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    Good Housekeeping readers also named Aldi their Fav ourite S upermarket 2019 and Moneywise v oted us Best Value for Money S upermarket 2019. 2.4 For recognition of inv estment in people, Aldi is 3rd in the Times Top 100 List of Graduate Employers for 2019/2020, placing the business 1st amongst retailers.... They are also the Times Top Graduate Employer of Choice for Retailing.... For many years the sector was heav ily dominated by 4 major retailers (AS DA, Morrisons, S ainsbury’s and Tesco), howev er ov er the last decade expanding competition from others, including Aldi, has radically altered the food shopping landscape.
  • Layout1

    Layout1 MILTON ROAD EA ST MILT ON R OAD EAST COILLESDENE CRESCENT B R U N S TA N E R O A D S O U TH M O R TO N S TR E E T C O IL LE S D E N E G A R D E N S M IL TO N D R IV E M ILTO N TE R R A C E E A S TFIE LD G A R D E N S MUSSELBURGH ROAD JOPPA ROAD Sign mounted on planter Sign mounted on planter Sign mounted on planter Sign mounted on planter TE R R A C E This map is reproduced from Ordnance Survey material with the permission of Ordnance Survey on behalf of the Controller of Her Majesty's Stationery Office © Crown copyright.
  • 0101

    0101 TWL17.73 TW L17 .73 TW L17 .72 TW L17 .72 TW L17 .85 TW L17 .82 TWL19.24 TWL17.73 TWL 17.9 8 DEANHAUGH ST LE SL IE PL DEANHAUGH ST ROAD SPACE TO BE REDETERMINED HAU GH ST 5.7 m 4.5m 5.8 m 6.2m 18.4 m 0.4m 0.7m 1.4m 1. 4m F:\U2011\proj\118072 CEC Walking Schemes\07 Deanhaugh St\G.
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    1 2 2 S u f f o l k H o t e l 6 1 0 9 1 3 1 0 4 1 0 2 1 1 4 9 7 19 1 1 2 1 1 0 M A Y F I E L D R O A D 1 0 8 1 0 6 9 1 15 18 13 1 12 2 1 0 0 9 8 1 9 6 8 7 17 15 5 5 a SUFFOLK ROAD 1 1 0 5 11 6 1 WEST SAVILE ROAD 6 1 4 9 EAST SAVI LE RO AD 8 1 7 9 2 8 SAVILE TERRACE 1 7 4 3 8 10 8 8 t o 9 4 6 4 9 7 1 6 9 c 6 9 a 6 5 6 3 6 3 a a 5 9 5 7 a 5 5 a 6 1 6 9 6 3 b 3 7 3 5 3 3 6 9 a 1 7 2 7 3 1 2 9 2 3 2 1 1 9 2 5 1 1 1 3 1 5 M E N T O N E T E R R A C E 1 South Church Mayfield 7 4 0 3 4 2 3 9 1 3 2 1 3 5 7 9 1 9 2 4 6 1 7 1 5 1 3 1 1 9 M E N T O N E G A R D E N S C R A I G M I L L A R P A R K 1a 2 7 CRAWFURD ROAD 3 1 1 a Royal Blind School Pool Swimming Lodge CHB.AR(PL)001 B Planning Location Plan 1:1250 15.11.18 LP a3 A 22.11.18 Issued for Planning LP B 05.04.19 Revised scheme issued for planning MM Former Royal Blind School CALA Management Ltd.
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    1 2 2 S u f f o l k H o t e l 6 1 0 9 1 3 1 0 4 1 0 2 1 1 4 9 7 19 1 1 2 1 1 0 M A Y F I E L D R O A D 1 0 8 1 0 6 9 1 15 18 13 1 12 2 1 0 0 9 8 1 9 6 8 7 17 15 5 5 a SUFFOLK ROAD 1 1 0 5 11 6 1 WEST SAVILE ROAD 6 1 4 9 EAST SAVI LE RO AD 8 1 7 9 2 8 SAVILE TERRACE 1 7 4 3 8 10 8 8 t o 9 4 6 4 9 7 1 6 9 c 6 9 a 6 5 6 3 6 3 a a 5 9 5 7 a 5 5 a 6 1 6 9 6 3 b 3 7 3 5 3 3 6 9 a 1 7 2 7 3 1 2 9 2 3 2 1 1 9 2 5 1 1 1 3 1 5 M E N T O N E T E R R A C E 1 South Church Mayfield 7 4 0 3 4 2 3 9 1 3 2 1 3 5 7 9 1 9 2 4 6 1 7 1 5 1 3 1 1 9 M E N T O N E G A R D E N S C R A I G M I L L A R P A R K 1a 2 7 CRAWFURD ROAD 3 1 1 a Royal Blind School Pool Swimming Lodge CHB.AR(PL)001 B Planning Location Plan 1:1250 15.11.18 LP a3 A 22.11.18 Issued for Planning LP B 05.04.19 Revised scheme issued for planning MM Former Royal Blind School CALA Management Ltd.
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    N/a N/a N/a N/a 752 Additional Questions Head Teacher/ Teacher consultation Parent / Carer consultation T a b le 1 ; su m m a ry o f th e l e v e l o f re sp o n e s
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    Website visits, individual registration and engagement stats on dialogue (Edinburgh Talks Climate) Council Metric New measure (no baseline) B e c o m in g a s u s ta in a b le a n d z e ro c it y On track to deliver our 2030 net zero target Citizens are more engaged and empowered Formal adoption of City Plan Milestone Aug-22 Outline business case agreed for the new Bio Quarter health innovation district Milestone Sep-21 Outline business case agreed for the West Edinburgh Active Travel and Public Transport infrastructure Milestone Sep-21 Completion of Tram line to Newhaven Milestone Jun-23 Amount invested in roads Council Metric 58.68M Budget set annually, target reflects 100% spend of specific Capital budget Proportion of people travelling to work by active and sustainable means (bus, walk, cycle, tram, train) Council Metric 70% Proportion of people travelling to work by foot and bike for journeys up to 2 miles Council Metric 55% Proportion of trips to school by active and sustainable modes Council Metric 69% Number of multimodal interchanges in the city and the travel modes available Council Metric 50 interchanges served by 2 or more modes Total No. of Tram passengers Council Metric 7.45M Business case has been updated but full impact of covid-19 on passenger numbers not yet known.... B e c o m in g a s u s ta in a b le a n d z e ro c it y Develop key strategic sites and projects to meet the needs of a diverse and growing city Target deadline based on project deliverables The city has a well- connected and sustainable transport and active travel network Targets to be set at Committee in Autumn 2021 20 minute neighbourghood model Milestone 1: strategy submitted to committee Milestone Jun-21 Milestone 2: South West pilot action plan to committee Milestone Nov-21 Milestone subject to strategy approval 19 community hubs across the city by 2030 Council Metric pilot in SW Metric dependent on approval of above two milestones Children on the Child Protection Register as a rate per 1,000 population Council Metric 1.3 2.9 Target set to be equal to or below Scottish average.
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    H e a l t h a n d W e l l b e i n g Learns Having opportunities to take part in activities such as play, recreation and sport which contribute to healthy growth and development, both at home and in the community Having opportunities and encouragement to play active and responsible roles in their schools and communities and, where necessary, having appropriate guidance and supervision and being involved in decisions that affect them Having help to overcome social, educational, physical and economic inequalities and being accepted as part of the community in which they live and learn Protected from abuse, neglect or harm at home, at school and in the community Having the highest attainable standards of physical and mental health, access to suitable healthcare, and support in learning to make healthy and safe choices Being supported and guided in their learning and in the development of their skills, confidence and self-esteem at home, at school and in the community Having a nurturing place to live, in a family setting with additional help if needed or, where this is not possible, in a suitable care setting Having the opportunity, along with carers, to be heard and involved in decisions which affect them Nu rtu red A c h ie vi ng H e althy Safe Inclu ded Re sp on si b le R espec te d Active Health and Wellbeing: Responsibility of All C u r r iC u lu m f o r E xC El lE nC E GEttinG it riGht for EvEry C h ild (G ir fE C ) u n itEd nations ConvEntion on thE riGhts o f th E C hil d (u nC rC ) in te r-d isc ipl ina ry lea rnin g Curriculum and subject areas E thos and life of the school oppo rtun itie s fo r p er so na l a ch ie ve m en t For me this could be: • I have someone I trust and can turn to when I need to • I feel listened to and taken seriously • I feel confident about myself • I feel part of my nursery/school • I am able to cope with problems and new challenges • I am optimistic about what I can achieve • I am receiving the support I need to participate fully at nursery/school • I know we are all different and that we should respect and value these differences Examples of this in action : • Regular timetabled opportunities for 1:1 dialogue • Strong culture of learner voice • Children and young people are involved in planning their own health and wellbeing • Shared understanding of health and wellbeing across the learning community • Partners share intelligence about health and wellbeing and are involved in joint planning, delivery and evaluation of impact • Children and young people contribute to the life of the school e.g. on committees, as monitors, buddies, mentors, prefects etc. • Inclusive, supportive culture based on mutual respect, high expectations and aspirations for the future • Learners co-design their own learning in health and wellbeing • Learners support the delivery of the HWB programme through peer education • Views of everyone in the establishment are sought, valued and lead to change Included For me this could be: • I receive regular praise and encouragement • I feel confident about myself • I feel part of my nursery/school • I feel valued by friends and adults and in return I respect them • I am optimistic about what I can achieve • I understand that I am responsible for my actions and that actions have consequences • I able to cope with new problems and challenges • I am actively involved in planning, assessing and reviewing my learning • I contribute to my nursery/school community in a positive way Examples of this in action : • All staff, children and young people value effort and celebrate success • Views of children and young people are sought, valued and lead to change • Children and young people participate fully in the life of the school • Learners co-design their learning including in HWB • Learners support delivery of HWB programmes through peer education • Restorative/solution orientated approaches promote positive behaviour Respected For me this could be: • I am physically active • I join in sports and activities in nursery/school and the community • I am learning about the things I can do and the things I need to work on • I receive regular praise and encouragement • I feel confident and able to cope with new challenges in my chosen sports/recreational activities • Everyone’s achievements are recognised and celebrated • I have regular opportunities to learn outdoors Examples of this in action : • Regular outdoor learning and if possible, residential opportunities provided and valued • Celebration and tracking of learners’ achievements both in and out of school • Establishment knows who needs to be more active and plan for this • Staff design out of class activities to meet the needs of all learners Active For me this could be: • I understand that I am responsible for my own actions and that actions have consequences • I care and show respect for others • I feel confident about myself • can work out where there is risk and make the right choices • I have opportunities to develop life skills • I have opportunities to develop leadership skills • I am encouraged to act as a role model for others • I am actively involved in assessing, planning and reviewing my learning Examples of this in action : • IInclusive, supportive culture based on mutual respect, high expectations and aspirations for the future • Children and young people are given opportunities to apply leadership skills • Learners direct, shape and evaluate their own progress in health and wellbeing • Learners support the delivery of health and wellbeing through peer education • Children and young people contribute to the life of the school e.g. on committees, as monitors, buddies, mentors, prefects etc
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    C astle S t N C astle S t Frederick S t Frederick S t H anover S t H anover S t S t A ndrew ’s S quare C harlotte S quare Rose St Georg e St Quee n St Thist le St Georg e St Rose St Young St Hill S t Thist le St Princ es St Multi-stage crossing with long wait times results in pedestrians following desire lines and walking in-between traffic. 8 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 8 TRACING STUDIES: ALL DATA the ‘red man’.... sociable’ Sat in a group on steps (informal seating) talking [sociable] Standing talking to others i.e. sociable / recreational activity Standing waiting to cross road (necessary activity) Stood talking on phone - optional extension of time in public realm Stood smoking - optional extension of time in public realm Playing on scooter (recreational) Window shopping - optional extension of time in public realm Standing waiting for the bus (necessary activity) E X A M P L E S Sat alone at outdoor bench / cafe seating Sat alone pausing / texting on steps (informal seating) for a minute C astle S t N orth C astle S t Frederick S t [N orth] Frederick S t [S outh] H anover S t [S outh] H anover S t [N orth] S t A ndrew ’s S quare C harlotte S quare Rose St Rose St Rose St Thist le St Thist le St Young St Hill S t Rose St Georg e St Quee n St Princ es St Princ es St Quee n St Significant pavement congestion due to pedestrians trying to move east-west along Princes St but having to wait for lights.
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    Page 32 Green Flag Award Parks Bandwidths Bandwidth Trend Park Quality Scores Trend Recommendations 3 5 1 3 2 0 2 4 2 5 2 7 3 0 3 1 3 1 - 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 2 0 0 8 2 0 0 9 2 0 1 0 2 0 1 1 2 0 1 2 2 0 1 3 2 0 1 4 2 0 1 5 2 0 1 6 2 0 1 7 Number of Green Flag Parks * 7 1 % 6 9 % 6 6 % 6 9 % 6 9 % 6 9 % 6 9 % 7 0 % 7 3 % 7 4 % 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% 2 0 0 8 2 0 0 9 2 0 1 0 2 0 1 1 2 0 1 2 2 0 1 3 2 0 1 4 2 0 1 5 2 0 1 6 2 0 1 7 Average PQS 9 2 % 9 5 % 9 6 % 9 6 % 9 3 % 9 7 % 88% 90% 92% 94% 96% 98% 100% 2 0 0 8 2 0 0 9 2 0 1 0 2 0 1 1 2 0 1 2 2 0 1 3 2 0 1 4 2 0 1 5 2 0 1 6 2 0 1 7 % of sites meeting Edinburgh Minimum Standard 24, 77% 4, 13% 2, 7% 1, 3% Excellent Very Good Good+ Good 2 6.5% 27 87% 2 6.5% Improved Static Deteriorated 17 54.8% 6 19% 8 25.8% Improved Static Deteriorated 7 .6 7 .7 7 .6 7 .1 7 .1 7 .7 8 .1 7 .9 7 .6 7 .6 6 .8 7 7 .1 7 .3 7 .5 7 .4 7 .3 7 .5 7 .6 7 .6 7 .2 7 7 .7 8 8 .1 7 .5 7 .4 7 7 7 7 .3 7 .7 7 .3 7 .5 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 W e lc o m in g G o o d & S a fe A c c e s s S ig n a g e E q u a l A c c e s s S a fe E q u ip & F a c il it ie s P e rs o n a l S e c u ri ty D o g F o u li n g F a c il it y P ro v is io n F a c il it y Q u a li ty L it te r M a n a g e m e n t G ro u n d s M a in te n a n c e In fr a s tr u c tu re M a in te n a n c e E q u ip m e n t M a in te n a n c e W o o d la n d M a n a g e m e n t C o n s e rv a ti o n F lo ra & F a u n a In fo rm a ti o n P ro v is io n In te rp re ta ti v e P ro v is io n Selected Criteria Averages 2016 2017 0 10 0 3 3 19 9 15 8 4 9 6 7 0 5 10 15 20 G oo d A cc es s Si gn ag e D og Fo ul in g Fa ci lit y Pr ov .... The Pentland Hills Regional Park continues to score highly and this year it was joined by Seven Acre Park at the top of the list, each scoring 85%.