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    D E T A IL C 1 9 m 1 ) D u rin g d a rk n e ss , w a rn in g lig h ts to B S E N 1 2 3 5 2 :2 0 0 6 s h o u ld b e p ro vid e d in a c co rd a n c e w ith T a b le A 1 .3 (A p p e n d ix 1 ). 2 ) F o r re la x a tio n to D e ta il C 1 s e e T a b le A 1 .3 (A p p e n d ix 1 ).... N o te s : S in g le /D u a l c a rria g e w a y 5 0 m p h o r m o re - 7 5 0 m m tra ffic c o n e s.... S in g le /D u a l c a rria g e w a y 4 0 m p h o r le s s - 4 5 0 m m tra ffic co n e s . 2 3 -0 7 -1 9 O R IG IN A L S K E T C H JW D R A W IN G S T A T U S : F O R R E V IE W JW C H + 1 5 7 6 4 .3 5 D u ke S tre e t - C H + 1 6 0 4 2 .3 5 C o a tfie ld L a n e 1 2 5 -0 8 -1 9 F IN A L L A Y O U T F O R A P P R O V A L S P S P 2 6 -0 8 -1 9 L A Y O U T C H A N G E S S P S P
  • Edinburgh Tram & Its Role in a City Deal

    Forth Port to Newhaven Carry out works in phases to maintain access to the operational dock and local residents at all times: • Newhaven to Melrose Drive • Melrose Drive • Ocean Terminal West Side to Melrose Drive • Ocean Terminal West to Ocean Terminal East • Ocean Terminal East to Rennie’s Isle • Rennie’s Isle to Tower Place • Tower Place to Stevedore Place East • Stevedore Place East to Casino Access Road • Casino Access Road to Constitution Place 7.13 This approach has been tested using the Council’s traffic model.... The Project Director and SRO will both have membership of the Project Board and will be responsible for reporting progress on all aspects of project delivery. 7.41 This is top level governance reflected below in Figure 7.... This summarises details of the top risks to the project and provides an overview of the current estimated risk exposure.
  • Https://

    ROUTE SUMMARY This is a path from Musselburgh, following the approximate route of the Brunstane Burn and Niddrie Burn to Duddingston Loch, St Leonard’s and Dumbiedykes, and tying into the paths and roads that circle Holyrood Park.... KEY FACTS Distance: 13km Western Node: Queensferry, tying in with the Forth routes Eastern Node: Craigleith, tying in with the North Edinburgh Paths On road: B924, A90 Queensferry Road, Brae Park Road, Barnton Avenue West, Barnton Avenue Off road: disused railway from Silverknowes to Craigleith Retail Park Connecting Core Paths: CEC10: Newbridge to Queensferry and Kirkliston, CEC6: Firth of Forth, CEC11: River Almond, CEC14: Corstorphine Hill, CEC8: North Edinburgh Paths ROUTE DESCRIPTION This route will predominantly appeal to cyclists who wish to enter Edinburgh avoiding long sections of the Queensferry Road, using quieter roads and, towards the city centre, a disused railway line.... 1 P oe t's G le n D on ke y La ne !
  • Https://

    ROUTE SUMMARY This is a path from Musselburgh, following the approximate route of the Brunstane Burn and Niddrie Burn to Duddingston Loch, St Leonard’s and Dumbiedykes, and tying into the paths and roads that circle Holyrood Park.... KEY FACTS Distance: 13km Western Node: Queensferry, tying in with the Forth routes Eastern Node: Craigleith, tying in with the North Edinburgh Paths On road: B924, A90 Queensferry Road, Brae Park Road, Barnton Avenue West, Barnton Avenue Off road: disused railway from Silverknowes to Craigleith Retail Park Connecting Core Paths: CEC10: Newbridge to Queensferry and Kirkliston, CEC6: Firth of Forth, CEC11: River Almond, CEC14: Corstorphine Hill, CEC8: North Edinburgh Paths ROUTE DESCRIPTION This route will predominantly appeal to cyclists who wish to enter Edinburgh avoiding long sections of the Queensferry Road, using quieter roads and, towards the city centre, a disused railway line.... 1 P oe t's G le n D on ke y La ne !
  • PHRP - Final Park Plan June 07.indd

    The aim of Regional Park designation is to cover extensive areas of land, in diverse ownership, where provision for public recreation is given a higher profi le by establishing a co-ordinated framework for the integrated management of recreation with traditional land use in close collaboration with local interests.... 4) Visitor Transport Profi les Visitor traffi c volumes and modes, to, and around, the Pentland Hills Regional Park have a fundamental impact on the Pentland Hills Regional Park’s management, its environmental quality and on the communities living and working within the Pentland Hills Regional Park.... Monitoring the visitor transport profi les will assist in encouraging more sustainable visitor transport activity in the Pentland Hills Regional Park.
  • PHRP - Final Park Plan June 07.indd

    The aim of Regional Park designation is to cover extensive areas of land, in diverse ownership, where provision for public recreation is given a higher profi le by establishing a co-ordinated framework for the integrated management of recreation with traditional land use in close collaboration with local interests.... 4) Visitor Transport Profi les Visitor traffi c volumes and modes, to, and around, the Pentland Hills Regional Park have a fundamental impact on the Pentland Hills Regional Park’s management, its environmental quality and on the communities living and working within the Pentland Hills Regional Park.... Monitoring the visitor transport profi les will assist in encouraging more sustainable visitor transport activity in the Pentland Hills Regional Park.
  • New Developments

    Each property will receive the following services: • 140 litre grey bin for non-recyclable waste (sometimes called residual or black bag waste) • 240 litre green bin for mixed recycling (cardboard, plastic bottles, pots, tubs and trays, cans and tins, drinks cartons and empty aerosols and foil) • 35 litre blue box for glass bottles and jars, household batteries, small electricals and textiles; • 23 litre grey kerbside bin and 5 litre kitchen caddy bin for food waste • 240 litre brown bin for garden waste –the garden waste collection is a chargeable service which householders may choose to join separately.
  • OT to Rennies Isle Ped Diversion Rev C MELROSE TO NEWHAVEN

    D E T A IL C 1 9 m 1 ) D u rin g d a rk n e ss , w a rn in g lig h ts to B S E N 1 2 3 5 2 :2 0 0 6 s h o u ld b e p ro vid e d in a c co rd a n c e w ith T a b le A 1 .3 (A p p e n d ix 1 ). 2 ) F o r re la x a tio n to D e ta il C 1 s e e T a b le A 1 .3 (A p p e n d ix 1 ).... N o te s : S in g le /D u a l c a rria g e w a y 5 0 m p h o r m o re - 7 5 0 m m tra ffic c o n e s.... S in g le /D u a l c a rria g e w a y 4 0 m p h o r le s s - 4 5 0 m m tra ffic co n e s .
  • 3. Pilrig - FOTW Diversion MELROSE TO NEWHAVEN

    D E T A IL C 1 9 m 1 ) D u rin g d a rk n e ss , w a rn in g lig h ts to B S E N 1 2 3 5 2 :2 0 0 6 s h o u ld b e p ro vid e d in a c co rd a n c e w ith T a b le A 1 .3 (A p p e n d ix 1 ). 2 ) F o r re la x a tio n to D e ta il C 1 s e e T a b le A 1 .3 (A p p e n d ix 1 ).... N o te s : S in g le /D u a l c a rria g e w a y 5 0 m p h o r m o re - 7 5 0 m m tra ffic c o n e s.... S in g le /D u a l c a rria g e w a y 4 0 m p h o r le s s - 4 5 0 m m tra ffic co n e s . 2 3 -0 7 -1 9 O R IG IN A L S K E T C H S P D R A W IN G S T A T U S : F O R R E V IE W S P P A R K IN G A N D L O A D IN G S U S P E N S IO N R e su rfa cin g W o rk s P h a se 2 P a rt 2 C lass O n e T raffic M an ag em en t L td .
  • 4. FOTW - Pilrig Diversion MELROSE TO NEWHAVEN

    D E T A IL C 1 9 m 1 ) D u rin g d a rk n e ss , w a rn in g lig h ts to B S E N 1 2 3 5 2 :2 0 0 6 s h o u ld b e p ro vid e d in a c co rd a n c e w ith T a b le A 1 .3 (A p p e n d ix 1 ). 2 ) F o r re la x a tio n to D e ta il C 1 s e e T a b le A 1 .3 (A p p e n d ix 1 ).... N o te s : S in g le /D u a l c a rria g e w a y 5 0 m p h o r m o re - 7 5 0 m m tra ffic c o n e s.... S in g le /D u a l c a rria g e w a y 4 0 m p h o r le s s - 4 5 0 m m tra ffic co n e s . 2 3 -0 7 -1 9 O R IG IN A L S K E T C H S P D R A W IN G S T A T U S : F O R R E V IE W S P P A R K IN G A N D L O A D IN G S U S P E N S IO N R e su rfa cin g W o rk s P h a se 2 P a rt 2 C lass O n e T raffic M an ag em en t L td .