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    Disruptor Relationships A ff e ct o r A ff e ct e d A B C D E F G H I J V a ri a n t D is ru p to r R e la ti o n sh ip 0 = N o , 1 = Y e s In cr e a se d T ra v e l d e m a n d t o /f ro m e x is ti n g p re m is e s – c o m m u te In cr e a se d T ra v e l d e m a n d t o /f ro m e x is ti n g p re m is e s - sh o p p in g R e d u ce d p ro p o se d b u s o p e ra ti o n s Im p ro v e d i n f le e t co m p o si ti o n /c o m p li a n ce l e v e l Im p a ct o f so ci a l d is ta n ci n g o n b u s p a tr o n a g e Im p ro v e d P u b li c a p p e ti te f o r A ir Q u a li ty m e a su re s p o st -C o v id ?... R e d u ce d o ff ic e s p a ce t ra n fe rr e d to r e si d e n ti a l/ R e ta il B o y a n t w id e r e co n o m y F u rt h e r S h if t in p o li cy t o w a rd s su st a in a b le /h e a lt h ie r m o d e s D e la y o n co m m it te d in fr a st ru ct u re sc h e m e s A In cr e a se d T ra v e l d e m a n d to /f ro m e x is ti n g p re m is e s – co m m u te 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 B In cr e a se d T ra v e l d e m a n d to /f ro m e x is ti n g p re m is e s - sh o p p in g 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 C R e d u ce d p ro p o se d b u s o p e ra ti o n s 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 D Im p ro v e d i n f le e t co m p o si ti o n /c o m p li a n ce le v e l 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 E Im p a ct o f so ci a l d is ta n ci n g o n b u s p a tr o n a g e 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 F Im p ro v e d P u b li c a p p e ti te fo r A ir Q u a li ty m e a su re s p o st -C o v id ?... R e d u ce d o ff ic e s p a ce t ra n fe rr e d t o re si d e n ti a l/ R e ta il 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 H B o y a n t w id e r e co n o m y 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 I F u rt h e r S h if t in p o li cy to w a rd s su st a in a b le /h e a lt h ie r m o d e s 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 J D e la y o n c o m m it te d in fr a st ru ct u re s ch e m e s 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 LEZ Uncertainty Summary Note GB01T20E86/11024112/005 Page 28/ 56 6.4.4 A total of 40 plausible future scenarios were created (10 Drivers with 4 variations in direction) with a short descriptive narrative and a corresponding set of input parameter values for each.
  • Notice of meeting and agenda

    Policy on the Provision of Kerbside Waste Containers The standard kerbside collection service provided will consist of: • 240 litre GREEN bin for mixed recycling (paper and card, mixed plastics, cans and tins, empty aerosols and clean foil); • 33 litre BLUE box for segregated recyclable materials (glass, batteries, textiles, small electricals); • 23 litre GREY bin for food recycling; • 240 litre BROWN bin for garden waste recycling; this is a chargeable service which residents may opt into- this service is not supplied automatically; • 140 litre GREY bin for residual (landfill) waste... Page 11 Contamination Policy • The kerbside recycling bin (green) is provided for the collection of the following specific materials only: • Paper and cardboard, clean plastic bottles, pots, tubs and trays, clean cans, tins, foil and EMPTY aerosols.
  • Standard detail drawings

    11201 Precast concrete edging 50 x 200mm round top... 11202 Precast concrete edging 50 x 150mm flat top
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    Social isolation is a problem for older people in the area, particularly for non-church goers who have few places where they can meet up, even for a cup of tea.... go to get funding in place for the planning application Community Share issue Under consideration £100K (1000 people x £100) NB Max share unit price of £25 for SLF funded projects = 4 shares A good way to incentivise other funders if communities put their own resources on the table.
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    Social isolation is a problem for older people in the area, particularly for non-church goers who have few places where they can meet up, even for a cup of tea.... go to get funding in place for the planning application Community Share issue Under consideration £100K (1000 people x £100) NB Max share unit price of £25 for SLF funded projects = 4 shares A good way to incentivise other funders if communities put their own resources on the table.
  • Road occupation permits

    Apply for a site or table top meeting with a Local Roads Officer
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    Count on or back in tens from that number and write down the pattern. e.g. 610, 620, 630, 640… STEM Build a boat - Build a tin foil boat.
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    EXISTING RESTRICTIONS RETAINED WITH THE EXCEPTION OF NEW / AMENDED RESTRICTIONS PROPOSED IN THE DRAWING. 0 5 1510 20 SCALE 1:250 (A1) SCALE 1:500 (A3) METRES Proposed 'No Left Turn' restriction on Morrison Street Proposed 'no waiting and loading at any time' restriction Existing single yellow line to be changed to 'no waiting and loading at any time' Existing single yellow line to be changed to 'no waiting and loading at any time' Removal of single yellow line Tying in to existing single yellow line restriction Tying in to existing single yellow line restriction Tying in to existing double yellow line restriction Tying in to existing double yellow line restriction Removal of single yellow line Tying in to existing double yellow line restriction Tying in to existing double yellow line restriction Proposed 'no waiting and loading at any time' restriction Tying in to existing double yellow line restriction CS UPDATED FOLLOWING CEC COMMENTS P02 DC RH RH07/02/2023 AutoCAD SHX Text BT 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  • We Asked, You Said, We Did

    The top three words to describe how the Niddrie Mains Road area feels were Busy, Traffic, and Congested.... The top greenspaces visited regularly were Craigmillar Castle Park (70%), Holyrood Park (61%), and Hunters Hall Park (27%).... The other top-ranked themes that attracted comment included:
  • learning from home

    learning from home A C T I V I T I E S I ' L L D O E A C H D A Y T O L O O K A F T E R M Y H E A L T H : T H I N G S T H A T D R A I N M Y E N E R G Y T O S T O P O R R E D U C E : M Y L U X U R Y T R E A T F O R M Y S E L F : P E O P L E W H O C A N S U P P O R T M E : A C T I V I T I E S I ' L L D O E A C H D A Y T H A T I E N J O Y O R H E L P M E R E L A X S I G N S I A M S T A R T I N G T O S T R U G G L E A R E : M Y C O P I N G S T R A T E G I E S T O U S E I F I ' M S T R U G G L I N G : MY WELLBEING PLAN undefined: - sports activities (cycling or jogging) - preparing good and healthy food - do some gardening F OR M YS E LF: - chocolate or cake with a cup of coffee undefined_2: - reading good books (e.g.