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    In du st ry a nd C om m er cia l E le ct ric ity B.... Do m es tic E le ct ric ity G.... U K   G ov er nm en t 11 tb c tb c 70 Lo ca l  u se  o f  e le ct ri ci ty  fr om  th e   U K   G ri d,  3 0%  o f  w hi ch  c om es  fr om  r en ew ab le  e ne rg y N at io na l  G ri d 28 9 tb c tb c 71 Lo ca l  i m pa ct  o f  n ew  m an da to ry  c ar  e m is si on s   ta rg et s   –   by  2 01 2,  m ax im um  a ve ra ge   em is si on s   fr om  n ew  c ar s   w ill  b e   13 0g  o f  C O 2   pe r   ki lo m et re .
  • Microsoft Word - Travel to Work Analysis.docx

    For people commuting from neighbouring authorities the same pattern is broadly observed with concentration mainly in the city centre and les so for Edinburgh Park.
  • Microsoft Word - Travel to Work Analysis.docx

    For people commuting from neighbouring authorities the same pattern is broadly observed with concentration mainly in the city centre and les so for Edinburgh Park.
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    E X I S T I N G T A C T I L E S R E T A I N E D C Y C L E C R O S S I N G I N F I L L E D E X I S T I N G T A C T I L E S R E T A I N E D 7 C l u b 1 9 B R O U G H T O N S T R E E T L A N E M O N T G O M E R Y S T R E E T L A N E 2 2 8 6 2 1 2 5 1 3 2 t o 4 1 3 8 1 2 2 1 1 9 3 0 2 0 t o 2 2 2 8 1 6 1 7 8 H o t e l 1 4 2 2 6 C l u b L O N D O N R O A D G A Y F I E L D S Q U A R E U N I O N S T R E E T G A Y F I E L D P L A C E L A N E 1 2 1 W IN D S O R S T R E E T 6 t o 1 0 1 3 5 t o 7 7 2 0 5 3 2 9 2 7 3 c 1 4 C h i l d W e l f a r e 1 2 3 1 3 2 6 P H 7 1 5 9 t o 1 1 2 3 P H 9 2 2 t o 2 6 3 0 3 1 4 9 t o 1 1 1 5 1 3 G A Y F I E L D S Q U A R E 1 F O R T H S T R E E T 2 0 S t a t i o n 4 4 t o 1 4 L e o p o l d P l a c e 2 3 8 . 2 m 1 7 P O L e o p o l d P l a c e 2 1 3 a 8 1 4 1 4 3 L B 1 7 1 5 7 2 1 9 P o l i c e 2 8 t o 3 2 1 1 S O U T H G A Y F I E L D L A N E 5 8 1 7 t o 2 1 1 9 1 5 t o 1 7 3 3 1 C e n t r e 3 0 W a r e h o u s e 1 W I N D S O R S T R E E T L A N E E l m R o w 1 2 2 8 2 7 1 5 Union Plac e 9 2 PH G R E E N S I D E L A N E LE ITH W A LK 32 2 23 to 2517 23 COU RT MAR SHA LL'S 1 2 1 6 t o 2 2 ( s i t e o f ) 3 1 8 S t o n e 3 35 18 to 22 20 to 22 3 G r e e n s i d e E n d P l a y h o u s e T h e a t r e C h u r c h B l e n h e i m P l a c e Gree nsid e P lace 1 0 T C B s C h a p e l 24 6 18 U p p e r G r e e n s i d e L a n e 8 24a to 27 5 0 . 5 m G r e e n s i d e 16 4 1 3 1 6 9 1 1 1 5 3 a 3 b 6 t o 7 4 2 9 1 0 1 2 6 8 2 1 7 4 6 P l a y f a i r H o u s e 3 1 0 D e f 1 t o 1 1 25 t o 29 5 6 1 2 1 3 2 0 4 1 8 1 6 1 5 1 7 1 8 1 8 1 9 W a r d B d y P C o n s t B d y G r e e n s i d e C h u r c h H o u s e 2 b T C B E l S u b S t a 31 T C B L O N D O N R O A D N.T.S SPSP Checked By : Drawing No : Revision : Drawn By : Scale : Date : Date Revision App byRev by Location: Class One Traffic Management Ltd.
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    Use at the top and bottom of stairs... flat-topped setts can be used for historic streets or heavy use crossovers.... flat-topped setts can be used for historic streets or heavy use crossovers.
  • Https://–-march-2022

    Use at the top and bottom of stairs... flat-topped setts can be used for historic streets or heavy use crossovers.... flat-topped setts can be used for historic streets or heavy use crossovers.–-march-2022
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    Inside the building : • Top floor rooms • Rooms with an outside wall • Rooms at or below ground level • Roof space • Shared stairs and passages.... Try to start at the top and work your way down.... INSIDE TOP FLOOR ROOMS Signs of water damage such as damp patches or stains and mould caused by roof damage.
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    Inside the building : • Top floor rooms • Rooms with an outside wall • Rooms at or below ground level • Roof space • Shared stairs and passages.... Try to start at the top and work your way down.... INSIDE TOP FLOOR ROOMS Signs of water damage such as damp patches or stains and mould caused by roof damage.
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    NO WAITING AT ANY TIME / NO STOPPING AT ANY TIME / NO LOADING AT ANY TIME NO WAITING / NO LOADING AT TIMES SHOWN IN SCHEDULES PARKING BAYS AT TIMES SHOWN IN SCHEDULES LOADING BAYS AT TIMES SHOWN IN SCHEDULES LIMITED WAITING MON-SAT 7:30AM-6:30PM 4 HOURS, NO RETURN WITHIN 2 HOURS TAXI RANK DISABLED BAYS (SEE NOTE 4 ABOVE) KEY PARKING BAYS (SEE NOTE 4 ABOVE) LOADING BAYS (SEE NOTE 4 ABOVE) MEASURES INCLUDED IN THIS TRAFFIC ORDER MEASURES NOT INCLUDED IN THIS TRAFFIC ORDER GENERAL PROPOSED KERB LINE BIN STORES PEDESTRIAN PRIORITY CROSSINGS AutoCAD SHX Text MoPs AutoCAD SHX Text Cn AutoCAD SHX Text MoPs AutoCAD SHX Text MoP AutoCAD SHX Text RENNIE'S ISLE AutoCAD SHX Text Alexandra Dry Dock AutoCAD SHX Text El Sub Sta AutoCAD SHX Text Bollard AutoCAD SHX Text Bollards AutoCAD SHX Text Wharf AutoCAD SHX Text Capstan AutoCAD SHX Text 4 AutoCAD SHX Text Capstan AutoCAD SHX Text Bollards AutoCAD SHX Text 20 AutoCAD SHX Text Posts AutoCAD SHX Text 4.6m AutoCAD SHX Text Cn AutoCAD SHX Text Bollards AutoCAD SHX Text El Sub Sta AutoCAD SHX Text Bollards AutoCAD SHX Text Capstan AutoCAD SHX Text 4.9m AutoCAD SHX Text Bollards AutoCAD SHX Text RENNIE'S ISLE AutoCAD SHX Text Hotel AutoCAD SHX Text Medical Centre AutoCAD SHX Text 9 AutoCAD SHX Text Bollards AutoCAD SHX Text Bollard AutoCAD SHX Text Bol AutoCAD SHX Text Bollards AutoCAD SHX Text 7 AutoCAD SHX Text Victoria Bridge AutoCAD SHX Text Bank AutoCAD SHX Text El Sub Sta AutoCAD SHX Text MoPs AutoCAD SHX Text Swing-Bridge AutoCAD SHX Text 21 AutoCAD SHX Text Cn AutoCAD SHX Text 5.2m AutoCAD SHX Text Bollard AutoCAD SHX Text PH AutoCAD SHX Text 2 AutoCAD SHX Text 5 AutoCAD SHX Text 1 AutoCAD SHX Text Bollard AutoCAD SHX Text Bollards AutoCAD SHX Text Tank AutoCAD SHX Text Wharf AutoCAD SHX Text Bollards AutoCAD SHX Text TOWER PLACE AutoCAD SHX Text Bollards AutoCAD SHX Text 11 AutoCAD SHX Text Cn AutoCAD SHX Text Bollards AutoCAD SHX Text Cn AutoCAD SHX Text Bollards AutoCAD SHX Text Bollards AutoCAD SHX Text 6 AutoCAD SHX Text 5 AutoCAD SHX Text TCB AutoCAD SHX Text 4.3m AutoCAD SHX Text 10 AutoCAD SHX Text OCEAN DRIVE AutoCAD SHX Text 31 AutoCAD SHX Text 33 AutoCAD SHX Text 35 AutoCAD SHX Text 6 AutoCAD SHX Text 12 AutoCAD SHX Text 39 AutoCAD SHX Text 10 AutoCAD SHX Text 5 AutoCAD SHX Text 9 AutoCAD SHX Text 7 AutoCAD SHX Text 27 AutoCAD SHX Text 25 AutoCAD SHX Text 29 AutoCAD SHX Text Prince of Wales Dock AutoCAD SHX Text 13 AutoCAD SHX Text Normal Tidal Limit AutoCAD SHX Text 36 AutoCAD SHX Text 29 AutoCAD SHX Text Club AutoCAD SHX Text Mooring Post AutoCAD SHX Text FB T O W E R S T R E E T C O N S T I T U T I O N S T R E E T O C E A N D R I V E C O N S T I T U T I O N S T R E E T T O W E R S T R E E T B E R N A R D S T R E E T T R A M O N L Y T R A M O N L Y C O N T I N U E D O N S H E E T 5 C O N T I N U E D O N S H E E T 7 B U S S T O P EDINBURGH TRAM YORK PLACE TO NEWHAVEN PROPOSED TRAFFIC REGULATION ORDERS P17 1:500 DC 07/04/21 KA 07/04/21 SS 07/04/21 AG 08/04/21 SHEET 6 OF 14 P17 DC KA SS08/04/21 ZIG ZAG MARKINGS/TRAMSTOP CROSSING CASINO LOADING BAY REMOVED NOTES & KEY KEY UPDATED KEY UPDATED KEY UPDATED P16 KA SS AG23/03/21 P15 DC KA SS17/12/20 P14 DC SS SM14/09/20 P13 DC KA SS10/09/20 P12 DC AG KA09/09/20 TRO FINALISED FOR ISSUEP11 MK SS KA31/07/20 TRO FINALISED FOR ISSUEP10 EG SS SM16/07/20 TRO FINALISED FOR ISSUEP09 MG KA SM22/06/20 FOR REVIEW AND COMMENTP08 MG KA SM12/06/20 FOR REVIEW AND COMMENTP07 CC JR KC30/04/19 FOR REVIEW AND COMMENTP06 MM JR KC12/02/19 S2FOR INFORMATION AG AG AG --- AG SS SM AG AG AG SM SM A1 Date OriginatorScale Drawing Title Project Title Drawing Status DO NOT SCALE Date Date Date Checked Approved Authorised M i l l i m e t r e s 1 0 0 1 0 0 Client Original Size Suitability Drawing Number Revision Copyright C Atkins Limited (2013) 6th Floor 200 Broomielaw Glasgow Scotland G1 4RU Tel: Fax: +44 (0)141 220 2000 +44 (0)141 220 2001 Rev.... NO WAITING AT ANY TIME / NO STOPPING AT ANY TIME / NO LOADING AT ANY TIME NO WAITING / NO LOADING AT TIMES SHOWN IN SCHEDULES PARKING BAYS AT TIMES SHOWN IN SCHEDULES LOADING BAYS AT TIMES SHOWN IN SCHEDULES LIMITED WAITING MON-SAT 7:30AM-6:30PM 4 HOURS, NO RETURN WITHIN 2 HOURS TAXI RANK DISABLED BAYS (SEE NOTE 4 ABOVE) KEY PARKING BAYS (SEE NOTE 4 ABOVE) LOADING BAYS (SEE NOTE 4 ABOVE) MEASURES INCLUDED IN THIS TRAFFIC ORDER MEASURES NOT INCLUDED IN THIS TRAFFIC ORDER GENERAL PROPOSED KERB LINE BIN STORES PEDESTRIAN PRIORITY CROSSINGS AutoCAD SHX Text Statue AutoCAD SHX Text 9.4m AutoCAD SHX Text 172 AutoCAD SHX Text 38 AutoCAD SHX Text 3 AutoCAD SHX Text GREAT JUNCTION STREET AutoCAD SHX Text 35 AutoCAD SHX Text 174 AutoCAD SHX Text 2 to 10 AutoCAD SHX Text FB AutoCAD SHX Text 18 to 26 AutoCAD SHX Text 16 AutoCAD SHX Text 12 AutoCAD SHX Text 1 AutoCAD SHX Text 14 AutoCAD SHX Text 28 to 36 AutoCAD SHX Text 5 AutoCAD SHX Text 42 AutoCAD SHX Text 1 AutoCAD SHX Text Newkirkgate AutoCAD SHX Text Lodge AutoCAD SHX Text 8 to 9 AutoCAD SHX Text Trinity House AutoCAD SHX Text 53 AutoCAD SHX Text Trafalgar AutoCAD SHX Text Masonic AutoCAD SHX Text 99 AutoCAD SHX Text ST ANTHONY STREET AutoCAD SHX Text 55 AutoCAD SHX Text 10 to 11 AutoCAD SHX Text Car Park AutoCAD SHX Text 3 AutoCAD SHX Text 2 AutoCAD SHX Text Community AutoCAD SHX Text Education AutoCAD SHX Text Centre AutoCAD SHX Text 12 AutoCAD SHX Text 13 AutoCAD SHX Text 14 AutoCAD SHX Text 16 AutoCAD SHX Text 15 AutoCAD SHX Text 37 AutoCAD SHX Text 4 AutoCAD SHX Text 170 AutoCAD SHX Text 25 AutoCAD SHX Text ACADEMY AutoCAD SHX Text 151 AutoCAD SHX Text 157 AutoCAD SHX Text CONSTITUTION STREET AutoCAD SHX Text ST ANDREW PLACE AutoCAD SHX Text 149 AutoCAD SHX Text 4 AutoCAD SHX Text Duncan Place AutoCAD SHX Text Hall AutoCAD SHX Text 8 AutoCAD SHX Text Leith Primary School AutoCAD SHX Text 23 AutoCAD SHX Text 10 AutoCAD SHX Text Church AutoCAD SHX Text 165 to 181 AutoCAD SHX Text 17 AutoCAD SHX Text STREET AutoCAD SHX Text 161 AutoCAD SHX Text 26 AutoCAD SHX Text 153 AutoCAD SHX Text 159 AutoCAD SHX Text PH AutoCAD SHX Text 4 to 8 AutoCAD SHX Text 2 AutoCAD SHX Text LAURIE STREET AutoCAD SHX Text 3 AutoCAD SHX Text 5 to 9 AutoCAD SHX Text 13 AutoCAD SHX Text 22 AutoCAD SHX Text WELLINGTON PLACE AutoCAD SHX Text 28 AutoCAD SHX Text Club AutoCAD SHX Text 156 AutoCAD SHX Text 12 AutoCAD SHX Text St Andrew's AutoCAD SHX Text 1 AutoCAD SHX Text 155 AutoCAD SHX Text 21 AutoCAD SHX Text 11 AutoCAD SHX Text 10 AutoCAD SHX Text WELLINGTON PLACE AutoCAD SHX Text 113 AutoCAD SHX Text 16 AutoCAD SHX Text 18 AutoCAD SHX Text 117 AutoCAD SHX Text 2 AutoCAD SHX Text 138 AutoCAD SHX Text 143 to 147 AutoCAD SHX Text 17 AutoCAD SHX Text 15 AutoCAD SHX Text 38 AutoCAD SHX Text COATFIELD LANE AutoCAD SHX Text South Leith Parish Church AutoCAD SHX Text 141 AutoCAD SHX Text Garage AutoCAD SHX Text LINKS LANE AutoCAD SHX Text 14 AutoCAD SHX Text El AutoCAD SHX Text Presbytery AutoCAD SHX Text 136 AutoCAD SHX Text 7 AutoCAD SHX Text 93 AutoCAD SHX Text 41 AutoCAD SHX Text 121 AutoCAD SHX Text COATFIELD LANE AutoCAD SHX Text 130 AutoCAD SHX Text St Mary's Star of the Sea AutoCAD SHX Text 12 AutoCAD SHX Text 14 AutoCAD SHX Text 12 AutoCAD SHX Text 1 to 9 AutoCAD SHX Text 18 to 25 AutoCAD SHX Text 95 AutoCAD SHX Text 133 AutoCAD SHX Text 11 AutoCAD SHX Text 13 to 31 AutoCAD SHX Text 99 AutoCAD SHX Text 17 AutoCAD SHX Text 49 AutoCAD SHX Text Sub Sta AutoCAD SHX Text 101 to 109 AutoCAD SHX Text 123 AutoCAD SHX Text Church Hall AutoCAD SHX Text Porthaven House AutoCAD SHX Text 13 AutoCAD SHX Text 10 AutoCAD SHX Text 13 AutoCAD SHX Text 119 AutoCAD SHX Text 125 AutoCAD SHX Text 111 AutoCAD SHX Text 33 AutoCAD SHX Text 132 AutoCAD SHX Text 15 AutoCAD SHX Text 134 AutoCAD SHX Text 137 AutoCAD SHX Text 13 AutoCAD SHX Text 1 AutoCAD SHX Text El Sub Sta AutoCAD SHX Text 11 AutoCAD SHX Text 51 AutoCAD SHX Text 97 AutoCAD SHX Text 22 to 24 AutoCAD SHX Text 108 AutoCAD SHX Text 1 AutoCAD SHX Text and AutoCAD SHX Text Community AutoCAD SHX Text 2 AutoCAD SHX Text Hindu Mandir AutoCAD SHX Text Cultural AutoCAD SHX Text Centre AutoCAD SHX Text ESS AutoCAD SHX Text Kirkgate AutoCAD SHX Text 106 AutoCAD SHX Text St James AutoCAD SHX Text (PW) AutoCAD SHX Text COATFIELD LANE AutoCAD SHX Text 104 AutoCAD SHX Text 102 AutoCAD SHX Text 7 AutoCAD SHX Text 6 AutoCAD SHX Text 19 AutoCAD SHX Text 20 AutoCAD SHX Text 21 AutoCAD SHX Text Childrens AutoCAD SHX Text Shelter AutoCAD SHX Text Shelter AutoCAD SHX Text Chy LE IT H W A LK G R E A T J U N C T I O N S T R E E T D U K E S T R E E T C A S S E L B A N K S T R E E T C R O W N P L A C E K I R K S T R E E T J A N E S T R E E T M A N D E R S T O N S T R E E T C R O W N S T R E E T K E E P C L E A R T R A M O N L Y K I R K S T R E E T B U S S T O P B U S S T O P T R A M O N L Y B U S S T O P B U S S T O P B U S S T O P B U S S T O P STOP STOP STOP STOP C O N T I N U E D O N S H E E T 1 0 C O N T I N U E D O N S H E E T 8 EDINBURGH TRAM YORK PLACE TO NEWHAVEN PROPOSED TRAFFIC REGULATION ORDERS P24 1:500 DC 30/03/21 KA 30/03/21 SS 30/03/21 AG 30/03/21 SHEET 9 OF 14 P24 DC KA SS30/03/21 CYCLE LAYOUT AT FOW & BUS STOPS FOOT OF WALK CYCLE LAYOUT CYCLE/FOOTWAY GREAT JUNCTION STREET CYCLE LAYOUT GREAT JUNCTION STREET FOW CYCLE LAYOUT / STOP MARKINGS PRIORITY CROSSINGS / CYCLE LAYOUTS P23 DC KA SS25/03/21 P22 KA SS AG23/03/21 P21 DC KA SS12/03/21 P20 DC KA SS05/03/21 P19 DC KA SS17/12/20 LEITH WALK BUS STOP EXTENDEDP18 DC SS SM22/09/20 WASTE MANAGEMENT UPDATESP17 DC SS SM14/09/20 WASTE MANAGEMENT UPDATESP16 DC KA SS10/09/20 WASTE MANAGEMENT UPDATESP15 DC AG KA09/09/20 TRO FINALISED FOR ISSUEP14 EG SS SM16/07/20 TRO FINALISED FOR ISSUEP13 MG KA SM22/06/20 S2FOR INFORMATION AG AG AG AG AG AG AG AG AG SS AG AG A1 Date OriginatorScale Drawing Title Project Title Drawing Status DO NOT SCALE Date Date Date Checked Approved Authorised M i l l i m e t r e s 1 0 0 1 0 0 Client Original Size Suitability Drawing Number Revision Copyright C Atkins Limited (2013) 6th Floor 200 Broomielaw Glasgow Scotland G1 4RU Tel: Fax: +44 (0)141 220 2000 +44 (0)141 220 2001 Rev.... NO WAITING AT ANY TIME / NO STOPPING AT ANY TIME / NO LOADING AT ANY TIME NO WAITING / NO LOADING AT TIMES SHOWN IN SCHEDULES PARKING BAYS AT TIMES SHOWN IN SCHEDULES LOADING BAYS AT TIMES SHOWN IN SCHEDULES LIMITED WAITING MON-SAT 7:30AM-6:30PM 4 HOURS, NO RETURN WITHIN 2 HOURS TAXI RANK DISABLED BAYS (SEE NOTE 4 ABOVE) KEY PARKING BAYS (SEE NOTE 4 ABOVE) LOADING BAYS (SEE NOTE 4 ABOVE) MEASURES INCLUDED IN THIS TRAFFIC ORDER MEASURES NOT INCLUDED IN THIS TRAFFIC ORDER GENERAL PROPOSED KERB LINE BIN STORES PEDESTRIAN PRIORITY CROSSINGS AutoCAD SHX Text El Sub Sta AutoCAD SHX Text MURANO PLACE AutoCAD SHX Text 9 AutoCAD SHX Text 11 AutoCAD SHX Text 5 AutoCAD SHX Text 17 AutoCAD SHX Text 26.1m AutoCAD SHX Text El Sub Sta AutoCAD SHX Text PH AutoCAD SHX Text 5 to 9 AutoCAD SHX Text 33 to 37 AutoCAD SHX Text 41 AutoCAD SHX Text BRUNSWICK ROAD AutoCAD SHX Text 8 AutoCAD SHX Text 1 to 5 AutoCAD SHX Text 72 to 75 AutoCAD SHX Text 14 to 16 AutoCAD SHX Text 2 AutoCAD SHX Text 31 AutoCAD SHX Text 8 to 10 AutoCAD SHX Text 5 to 8 AutoCAD SHX Text 23 to 27 AutoCAD SHX Text 5 AutoCAD SHX Text 4 AutoCAD SHX Text 4 to 7 AutoCAD SHX Text LB AutoCAD SHX Text 1 to 3 AutoCAD SHX Text 28.4m AutoCAD SHX Text Library AutoCAD SHX Text 28.7m AutoCAD SHX Text 6 AutoCAD SHX Text Bank AutoCAD SHX Text Fn AutoCAD SHX Text 3 AutoCAD SHX Text 9 to 13 AutoCAD SHX Text SHRUB PLACE LANE AutoCAD SHX Text 13 AutoCAD SHX Text 17 AutoCAD SHX Text 10b AutoCAD SHX Text 5 AutoCAD SHX Text Place AutoCAD SHX Text 6 AutoCAD SHX Text 77 AutoCAD SHX Text 28.1m AutoCAD SHX Text 6 to 10 AutoCAD SHX Text El Sub Sta AutoCAD SHX Text Brunswick AutoCAD SHX Text El Sub Sta AutoCAD SHX Text 3 AutoCAD SHX Text LB AutoCAD SHX Text 97 to 105 AutoCAD SHX Text 28.2m AutoCAD SHX Text 18 AutoCAD SHX Text 11 AutoCAD SHX Text 37 AutoCAD SHX Text 7 AutoCAD SHX Text 9 AutoCAD SHX Text DICKSONFIELD AutoCAD SHX Text 1 AutoCAD SHX Text Croall Place AutoCAD SHX Text Albert Place AutoCAD SHX Text 10 AutoCAD SHX Text Primary School AutoCAD SHX Text 19 to 31 AutoCAD SHX Text 11 to 15 AutoCAD SHX Text 9 AutoCAD SHX Text 8 AutoCAD SHX Text 7 AutoCAD SHX Text 10 AutoCAD SHX Text 14 AutoCAD SHX Text 16 AutoCAD SHX Text 20 AutoCAD SHX Text 22 AutoCAD SHX Text 25 AutoCAD SHX Text PH AutoCAD SHX Text 8 AutoCAD SHX Text 12 AutoCAD SHX Text 11 AutoCAD SHX Text 14 AutoCAD SHX Text 13 AutoCAD SHX Text 15 AutoCAD SHX Text 16 AutoCAD SHX Text PCB AutoCAD SHX Text 4 AutoCAD SHX Text 6 AutoCAD SHX Text TCB AutoCAD SHX Text MCDONALD ROAD AutoCAD SHX Text 107 to 117 AutoCAD SHX Text 88 to 96 AutoCAD SHX Text 26 AutoCAD SHX Text Shelter AutoCAD SHX Text 21 AutoCAD SHX Text 7 AutoCAD SHX Text 15 AutoCAD SHX Text 52 AutoCAD SHX Text 11 AutoCAD SHX Text 2 AutoCAD SHX Text 8 to 16 AutoCAD SHX Text TCB AutoCAD SHX Text 6a AutoCAD SHX Text 1 AutoCAD SHX Text 374 AutoCAD SHX Text 372 AutoCAD SHX Text 13 to 17 AutoCAD SHX Text 2 AutoCAD SHX Text 8 to 12 AutoCAD SHX Text BUCHANAN STREET AutoCAD SHX Text 18 to 22 AutoCAD SHX Text 18 to 26 AutoCAD SHX Text 7 AutoCAD SHX Text Crighton Place AutoCAD SHX Text 3 AutoCAD SHX Text TCBs AutoCAD SHX Text 3 AutoCAD SHX Text LEITH WALK AutoCAD SHX Text 25.6m AutoCAD SHX Text SPEY STREET AutoCAD SHX Text 2a AutoCAD SHX Text Albert Place AutoCAD SHX Text 3 AutoCAD SHX Text 11 AutoCAD SHX Text Inchkeith AutoCAD SHX Text Court AutoCAD SHX Text 2 AutoCAD SHX Text 1a AutoCAD SHX Text 24.7m AutoCAD SHX Text 10 AutoCAD SHX Text 7 AutoCAD SHX Text Shaw's Place AutoCAD SHX Text 7 AutoCAD SHX Text 9 AutoCAD SHX Text 13 AutoCAD SHX Text 3 AutoCAD SHX Text 8 AutoCAD SHX Text 1 AutoCAD SHX Text 1 AutoCAD SHX Text 2 AutoCAD SHX Text 15 AutoCAD SHX Text 4 AutoCAD SHX Text 3 AutoCAD SHX Text 5 AutoCAD SHX Text MIDDLEFIELD AutoCAD SHX Text SPEY TERRACE AutoCAD SHX Text 4 AutoCAD SHX Text 2 AutoCAD SHX Text Shaw's Street AutoCAD SHX Text 5 AutoCAD SHX Text 28 to 34 AutoCAD SHX Text 1 to 7 AutoCAD SHX Text 378 AutoCAD SHX Text 17 AutoCAD SHX Text 13 AutoCAD SHX Text 9 AutoCAD SHX Text 5 AutoCAD SHX Text 376 AutoCAD SHX Text 2 to 6 AutoCAD SHX Text 7 AutoCAD SHX Text 9b AutoCAD SHX Text 9 AutoCAD SHX Text 11 AutoCAD SHX Text 4 AutoCAD SHX Text El Sub Sta AutoCAD SHX Text Shelter B R U N S W I C K S T R E E T M O N T G O M E R Y S T R E E T L A N E G A Y F I E L D S Q U A R E A N N A N D A L E S T R E E T LE IT H W AL K B R U N S W I C K S T R E E T L E IT H W A L K A N N A N D A L E S T R E E T L A N E L O A D I N G O N L Y L O A D I N G O N L Y K E E P C L E A R T R A M O N L Y STOP B U S S T O P B U S S T O P B U S S T O P B U S S T O P B U S S T O P T R A M O N L Y B U S S T O P S T O P C O N T I N U E D O N S H E E T 1 4 C O N T I N U E D O N S H E E T 1 2 EDINBURGH TRAM YORK PLACE TO NEWHAVEN PROPOSED TRAFFIC REGULATION ORDERS P17 1:500 DC 07/04/21 KA 07/04/21 SS 07/04/21 AG 08/04/21 SHEET 13 OF 14 P17 DC KA SS08/04/21 ZIG ZAG MARKINGS STOP MARKINGS CYCLE LAYOUTS WASTE MANAGEMENT UPDATES WASTE MANAGEMENT UPDATES WASTE MANAGEMENT UPDATES P16 DC KA SS05/03/21 P15 DC KA SS17/12/20 P14 DC SS SM14/09/20 P13 DC KA SS10/09/20 P12 DC AG KA09/09/20 TRO FINALISED FOR ISSUEP11 EG SS SM16/07/20 TRO FINALISED FOR ISSUEP10 MG KA SM22/06/20 FOR REVIEW AND COMMENTP09 CC JR KC30/04/19 FOR REVIEW AND COMMENTP08 MM JR KC12/02/19 FOR REVIEW AND COMMENTP07 GK JR KC19/11/18 FOR REVIEW AND COMMENTP06 GK JR KC14/03/18 S2FOR INFORMATION AG AG AG AG AG SS AG AG SM SM SL SL A1 Date OriginatorScale Drawing Title Project Title Drawing Status DO NOT SCALE Date Date Date Checked Approved Authorised M i l l i m e t r e s 1 0 0 1 0 0 Client Original Size Suitability Drawing Number Revision Copyright C Atkins Limited (2013) 6th Floor 200 Broomielaw Glasgow Scotland G1 4RU Tel: Fax: +44 (0)141 220 2000 +44 (0)141 220 2001 Rev.
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    Back to top Why are some private schools running a full ECA programme but Council schools are not?... Back to top Can primary football team training take place at weekends?... Back to top Extra-curricular activity Questions and answers What is extracurricular activity?