru ct u re s ch e m e s 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 LEZ Uncertainty Summary Note GB01T20E86/11024112/005 Page 28/ 56 6.4.4 A total of 40 plausible future scenarios were created (10 Drivers with 4 variations in direction) with a short descriptive narrative and a corresponding set of input parameter values for each.
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    Works on the east of Ocean Drive at the old casino are ongoing.... Temporary street lighting has been installed by the old casino.
  • Notice of meeting and agenda

    Policy on the Provision of Kerbside Waste Containers The standard kerbside collection service provided will consist of: • 240 litre GREEN bin for mixed recycling (paper and card, mixed plastics, cans and tins, empty aerosols and clean foil); • 33 litre BLUE box for segregated recyclable materials (glass, batteries, textiles, small electricals); • 23 litre GREY bin for food recycling; • 240 litre BROWN bin for garden waste recycling; this is a chargeable service which residents may opt into- this service is not supplied automatically; • 140 litre GREY bin for residual (landfill) waste... Page 11 Contamination Policy • The kerbside recycling bin (green) is provided for the collection of the following specific materials only: • Paper and cardboard, clean plastic bottles, pots, tubs and trays, clean cans, tins, foil and EMPTY aerosols.
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    You can use communal recycling bins for a variety of standard household recycling, including food, plastics, paper, packaging, tins/cans, glass bottles and jars and more.