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  • Leader's report - June 2024

    From Beyonce and Harry Styles to Taylor Swift’s record-breaking run, and not forgetting our annual world-famous festivals, Edinburgh is proving itself as a top destination for international acts.
  • Public Toilets survey

    Part of the contract to build the school involves provision of a new “linear” park, running parallel to the canal towpath, from the top of Gibson Terrace to where the school boundary will be.
  • Public Toilets survey

    Part of the contract to build the school involves provision of a new “linear” park, running parallel to the canal towpath, from the top of Gibson Terrace to where the school boundary will be.
  • Health Promotion Services

    Health Promotion Services 1 Edinburgh Community Learning and Development Partnership (ECLDP) 25th April 2019, 3.00-4.30pm Board Room, Central Library Attended Apologies Ian Brooke (IB) (Chair) Paul McCloskey (PMc) Rebecca Dey (RD) (notes) Kay Penman (KP) Archie Campbell (AC) Sheila Duncan (SD) Laurene Edgar (LE) Moyra Burns (MB) John Heywood (JH) Sam Wallace (SW) Michele Mulvaney (MM) Decisions No.... LE gave an overview of the universal youth work impact report which has recently been published.... Impact of Community Based Universal Youth Work Research report to be circulated to Education Leads, SERIC and Edinburgh Partnership Board LE/MM/PMc
  • Health Promotion Services

    Health Promotion Services 1 Edinburgh Community Learning and Development Partnership (ECLDP) 25th April 2019, 3.00-4.30pm Board Room, Central Library Attended Apologies Ian Brooke (IB) (Chair) Paul McCloskey (PMc) Rebecca Dey (RD) (notes) Kay Penman (KP) Archie Campbell (AC) Sheila Duncan (SD) Laurene Edgar (LE) Moyra Burns (MB) John Heywood (JH) Sam Wallace (SW) Michele Mulvaney (MM) Decisions No.... LE gave an overview of the universal youth work impact report which has recently been published.... Impact of Community Based Universal Youth Work Research report to be circulated to Education Leads, SERIC and Edinburgh Partnership Board LE/MM/PMc
  • Https:// 1.0 Introduction 4 S a m p le o f p u p il s’ t h o u gh ts o n t h e k ey i ss u es f o r le a rn er s o f th e cu rr en t sc h o o l 5 2.0 What are the key issues for learners of the current school from your point of view?... The right hand side column (in green) represents possible solutions to address the key issues. 7S a m p le o f p u p il s’ t h o u gh ts o n t h e k ey i ss u es f o r le a rn er s o f th e cu rr en t sc h o o l 8 Sample of pupils’ ideas about the school as a person 9 3.0 Imagine the school is a person, what type of person is it?
  • main colour Dalmeny

    MAIN STR EET B A N K H E A D R O A D S T A N D IN G S T A N E R O A D Primar y Schoo l Dalmeny Kirk T h e G le b e Wester Dalmeny CARL OWR IE AV ENUE CAR LOW RIE CR ESC ENT N Townscape Focal point Landmark Vista Glimpse Activity Quiet pp ff ff pp pp pp pp G G G G G G Some of the maps in the document have been reproduced from the Ordnance Survey mapping with permission of the Controller of Her Majesty’s Stationery Office D A L M E N Y C O N S E R V A T I O N A R E A C H A R A C T E R A P P R A I S A L 11 The south side is by contrast almost exclusively cottages, with the exception of the Post Office and also a more recent shop set back behind the line of cottages.... The planning authority must be given six weeks notice of the intention to uproot, fell or top trees.
  • Granton Waterfront - Development Framework February 2020

    Potential discharge points and acceptable run-off rates have been assessed based on high level topographical information and existing desk top studies.... Sustainability and Energy Strategy ENERGY STRATEGY PRINCIPLES and PRIORITIES ENERGY EFFICIENCY RESOURCE EFFICIENCY SUSTAINABLE TRANSPORT RENEWABLES DISTRICT HEATING POTENTIAL A W HO LE S YSTEM VIEW AN IN CLU SIV E EN ER G Y T R A N S IT IO N A SM A R T E R LO C A L EN ERGY MODEL EN ER G Y EF FI CI EN CY (BU ILDIN GS) CONSUMER ENGAGEMENT and PRO TEC TIO N SY ST EM S EC U R IT Y a nd F LE X IB IL IT Y RENEWABLES, LOW CARBON SOL UTI ON S IN N O V A T IV E LO C A L E N ERG Y SYSTEM S Fig. 3.69: Concept energy strategy, principles and priorities, diagram by Arup 3 . 1 2 p 66 Fig. 3.70: Aerial image of Granton Waterfront, 2018, from Edinburgh Shoreline project video Fig. 3.70: The key elements of the Development Framework are illustrated here in an indicative 3D sketch of the area.
  • Landscape document templates

    The areas of supplier spend are vast, a summary of our top type of Supplier spend is presented below in Figure 6.... Figure 6 0 50 100 150 200 2013/14 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17 2017/18 Cumulative savings performance 2013/14 - 2017/18 (£m) Actual Target £26.16m £41.28m £15.84m £18.11m £11.25m £15.32m £63.01m £6.58m £4.39m Type of spend of top 20 suppliers ICT Edin School Ptr Waste Homelessness service Energy Temporary staff Construction Parking Care at Home 14 Construction makes up a large proportion of the third party spend and is attributed to a range of projects including housing, education, transport and infrastructure and maintenance of Council estate.... This pipeline of projects over the next 3 - 5 years anticipated to be in the region of £1bn. 15 Annex 1 – Regulated Procurements Date of Award Name of Supplier Subject Matter Estimated Value of the Contract Start Date End Date GOODS CONTRACTS AWARDED - 11 27/03/2017 Brodie Melrose Drysdale & Co Ltd Catering supplies £50,000 01/04/2017 30/09/2017 28/03/2017 Bradmac Garage Equipment & Services Ltd Vehicle Test Equipment; Taxi Examination Centre £55,225 10/04/2017 09/04/2020 01/07/2017 Brakes Bros Ltd Supply & distribution of frozen foods Call off - SXL £4,000,000 01/07/2017 30/06/2019 20/07/2017 Matthew Clark Wholesale Ltd Alcoholic & Non-alcoholic Beverages for Theatres- Call off – SE Ayrshire £996,000 04/10/2017 04/10/2019 01/08/2017 Nottingham Rehab Supplies Aids for Daily Living – call off - YPO £975,000 01/09/2017 31/08/2018 01/08/2017 G & S Smirthwaite Ltd Aids for Daily Living– call off - YPO £65,000 01/09/2017 31/08/2018 14/09/2017 NewAuto Ltd t/a MOGO UK Supply & Disposal of Taxi Licence Plates £337,919 02/10/2017 01/10/2021 04/12/2017 Hewlett Packard UK Ltd Mobile Client Devices – call off SGov £1,000,000 15/12/2017 15/11/2018 25/01/2018 Nottingham Rehab Ltd t/a NRS Healthcare Aids for Daily Living Equipment, Services – call off - YPO £4,840,000 01/02/2018 31/01/2020 19/02/2018 DMG Floorcare Ltd Framework - Supply & Maintenance of Cleaning Equipment £405,000 26/02/2018 25/02/2022 22/03/2018 Pitney Bowes Ltd High Speed Mail Scanners – call off CCS £200,116 23/03/2018 21/03/2023 SERVICES CONTRACTS AWARDED - 137 01/01/2017 Lothian Centre for Inclusive Living (LCiL) Independent Living Support Services £702,000 01/01/2017 31/12/2020 04/01/2017 Royal Mail Group Ltd Postal Services – call off SGov £1,644,000 04/01/2017 03/01/2020 10/01/2017 Pricewaterhouse coopers LLP Internal Audit Provision £631,400 01/04/2017 31/03/2019 11/01/2017 S&S Properties Temp Accommodation £250,000 01/04/2016 31/03/2017 19/01/2017 My Adventure Youth programme £128,089 01/01/2017 31/03/2018 19/01/2017 Arcadis LLP FM Service Technical Consulting Support – Call off (ESPO) £204,889 01/04/2017 31/08/2017 25/01/2017 Northgate Public Services (UK) Ltd Single Occupancy Discount Review Service £152,228 25/01/2017 30/09/2021 27/01/2017 DA Languages Ltd Prestige Network Ltd Global Language Services Ltd Supreme Linguistic Services Ltd AA Global Language Services Ltd The Language Room Ltd Translate Plus Ltd Interpreting & Translation Framework £1,485,377 06/02/2017 05/02/2020 27/01/2017 Ernst and Young LLP Provision of 7 Cities Investment Fund Report £55,145 01/02/2017 12/04/2017 30/01/2017 Redsky IT Hemel Ltd Annual support and maintenance £53,591 23/01/2017 22/01/2018 08/02/2017 AWJ Woodwaste Ltd Uplift and Processing of Waste Laminates £120,000 04/01/2017 03/01/2018 16 Date of Award Name of Supplier Subject Matter Estimated Value of the Contract Start Date End Date 10/02/2017 TMP (UK) Ltd Recruitment - call off SGov £985,436 05/03/2017 17/04/2018 15/02/2017 Underbelly Ltd Major Events £161,328 27/02/2017 26/02/2020 15/02/2017 Access to Industry Ltd Employability Complex Needs Service £954,158 01/04/2017 31/03/2019 17/02/2017 Barnardos Behavioural Intensive Support Service £50,635 01/04/2016 30/09/2016 20/02/2017 Perimeter Intruder Detection Systems Ltd Supply of Temporary Security Alarm Systems £960,000 03/04/2017 31/03/2022 22/02/2017 Currie & Brown Project Management services for street lighting £475,100 03/03/2017 01/03/2021 28/02/2017 Aebi Schmidt UK Ltd Hot Wash Pavement Machines £105,000 06/03/2017 05/03/2020 08/03/2017 Pertemps Managed Services Recruitment (Mstar2) – call off ESPO £65,000,000 12/06/2017 11/06/2020 14/03/2017 Lothian Centre for Inclusive Living Fife Business Centre Accountability Payroll Support Service Framework Agreement £470,470 01/04/2017 31/03/2020 20/03/2017 National Youth Choir of Scotland Kodaly music training £57,760 01/09/2016 30/06/2017 21/03/2017 Currie & Brown Technical Design services £252,252 28/03/2017 04/05/2020 24/03/2017 Transport for Edinburgh Ltd Citywide Wayfinding £137,000 15/03/2017 31/03/2017 30/03/2017 AECOM Ltd Community Links Plus Bid - Stage 3 Call off - SXL £78,556 03/04/2017 21/07/2017 01/04/2017 Stepping Stones North Edinburgh Early Years Services - Granton Early Years Centre £184,500 01/04/2017 31/03/2019 01/04/2017 Milan Senior Welfare Organisation Ltd Day Centre (Older People) £222,379 01/04/2017 31/03/2019 10/04/2017 SWECO UK Ltd Workplace Travel Planning Consultants £100,000 01/06/2017 31/03/2018 12/04/2017 Underbelly Edinburgh's Christmas and Edinburgh's Hogmanay £5,000,000 24/04/2017 23/04/2020 20/04/2017 The Roberts Partnership Ltd Digital Boost Programme £117,930 01/05/2017 31/03/2018 25/04/2017 Biffa Waste Services Ltd Receipt, Bulking and Transfer of Waste £513,846 28/11/2016 27/11/2017 25/04/2017 William Tracey Ltd Receipt, Bulking and Transfer of Waste £342,217 28/11/2016 27/11/2017 25/04/2017 NWH Waste Services Ltd Receipt, Bulking and Transfer of Waste £776,451 28/11/2016 27/11/2017 04/05/2017 Ocean Serviced Apartments Ltd Accommodation for Adult Care service £86,640 01/04/2017 31/03/2018 08/05/2017 St Margarets Children & Family Care adoption services £110,000 01/04/2017 31/03/2018 15/05/2017 Whistl Scotland Ltd Printing and mailing services £125,000 01/05/2017 30/06/2017 16/05/2017 Travelers Insurance Company Insurance for Edinburgh Trams Ltd £869,862 31/05/2017 30/05/2020 19/05/2017 Glenallan Temp Accommodation £200,000 01/04/2017 31/03/2018 19/05/2017 Park View House Hotel Temp Accommodation £200,000 01/04/2017 31/03/2018 19/05/2017 Ravensdown Guest House Temp Accommodation £200,000 01/04/2017 31/03/2018 19/05/2017 Granville Guest House Temp Accommodation £200,000 01/04/2017 31/03/2018 19/05/2017 Edinburgh Regency Guest House Temp Accommodation £200,000 01/04/2017 31/03/2018 22/05/2017 Edge Autism Ltd Behavioural support service £64,000 23/05/2017 22/05/2018 22/05/2017 Portfolio Evaluation Ltd Investment Performance and Risk Analysis Service £655,600 01/01/2017 31/12/2021 17 Date of Award Name of Supplier Subject Matter Estimated Value of the Contract Start Date End Date 24/05/2017 Crew 2000 Crew 2000 - SE Locality Provision £82,126 01/04/2017 31/03/2019 30/05/2017 Direct Control UK Ltd Electric and Audio Visual £57,540 15/05/2017 09/06/2017 30/05/2017 Anturas Consulting Ltd Strategic support Water of Leith Phase 2 and Tram Extension £440,000 31/03/2017 31/03/2019 06/06/2017 Inclusion Alliance Support services £91,354 06/06/2017 19/06/2019 15/06/2017 Currie & Brown Cost Management services £172,620 17/05/2017 16/05/2020 27/06/2017 Fabb Scotland Ltd Holiday Activity Programme £3,242,061 30/06/2017 31/03/2021 27/06/2017 WYG Environment Planning Transport Ltd Transport report £82,911 01/07/2017 17/03/2019 29/06/2017 East Park Specialist care service £693,229 12/07/2017 11/07/2019 30/06/2017 Jontek Ltd Maintenance of alarm receiving centre £74,000 01/04/2017 31/03/2018 03/07/2017 Legrand Jontek Maintenance of alarm receiving centre £100,000 01/04/2017 31/03/2018 07/07/2017 Taskforce Finishing and Handling Ltd Specialist print finishing service £50,000 01/07/2017 30/06/2018 07/07/2017 Whistl Scotland Ltd Interim delivery service Income and Benefits mailings £50,000 01/04/2017 31/07/2017 11/07/2017 NAS Services Ltd Specialist Autistic Care £99,473 14/07/2017 10/01/2018 13/07/2017 1212 Taxis 782 Edin Ltd AAA Coaches Ltd Abbot Travel Alan Urquhart t/a ABC Minicoach Hire W&K Scott Ltd t/a Alba Coaches Aerial ABW Cabs Ltd Allthefours Incorp Allan's Coaches Bodyshop Edinburgh Ltd Carr Private Hire Ltd CC Taxis Ltd Central Radio Taxis Tollcross Ltd Charlie Irons Coaches Ltd Chauffeur Drive Scotland Ltd City Cabs Edinburgh Ltd City Circle UK Ltd Community Transport Glasgow Coulman Coaches Ltd DG Transport Duddingston Transport Ltd Ross Kevin Haldane t/a E&R Taxis Edinburgh City Private Hire Ltd Edinburgh Taxis Ltd H&M Ferguson Ltd Festival Travel Scotland Ltd Education and Health & Social Care Transport Framework Agreement £13,000,000 03/07/2017 02/07/2018 18 Date of Award Name of Supplier Subject Matter Estimated Value of the Contract Start Date End Date First Scotland East Ltd Richard George Graham t/a G&R Taxis Greig McNeill t/a GDM Private Hire George Taylor t/a GT Private Hire Timothy Mainwaring t/a GT Travel Hannings Ltd E & M Horsburgh Ltd James Kennedy t/a J&K Private Hire Linda Sutherland t/a LA Travel Mark O’Donnell t/a M&D Private Hire Nancy McElhone Douglas Mckendry t/a Mckendry Coaches Masoka Ltd Ian Mycko Peter Corsie t/a P&S Transport S & M Pickering Prentice Westwood Ltd Ratho Coaches Ltd Salmond's Mini - Coach Hire Ltd Mini Coach Hire Ltd James Scott Samuel Douglas t/a SD Travel Shandon Travel Ltd Graham Soave t/a Soave Minibus & Taxi Hire Swift Coaches Ltd Westcroft Travel Ltd Education and Health & Social Care Transport Framework Agreement (contd) 18/07/2017 Republic of Media Ltd Media Planning, Buying and Associated Services – call off SG £464,791 18/08/2017 31/07/2018 23/07/2017 Bridge Systems Ltd Maintenance of radio mast £807,784 01/04/2017 31/03/2018 26/07/2017 Balfour Beatty Civil Engineering Ltd North Bridge Refurbishment Pre-Construction Stage – call off Scape £393,751 04/09/2017 31/03/2018 27/07/2017 Voyage 1 Ltd t/a Voyage Care Care Home £3,087,500 01/10/2017 30/09/2020 01/08/2017 Aecom Ltd Cycle design service £74,448 01/08/2017 01/04/2018 05/08/2017 East Park Care services £691,330 05/08/2017 04/08/2019 07/08/2017 Sacro Peer Support and Mentoring Service £291,019 01/09/2017 31/03/2020 08/08/2017 Proludic Ltd Playground – call off SXL £83,052 14/08/2017 31/08/2017 09/08/2017 Advocard Independent Advocacy Services - Lot 1 £2,650,000 01/08/2017 31/07/2020 09/08/2017 Partners in Advocacy Independent Advocacy Services - Lot 2 £1,250,000 01/08/2017 31/07/2020 24/08/2017 Progressive Partnership Ltd Edinburgh People Survey 2017 £58,960 29/08/2017 30/03/2018 24/08/2017 Inclusion Alliance Places for People Scotland Framework Agreement for Day Support Services for £28,000,000 02/10/2017 01/10/2020 19 Date of Award Name of Supplier Subject Matter Estimated Value of the Contract Start Date End Date Capability Scotland Redwoods Caring Foundation Carr Gomm Scotland Ltd Crossreach Columcille Ltd Richmond Fellowship Scotland Leonard Cheshire Disability Tiphereth Ltd Community Integrated Care Garvald Centre Edinburgh Visualise Scotland Active Healthcare Services Enable Scotland Scottish Autism The Action Group Clayton Care Ltd Upward Mobility Ltd Autism Initiatives UK Adults with Learning Disabilities 01/09/2017 A Wilderness Way Ltd Residential Care YP £317,000 01/09/2017 31/03/2019 01/09/2017 Active Ark Residential Care YP £390,000 01/09/2017 31/03/2019 01/09/2017 Ramboll UK Fire risk assessments £72,500 15/09/2017 31/11/2017 04/09/2017 LT Flexible Framework – Multi- Supplier Open Framework Pupil Equity Funding £4,000,000 08/09/2017 07/09/2019 12/09/2017 Roberts Partnership Ltd Business Gateway Services £74,250 01/10/2017 31/03/2018 20/09/2017 Risk Management Partners Ltd Property Insurance £2,051,938 01/10/2017 30/09/2022 20/09/2017 Aon UK Ltd Property Insurance £438,186 01/10/2017 30/09/2022 22/09/2017 WYG Environment Planning Transport Ltd George Street and First New Town Public Realm Project £289,400 25/09/2017 29/06/2018 25/09/2017 Aon UK Ltd Property Insurance £1,764,322 01/10/2017 30/09/2022 27/09/2017 Telefonica UK Ltd t/a O2 Mobile and Voice Telecom Services £2,000,000 01/10/2017 30/09/2020 29/09/2017 Viridor Waste Management Ltd Biffa Waste Services Ltd NWH Waste Services Ltd William Tracey Ltd Framework for Reception, Handling and Transfer of Waste £2,982,714 29/11/2017 28/12/2018 01/10/2017 Oxgangs Care Care service £152,798 01/10/2017 31/03/2018 18/10/2017 Matrix Fife Aids for Daily Living – Call off - SG £69,000 27/10/2017 31/08/2018 23/10/2017 NL Productions Ltd 2018 Lighting Installation £80,000 08/02/2018 12/04/2018 25/10/2017 Integrated Skills (UK) Ltd Waste Collection Software £50,000 01/10/2017 01/10/2018 25/10/2017 Sheridan Myers Management Services LLP Transportation of Food Containers £1,640,035 01/11/2017 01/11/2022 31/10/2017 IMG Artists UK Ltd Music performers £192,750 01/10/2017 31/03/2018 03/11/2017 Matrix Fife Aids for Daily Living supply, servicing and repairs – call off SG £50,000 01/09/2016 31/08/2017 03/11/2017 Arjo Huntleigh Aids for Daily Living supply, servicing and repairs £65,086 01/09/2016 31/08/2017 07/11/2017 Barony Housing Association Ltd PSP- Mental Health and Wellbeing Services £302,000 01/11/2017 31/10/2019 07/11/2017 Cyrenians PSP- Mental Health and Wellbeing Services £80,000 01/11/2017 31/10/2019 20 Date of Award Name of Supplier Subject Matter Estimated Value of the Contract Start Date End Date 07/11/2017 Edinburgh Leisure PSP- Mental Health and Wellbeing Services £160,000 01/11/2017 31/10/2019 07/11/2017 Health in Mind PSP- Mental Health and Wellbeing Services £970,000 01/11/2017 31/10/2019 07/11/2017 Link Up Womens Support Centre PSP- Mental Health and Wellbeing Services £120,000 01/11/2017 31/10/2019 07/11/2017 Living Well North Edinburgh PSP- Mental Health and Wellbeing Services £242,000 01/11/2017 31/10/2019 07/11/2017 North East Edinburgh Counselling Service PSP- Mental Health and Wellbeing Services £162,000 01/11/2017 31/10/2019 07/11/2017 Penumbra PSP- Mental Health and Wellbeing Services £1,270,000 01/11/2017 31/10/2019 07/11/2017 Pilton Community Health Project PSP- Mental Health and Wellbeing Services £106,000 01/11/2017 31/10/2019 07/11/2017 Scottish Association for Mental Health PSP- Mental Health and Wellbeing Services £362,000 01/11/2017 31/10/2019 07/11/2017 Support in Mind Scotland PSP- Mental Health and Wellbeing Services £328,000 01/11/2017 31/10/2019 07/11/2017 Cofely Bustracker (RTPI) Operation and Maintenance £675,000 01/03/2017 31/12/2018 10/11/2017 Comas Edinburgh's Domestic Abuse Services £120,576 06/11/2017 03/11/2019 10/11/2017 Edinburgh Women's Aid Edinburgh's Domestic Abuse Services £1,442,003 06/11/2017 03/11/2019 10/11/2017 Shakti Womens Aid Edinburgh's Domestic Abuse Services £933,297 06/11/2017 03/11/2019 10/11/2017 Four Square Scotland Edinburgh's Domestic Abuse Services £692,640 06/11/2017 03/11/2019 14/11/2017 Loretto Care Care Home £98,849 14/11/2017 31/03/2020 20/11/2017 Evans Cycles UK Ltd Salary Sacrifice Cycle to Work Scheme £474,000 27/11/2017 26/11/2020 22/11/2017 Osiris Educational Woodhall Spa Ltd Conferences and Training for Teachers £249,000 01/08/2017 31/12/2017 24/11/2017 Scott Moncrieff External Audit and taxation services £150,000 01/01/2018 31/12/2019 1/12/2017 BHL Consultancy Clerk of Work Inspection Services Ltd D A Gilmour Ltd GHPC Group Ltd Hickton Consultants Ltd IMG Quality Control Long O'Donnell Associates Ltd Ross Quality Control Ltd Sentinel Clerk of Works Ltd Clerk of Works – Framework £5,000,000 01/12/2017 1/12/2019 06/12/2017 Scott-Moncrieff Audit, Taxation and Accounting £70,750 01/01/2018 31/12/2019 07/12/2017 People Asset Management Ltd Occupational Health & Employee Assistance Programmes – call off CCS £3,500,000 06/01/2018 06/01/2021 07/12/2017 Four Square Scotland Homelessness Support Services £2,484,000 01/03/2018 28/02/2021 07/12/2017 Ypeople/Sacro Homelessness Support Services £7,326,225 01/03/2018 28/02/2021 29/12/2017 Scene One Search and Selection Ltd Agency service £96,000 01/01/2018 30/06/2018 21 Date of Award Name of Supplier Subject Matter Estimated Value of the Contract Start Date End Date 01/01/2018 Mais House/Royal British Legion Residential and Nursing Home £98,500 01/01/2018 31/03/2021 19/01/2018 The Action Group Information & Advice Service (BME) Carers £97,662 02/04/2018 31/03/2019 22/01/2018 Glendale Grounds Management Ltd Garden and Grounds Maintenance £250,000 31/01/2018 31/10/2018 26/01/2018 Changeworks Recycling Ltd Provision of an Energy Advice Service £759,620 05/02/2018 04/02/2020 02/02/2018 Doig & Smith Project Management for Active Travel £60,000 02/02/2018 02/02/2019 12/02/2018 Cameron Guest House Group Temp Accommodation £250,000 01/04/2017 31/03/2018 12/02/2018 Cyrenians Food Education Service £246,250 01/04/2018 31/03/2021 12/02/2018 Carr Gomm Scotland Ltd Care and Support Services £83,947 01/12/2017 31/03/2018 13/02/2018 Alzheimer Scotland-Action on Dementia Post Diagnostic Support Service £1,125,000 01/04/2018 31/03/2021 22/02/2018 Alere Toxicology Plc Saliva Based Test Kits and Screening £50,000 02/01/2018 01/06/2018 27/02/2018 Care & Repair in Edinburgh Provision of a care and Repair Service £483,676 01/04/2018 31/03/2019 08/03/2018 Blackwood Homes and Care Night time support for Adults £152,850 01/04/2018 31/03/2019 08/03/2018 McSence Communication Ltd Moving and Handling Training £238,000 01/04/2018 31/03/2021 19/03/2018 Barnardos Transitional Support for young people £180,180 01/04/2018 31/03/2019 19/03/2018 BT Redcare Maintenance £155,201 01/07/2018 30/06/2019 20/03/2018 Childcare Connections Ltd Provision of Subsidised Childcare £132,240 01/04/2018 31/03/2019 20/03/2018 Kidzcare Ltd Provision of Subsidised Childcare £84,105 01/04/2018 31/03/2019 20/03/2018 North Edinburgh Childcare Provision of Subsidised Childcare £395,369 01/04/2018 31/03/2019 20/03/2018 Smilechildcare Provision of Subsidised Childcare £258,813 01/04/2018 31/03/2019 21/03/2018 Manpower Direct (UK) Ltd Manned Security £147,000 08/01/2018 31/05/2018 26/03/2018 Bethany Christian Trust Homeless services £243,346 01/04/2018 31/03/2019 28/03/2018 Calm Training Ltd Specialist training £68,650 01/04/2018 31/03/2021 29/03/2018 SPIE Scotshield Ltd Maintenance and Repair £65,093 01/10/2018 30/09/2019 WORKS CONTRACT AWARDED - 6 20/02/2017 Willmott Dixon Construction Ltd Design and build, West Pilton Grove – Call off, SCAPE £3,200,429 06/03/2017 22/01/2018 20/02/2017 Willmott Dixon Construction Ltd Design and build, Calder Gdns– Call off, SCAPE £3,960,442 06/03/2017 12/03/2018 04/07/2017 P1 Solutions Ltd Saughton Park Hard & Soft Landscaping £3,859,345 04/07/2017 20/07/2018 04/10/2017 CCG Scotland Ltd Seafield Depot £3,351,016 01/11/2017 31/10/2018 24/11/2017 CCG Scotland Ltd Housing Development £9,406,946 27/11/2017 11/03/2019 11/07/2017 A & E Controls Ltd, TESGL Ltd t/a SSE Enterprise, Energy Solutions, Laplace Solutions Ltd, Enterprise Control Engineers Ltd, Framework - BEMS Installation & Upgrade £2,500,000 17/07/2017 16/07/2019 22 Date of Award Name of Supplier Subject Matter Estimated Value of the Contract Start Date End Date Building Management Solutions Integrators (BMSI), Craigalan Controls Ltd 23 Annex 2 – Compliance with Procurement Strategy Strategy objectives 1.
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    17 79 BALTIC STREET 5 3 18 ASSEMBLY STREET 3135 t o 41 49 43 45 t o 47 Warehouse Bank 4 2 13 28 37 to 41 PH 1 t o 9 30 to 3 8 43 45 40 44 SE AP OR T S TR EE T 1 2 5 25 24 27 29 23 BERNARD STREET 15 11 21 19 17 23 26 46 PH 5 30 to 32 8 4 9 New Bell's Court 1 47 49 to 53 3 to 5 6 43 to 4 5 55 49 51 57 61 13 MARITIME LANE 16 17 19 to 2 1 18 48 50 56 52 54 58 PH 15 14 60 60 a to 64 62 65 59 63 69 72t o 66 74 44 43 68 76 78 80 19 El S ub S ta 21 4 6 33 10 8 7 41 El Sub Sta 11 MITCHELL STREET 63 65 57 55 61 20 to 23 1 to 3 PC Bowling Green Pavil ion FS 86 84 88 to 9 0 CO NS TI TU TI ON S TR EE T 81 9227 71 to 79 75 St at io n Po lic e 29 31 33 52 to 56 46 35 to 39 QUEEN CHARLOTTE STREET 3 to 5 91 38 to 42 87 89 94 44 85a PH 27 95 93 99 47 49 53 51 64 62 66 1 41 45 58 60 7 6 El Sub Sta 7 2 11 JO HN 'S P LA CE 97 Garage 18 to 2 5 JO H N 'S L AN E 11 12 13 141 7 15 16 Hall 17 D U N CA N P LA CE 18 Putting Green CA RP ET LA NE CHAPEL LANE Maritime Court El Sub Sta 23 3 M AR IT IM E ST RE ET 27 to 29 Posts MARITIME LANE 55 56 52 to 54 3WATERS' CLOSE2 57 1 PH58 BROAD WYND 19a 12 to 1 7 9 Lamb's House 31 to 35 10 BURGESS STREET 19 21 20 16 15 SH OR E 65 33 24 22 to 2 4 23 Bowie'sClose PL AC E SH OR E 21 Wa rd Bd y Wa ter of Le ith 62 63 61 4 SH OR E 77 3 to 9 1 Wa ter of Le ith W alk wa y Rona ldso n's W harf Posts 1 83823 78 to 8 1 COALHI LL 5 Posts El Sub Sta 1 to 7 Warehouse Posts 8 1 t o 2 04 6 to 18 Ca ble s W yn d H ou se 23 to 2 5 HE ND ER SO N GA RD EN S 20 to 2 2 17 to 1 9 9 Lodging House LB 70 83 to 8 9 75 to 8 1 68 Ch urc h Be the l H all 2 1 3 PH 63 to 7 1 61 59 62 4 to 8 PARLIAM ENT STREET 19 ST RE ET 42 W AT ER 14 43 44 Pa th 45 52 54 Playground TOLBOOTH WYND 22 TOLBOOTH W YND 18 16 14 14 18 20 12 3 to 7GILES STREET 6 33 41 GI LE S ST RE ET 12 10 12 1 12 3 24 Linksview House 26 13 to 31 1 to 9 CO AT FI EL D LA NE 10 2 Works 51 57 49 51 55 53 Trinity House 99 GILES STREET 42 26 BM 8 .8 8m 85 to 87 60 27 to 3 0 59 to 58a 54 46 to 52 H EN D ERSO N STREET PH Garage 81 38 to 44 30 to 36 PCB 2 ESS 4 88 89 90 91 92 79 77 73 to 7 5 3 1 2 71 GILES STREET 67 98 99 Car Park Masonic Lodge ST ANTHONY PLACE Trafalgar 1 PH 24 28 SPIER'S PLACE 24 1 to 4 17 to 2 3 PH 20 18 10 to 16 15 5 to 8 6 7 2 ST ANTHONY STREET 64 to 70 58 to 62 69 71 1 PH ST A N TH ON Y LA N E Halls Newkirkgate (Shopping Centre) South Leith Parish Church Ki rk ga te 10 to 11 8 to 9 141 143 to 147 75 to 79 9 40 41 42 11 to 1 4 10 8 45 Merchant House 52 53 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 19 PH11 to 17 5 to 9 3 1 32 34 36 96 to 9 8 101 to 109 119 19 to 2 1 St Mary's Church Hall 10 6 Presbytery COATFIELD LANE 21 16 Nursery 25 30 23 28 1 QU EE N CH AR LO TT E LA NE 2 Warehouse 10 2 10 4 10 0 3 3a St Mary's Star of the Sea 13 10 8 COATFIELD LANE 111 113 117 PH LINKS LANE 13 2 134 13 0 121 123 125 1 15 38 13 6 13 8 137 133 Po rth av en H ou se 14 WE LL ING TO N PL AC E 13 Signage on approach Signage on approach Signage on approach Temp Ped Crossing Temp PedCrossing N.T.S SPSP Checked By : Drawing No : Revision : Drawn By : Scale : Date : DateRev Revision App byRev by Location: Fax : 01324 810444 Tel : 01324 810222 FK4 2AQ Bonnybridge, Class One House Class One Traffic Management Ltd.