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  • 189 Calton Old entry.indd

    Francis Allan, Upholsterer, (d. 1815) A fine wall monument within a walled enclosure topped with a flaming urn in a wall niche.... Old Calton Burying Ground south, trees Eight limes line the top of the retaining wall along Waterloo Place.... In the northern part the top of a small obelisk and two mature trees can be seen.
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    An additional diamond style trellis topping is difficult to climb and provides an ideal framework for spiky defensive planting, such as climbing roses... Wooden garage double doors can be secured externally with two substantial hasps and staples with closed shackle padlocks, one towards the top and one towards the bottom to reduce leverage points... Shed doors can be secured externally with two substantial hasps and staples with closed shackle padlocks, one towards the top and one towards the bottom to reduce leverage points.
  • 146 Kirkland entry.indd

    Stone gate-piers topped by urns form the west entrance of the steading 6 Edinburgh Survey of Gardens and Designed Landscapes yards and are older and more ornate than the steading and may have been relocated from the former north entrance.... Caern House Single storey L-shaped block with roof lights set off by a roof-top ‘lantern’ with windows on each side forming a view-tower: Barnardo’s respite facility for special needs children.... Corinthian Column An elaborate freestanding ashlar Corinthian column capital topped by an eagle statue stands in the garden south of the house.
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    High level Overview 4.4 The latest figures show that overall Housing and Economic Development relative position is in the top two quartiles (so above the national average) for 62% of the indicators (10 out of 16), five indicators sit in the second bottom quartile and one indicator is in the bottom quartile. 4.5 Compared to last year (2021/22), this shows improvement in six of the indicators.... The latest figures show that overall Economic Development relative position is in the top two quartiles (so above the national average) for 83% of the indicators (10 out of 12), one indicator sits in the second bottom quartile and one indicator is in the bottom quartile.... Over this time the Council’s relative position has moved from the top quartile to the third quartile.
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    High level Overview 4.4 The latest figures show that overall Housing and Economic Development relative position is in the top two quartiles (so above the national average) for 62% of the indicators (10 out of 16), five indicators sit in the second bottom quartile and one indicator is in the bottom quartile. 4.5 Compared to last year (2021/22), this shows improvement in six of the indicators.... The latest figures show that overall Economic Development relative position is in the top two quartiles (so above the national average) for 83% of the indicators (10 out of 12), one indicator sits in the second bottom quartile and one indicator is in the bottom quartile.... Over this time the Council’s relative position has moved from the top quartile to the third quartile.
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    Challenge: Don’t use any tape or glue to hold it together, try to balance things on top of each other.... Contingency Learning Primary 6 Week 6 Maths – Addition using partitioning EXAMPLE: TU TU 48 + 25 = 73 Step 1: Add the tens - 40 + 20 = 60 Step 2: Add the units – 8 + 5 = 13 Step 3: Add the two answers together 60 + 13 = 73 If your number starts with hundreds or thousands, add them first. 1* 2* 3* 1. 23 + 15 125 + 252 1245 + 3254 2. 75 + 26 254 + 361 2547 + 7859 3. 89 + 74 458 + 258 2365 + 5423 4. 42 + 13 347 + 654 3654 + 5421 5. 22 + 65 124 + 325 7521 + 2389 6. 78 + 28 258 + 578 2987 + 9864 7. 46 + 18 654 + 742 3698 + 3356 8. 32 + 32 245 + 456 2458 + 8564 9. 56 + 39 785 + 125 1152 + 2365 10. 67 + 42 456 + 753 4578 + 3895 Contingency Learning Primary 6 Week 6 Money Matters – Party Planning 1* task 2 * task 3* task You have been given £20 You have been given £35 You have been given £50 and 10 children are coming and 10 children are coming and 15 children are coming to the party.
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    Take an alternative approach (there may be existing process es that you can use to achieve your aims) No – take action to make group eligib le Do you know which public service authority you will make the participation request to?
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    NO NO NO YES YES YES NO YES August 2022 R e co rd o f S e iz u re s If e m e rg e n cy m e d ic a ti o n i s p re sc ri b e d f o r u se i n s ch o o l C o n ta ct d e ta il s a s p e r sc h o o l h e a lt h ca re p la n D a te R e co rd e d b y D e sc ri p ti o n /T y p e o f se iz u re Le n g th o r n u m b e r o f se iz u re s T im e o f in it ia l d o se O u tc o m e T im e o f se co n d d o se ( if a n y ) O u tc o m e S ig n a tu re o f g iv e r S ig n a tu re o f w it n e ss s
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    Posts 31.1m 17 23 8 8 25 6 12 30 to 34 18 Green Terrace 1 9 1c 9 1 11a 3 9 to 12 8 24 PORTOBELLO ROAD 5 14 27 1 t o 3 34 7 to 11 9 to 13 CRESCENT 1 to 3 21 8 Allotment Gardens TCB 135 21 Shelter Shelter Inn 17 37 4 2 to 6 S St Margaret's House Willowbrae Parish Church 25 The Ballroom (Sports Facility) GAR DEN S CO NSI DIN E Bowling Green Garage 10 22 BARONSCOURT ROAD W ar eh ou se 153 2 12 PIERSHILL LANE 5Crown 15 1 14 4 to 8 23 4 15 Pavilion 17 18 to 2 4 Piershill Place 12 2 20 6 Parsons 1 LILY H ILL TE R R A C E 14 to 1 6 3 Piershill Place Wolseley Gardens LISMORE AVENUE 7 18 58 48 54 52 50 (Telecommunication) Mast 120 122 116 4143 DEAN ERY C LOSE 12 8 38 56 48 SO U TH 18.3m 93 19.4m 83 to 87 54 1 49 St Triduana's Chapel 114 44 4 9 9 13 24 LO GA NL EA D RI VE W O LSELEY 9 12 10 28 12 Station 51 Parsons Green 74 7 39 11 2 Jock's Lodge Lodge 18.4m 37 69 60 1 to 4 9 18 62a RESTALRIG 18 1 to 4 126 1 Terrace 38.6m 90 121 77 to 81 13 1 LI S M O R E C R E S C E N T 64 10 13 3a 3 18.8m W ILLOW BRAE ROAD TERR ACE 15 16 2 P IE R S H IL L LA N E 24 5 1 11 Meadowbank House El Sub Sta Ch urc h Shelter 151 1 to 5 34.4m Surgery 33.5m 167 20.3m 2a W ilfrid Terrace 12 RO AD 10 2 60 105 125 45 22 106 98 14 8 124 62 55 to 59 12 47 26 AVENUE 11 19 5 55 17 23 16 7 PIERSHILL SQU ARE WEST 3 1 2 Shelter 8 15 to 23 12 18 10 1 to 3 1b 13 4 11 LONDON ROAD 21 53 R E S TA LR IG R O A D S O U TH 5 to 7 14 15 LB Bank 13 Bar 35 to 38 1 PH 8 14 71 Wolseley Place 6 R E S TA LR IG R O A D S O U TH 1 31.0m 1 16 PCB Green 20 31a 1a 14 18 14 W ar eh ou se 16 19 35 18 16 8 10 23 58 to 6 2 3 20 TE R R A C E 9 to 1 1 19 P A R S O N S G R E E N 23a 27a 27 Parsons 4 t o 8 34.6m 12 15 32.5m 13 to 1 6 10 CON SID INE 8 12 6a LB 2 5 31 Wolseley Terrace 39 10 to 1 4 AB ER CO RN R OA D 12 G arage 46 to 5 0 Hall 17 6 t o 1 0 16 6 1 13 8 Garage 2 7 Jocks PH 52.4m 15 25 to 28 FB Play Area 6 TCB SM 11 Bank 9 SCONE GARDENS Hillend Place MP 0.75 MP 0.5 118 S m okey B rae 108 94 108 RE ST AL RI G 49 to 5383 23.0m 11 Hall SL 13 157 95 86 147 71 MARIONVILLE AVENUE Fire 40 to 44 58 Res talr ig P aris h 120 1 8 Sinks Issues Drain Post 17 1 to 2 2 17 30 13 82 25 AVENUE GLENLEE AVENUE 10 GLENLEE GARDENS 2 21 26 66 8 74 72 Manse 58.4m 70 35 4 14 12 6 8 31 10 24 2 6 40 25 55 85 57 32 40 84 72 103 1 96 1 M anse 54 LILY H ILL TE R R A C E 14 14 2 71 Queen's Park 25 22 98 1657 37 101 Path (um) 87 Issues 45 ABERCORN 4 2 56 33 33 81 29 D ra in 39 70 17 41 9 47 13 KENM URE CRESCENT 95 76 A B E R C O R N G R O V E 39 22 38 83 37 34 Parsons Green 37 10 5 Issues 8 95 32 to 36 100 35 11 44 13 54 15 31 42 27 2325 61 59 38 30 52 50 23 24 26 60.4m 2 38 1 23 to 44 12 29 6 27 QU EEN 'S P ARK AV ENU E 28 D rain Court 53 4 El Sub Sta 29 AB ER CO RN R OA D WILLOWBRAE 93 25 16 Issues 1 3 83 WIL LO WB RA E A VE NU E Manse 21 35.4m 2 8 5 7 16 13 ROYAL PARK TERRACE 6 67 Lodge CLOCKMILL LANE DU KE 'S W AL K El Sub Sta 13 1 El Sub Sta 27.4m 22 LONDON ROAD 711 67 Shelter Tunne l Gas Gov PH 12 24 14 9 31 49.1m 14 29 28.7m 40 5 0 63 33.8m Meadowbank 61 SP 1 26.5m 12 Shelter 2 63 20 7 Muschat's Cairn 24 Car Park 2 13 11 20 5 25 2 6 15 5 Shelter 10 1 3 ME ADO WB ANK 3 15 7 28 17 Meadowbank Place MP 0.25 6 29 6 2 to 8 27 1 6 1 20 7 33 M E A D O W B A N K A V E N U E 1 to 9 10 4 25 1 QUEEN'S PARK AVENUE 11 9 Telephone Exchange 23 5 19 4 30.5m 1 to 5 Mea dow ban k Te rrac e 39.0m QUEEN'S DRIVE 1 to 5 8 TCB MEA DOW BANK CRESC ENT 28 12 SL MEADOWBANKMARI ON VIL LE RO AD Shelter 32.3m 59 61 MARIONVILLE PARK Terraces 65 TCB WN-01 WN-02 WN-04 WN-08 WN-06 WN-09 WN-10 WN-14 WN-15 WN-03 WN-13 WN-05 WN-07 WN-16P1 P2 P3 DRG.

    The Hockey Academy will take place at the University of Edinburgh Peffermill Hockey, an elite environment accessible to players from all across Edinburgh, where some of Scotland’s top athletes train and compete.... The Hockey Academy will take place at the University of Edinburgh Peffermill Hockey, an elite environment accessible to players from all across Edinburgh, where some of Scotland’s top athletes train and compete.