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  • 2030 Climate Strategy sets out a greener, fairer, climate ready future for Capital

    Our Capital has a track record of delivery, reducing emissions by 8% across the City in the last year alone and being ranked one of the 95 top Cities in the world for climate action.
  • Delivering essential services to keep Edinburgh functioning as best it can

    Clean frequently touched surfaces such as door handles, handrails, remote controls and table tops.
  • Young authors bring North Bridge to life

    The major project to restore Edinburgh’s 19th century North Bridge began in 2018 and includes reinforcements to the top deck, significant repairs to structural steelwork and improvements to the bridge’s historic cast iron façade.
  • Edinburgh Strategic Sustainable Transport Study - Phase 1

    Edinburgh Strategic Sustainable Transport Study - Phase 1 | Report 28 Table 3-3: Objectives and associated measures Metric Sustainable Economic Growth and Development Improved equity & social inclusion Reduce transport- related carbon emissions Improved built & natural environment Improved health, wellbeing & safety S u st a in a b le e co n o m ic g ro w th S u st a in a b le l a n d u se d e v e lo p m e n t Im p ro v e d a cc e ss t o j o b s, e d u ca ti o n , h e a lt h ca re a n d le is u re A ff o rd a b il it y P o si ti v e i m p a ct o f tr a n sp o rt in fr a st ru ct u re o n p la ce ( n e w a n d e x is ti n g e .g .... ci ty c e n tr e ) P h y si ca l im p a ct o f tr a n sp o rt m e a su re s P ro m o ti n g h e a lt h ie r li fe st y le s v ia p h y si ca l a ct iv it y R e d u ce d l o ca l e m is si o n s / im p ro v e d a ir q u a li ty R e d u ce d a cc id e n ts ( b a se d o n c h a n g e i n c a r k m s) Public transport connectivity (incl. reliability, capacity & quality)    Accessibility via public transport       Enhanced active travel connections           Provision of direct high-quality public transport access to key housing/mixed use sites (existing designations)          Support new employment by enhancing access to and attractiveness of key designated employment areas       Mode shift potential (shift from car to public transport /active modes) and resulting reduction in car kms
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    Landscaping works continue and are progressing well on the east from Tower Street to Genting Casino corner which are scheduled to be completed towards the end of October 2021.
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    In addition, more trees will be planted at the following locations: • In front of the old casino building • On a strip of land next to the development site on Ocean Way • At the Fingal car park on Stevedore Place • Replanting of five trees on Ocean Way.
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    Stevedore Place There are ongoing surfacing, lining, and landscaping works including the area outside the old Casino and to the front of the Fingal carpark.
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    Surfacing works between the old casino building and the entrance to Tower Street Industrial Estate is scheduled to take place from w/c 19 September 2022.
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    The Board is also responsible for considering Premises Licence applications for gambling activities (Betting Shops, Bingo, Casinos, etc).
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    Stevedore Place There are ongoing surfacing, lining, and landscaping works including the area outside the old Casino and to the front of the Fingal carpark.