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    The Community Council should determine whether members and the public should bring their own bottles or cups of water/drinks to the meeting, again to increase the safety of attendees. 2.9.
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    For example, temporary fixing methods such as suction cups will not be permitted, or lighting, such as infra-red, which emits at such a level that may cause distraction or nuisance to the driver and/or passengers
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    The Community Council should determine whether members and the public should bring their own bottles or cups of water/drinks to the meeting, again to increase the safety of attendees. 2.9.
  • Local Transport Strategy Draft

    There has been a 23 per cent decline in road traffic casualties between 2004 and 2011 (Stats19);  carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions down from 786,000 tonnes in 2008 to 713,000 tonnes in 2010; 0.0 5.0 10.0 15.0 20.0 25.0 30.0 35.0 40.0 45.0 50.0 1999/00 2001/02 2003/04 2005/06 2007/08 2009/10 P e rc e n ta g e o f to ta l sa m p le Mode share for travel to work, Edinburgh, 1999 - 2010 Walking Driver Car / Van Passenger Car / Van Bicycle Bus Rail (inc Glas U/g) Other modes (eg lorry, m/cycle, taxi ...)... This vision includes top quality streets, and safe, convenient and environmentally-friendly local transport providing access to jobs, services and leisure.... Colour status: Programme or project fully funded and has all necessary legal and other consents Clear proposals in place and funding identified to enable significant implementation progress Clear proposals in place but insufficient funding to implement Outline proposals only Privately funded Order of cost (1) Other West Edinburgh projects include: Low - likely to be staff time only 1 up to £100K 2 A8 ‘dumbbell’ junction upgrade £100K to £1M 3 A8 bus priority measures £1M to £10M 4 Gogar roundabout upgrade £10M to £100M 5 Gogar to Eastfield road £100M + 6 88 Appendix 3: Key policy documents and Action Plans There are a number of related policy documents which have an impact on or are impacted upon by the LTS.
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    Client/Project Logo Copyright Reserved O RI G IN A L SH EE T - I SO j:\ 33 20 10 72 4 ed in b ur g h b us p a rtn er sh ip fu nd b p f p ro g ra m m e\ w or ki ng \e tro d ra w in g s\ et ro d ra w in g s n ew - 25 .1 1. 20 22 \3 32 01 07 24 -s tn -0 0- xx -d r-c -0 11 2 Pl ot te d : 1 1. 05 .2 02 3 20 23 .0 5. 11 6 :0 1: 14 P M B y: T ow le , E m m a Client/Project Issue Status This document is suitable only for the purpose noted above.... Client/Project Logo Copyright Reserved O RI G IN A L SH EE T - I SO j:\ 33 20 10 72 4 ed in b ur g h b us p a rtn er sh ip fu nd b p f p ro g ra m m e\ w or ki ng \e tro d ra w in g s\ et ro d ra w in g s n ew - 25 .1 1. 20 22 \3 32 01 07 24 -s tn -0 0- xx -d r-c -0 11 3 Pl ot te d : 1 1. 05 .2 02 3 20 23 .0 5. 11 6 :1 9: 41 P M B y: T ow le , E m m a Client/Project Issue Status This document is suitable only for the purpose noted above.... Client/Project Logo Copyright Reserved O RI G IN A L SH EE T - I SO j:\ 33 20 10 72 4 ed in b ur g h b us p a rtn er sh ip fu nd b p f p ro g ra m m e\ w or ki ng \e tro d ra w in g s\ et ro d ra w in g s n ew - 25 .1 1. 20 22 \3 32 01 07 24 -s tn -0 0- xx -d r-c -0 11 4 Pl ot te d : 11 .0 5. 20 23 2 02 3. 05 .1 1 6: 08 :5 0 PM B y: To w le , E m m a Client/Project Issue Status This document is suitable only for the purpose noted above.
  • Additional Traffic Management Arrangements as of 21 January

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  • (Public Pack)Agenda Document for Edinburgh Partnership, 29/09/2020 19:48

    DAS training and development The Respekt service’s children’s worker achieved accreditation from the Safe and Together institute as a Safe and Together Champion.... 👪 P a g e 1 1 3 T h is p a g e is in te n tio n a lly le ft b la n k COVID-19 Immediate Support Update 1.... This activity was funded initially by the Scottish Government Food Fund and then by a top up grant of up to £0.603m to mitigate the absence of Free School meals during the summer holidays.
  • 189 Calton New entry.indd

    Prior to the war a family of ten is said to have lived in the three rooms, whilst the parents occupied the middle floor, their daughters and sons occupied the top and bottom floors respectively (pers comm.... A majority of the walls are in reasonable condition although all require some degree of repair and the top of the north wall has missing stones and there is a considerable growth of ivy on the west wall.... Whilst Le Cimetiere de l’Est on Mount Louis in Paris is the true prototype, New Calton can still be seen as an important precursor for the garden cemetery movement in Britain.

    Large Cypress approx. 16m, broken branches near top, remove broken branches.... Large Scots Pine approx. 18m, broken top, remove broken top.... at Flat 5 17 Simpson Loan Edinburgh EH3 9BF McNeil Trust., FAO: Cai Cheadle 11 Young Street Edinburgh Scotland EH2 4HU Delegated Decision WITHDRAWN 6 June 2024 Community Council: Tollcross 23/04089/CLES TL (Certificate of Lawfulness Existing STL) Application for a certificate of lawfulness for a short- term let.

    Large Cypress approx. 16m, broken branches near top, remove broken branches.... Large Scots Pine approx. 18m, broken top, remove broken top.... at Flat 5 17 Simpson Loan Edinburgh EH3 9BF McNeil Trust., FAO: Cai Cheadle 11 Young Street Edinburgh Scotland EH2 4HU Delegated Decision WITHDRAWN 6 June 2024 Community Council: Tollcross 23/04089/CLES TL (Certificate of Lawfulness Existing STL) Application for a certificate of lawfulness for a short- term let.