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  • Pay Council Tax

    Payment reference should be your 11 digit Council Tax account number from the top right hand side of your paper bill. ... 11 digit Council Tax account number from the top right hand side of your paper bill
  • Pay Council Tax

    Payment reference should be your 11 digit Council Tax account number from the top right hand side of your paper bill. ... 11 digit Council Tax account number from the top right hand side of your paper bill
  • Edinburgh City Archives

    Search top level description online to find the type of records in a collection, the start and end dates.... Read the top-level description for that collection.
  • Gaelic Week Edinburgh

    Mus fosgail am prògram oifigeil, bidh cèilidh air a chumail le Comann Gàidhealach an Oilthighe air Dihaoine 16 Gearran.... Ionad le geamannan, ceòl, sgeulachdan agus filmichean airson gach aois.
  • Employee equalities data

     tab located on the top left-hand side of the page.
  • Creating an accessible PDF

    go to the ‘review’ tab on the top taskbar
  • Videos to support wellbeing for under 12

    In this film some pupils give their top 5 tips for going to secondary school.
  • Budget to boost frontline services and community improvements

    This is on top of national cash grants announced by the Scottish Government.... Up to £100k will be spent through Participatory Budgeting, supporting local communities to be involved in the running of the city, and £200k will be used to support local community festivals, including Edinburgh’s Diwali and the Leith Festival.
  • Final days to nominate for the 2021 Edinburgh Award

    The winner will be presented with an engraved Loving Cup at a ceremony hosted by the Lord Provost and will have their hand prints reproduced on a flagstone in the City Chambers quadrangle.
  • World-famous City author Alexander McCall Smith gets set for Edinburgh Award

    honour panel in the City Chambers and he will be presented with an engraved Loving Cup by the Lord Provost at a ceremony when restrictions around the ongoing pandemic allow.