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    Of those deemed ‘economically inactive’ across the locality, 26% live here and Muirhouse is currently ranked as one of the top ten most deprived areas in Scotland.
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    Separately, the Council has previously explored the scope for a heat network serving a cluster of Council and NHS Lothian-owned buildings in Gracemount using a closed loop 750-kilowatt ground source heat pump with a 2,300-kilowatt electric boiler top-up. 5.29.6.
  • Edinburgh City Council: the Audit of Best Value and Community Planning

    Poland, Australia, Spain, Republic of Ireland, India and China were the top contributing nations to Edinburgh and Lothian in 2004/05.
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    The LGBF shows that Edinburgh is ranking in the top two quartiles for 59% of the indicators, which is above the national average.
  • 2018-19 Audited Annual Accounts

    A brief description of the top risks contained within the report is included below: Health and Social Care - Increased demand for services and associated demographic changes results in significant financial pressures which, when compounded by historic funding arrangements and traditional service models, creates a significant risk that the Council fails to implement and/or deliver appropriate health and social care arrangements, as required by the Edinburgh Integration Joint Board.... The three venues have hosted a variety of productions during the year, including two "blockbuster" shows, War Horse and Les Misérables, Scottish Ballet and Scottish Opera performances and several touring premieres.
  • 2023-24 Unaudited Annual Accounts

    The latest figures show that overall, Edinburgh’s relative position is in the top two quartiles (so above the national average) for 58% of the indicators (48 out of 82) and less than a fifth sit in the bottom quartile (11 indicators).... Th e Ci ty o f E di nb ur gh C ou nc il CEC Holdings Ltd EICC Ltd The EDI Group Transport for Edinburgh Ltd Lothian Buses Edinburgh Trams Edinburgh Living MMR LLP Common Good Lothian Valuation Joint Board Edinburgh Leisure Capital Theatres Edinburgh Integration Joint Board Charitable Trusts and Funds 15 MANAGEMENT COMMENTARY Financial Performance - Group Accounts - continued Edinburgh Living MMR LLP Transport for Edinburgh Ltd Lothian Valuation Joint Board (LVJB) Edinburgh Leisure Capital Theatres Edinburgh Leisure is a charity dedicated to making a positive difference by committing to help everyone enjoy a healthier and more active life.
  • 2023-24 Unaudited Annual Accounts

    The latest figures show that overall, Edinburgh’s relative position is in the top two quartiles (so above the national average) for 58% of the indicators (48 out of 82) and less than a fifth sit in the bottom quartile (11 indicators).... Th e Ci ty o f E di nb ur gh C ou nc il CEC Holdings Ltd EICC Ltd The EDI Group Transport for Edinburgh Ltd Lothian Buses Edinburgh Trams Edinburgh Living MMR LLP Common Good Lothian Valuation Joint Board Edinburgh Leisure Capital Theatres Edinburgh Integration Joint Board Charitable Trusts and Funds 15 MANAGEMENT COMMENTARY Financial Performance - Group Accounts - continued Edinburgh Living MMR LLP Transport for Edinburgh Ltd Lothian Valuation Joint Board (LVJB) Edinburgh Leisure Capital Theatres Edinburgh Leisure is a charity dedicated to making a positive difference by committing to help everyone enjoy a healthier and more active life.
  • 2023-24 Unaudited Annual Accounts

    The latest figures show that overall, Edinburgh’s relative position is in the top two quartiles (so above the national average) for 58% of the indicators (48 out of 82) and less than a fifth sit in the bottom quartile (11 indicators).... Th e Ci ty o f E di nb ur gh C ou nc il CEC Holdings Ltd EICC Ltd The EDI Group Transport for Edinburgh Ltd Lothian Buses Edinburgh Trams Edinburgh Living MMR LLP Common Good Lothian Valuation Joint Board Edinburgh Leisure Capital Theatres Edinburgh Integration Joint Board Charitable Trusts and Funds 15 MANAGEMENT COMMENTARY Financial Performance - Group Accounts - continued Edinburgh Living MMR LLP Transport for Edinburgh Ltd Lothian Valuation Joint Board (LVJB) Edinburgh Leisure Capital Theatres Edinburgh Leisure is a charity dedicated to making a positive difference by committing to help everyone enjoy a healthier and more active life.
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    On the east bound carriageway concentrations were mixed in terms of comparisons from the 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 16:00 16:15 16:30 16:45 17:01 17:09 17:16 17:30 17:45 18:00 18:15 18:30 A v e ra g e D e la y p e r V e h ic le ( se co n d s) Time Vehicle Delay on A8 approach PM peak Dec-13 Feb-16 City of Edinburgh Council LAQM Annual Progress Report 2019 11 previous year, however results continue to show an exceedance of the annual mean objective (Site ID58 45µg/m3) within the AQMA.
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    Using the Time Variation tool within the Openair package, variation in average NO2 concentrations by the day of the week and hour of the day combined (top-most pane), diurnal variation (lower left pane), seasonal variation (lower middle pane) and day of the week (lower right pane) can be assessed.